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    The Last of Us | The Last of Us Comic [MarksCicluna]

    The Last of Us | The Last of Us Comic [MarksCicluna]

    The Last of Us Comic [MarksCicluna]

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 06:12 AM PDT

    I’m sure most of you already know about this, but I enjoyed this Finding Nemo reference in Part II

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 03:33 PM PDT

    I think we can all agree?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 08:39 PM PDT

    It just hit me why Lev and Yara are afraid of dogs

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 09:42 PM PDT

    Because the WLF use dogs to hunt and kill Seraphites. Yara's opening up to Alice is a great scene that subtly puts her evolving relationship with Abby into context.

    That went way over my head the first time I played Part II. It's the little things that make this game so great!

    submitted by /u/Nintendo64Cartridges
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    People who argue about whether Joel did the right or wrong thing at the end of Pt1 are missing the point of the story

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 12:51 PM PDT

    So this is just my opinion but I've rarely seen it expressed this way. It's a tired old debate over whether or not Joel did the right thing in killing the Fireflies to save Ellie.

    Personally, when I finished Pt1 the first time, I sat back and marveled at the moral complexity of the question the game was posing for me. It seemed very obvious to me that that was the point: there is no true "correct" moral answer here, and the people acting like it's an easy moral choice are kind of deluding themselves IMO. We are forced to sit with and deal with the ambivalence of the choice; we deeply empathize with Joel, and we understand why he did it. Maybe we even agree with him. But we are also faced with the consequences of his actions. So we have to sit and really feel the discomfort of that.

    Would sacrificing Ellie guarantee a cure? Not necessarily. The Fireflies are clearly far from perfect. But IMO the game is still telling us that Ellie's death would give a decent chance at the vaccine.

    Would a vaccine save the world overnight? Hell no. Maybe it wouldn't even make a dent in the long run. But it would give the world a chance IMO. Little by little, it MIGHT give humanity a chance. Without it, humanity might not have any chance. We don't really know how it would go.

    Is Joel as an individual morally obligated to sacrifice Ellie to give humanity a fighting chance? Maybe not. But weighty moral questions like this aren't simple. Go take a moral philosophy course if you don't realize that the greatest minds in history have disagreed over how to make moral decisions for centuries. There's a reason the trolly problem is such an enduring thought experiment. Regardless, even if you think Joel should have let Ellie go to give humanity a chance, it doesn't mean that it would be an easy decision, or one that he would even realistically be able to make in reality.

    What if I chose to save my daughter, and watched her get torn apart by zombies the next week, which is a very likely scenario in this world? It's not like Joel can save Ellie and give her a nice, comfortable life; far from it. So if the worst happened, how would I feel? Would I regret what I had done then? Maybe not. Perhaps I would be able to justify it to myself, which would be very understandable. But maybe I would be haunted by doubts. I don't know.

    If Ellie was given the choice, would she be morally obligated to sacrifice herself? Same deal. What choice would I make in that situation? I don't know. But if I chose to walk away, I imagine it would not be easy to live with myself. Perhaps the guilt would crush me, as it does Ellie in Pt2. Maybe I would regret it, but the will to live is strong.

    If I was a random person living in zombie hell, suffering horribly and watching everyone I love die horrifically, would I sacrifice one random person I don't know to give humanity a chance? Maybe so. What if it was an acquaintance? That might make the decision a lot harder. What if it was a friend? What about a family member? I might not be able to bring myself to do it, that's absolutely true. And yet there I am, possibly dooming humanity with my choice, regardless of how I justify the choice.

    If I was that same random person and found out what Joel had done, GIVEN THE IMMEASURABLE SUFFERING ALL AROUND ME, would I be angry? Maybe so. Would my anger be fair or justified? I don't know. Maybe not. But I might feel angry nonetheless.

    I also think people really trivialize the reality of what life would really be like in the world of TLoU. Sure, Jackson looks cozy and nice. But even life in Jackson would be HARD, and I would know that it could all collapse in an instant with a single person's mistake. Meanwhile, life outside of a place like Jackson would be unbelievably brutal and violent. The suffering is hard to truly relate to while we are sitting here on our couches, enjoying a videogame. Who knows what kinds of decisions we would make if we found ourselves in that world for real? It might change us in ways we can't imagine. It might make us feel incredibly naïve at the ways we *thought* we would act. Or maybe it wouldn't. I don't know.

    TL;DR: People who fight about whether Joel did the right or wrong thing are missing the point the story was trying to make. Joel made a morally ambiguous decision, but it was the only decision he could bring himself to make. There is no right answer that's going to work for everyone. It's a very human story, and a relatable one (we all love our families and would generally do anything to protect them) but it's not a simple story. And that's what makes it so special. All we can do is sit back and wonder what we would have done if faced with such an immense, terrible decision in reality, and not just as a hypothetical. People who think they know how they would react under immense pressure, what choices they would make, often surprise themselves when put to the test, for good or ill.

