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    Monday, September 21, 2020

    The Last of Us | A Wolf's Ghost

    The Last of Us | A Wolf's Ghost

    A Wolf's Ghost

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 05:35 AM PDT

    This is what Monday morning commute feels like

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 01:53 AM PDT


    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    I got my Ellie tattoo finished yesterday, absolutely love how it turned out!!!

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 02:13 PM PDT

    My favorite duo in the game.

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 07:10 PM PDT

    Ellie's version of 'Take on me' and 'Through the valley' finally on Spotify ��

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 03:37 PM PDT


    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 05:20 PM PDT

    Just a father and daughter enjoying a day out ��

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 06:07 PM PDT

    How going outside feels like these days...

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 05:02 PM PDT

    Jaime lannister plays TLOU

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 10:12 AM PDT

    [SPOILERS] My Last of Us experience as someone who recently played both games for the very first time. Warning: very long post. Reader discretion advised.

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 08:25 PM PDT

    As the title says, I just played both The Last of Us 1 & 2 for the first time ever. When the first game came out I had heard about all of the hype and knew it was a great game but it never got me hooked since I didn't play much games at the time and also I'm not a huge fan of anything remotely horror. Fast forward to when all the leaks for the second game were blasted all over the Internet, I went and read all of them because I figured I'd never play the games anyway so I didn't care if I spoiled it for myself. Then all the hate started pouring out and Laura Bailey received death threats and that's what piqued my interest. I wanted to see if these toxic fans' hate was justified over bad decisions by Naughty Dog or if they were butt hurt over a video game. I assumed the hate was a little justified only because I knew nothing about it other than the leaks and seeing people's reactions, but when I saw the game got a 10/10 on IGN, whose reviews I trust a lot for video games, I was surprised to see it must have been a really good game. Although I should've known better because the Uncharted games are all awesome.

    TL;DR: I had never played TLOU 1 or 2 before last week but after all the hate the second game got it made me want to play it even more to spite the haters.

    The Last of Us

    Obviously I had to start with the first game. Going into it I knew Joel's daughter died in the very beginning, had a feeling Tess wasn't gonna last very long but other than that I didn't know too much about it. I didn't even know there was going to be a 20 year time jump to the main story. As I progressed through the game I quickly learned that clickers are annoying as hell. Them killing you immediately if they catch you is some bs but I digress. I didn't know anything about any of the side characters so I saw that Bill was just a dick, and definitely gay. Sam and Henry were the most interesting side characters in the first game and I liked both of them. Sam's death was sad but I was not expecting Henry to kill himself over it. That had to be the most intense death in the game. I get that Sam and Henry are meant to mirror what Joel and Ellie are to become in their bonding, but I just felt that killing Henry off like that seemed out of place and was kind of an overreaction on Henry's part. I also get that he felt he failed since his purpose was to protect Sam and it was in the heat of the moment but it just never sat right with me. And not even that he does commit suicide but more so that that is the action he chooses to take. Story wise it felt off to me. Tbh I never cared much for Tommy especially since there's not any character development there and he doesn't do much.

    TL;DR: The first game was a lot of fun. Story was great and it had interesting side characters. Some deaths were expected, some deaths felt very off.

    As far as Joel and Ellie in the first game, I obviously cared for both of them, but I was not expecting Joel to be so unlikable. He's a dick to Ellie for most of the game, wants to send her off to Tommy, and then screws over the entire world. But the fact that you understand why he is the way he is, is what makes this game so great. He never got over his daughter's death (although honestly I feel like 20 years is enough time to move on especially in the zombie apocalypse) which I think made him resent Ellie more because he didn't want to get attached to her and then obviously seeing Sam and Henry that helped but I thought that was a very blatant plot device to use them as a mirror to Joel and Ellie. And then the only reason he decided to stay with Ellie is because she guilts him into it. Ellie was definitely my favorite character. She's a lot of fun and very interesting despite being completely useless at parts where there's water and I think I liked Joel more because you have to care for Ellie. I think it wasn't until Joel saves Ellie at the hospital that he finally starts to truly care for Ellie and becomes the over-protective father figure. But then he lies to Ellie and that was messed up too. Joel just does so many things in the first game that were hard to like but I appreciate how the story makes his decisions justified so I can't complain because good storytelling will always trump the likability of a character based on their actions.

    TL;DR: I was not expecting Joel to be as unlikable as he was in the first game but he was perfectly justified and I appreciate the good storytelling. Ellie was my favorite character and it was nice to be Joel and have to care for her. That made me like Joel more.

    The Last of Us 2

    This might be a hot take, but I actually liked the second game a lot more than the first game. This might be because all of the hype for the first game after 7 years raised my expectations unbelievably high and the hate for the second game lowered my expectations. But I just thought the second game was more action-packed, much scarier, had a better story and just overall a more fun experience. I read all the leaks so I knew Joel died early on and I still think they did him dirty but once again you learn how Abby was justified. At first I hated her and then I hated her some more when she shot Jesse in the face but then you play as her and understand why she does the things she does. I thought it was cool how you play as Ellie and then see everything from Abby's perspective and see all the characters that were about to die. I do wonder though if it would be better if you go back and forth between Ellie and Abby on each day instead doing it half and half. As Ellie I didn't feel bad at all about killing any of the characters or the dogs for that matter but then as Abby and I sort of felt a little bad about those characters dying, some more than others, especially Alice though since she's a good girl and not some animal trying to kill you.

