• Breaking News

    Sunday, July 12, 2020




    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 07:37 AM PDT


    Previous posts:

    - WEEK 1

    - WEEK 2

    - WEEK 3

    Attention all photo mode lovers!

    Now's your time to shine!

    From today, we are going to make a weekly photo mode megathread where you will be able to share your favorite shots from The Last of Us Part II.

    Each week, we will pin a new megathread to make sure that everybody get to share their pictures. That means this post will be locked in exactly one week.

    And it goes without saying: There will be spoilers in this post, so please browse at your own risk!

    We can't wait to see your photos!

    submitted by /u/Voldsby
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    Here's my WIP cosplay for Ellie in Part 2! I can't wait to go hiking to get better photos

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    Can't draw very well, but I can cross stitch. Here's a clicker

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    ND established Joel wasn't a traditional "good guy" earlier than I remember.

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 06:19 PM PDT

    Ellie fan art by @yamakitakumi on twitter

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    Healthy Person vs The Three Stages of Infection

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 04:16 PM PDT

    Credits to @michaelloversb

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 01:01 PM PDT

    The extended ending for Part II (Artist: Ron Chan)

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 12:49 AM PDT

    My series of fan arts III

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 09:06 AM PDT

    My first collectors edition was an impulse buy, but one I won’t regret.

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 06:02 PM PDT

    Seattle Day 2. Holy shit.

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    Ok I'm talking about just Abby's part of Seattle day 2 here (although Ellie's was really good as well). But man - this section may just be the best from both games combined. What a nerve-rending, anxiety-inducing thrill ride. Making your way up to the tall building, going across the sky bridges, then down to the hotel, and then the hospital basement and fighting that conjoined monstrosity. Good god, it's of the best gameplay I've experienced maybe ever. A perfect mix of action and horror.

    And I...really like Abby now too? Who the fuck would've thought? The writing did a fantastic job of humanizing her. It still feels icky to feel positive towards her given what she did but seeing her willingness to put her life on the line to save Yara and Lev, and seeing that she just wants a better life really made her into a fleshed out character. Lev is excellent BTW easily the best new character. I almost get TLOU1 Joel and Ellie vibes in his interactions with Abby. The trans revelation was also done very subtly and tastefully. There was no big reveal and if you didn't pay attention to the dialogue you probably wouldn't even know it was there.

    I'm kind of sad that I'm on day 3 now as I can tell the end is approaching. This game took me through such a wild rollercoaster of emotions. Can't wait to see how it ends.

    But fuck the rat king though. All my homies hate the rat king.

    submitted by /u/OnlyWannaEat
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    Anyone else catch you can see the bridge?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 04:54 PM PDT

    It's my birthday today, and this is what my friend decided to get me. I love it!

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 04:42 PM PDT

    The sequel gave me a new fetish

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 04:45 PM PDT

    Breaking windows. Who could have guessed that it could be so incredibly satisfying? Rioters are out here breaking the law by busting into businesses when you can buy this game and do it legally! I got the point where I found myself breaking ones that didn't even need to be busted through. Give me another brick and let me destroy the shit out of this window. Forget Abby. Forget revenge. Who cares about the plot anymore? Break another window. Thank you Naughty Dog.

    submitted by /u/buritters
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    Ellie painting I made

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 07:33 AM PDT

    I found the ACTUAL perfect casting for HBO

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    My favorite part about Part 2's ending

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 06:45 PM PDT

    It made me feel more at peace with Joel's death.

    As much as I love this game as a whole, it would've been more hard for me to get through it emotionally, if not for that last flashback. I was getting really scared after watching that cutscene where Ellie told Joel that "she didn't need his f**king help.' after her situation with Seth. It really worried this was their last meaningful interaction before his death. I was very relived that I was wrong!

    Especially cause of how much it gave Joel some hope that there was still that chance that although he was on bad terms with Ellie for what he did, they could be fixed and even though Ellie hated him for it, she still loved him. The fact that she's willing to try and forgive him for something she considered 'unforgivable' said it all.

    submitted by /u/phantom_avenger
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    *click click screech click* A quick sketch I made of a Clicker. IG: @ sidp221199

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 07:14 PM PDT

    This took me a good couple of days to complete, but I'm glad it turned out the way it did :)

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 07:59 PM PDT

    I don't want to lose you. - FanArt

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 10:40 PM PDT

    Hello guys ! Here is a illustration i made after this emotional ride. (instagram:goktug_art)

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    Technically Ellie can suck up spores and spit them at people

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 08:29 PM PDT

    Real talk, how cool would it be if you fill a glass jar with spores and throw it at people.

    submitted by /u/GarbageParade
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    I Got an Ellie Sticker for my Car! Super Cool Packaging + Bonus Trading Cards!!

