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    The Last of Us | Keep them coming (115 and counting so far. )

    The Last of Us | Keep them coming (115 and counting so far. )

    Keep them coming (115 and counting so far. )

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 11:30 AM PST

    Thanks for updating the header art! Abby definitely deserves her place there.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 09:50 AM PST

    A little embarrassed as to what I had to trade to get it, but... not bad

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 11:17 AM PST

    Last of us 2 is the best game I have played in years

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 06:29 PM PST

    I can't even lie about it. I was so invested. I genuinely didn't understand the hate. I absolutely adored the story, everything from the characters, to the themes, the acting, the dialogue, the Seraphites and their creepy ass whistling, the WLF and their militia type bad-assery, the romance of Ellie falling in love with Dina whilst I simultaneously did so, gaining an unexpected affection for Abby, and the strangest thing of all, coming out of the story with a shockingly memorable character in my head that quickly became my favourite in the entire series - OWEN. No one talks about him but goddamn I love that dude.

    Even putting the "controversial" story aside (Bitches whinging), the gameplay was so much goddamn fun. I adored the enemy types, gunplay and fighting was so fluid and had such an impact when you killed someone you almost felt like you personally just put that machete through that guy's skull. Zombie sections were actually scary, stealth was fun. And goddamn the graphics make me water in the mouth, I literally spent so much time randomly stopping to look at how gorgeous and detailed the environment was. AND THE MUSIC, DAMN.

    It deserves every award it receives, and more.

    submitted by /u/CritchLlavis
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    Ordered six months apart but arrived on the same day, my bow and machete Ellie now sit with the Collector’s Edition statue. I love this series so much, and thought y’all might appreciate this little collection!

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 02:03 PM PST

    Finally finished with this watercolor Ellie!

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 06:08 PM PST

    Just finished Pt II today

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 06:47 PM PST

    I really liked it, if you don't that's okay.

    submitted by /u/SnoozapaloozaBoy
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    My Try at Tess, I fucked up slightly but yeaa

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 06:31 AM PST

    My Ellie / Last of Us Part II inspired tattoo. Amazingly done by Aya (Insta: @needletoskin) at Steadfast Tattoo. I asked if she could add her own spin to the piece, without deviating too far from the original idea and she killed it. Seriously couldn’t be happier with the outcome.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 01:39 PM PST

    Owen Appreciation and the purpose of his character..

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 09:26 PM PST

    So of course any scene with Ellie or Abby is a choice take away/moment from this game, but I think this takes away the impact other (secondary) characters left in their respective roles.

    After MULTIPLE play throughs, I find myself so drawn to Owen as a character, and the multiple lines he brings up throughout the game. Despite him being a jackass (were all human and make mistakes..), he says things that just HIT HARD nearly every time he's on screen.

    One specific scene that I'm mentioning with this, is when Abby finds Owen, after him going AWOL, on his boat in the aquarium. Where he basically mirrors that last experience with the Seraphite, to how worn out and tired he is of all the useless war and violence, and it's so gut-wrenching. He basically sums up the themes of Part II in that scene alone and it really made me feel his eventual (previously shown) death even harder than when it actually happens at Ellies hands.

    Long story short, Owen, in my opinion, is incredibly under-rated. Not just for his secondary character development, but as a catalyst for what Part II practically encompasses in its thematic weight.

    It wasn't just Yara, Lev, Ellie and Joel that changed Abby, but Owen also, who quite possibly plays the biggest role in Abbys positive change.

    submitted by /u/HorrorYoghurt5549
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    On the Last day of this year, I got to experience this absolute masterpiece of a game.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 09:28 PM PST

    Something about the ending I haven't seen mentioned.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 01:10 PM PST

    TLOU 1 ended with a cut to black and then music and credits. Towards the end of TLOU 2, after Ellie struggles to play the guitar with her missing fingers, it cut to black and then music. The game liked to mirror things that happened in the past so I thought I had probably reached the part where the credits start rolling. But then we see Joel appear playing guitar under a bright light. I felt the game was telling me this is it. This is the last time you're going to see Joel in a while or maybe never. It made me feel like Ellie reminiscing her last moments with Joel. And it elevated the whole ending of her trying to forgive Joel.

    submitted by /u/thestarvingartist123
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    Wish you could cut down Seraphite sacrifices.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 09:44 AM PST

    Just a random musing. I would have loved it if you could have cut the Seraphites' sacrifice down with an arrow to sow some chaos during that encounter with them in them in the woods. Like he drops and takes off running, leading some of them away. Similar to what you can do with the tethered infected in Santa Barbara.

    submitted by /u/veektohr
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    A few things that I feel went over people's heads

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 01:14 PM PST

    Why don't you say whatever speech you've got rehearsed and get this over with?

