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    Sunday, July 11, 2021

    The Last of Us | U can’t shoot a PlayStation in the game

    The Last of Us | U can’t shoot a PlayStation in the game

    U can’t shoot a PlayStation in the game

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 06:46 AM PDT

    God dam I only just saw this fuck that’s kinda sad really

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 01:13 AM PDT

    Part 2 is a beautifully depressing game.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 10:31 PM PDT

    After putting it off for a year I finally bought and completed part 2 and I really enjoyed it. But man I was holding back tears on multiple occasions and the story did an incredible job of just making you feel empty.

    submitted by /u/Amputee_Kun
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    A small detail toward the end of part 2 (explained in comments)

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 07:42 PM PDT

    Found this in HMV for 99p! Endure and survive my friend's :) ��

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 01:50 PM PDT

    I know it's not perfect, but I built the theater from TLOU2 in Minecraft. If you have any suggestions for any thing I should change let me know.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 08:09 PM PDT

    Ellie’s Journal

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 04:40 PM PDT

    Hello again I am sure there have been a bunch of posts about this that have done a lot better than me but I just wanted to share my thoughts on the Ellie's journal is TLOU 2. I think that this journal has to be one of the best pieces of characterization I have ever seen, if not the best. It adds so much depth/weight to Ellie and the decisions she makes throughout her part of the story. Every time I play through her part I find something new inside I have never read before, it is shockingly detailed. I highly recommend to those who haven't checked it out to read through it all after you have found all the entries. Also don't forget to check it during flashbacks and after big events in her story during Seattle. I promise you won't regret it!

    submitted by /u/HunchoPanda
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    The Last of Us series is now listed as releasing in 2022 on Kantemir Balagov’s Instagram

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 05:51 PM PDT

    I spent the last year making a The Last of Us film - here are my favorite stills!

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 11:40 AM PDT

    they're looking lemme just....

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 08:02 PM PDT

    My Thoughts On The Last Of Us Part 2

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 02:33 PM PDT

    The Last of Us Part 2 is a flawed gem.

    It's taken me a long time to sort through my feelings about the game. I actually finished it MONTHS ago, but felt like there was a lot of stuff to process. Eventually I started to realize that I had spent more time considering my experience with the game than anything else I played in 2020, which I find fascinating in and of itself.

    In fact, I cant remember the last time I was so emotionally invested, impacted, and conflicted when it came to the story in a video game. RDR2 comes close, but that game had huge chunks that felt like a slog for me, and a ton of unrelated narrative side stories that I honestly can't recall anymore. That's not the case for me with TLoU 2. Just about every plot point of the game is seared in my brain.

    Let me get the obvious things the game nailed out of the way: TLoU 2 is a graphical masterpiece. From the gorgeous environments and animations, to the impeccable attention to detail, the game truly set a new bar for what video games are capable of on a technical level.

    The soundtrack is gorgeous and capable of enhancing the action into pulse-pounding, stress-inducing set pieces. Likewise, it also enhances all of the smaller, quieter moments of introspection throughout the game.

    The gameplay is a huuuuuge improvement over the original game. I played the remastered OG TLoU back to back with part 2, and the improvements are enumerable. Character animations are silky smooth and make you truly feel like a stealthy bad-ass as you brutally take down enemies. In fact, compared to RDR2, where I often felt like Arthur was clumsily treading through water with every action, TLoU 2 truly shines.

    The voice acting is top notch. Literally every single character in the game, from the major players to the most minor NPC, are voiced realistically and fantastically. The gameplay is already brutal on a base-level, but man, hearing NPCs cry out for their lost companions, or even just shoot the sh*t with each other as they do their patrols, really pulls you into the game and makes everything that much more heightened and enthralling.

    Now that I've got that out of the way, lets talk about the hard part: The Story.

    I'm going to be upfront: I enjoyed it. I didn't LOVE it, but I felt like it stuck the landing more often than not. When it came to Joel's death, which was one of the more controversial aspects of the story, I honestly didn't have many issues. The biggest complaint I've seen in regards to his death is the fact that he basically sets himself up for his demise. A lot of people found the fact that he seemed to blindly trust a group of strangers to be out of character for Joel. I didn't have much of an issue with that.

    From my perspective, the Joel in TLoU 2 is not the same Joel that you play as for a majority of the first game. The Joel in part 1 was a borderline monster who eventually learned to open up and start loving and being vulnerable again. In the time that has passed between part 1 and 2, Joel is almost unrecognizable from his part 1 persona. He's trying his best to let people into his life again, to make up for the hurt he's caused, and earn some semblance of forgiveness. Part 1 Joel, for about 80% of the game, was not "sit down with a guitar and sing for Ellie" Joel. He was "occasionally grunt in an annoyed fashion at Ellie's comments in between bouts of brutal murder and fits of darkness induced rage" Joel. His death is brutal, and quick, like all deaths in the TLoU games, and I found it an effective way to ignite the flame that becomes Ellie's descent into the dark depths of vengeance.