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    I spent an hour and a half trying to figure out how I could beat this level on Grounded with minimal supplies and very low health. Here’s what I did:

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 04:41 PM PDT

    Playing Part I and II Back to Back Has Made Me Grown a New Found Appreciation for Part II’s story.

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 05:12 PM PDT

    When I first completed my first playthrough, the ending made feel very conflicted on my thoughts for the story. My initial feelings after seeing the ending for the first time made me feel very sad because it felt like Ellie lost everything.

    I went back to play the original and play Part II again right after it. Now that I've completed my second playthrough, I feel that Part II is an amazing sequel that builds off of the morally grey ending of the first and analyzes Ellie's relationship with Joel.

    One of the aspects that I really love about Part II is that it deconstructs Joel's decision by offering two perspectives seen through Ellie and Abby and shows how it affected their lives.

    On the surface, Part II seems like a revenge story but it's really not. It's a story of overcoming trauma and as a person who has PTSD, I can heavily relate to the story.

    My second playthrough with the ending flashback in mind made me realize that Ellie's quest for vengeance is nothing more than a projection of her hatred for herself. She took for granted her relationship with Joel and her entire trip to Seattle is her trying to understand her entire relationship with Joel and why he did what he did.

    Ellie really wants to kill Abby because Abby took Ellie's chance at repairing her relationship with Joel. During their final flashback, it was the start of fixing a broken relationship. The next day when he dies, they were supposed to hang out for the first time and watch a movie together but that gets brutally taken from her.

    This is why Ellie is very self destructive in this game. She can't process the lack of control she had during Joel's death. This is seen during her nightmare at the farm.

    As the story progresses, Ellie slowly starts to become like Abby and during the ending, she becomes a borderline villain but as seen with Abby's perspective, revenge doesn't bring you any peace or your loved ones back. She was still haunted by her fathers death and it didn't stop until she helped Lev and Yara.

    Abby's entire journey is very similar to Joel's in the original. Both are hardened killers who have lost their humanity due to what was taken from them. They both go on a path of redemption when a child comes into their lives which forces them to show their humanly compassionate side once more.

    Abby is also not the monster a lot of people see her as. This game truly is a test of empathy as it shows you what she lost because of Joel and how that affects her. I know a lot of people wanted Abby dead by the end but she has suffered just as much as Ellie. She lost her father, friends, lover, community, and was tortured and crucified by a bunch of sadistic psychopathic slavers.

    Ellie's losses are because of the self destructive choices she makes. She is trying to regain control back into her life as Joel took away her purpose and Abby took away her chance to forgive Joel and this causes her to forsake her relationships with her loved ones.

    In the climax, Ellie makes the hardest decision there is to make. It's very easy for her to give into her hatred and kill Abby but it's very hard to try and forgive someone who has taken a lot from you. By sparing Abby, she saves her soul in the end and that was what the entire dilemma of the climax was. It was the battle for Ellie's soul.

    As someone said, I think it was the person who made the video "The Last of Us 2 is a flawed masterpiece," the ending to the original seems hopeful on the surface but is actually miserable while the ending to Part II seems miserable on the surface while it's actually hopeful. This changed my entire perspective on the ending during my second playthrough as I thought it was depressing at first.

    The final scene is Ellie finally coming to terms with Joel's death and her understanding what Joel really meant to her. She forgives him and lays him to rest while she most likely goes back to Dina and Potato as I heard that was originally implied.

    Overall Part I and II feel like two sides of the same coin. They are united in the theme of love. The original is about a broken man regaining his humanity by growing to care and eventually love his child companion as a surrogate daughter. Part II is about showing the hateful side of love and how far a person is willing to go in order to seek justice for those that mattered the most to them.

    Originally this game was a 8.5 but now to me it's a 9/10. My biggest complaint is the pacing in this game due to there being a climactic scene that is undercut with a flashback. I was better prepared for that transition during my second run but it still diminishes the pacing which is not enough to drag the experience down for me personally.

    TL:DR: I highly recommend a second playthrough. I just had to play this game a second time to really analyze the story and my overall thoughts with it and I came out loving it more than I did the first time around. I feel that Part I and II are equal in terms of quality. I now prefer Part II just a tiny bit more personally because of the fantastic gameplay, level design and fantastic horror sections that blow the original out of the water. This is a 9/10 to me instead of the 8.5 I was initially feeling.

    submitted by /u/Domination1799
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    Cool little detail I noticed

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 06:33 PM PDT

    Abby in the beginning of the game while running away from the horde says "fuck my shoulder" after she injures herself, the rest of the game you can see her constantly rotate her right shoulder to try and stretch it out. Any other little details you notice

    submitted by /u/Icantevenread24
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