    TL;DR: I liked the second game better than the first game. The story was better and the game was more fun.

    Ellie was obviously fun to play as. I thought all of the side characters in this game were great and honestly better than the first game, especially since they're more integrated into the story. Dina is the love interest who actually does helpful things and then creates conflict in the story when she says she's pregnant. She's also just a funny and goofy character. Jesse was awesome too and I was not expecting to see him come back to us in Seattle and then I was sad to see him go when he tragically gets shot right in the face. Once again, I didn't care for Tommy. He's pretty much the same character but this time seeking revenge for Joel. Joel was significantly more likable in this game especially since he has by now become over protective of Ellie and seeing all the flashbacks were cool. I really liked the scene where Ellie confronts Joel about the truth of what happened at the hospital. I knew that had to be addressed in this game and I was excited to see it. I'm sad that Joel is dead but I gotta say, mad respect to Naughty Dog for having the balls to kill off major characters in such brutal ways. As a long time suffering fan of The Walking Dead I have a newfound appreciation for when stories kill off characters so abruptly which is a nice trend video games seem to have that TV shows and movies need to pick up on. Also on a side bar, it's sad seeing TLOU and knowing what TWD and FTWD could be in a zombie apocalypse setting. Overall, Ellie's three days in Seattle were a lot of fun and the subway part with the red light was one of the coolest sequences in the entire game.

    TL;DR: I enjoyed Ellie's perspective a lot and I thought the side characters and Joel were a lot better than in the first game. They had a lot more to do with the plot.

    This might a very hot take, but I loved Abby so much. She was a fantastic character with an amazing story that was so much fun to play as. It's been a long time since I've been as shocked as I was when I realized the doctor I happily torched with my sexy flame thrower in the first game was Abby's father. The flashbacks in this game were utilized so well and probably the best set of flashbacks used in a story that I've ever seen. It was a little hard to care for the WLF side characters since I obviously knew they were all going to die. It was sad knowing Mel would die since she was pregnant and Owen too because you learn how much Abby cared for him. Owen himself was kinda sleazy for cheating on a pregnant Mel although I never understood why they were together in the first place if Owen and Abby were always so close. It was rough too playing as Abby and knowing you were about to walk in on her dead dad at the hospital flashback and then the aquarium when Alice, Mel and Owen have been killed. Then there's the sequences when you get kidnapped by the Seraphites and that was really cool. The sky bridge sequence was awesome and the descent down the building was terrifying. The Rat King boss nearly made me shit my pants. Whoever designed that thing is ridiculous. All of the zombies in this game were terrifying especially because of the detail and graphics that went into their design. Then there was also the escape from the island sequence which was awesome too. Yara and Lev were great characters who I loved. They were also integrated very well into the story because obviously Lev shaving his head is what led up to them meeting and saving Abby.

    TL;DR: Abby is a fantastic character with fantastic side characters and a fantastic story. I may be in the minority but I cared about her a lot.

    I was not expecting to fight Ellie as Abby and that fight was hard especially since you don't have any weapons. Then you fight Abby as Ellie and that was much easier since it was designed that way. I really didn't want to see Abby die and I was very glad to see she lived. Say what you will about Abby, but Abby is this game's Joel. She may be unlikable in her actions but you learn to understand why she did those things and frankly I thought she was justified to do it all. She even has Lev to take care of similar to Joel and Ellie. Both Ellie and Abby had amazing stories, suffered so many losses and went through amazing transformations.

    Overall both games were truly amazing but the second game was easily one of the most enjoyable experiences I've ever had in video games. Fuck the haters and the trolls, this game fucking rocks. The graphics were astounding, the story was incredible, and I could keep gushing about the second game but I need to end this. I'm just a random Redditor who felt compelled to share their thoughts about both games. If you read all of this then just know I really appreciate you taking the time out to do that and I'd be interested to see everyone else's thoughts.

    submitted by /u/Nolesman357
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    Little potato ��

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 10:06 PM PDT

    When Ellie is in the sewers, you can hear roaring and gunfire from Ground Zero (credit: dyke-rights on Tumblr)

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 08:10 PM PDT

    Ready for everything

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 02:56 AM PDT

    26 hours later, I finally finished Part 2 on Grounded! As someone who has never played a game on the hardest difficulty, I'm particularly proud of this trophy!

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    Ellie - The Last of Us - Digital Painting Wallpaper by Caius Augustus (Brazil) [No Spoilers] [OC]

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 05:31 PM PDT

    I customized my 2ds with a the last of us theme.

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 04:28 AM PDT

    Ellie trying to rap

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 10:46 AM PDT

    [SPOILERS] Prologue/Epilogue, Pair of watercolor paintings

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 08:26 AM PDT


    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 10:57 AM PDT

    Ellie doing her best fish impression

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 06:48 PM PDT

    Even the rundown houses you walk through in this game look so detailed and beautiful.

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 04:17 PM PDT

    Currently using this as my PS theme, Abby is an unbelievable badass

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 05:38 PM PDT

    Visited Seattle Aquarium today... so bittersweet after playing TLOU2

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    Some pictures I've done for part 2

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 04:53 AM PDT

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