    For the record, if I was in Joel's shoes, I **think** I would probably choose to save Ellie. But that doesn't **necessarily** mean I would be making the most moral choice, because there is no true, correct answer, certainly not from the point of view of the story itself.

    submitted by /u/captainporcupine3
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    Shit or hit - My take on The Last of Us Part II

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 08:42 PM PDT

    There's been a huge controversy about Part II. Some love it. Some got cancer from it.

    This is my take:

    I haven't been gaming for last ~20years. Yes, I'm an older dude (35).

    Long story short I think the game is a freaking masterpiece! I think it will be one of THE games. "The time when cinema and video gaming merged together."

    The story and characters are so deep that it excites people OUTSIDE the gaming world. No surprise that HBO tracked down Neil Druckman and hired him.

    What I love about the story? 1) Like in a real world. It's not black and white. Even in real world you find that the good heroes have dark sides. And the evil villains actually sometime do good things. That's exactly what the game is about. It's actually a very mature theme.

    2) I really like the story telling. Yes it can be very disappointing. It's bold and against all good old proven standards. This is the exact opposite of Greek school of theater which is pretty much copied by Hollywood until now.

    Yes, I didn't like that major events happened out of the blue. And on the other hand, there can be a huge build-up for nothing. Unfortunately, as an older dude, i have to say that's pretty much exactly how real life is :)

    Overall, the story telling is amazing. Before I played the game i actually watched about 15hrs of gameplay footage like a movie on YouTube. That's how much attractive & intriguing it was.

    The story seems very realistic in standards of gaming world.

    So the surprise is i pretty much got a PS4 just because of this game. That's how good it is.

    Anyways, I'm so happy i got to beat this game. It was a ride. Let's hope for Part III!

    submitted by /u/jakeblakedrake
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    My Last of Us shelf

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 01:25 PM PDT

    I have a perfect example of a real life friend who hated Last of us 2 because other people hated it.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 06:19 PM PDT

    Bruh, it was fucking ridiculous.
    So I mainly hang out with the same two friends on weekends and we play games together. One plays pretty well unless hes high, but hes always high. The other, is learning, but he gets scared of anything remotely scary.

    So they liked to see me play last of us 1. Then I started the second game. When we got to the part where Joel was killed, they were both stunned. The one who is scared of horror games looked up to see how other people reacted to it and was mad. He said "people didn't like that!". And I asked him "Well what did you think before you read that shit?"

    His response "I don't know, it was odd". I told him it makes sense when you play the entire game and have it more in context. I beat it before many times. Once he calmed down, he started playing it and was having a fucking blast and loving the second game once he experienced it himself. I only took over when he kept dying too much, because he wanted to see more of the story and hated that he was stuck lmao.

    It is amazing how people jump on the bandwagon of some people telling you how you should feel. It feels sad to think people can just base their entire belief on someone raging over something they haven't even fully played. I love the second game more than the first. I ain't obsessed over Joel like most people. He was alright.

    submitted by /u/Zeeedark
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    (oc) look for the light...

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 05:47 PM PDT

    Made Ellie sketch studies

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 04:46 AM PDT

    Clicker Pencil Drawing! (my art)

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 02:14 PM PDT

    [SPOILERS] The last of us part 2 might be my favorite “game” of all time

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 04:37 PM PDT

    I've played a lot of games. I've played and beaten 20 games this year already. Some being 4 hours and some being 40. So when my mom wanted to borrow my Xbox One in exchange for her ps4, my goal was to beat as many PS4 exclusives as I owned. The problem is, I'm stuck on The Last of Us.

    If a game wants to hook me for hours upon hours on end, it has to be good. It has to have depth and it has to be interesting. I'm very picky when it comes to games. I'll always give a game a try for at least 2 hours. Anyways, enough talking about me.

    The Last of Us immediately became a game I love as soon as I finished it. It had me begging for more and I immediately wanted that game to be my first platinum. There was so much character to every piece of the game, whether the simple lighting being used to absolute perfection or how Joel slowly develops into someone who now has a reason to live due to the innocence of his child companion. I could get hours and hours out of dissecting the story and I immediately went hunting for part 2. My hopes were low because of online reputation but just like the first game, there was a slight spark of hope left inside me. A week later, I found it.

    I knew something was off as soon as I played it. The writing, character models, something. It got me worried. But as soon as the gameplay kicked in and Joel was killed, it sparked everything for me. The first time I finished the game I liked it. I preferred the first game in terms of storytelling but the voice acting and graphics and writing felt on par with the first game. It's just the way they delivered the story that bothered me.

