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    The Last of Us | Happy 70th Birthday to Gustavo Santaolalla!

    The Last of Us | Happy 70th Birthday to Gustavo Santaolalla!

    Happy 70th Birthday to Gustavo Santaolalla!

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 04:27 AM PDT

    neil please

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 11:51 AM PDT

    The thing about the Infected...

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 04:34 PM PDT

    Does anyone else agree that the most disturbing thing about them (or one of the most disturbing things at least) is that they're actually still alive under all that brain fungus? They're not like zombies, who die and then reanimate as a living corpse. Like Ellie says in the first game "they might still look like people but that person is not in there anymore", but I think that's only true by a certain stage of the Infection. I think, at the very least, in the Runner stage, the humans are still aware of what's happening, as a lot of them hunch over and twitch a lot, and then moan and scream when they attack humans, which, to I think a lot of people, means that the human is aware of what's happening to their body, but they'e fighting the Infection, and they're trying to stop themselves from attacking. And the reason they make those screaming noises when they attack is because they don't want to, and they're trying to stop it. Which is so sad. But still, I guess it's a good thing that once the fungus has completely taken over the host's brain, the host itself isn't aware of anything it's doing anymore. The human body is still there, but the human him or herself isn't. They can't control anything anymore, but at least they don't understand what's happening. Like at least they're not still conscious, like Ellie says. Also like Sam was scared of in the first game - being trapped in there, completely aware of what's happening to your body but not being able to do anything about it. Unless someone has anything that can prove that otherwise.

    I have read somewhere though, that some Infected die (somehow) before they reach the Bloater stage. I'm not sure how that works, if some people reach the Bloater stage and others don't.

    Also, all this being said though, what causes the noises that Clickers, Bloaters and Shamblers make? I mean I know it's probably the echolocation in Clickers at least that they use to detect sound, but some people have said that with other Infected it sounds like the Infected person is asking for help with some of the sounds they make, like trying to speak through the infection? I know this probably can't be true because of the reasons I just stated above, but still, it's pretty disturbing to think about. :/

    submitted by /u/charlotteloumorgan
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    Arrived today ��

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 05:22 AM PDT

    Watch that last step, it's a doozy.

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 01:47 PM PDT

    i think the last of us part 2 is my favorite game, but i have like one big issue with it

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 11:02 PM PDT

    i recently finished my 2nd play though of this game and my feelings about it have been consuming my mind so i have to get it out.

    the gameplay is really good, i'm not going to speak too much on it since this would be way too long

    the characters in this game are obviously great, dina is hilarious and her relationship with ellie makes the ending work really well. jesse is a very likeable character i wish was in the game more. joel (who was great in part 1) is improved here as it seems his aggressive survival nature has been tamed through 4 years of peace in jackson, and it seems like a natural development for the character. of course ellie is amazing, just as snarky and sarcastic as 14 year old ellie, but more mature and broken as she's gotten older and her relationship with joel has become complicated.

    as far as abbys cast of characters i think they're pretty good. owen is probably my favorite of them because he's a fun personality that has pretty a complicated relationship with abby. manny is great and probably the funniest out of the abby characters. mel is the first character that i didn't like i dotn think i was supposed to like her but still. yara and lev on their own are good characters. their relationship is fun to watch and i think it's moving how yara came to understand lev. my only issue with these two (an issue that plays into my main issue with the game) is they're not nearly as engaging with abby as ellie with her travel buddies and for me that's a big part of keeping me engaged and getting me to care about these characters.

    finally, abby is a character who i'm pretty split on. i'm not one of the people who still hold resentment over the fact that she killed joel, i overall come to empathize with her and i think she's a pretty good character with a lot of potential and some good qualities. with all that being said, i just don't find her very engaging during most of her part of the game, i think she's boring most of the time especially compared to ellie. i like her a lot when she's interacting with manny and owen which isn't something she does a lot. again i don't hate abby or even dislike her, i just think that her character just didn't really click with me and it's probably a personal preference thing.