    Another criticism I've seen leveled at the game's story is that it feels like the game is punishing the player for playing it. There is a constant (occasionally annoyingly so) theme of how vengeance is ultimately a shallow and destructive pursuit. Many players felt like the game was chastising them for killing, when it often left no other choice but to do so, especially with some of the unavoidable quick-time events. I think this idea stems from a skewed perspective of the game

    TLoU 2 is not a choice-driven game where the protagonist is ultimately a blank slate for the player to insert themselves into. It's a game where the playable characters have their own agendas and its up to the player whether or not they want to stick through and see those agendas fulfilled. I never felt like the game was admonishing ME for killing soldiers and dogs, it was putting the blame squarely on the characters being played. And as such, you see the negative effects that both Ellie and Abby's actions have on themselves.

    I actually really enjoyed this part of the game, as I found the dissonance between what I wanted for the characters and what the character's wanted for themselves to be emotionally harrowing. I've never been so invested in a video game character that I wanted them to see the error of their ways and right their ship with everything in my heart. To me, thats good writing. I've played so many games where I could give less of a sh*t about what happens to both the protagonist and side characters as I play (the entire Far Cry series comes to mind as im writing this). To feel so conflicted, and sometimes downright angry, with the choices the characters make means that I LIKE these people. I want them to better themselves and choose a different path because I truly CARE for what are ultimately just a collection of polygons. Thats quite a feat. But unfortunately, much like in teal life, sometimes people are so stuck in their cancerous mindset that it can seem impossible for them to do the right thing, no matter how much you want to scream at them and tell them to "wake up." Anyone who has ever had a friend that's fallen into addiction will recognize the seemingly senseless, and infinite, path of destruction even the best of us can fall into.

    Where I think a lot of the issues for players lie is in the tone and direction of the story and its characters. A comparable game is Spec Ops: The Line. Much like TLoU 2, spec ops forces you to play as a character that you ultimately don't want to. Sgt. Walker, in that game, is not a hero. His story is not a "fun" one. But it is a powerful, albeit depressing, one. Its almost a test of the players fortitude to see it to the end - but if you make it through, its a fascinating tour of the abyss of the human soul.

    Where Part 2 faltered for me was in its story pacing and its overall length. It feels like a lot of characters, like Jesse, were introduced simply to pad the length of the game by adding some side narratives. As a result, there are a number of characters that end up feeling unimportant and not fully fleshed out. I also, like many players, felt frustrated by the sudden switch to Abby's part of the campaign. When it happened, I actually had to set my controller down and take a break from the game for a few days until I had collected my thoughts. S So here are my thoughts on Abby: She's a good character, and I ultimately enjoyed her journey. I felt like the game could've gone the easy route and set up a bunch of b.s. sympathetic reasons to like her character - paint her like an absolute saint and say "look how innocent she is!?!? Can you blame her for what she did?!? Shes never hurt anyone and yet she was still a victim of Joel's actions!" Instead, Abby comes off as an actual human being; incredibly flawed, but trying to right her ways. Her adventures with Lev were a huge highlight of the game for me.

    Having said all that, I did find the sudden switch to playing as Abby to be handled too bluntly. I can completely empathize with any player that put down the controller when her part of the campaign began and never picked it up again. I feel like you missed out, but I totally get it. The game doesn't do the best job, in my opinion, of striking a balance between Ellie's perspective and Abby's through the first half of the game, and I sometimes found the time/character jumps to be jarring. Obviously the game purposefully leans on Ellie's view of Abby to propel her tale of revenge and keep the player engaged, as well as create a narrative dissonance, but I felt like it leaned a little TOO hard. I think it could've struck a better balance between their narrative lines and still maintained the themes and experience it was aiming for.

    Finally, we have the other highly contentious area of the game: the ending.

    I mostly liked it. But I also can see why other players didn't. Ultimately, i think it comes down to whether you liked Ellie (and not Abby) by the end of the game and wanted to see her exact revenge, if you liked Abby (and not Ellie) by the end of the game and wanted to see her victorious, or if you liked them both and wanted to see them each come out of the story alive. I fall in the latter camp, so I was ultimately relieved that they both survived. Having said that, Ellie's realization at the last minute that she needed to stop felt rushed and sloppy. The writers had the entire last quarter of the game to show Ellie gradually reach the conclusion she does, but ultimately squandered it, in my opinion. So while I was happy with the outcome, I felt like it couldve been reached far more naturally.

    So to sum everything up (my tl;dr essentially): The Last of Us Part 2 is a beautiful game that suffers from not being able to fully live up to its very lofty and ambitious narrative goals. While a lot of people felt like the game was trying to tediously hammer home the idea that "revenge is bad" I personally felt like the game knew that I obviously understood that and instead was a character piece about two young people too caught up in the horrors of their respective realities to realize it themselves. It's an examination of how the need for revenge can blind people - much like I mentioned before with my parallel to addicts - its often easy to see from an outside perspective how someone is clearly hurting themselves, and often equally as frustrating in real life to realize that people caught up in their toxic mindset can't seem to realize it for themselves. At the end of the day, I think whether you liked this game or not comes down whether you felt compelled by the characters enough to see their journey to its conclusion. Again, much like in real-life, it can often be difficult to stick with even your closest of friends when theyre stuck in a rabbit whole of selfish, self-destruction. I personally felt the journey was worth it.

