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    The Last of Us | Custom TLOU2 cover

    The Last of Us | Custom TLOU2 cover

    Custom TLOU2 cover

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 04:20 AM PDT

    Does the farm have electricity?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 06:05 PM PDT

    On my initial playthrough I was under the impression that the farm had no electricity because Ellie's flatscreen TV and PS3 are nowhere to be found in the house and because Ellie and Dina seem to have oil lamps on their respective nightstands (signifying that they might not have electricity for overhead lightbulbs at night). However, I noticed during later playthroughs that Ellie's walkman is still present (and it likely requires charging to function) and that they have a refrigerator in the kitchen. It doesn't really matter either way, but does anyone have a good guess as to whether or not the farm has electricity?

    submitted by /u/kasanari
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    One thing I'm worried about with a Part 3 game

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 02:07 PM PDT

    If we get to continue exploring Ellie's story as one of the central characters again, I have a strong feeling that Naughty Dog will show how much changed in Jackson since Ellie left. Especially in terms to her relationship with Dina.

    Since Ellie left her and JJ in favor of continuing the cycle of violence by finding and killing Abby, I feel like the most realistic approach ND will pull is having Dina become romantically involved with another partner. Similar to the kind of thing Owen was trying to do with Mel, since Abby couldn't let go of her desire for vengeance

    submitted by /u/phantom_avenger
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    Subway Pump Station Undetected Grounded

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 08:32 PM PDT

    Prefered difficulty for Tlou1?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 11:18 PM PDT

    Which difficulty do you think the game is best played on

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Bejdza69
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    For any TLOU2 fans the art book is on sale from 3rd party new condition down from 39.99

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 11:16 AM PDT

    Where was the farm?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 09:28 PM PDT

    At the end of Part 2, where was the farm? I assumed it was right outside of Jackson, but the environment looks a lot different. Does anyone know?

    submitted by /u/OverlyCritical005
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    (SPOILERS) Going back to Jackson.

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 10:44 PM PDT

    So I love these games. Pt 2 has a clunky story but I appreciate what they were going for overall. But I have a gripe with a story point in Pt 2. SPOILERS AHEAD.

    Now these games have many "realistic" elements that I love but with some video game logic here and there that Im willing to look past. But Jesus Christ is anyone else bothered by how we dont get a real sense what the journey back to Jackson after the theater fight was like. The logistics of which seem insanely difficult. 1. Jesse's corpse: Im going off the logic that Ellie and Dina would probably want to bury him in Jackson for his parents and JJ to visit. Of course the logical thing would be to bury him in Seattle so they arent carrying extra weight, but Im willing to bet they brought his body back. 2. Ellie's arm and nose are broken, Abby definetly broke her nose punching her repeately and seemed to snap her elbow inward. 3. Pregnant Dina, she was already having a really hard time keeping anything down so shes for sure weak and now might have a slight concussion or swelling from Abby slamming her head a few times, also took an arrow through the back. That part would be the easiest part to heal from sense the arrow went out her the front of her shoulder but having to heal from that on top of everything else going on with her would be difficult. 4. Tommy has his fucking eye shot out and an arrow in the knee. He has the most to deal with. The arrow fucked his leg up bad, he cant walk like he used to during the Farm cut scene. 5. No horses. All the horses are dead. We dont see the horse Jesse traveled to Seattle with likely was killed by WLF. I know for sure they would need some sort of transportation to get back, either finding a car or horses.

    So overall it might be possible to get back to Jackson in these hard circumstances but goddamn did they just wash over that. My first time playing as Ellie when it cuts to her and Dina at the farm, I thought it was a dream sequence and that we were gonna wake up in the theater as a battered and bruised Ellie. I couldnt wrap my mind around how they could of returned to Jackson and to this day having played through a couple of times it still boggles my mind how it would of played out. The first game had a similar scenerio where Ellie has to transport a wounded Joel out of the University and it cuts to her at the ski resort in the winter. But the Left Behind DLC solved that mystery for us and it was easy enough to believe now that we knew how she did it. I wished they had at least had Ellie describe the journey back to Jackson in her journal or she and Dina talk about it or something anything. Naughty Dog most likely wont put out a story DLC helping to explain it which is a shame. In conclusion Im not attacking this game or furious about this oversite in the story just a bit confused. I would love for anyone post what they think about the journey back to Jackson would of been like or what your opinion is about time jumps like this.

    submitted by /u/abbys_Arms
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    [SPOILERS] Welcome to Earth | TLOU 2 tribute video

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 01:26 PM PDT

    The HDR in Part 2 is really well done.