    the story
    here's where i have some of my favorite parts and some of my least favorite parts in the game. i think everything from jackson the end of ellie's day 3 is pretty much perfect. i think it's paced pretty good and i've come to like the semi-open world segment with dina. i think joel's death is actually handled pretty well and i will never understand people who complain that joel's dies in a bad way. joel doesn't get a grandiose or heroic death because he's not a hero and this world isn't the type to give characters fantastic send offs in their deaths because you just like the character. and throughout the game joel gets a good send off anyways, that final scene with him and ellie is fantastic and is some of the best writing in the series. all his flashbacks with ellie really develop joel and fit pretty well into the context of the current story. joel dying sets up the beginning half of this game perfectly with a clear main goal in mind for a main character that develops naturally. even abbys sections in jackson i like quite a bit and replaying the game gave me a sense of dread knowing what abby was about to do.

    the first time i have a real issue with this games story is when abby talks to issac about how owen is missing and she decides to go after him. this goal of finding owen seems like it's going to be her overarching goal for her part of the story but it just isn't, we find him at the end of day 1 (i'm pretty sure, i might be wrong on that) and then we go back for yara and lev. abby isn't really working towards anything she's just taking up new things to do as they come along. and that makes me hard for me to grab onto anything storywise. add the fact that abby just doesn't click with me and this part of the game becomes way less enjoyable than the rest. the stuff they do to make me empathize with abby works in the end for me but i wish it was way less obvious and more subtle.

    after abbys part is over i think comes the best part of the story. this game takes everything we experienced with ellie and with abby and pays it off beautifully. we get to see ellie and dinas relationship and how ellie is still holding onto her grief and her anger through her ptsd. we get to see abby carrying on owens desire to find the fireflies and see her and levs growth and how they've bonded. it mirrios joel and ellie's journey in the first game. this abby section actually works for me. we get to see how similar tommy is to joel as he can't move past traumatic losses and is still holding on, just like joel with his daughter . ellie and dinas last conversation is truly heartbreaking and i feel dina is a good representation of the players feelings towards ellie. earlier in the game she's completely on board with helping ellie in her revenge, but later on she's discouraging it and is crushed to see how ellie still hasn't moved on. this boss fight is by farrrr my favorite in any game. it's such a gut wrenching emotional experience in which it hurt everytime i had to press square to punch abby. i feel so bad for ellie and for abby as they're both at their lowest points with ellie not able to let go of her pain and abby experiencing the worst consequences she had felt for not being able to let go of her pain.

    the most brilliant part of this fight is ellie sparring abby. she is mere seconds away from completing her goal she had the entire game and she thinks of joel, not just any memory of joel but a conversation she has with him about forgiveness. she understands the only way to get past her trauma and hatred is through forgiving the two people who have hurt her the most. this whole game we've seen how ellie takes on the traits of joel, starting with with the guitar, then she becomes more willing to kill, she becomes more brutal. but in the end she does the one thing joel could never do, move on, and i believe thats what ellie's journey is this game is really about. sure i have more issues with this game than i did the first one, but the parts i love about this game i love so much that i prefer it over game ive every played. sorry for this probably very disjointed, long rant. i just really wanted to type out my feelings on this game before they drove me insane

    submitted by /u/goavsgo29
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    It finally arrived! Just 2 more statues left and my TLOU shrine is complete!

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 09:52 AM PDT

    I finally did it

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 08:42 AM PDT

    Made the ration cards from the beginning of the first game!

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 07:12 PM PDT

    Got both steelbook cases!

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 02:18 AM PDT

    Took me 4 months and a lot of grinding, but I finally got my most precious platinum trophies!

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 07:22 AM PDT

    I have officially joined the fireflies!

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 12:31 PM PDT

    Nothing in any game has scared me more than the sounds these things make... they're also a pain to kill...

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 11:02 AM PDT

    I wish we could get a mission/patrol DLC

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 08:44 PM PDT

    I fought against liking Abby & her crew with every fiber of my being and ultimately lost. The game is just too powerful for my weak, pliable mind. As much as I love Joel, at the end of the game it all comes together that there are so many different sides to this story, the world is bigger than you think, and Ellie & Joel really aren't the center of it.

    I know it won't happen but I wish we could have a DLC where you get to play around at the WLF stadium for a while. I would LOVE something that is just simple missions around there because I was absolutely enthralled by the place. They were so big and organized, even though I aesthetically prefer Jackson. It was just amazing how far they had come and I did like the comradery and sense of community you get from them, even more than Jackson, because Abby has a more active role than Ellie who is more of a loner.