    7.5-8/10 for me.

    Also, just a side note - I can't go without mentioning that the gore mechanics in this game are exceptional, and I wish more games implemented something similar

    submitted by /u/Paths0frhythm
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    Haven’t seen anyone point this out yet so here it is for u who haven’t noticed (Dina humming ”Take on me”)

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 06:49 AM PDT

    Quarantine Zone Question.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 06:32 PM PDT

    So, I've played through the first game maybe five times and the second game twice. I never dive into lore or read the notes too much so forgive me if this is explained somewhere but I am confused about how exactly the quarantine zones work. Is it "legal" to live outside of a quarantine zone or are you automatically a threat if you live in the outside? I know they don't take too kindly to people sneaking out and hiding away but I read a note that stated if you do not complete chores then it might result in loss of zone residency. So is the only way to leave to be kicked out? Or can you willingly leave? If Fedra happened to stumble upon Jackson would they force them into quarantine zones, kill them, or let them be? Again, sorry if this is a dumb question but it was something I was rather confused about.

    submitted by /u/Gunn_Wrld
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    Cordyceps Teeth Infection is serious, okay?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 12:03 AM PDT

    The way I play TLOU Part 1

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 07:25 AM PDT

    So I don't know why but for some reason every time I play the first game I kind of look at it like a 10 episode TV show... When I play through the game I usually take a few days to complete it so the experience will last longer and I can get a break between sessions so I'm not just playing games all day haha, so I kind of lay it out like this:

    Ep 1: Everything up to the "It can't be any worse out there, can it?" cutscene. Ep 2: Leaving Boston and the journey to the capitol building ending with Joel's rules before leaving for Lincoln. Ep 3: Bill's Town Ep 4: Pittsburgh until jumping from the bridge. Ep 5: Beach, Sewers and Suburbs until that sad double death....

    This'd be like a mid season cliffhanger I guess...

    Ep 6: Tommy's Dam. Ep 7: The University. Ep 8: Left Behind DLC. Ep 9: The Winter section with David. Ep 10: Salt Lake City.

    I'd be very interested to know if anyone else plays Left Behind after Joel gets injured in the main game right before Ellie is on her own hunting for food, just flows better for me that way. Maybe I'm just weird and very methodical... 🙈

    Haven't figured out a way to do this with TLOU Part 2 yet cause it's a bit all over the place but I'm not complaining, I love part 2 to death!

    submitted by /u/Chonk2020
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    Silly character design I made in 3D

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 06:26 AM PDT

    Theory about the sacred lady

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 02:45 PM PDT

    Hi! So me and my stepdad thought of a theory and we haven't seen anyone talk about it so imma share it here. It's about the sacred lady from the scars being Ellie's mom cause think of it, being imune would be a big reason to be considered sacred and if Ellie's imune her mom probably is too, besides i don't remember Marlene saying that she saw Ellie's mom dead in fact we know it was a planed dead because she wrote ellie a letter right before she died so i think we can assume she was bit and was waiting to turn My theory is that probably something happened to her while she was bit and she was found by a group of people who started to admire and thinking she was sacred because of her immunity.

    I think it makes sense tell me what you think.

    submitted by /u/Joacharutto
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    So I found out both Carla Tassara (Judy) and Emily Woo Zeller (Panam) both did voices for the game pretty nova!

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 09:27 PM PDT

    Both this game shares a lot of similarities

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 09:10 PM PDT

    I just realized that both games ends up doing the complete opposite of what it set out to do.

    submitted by /u/Club_Late
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    I don’t hate Abby and I’m mad about it

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 08:41 PM PDT

    I went into TLOU II the first time having already been spoiled so I loathed Abby from the get go. I still feel like the fact that you play her at all is weird seeing as how this was Joel and Ellie's story, or at least that's how it felt. But through the course of the game I definitely grew to like Abby. I didn't want to after what she did to Joel and I still don't think what she did was right (at the end of the day, her dad was trying to kill a 14 year old with no guarantees that it would be a worthy endeavor) but her portions are some of my favorite from the game. I loved seeing the setup they had in that stadium plus her relationships with Manny, Owen, Mel, etc. she clearly had a compassionate heart (for everyone but Joel anyway) and was a very skilled survivor.

    Now that I'm playing for the second time and have a different perspective I can't help but think what a great team she and Joel would have made of things were different. At least with the way I play her, they both have an aggressive, hands-on method of dealing with the infected.

    I do think the whole set up for the game was weird. I can't fully empathize or connect with Ellie or Abby either one because depending on who you play, you're forced to beat the shit out of the other and see their side.

    submitted by /u/the_queen_of_nada
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