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 03:51 PM PDT

    I'm playing for the first time on a PS4 Pro and I'm on day 3 with Ellie. I just turned off HDR for the first time to see what it's like... and I can't imagine playing without it. The dark places in some areas is truly dark and you really need that flashlight.

    Without HDR, the flashlight is completely unnecessary in some areas because the game is a little too bright. Naughty Dog really did a good job with the HDR in this game.

    submitted by /u/Ahmni-Man
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    Just finished TLOU and wondering if should play the second too

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 05:28 AM PDT

    Recently I managed to get a ps5 and choose TLOU remastered as the first game to play ( pc gamer for years), I really enjoy a good stories and TLOU was on my list for a while.

    Long story short I just finished the game and even though it was well above average personally I wouldn't say it's one of the best games ever. Maybe I was too hyped or maybe it's just that the game is quite old , don't know.

    My question is: should I play the second game? I see many people saying that TLOU2 story is inferior but at the same time it's a game designed for the ps4 and there's also a performance patch for the ps5 so the experience can potentially be great.

    I'm asking because honestly I don't have much time to play these days and I have a huge backlog, I don't want bash the series of course but maybe there are people that found the second chapter more captivating than the first one and can help me decide

    submitted by /u/RawPow
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    Optimal headphone audio settings for TLOU2?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 10:32 PM PDT

    I absolutely love the Last of Us Part 2, but I really feel there is something up with its default audio settings. I had absolutely no issue with the first one, but for some reason no matter how much I change the dynamic range, I can't get the visceral closeness of Ellie's footsteps and the soft beginnings of Santaolalla's guitar as well as the loud booming resonance of gunshots at the same time. I watch gameplay on Youtube with headphones on just to experience all that I'm missing out on when actually playing the game. Everything is so subdued even on Midnight Dynamic Range with sliders for every audio category turned up to max. Everyone has praised the sound design of this game, and has recommended surround sound headphones, but this optimization shouldn't come at the cost of underdelivering on normal headphones. Does anyone else also have the same issue? And have you been able to fix it?

    submitted by /u/HungryBradbury
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    Anyone experienced this lol I only knew this glitch cause of Anthony caliber on YouTube the speed runner i do it deliberately cause it’s funny

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 12:49 AM PDT

    Anyone know any games like tlou2 but like it’s violence and gore?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 11:02 AM PDT

    Tlou2 imo is the most violent game because of the realism. I've played mk and god of war, fallout and a lot of other violent games with dismemberment and stuff but there's something about tlou2 that feels so much more violent then the other games especially the gun violence especially like when you shoot someone in the face it really looks like you shot them in the face. I'm looking for games with realistic detailed violence not like chop some guys head off with no feeling like doom for example I need something real.

    submitted by /u/Taj_Bell
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    Now that we have the full picture, would you still save it? [Remake question]

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 10:53 AM PDT

    After experiencing the development of Ellie's story in Part 2, I wanted to discuss how or if this influences your choice towards the ending of Part 1, especially in light of the upcoming remake. For the sake of spoilers, I didn't want to write "her", but I obviously mean Ellie at the hospital.

    When we first finished Part 1 almost a decade ago, most of us were fully behind Joel's choice. Part 2 took us outside of the views of our 2 protagonists. We see how Joel's choice ruined the lives of many. It ruined the lives of those directly at the hospital, it ruined the lives of all the people who could have potentially been saved by the cure. It also even goes further in that we see how careless Ellie was with this "gift" of (a second chance at) life.

    She got a second chance at life and instead of embracing it she not only shunned Joel for it, but with complete disregard to her own life and what Joel died for, she left for Seattle where she killed countless other people, and for what?

    It was no longer that her life was the cost of every other person who died of the cordyceps that could have been saved, but she actively took away lives of others for her quest on vengeance.

    When we finished Part 1, we knew Ellie as this selfless, loyal girl full of life. Thus was no longer the case in Part 2. She puts her family at risk (Tommy), she puts her friends at risk, and she puts her life at risk. All that needed to happen was that she takes the bullet instead of Jesse, and what would it have all been for? Her choices and actions ended up ruining the lives of those she "cared" for, as we see with Tommy and Jesse, all while throwing away any chances she had at a normal life (at the farm).

    So the question: After seeing what Ellie comes in Part 2 and how she used this second chance at life to invoke misery and take the lives away from others, would you have second thoughts about the choice in the hospital? Seeing how she turns out, would it be best for the world if she did end up as the cure? Would you hesitate a moment longer before being forced to kill Jerry?

    Just to make it clear, this isn't what Joel wants, but rather what you as a player feel would be the better choice after your experiences of both games.

    submitted by /u/abhi321198
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    Can’t even get the 6k$ to get the these cosmetics plz help I keep playing easy or normal mode

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 12:51 AM PDT

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