    How amazing would it be if we could have DLC for both Jackson and Seattle, before shit hit the fan in Part II, playing different missions and going on patrols? Lord, I would eat that up. Even everyday tasks like inventory for guns and food, that sort of thing...I'd love it. Those were really my favorite portions of the game; Ellie, Joel, and Tommy on patrol, Abby, Manny, and Mel on patrol. That was some of the most fun IMO.

    submitted by /u/the_queen_of_nada
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    Aggressive Ellie, Synagogue Exterior

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 09:05 PM PDT

    My fan art of joel

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 01:18 AM PDT

    Created these character illustrations last year after completing part 2. Let me know what you think!

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 07:57 AM PDT

    My first try as young Ellie ��

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 05:12 AM PDT

    Finished the game and waited a month to let the ending settle.

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 08:21 AM PDT

    Let me say that I never believed the vaccine was feasible. It always hit me wrong that they absolutely guaranteed a vaccine when they haven't even met Ellie and know nothing about her. Hard to know because in the second game it seems as if Dr. Anderson is sure he is going to save the world. That being said, what Joel did was wrong, but not to be unexpected when you tell him that you're about to kill someone he loves. That leads me to my first big takeaway and that is that Abby and her friends deserved what they got. They tracked down a man for years just to murder him and cold blood. They knew that he had a good reason to save Ellie. He did not do it because he wanted to harm the fire flies he did it to save a little girl. Joel saved Abby from death. Without him she would have died that day outside of Jackson. Instead of even trying to get an explanation from him she immediately blows off his leg and begins to torture him. The torture is what really gets me. Joel was not a good guy. He brutally murdered a lot of people. But he never did it just to see people hurt. I still hate Abby for her killing him like that.

    I really really liked that they had us play from Abby's point of view. Honestly half way through I was team Abby and really felt like I was connecting with her and her friends. I actually do think she is redeemable and I think she feels alot of remorse for what she has done in the past. The game mind fucked me a lot during the end scene in the theatre. I was mad at both Abby and Ellie at the same time. I didn't really know who I wanted to win. Ultimately, I think how it played out was very believable. Dumb on Abby's part, but believable.

    Last thought for now is I really enjoyed the last fight between Ellie and Abby. I thought it made sense. You can bet your ass that if I saw my dad tortured and murdered and one of my best friends gunned down...I would stop at fucking nothing to hunt down the person responsible. I really really wish Ellie and Abby would have spoken or that Ellie would have been screaming all the reasons Joel didn't deserve to die that way. Because Lord knows I was thinking them/screaming them at the TV.

    I think Abby was simply going back to Jackson to find her family. I also like to think that she plans on bringing them back to the house. I don't like the thought of Joel's guitar rotting out of the case. I can't imagine she would leave it to spoil like that. Ha, IDK why that bothers me so much, but she loved that guitar. I don't like to think she'd let it go to ruin.

    I apologize for the long post. I'm sure thousands of posts like this have already been made but I felt the need to share words on this game and didn't know where else to vent.

    submitted by /u/catholic13
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    If you could change one thing about the game in the PS5 remake, what would it be?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 05:34 PM PDT

    The game is already perfect but I'm sure some people have at least one thing they would change. It's obviously going to be a major gameplay and graphical upgrade already. Is there any details about the game you would want to see be changed in the remake? I'm personally like hoping all the weapons to be transferred to new game+ so you have them all right from the start with all of their upgrades intact like in the second game. It would also let us use the assault rifle more and it would be fun to have in some sections of the game. I don't really want any major changes or additions to the story, would you?

    submitted by /u/Antman269
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    "We stick together"

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 11:25 PM PDT

    Fun Fact��: The stalker rat king has pubes!!!

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 02:19 AM PDT

    What is the heartbeat sound after Abby does melee?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2021 12:11 AM PDT

    I feel like I missed a tutorial or something, but I have no idea why the screen turns up chromatic abrasion and Abby's heartbeat gets super loud when doing melee.

    submitted by /u/SUPERCILEX
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