    Ok, I thought this one was pretty obvious but still some people didn't get it. "I don't mind that Abby killed Joel, I just hate how she did it".

    When Joel asks her who she is and she replies with "Guess", she's expecting Joel to bring up the fact that he saved her. To which she probably would said some cheesy shit and shot him. Instead, to her surprise, Joel basically tells her he doesn't care about who she is or that she's gonna kill him. This is backed by the fact that everyone looks at each other surprised when Abby says, "Torniquet his leg".

    She spent almost her entire life tracking him down, she wasn't just gonna let Joel have it his way. And as she's torturing him, he still doesn't give her a reaction because it's Joel. He lived a brutal life, he probably expected to go out this way. Yet she keeps doing it in the hopes of feeling some sort of satisfaction.

    Yeah, that little bitch got what he deserved.

    This is what Nora tells Ellie as she's being held at gunpoint. Because of this, some people actually enjoyed what happened to her, but don't realize she said this just to rile Ellie up. She needed an opportunity to escape and guess what? It actually worked. If the WLF could aim or if Ellie wasn't immune, she would've escaped.

    I think he deserved worse, I just wish I didn't take part in it.

    Read the room, people.Mel was obviously not gonna say, "You're a monster Abby. How could you do that?" So by still supporting her, she pretty much admits that what Abby did to Joel was messed up. This is also backed by the fact that she ghosted Abby ever since they returned from Jackson. (She says it out loud to Abby's face later anyway).

    This is basically how I interpreted some of the things. Feel free to correct me and to add your own.

    submitted by /u/AskewScissors
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    The Last of us Part II is by far the most-reviewed video game on Metacritic, accounting for almost 5% of more than 3.2 million user scores across the website.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 03:42 PM PST

    Which game do you consider to be more horror oriented, The Evil Within 1 or The Last of Us 1?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 10:01 PM PST

    I would personally go with TEW 1 because how the tone and enemy type. TLOU 1 has some spooky enemies but I don't feel as if they match up to the enemies of TEW 1. Also, TEW has a much more spookier tone to it imo. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/Josh1685
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    In the first game, Joel was a true American father.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 12:32 PM PST

    His travels with Ellie through Bill's town was full of violence and death. Ellie saw Joel brutally kill dozens of men, then she witnessed the horrors of the infected. She saw a trusted person die suddenly, and her new caregiver scold her whenever she tried to talk about their past traumas.

    The whole time Joel was stoic and unflinching about her witnessing these things.

    But the millisecond she may look at a penis in a magazine, he immediately goes "Now Ellie, that ain't for kids".

    Way to get your priorities straight, Joel.

    submitted by /u/Freshgeek
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    So watching my daughter play pt II and noticed..

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 11:10 AM PST

    As my title says, I was watching my daughter play part II, and as soon as she was in the hospital, I immediately got huge 1986 Aliens vibes!.
    From the flamethrower, To the infected, "Coming out of the God damned walls!", Sorry had to include that :), Right down to the "final stage" infected creature, that gave off huge Queen Alien vibes, along with it's nest like area. All Abby needed, was a team, and motion trackers 😂. Am I the only one putting these together?.

    submitted by /u/Brer790518
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    Je m'appelle Joel

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 08:30 PM PST

    Finally Got TLOU2!

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 04:58 AM PST

    I've reached up to Owen and Abby on the lookout point overlooking Jackson, and so far I'm loving this game. The graphics, the audio quality, the god rays, Joel and his gee-tar, the realistic animations and dialogue, basically everything.

    I'm sure to be in for quite the journey!

    Also, ngl Owen is cool and all, but his form of talking so far sounds like he smoked a fat one on the way to meet up with Abby haha

    submitted by /u/JediMasterKestis
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    Cute little bootleg I found

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 06:25 PM PST

    I totally didn’t realize this

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 10:26 AM PST

    I completely missed the fact that Lev was trans. I saw a comment on a post here about a trans character and though who it was before it clicked. Thinking back about what Yara tells Abby I thought there were just member of the seraphites that wanted a male "wife". I feel like an idiot but I thought it's execution was amazing.

    submitted by /u/SnoozapaloozaBoy
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    Limp Bizkit - Behind Blue Eyes Guitar Cover

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 01:26 PM PST

    [OC] I'm scared of ending up alone

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 04:13 PM PST

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