    Second play through, I had so much more appreciation for the game. I thought this story couldn't get better but I had so much more appreciation for the writing when I could reflect and look more into the character development. Everything made sense that didn't the first time and I easily have at least 100 hours in research and learning more about why the story was written this way. Celeste is still my favorite game because it's affected my life in so many ways but in terms of an actual game, part 2 might be my favorite because of how polished and refined this game is.

    I will not deny the errors in both games. 2 hours into the first, I was bored out of my mind. I think the combat was a bit long there and it failed to hook me after the impressive first hour. Characters teleport in the second game, there is some serious pacing issues but if you're able to look past it and appreciate it for what it is and what they tried, you'll love part 1 and 2 just as much as me.

    submitted by /u/Spider19_
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    Ellie Sings For Joel In The Guitar Store

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 06:44 PM PDT

    If only leaks and reactions towards the story of the second game didn’t stop me from playing it last year

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 05:43 PM PDT

    I've always wanted to play this second game as I loved the first game so much and played it again with my little sister, which doesn't often happen with many games I like.

    Seeing the leaks being let out and spoiling the biggest moment of the game for me on online, ruined my perception towards the game. I decided I wasn't gonna buy it and watch people play it online (another mistake) as I was so mad. After finishing watching it, I was still enraged on how they can make a story like that, but now that I've let myself marinate with the story for over a year, I actually enjoy it way more than I did beforehand.

    As Days of Play began their sales and TLOU2 had been on sale and with the patch performance, it was the perfect time for me to dive in and experience myself from my own point of view on the PS5. I haven't finished the game (only 5 hours into it and taking my time), I've come to the realisation that I love this game so much. From the acting and the storyline, to the characters and the combat, it's a great game for me.

    I'm just annoyed at the fact that childish reactions on Twitter and everywhere else ruined what I thought about this game, and if I had ignored it and went with it, it might've been my game of the year. I definitely learnt my lesson in terms of being comfortable with stories going out of their comfort zones (if that makes sense lmao).

    Anyways, if anyone is in doubt to play it, I really do recommend it playing yourself, even if you know how the story pans out. I'm already looking forward to the third game.

    submitted by /u/RachetR3aper
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    Will Abby...

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 09:01 PM PDT

    Inform Fireflies about Ellie's location? I don't think she will tell them about Ellie if the fireflies still intent on sacrificing Ellie. Abby now has life debt to her.

    I also don't think Ellie will find fireflies after what they did to Joel.

    submitted by /u/razeric_
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    Tommy sure is a chill guy

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 07:13 AM PDT

    AmI the only one who loved what pt 2 did with the gameplay

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 07:19 PM PDT

    I'm a huge fan of the series and I think that the gameplay in tlou2 was incredible, maybe the story was not the greatest but it had some of the best gameplay I've ever seen. Even the small tuff like the dodge or being able to prone makes the game feel fresh constantly because there are a million ways to take every encounter. The way how the combat flows is just perfect, I don't know how anyone could complain about the gameplay side

    submitted by /u/Nba-2kgod
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    March/22/2019 - We were blessed with this.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 10:46 PM PDT

    Recently got ps5 and started playing Last of us remastered. This scene got me good.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 12:48 AM PDT

    TLOU2 tweaks for immersion (not necessarily difficulty)?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 06:31 PM PDT

    I'm currently on my first time through thanks to the PS5 boost patch and experimenting with the absolute load of options, settings, and tweaks the game allows.

    A combo I'm playing with that ended up being really interesting was disabling weapon sway but enabling motion aiming with a fairly high sensitivity, which gives the effect of natural, unsteady, jerky motion when aiming instead of the video-gamey smooth swaying enabled by default.

    Are there any other interesting immersion suggestions other than numerical/difficulty changes that this game enables due to the accessibility options?

    submitted by /u/Akuze25
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    The Last Of Us HBO SHow IMDB Status With Cast And Episodes - Speculations

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 05:20 PM PDT

    The Last Of Us HBO SHow IMDB Status With Cast And Episodes - Speculations


    So, I was just checking The Last Of Us HBO status on IMDB (and take this with a grain of salt). I just noticed that for now, for Season 1, Merle Dandridge - Marlene is the only one with 6 Episodes and the rest Joel, Ellie and Tommy are for 1 only each.

    Does this bring to speculations of how they are going to approach the TV Show maybe? I'm guessing we will go pretty deep into how the fireflies were created and maybe how the virus came to be and how started to spread around the world? Anyway, have a look and see what you guys think.


    submitted by /u/msacchig
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    [TLOU2 SPOILERS] Ellie & Joel || Take On Me

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 03:12 PM PDT

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