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    Monday, July 26, 2021

    The Last of Us | Just finished TLOU2 after ignoring all of the controversy, successfully avoiding spoilers and not playing since the day one release of Remastered.

    The Last of Us | Just finished TLOU2 after ignoring all of the controversy, successfully avoiding spoilers and not playing since the day one release of Remastered.

    Just finished TLOU2 after ignoring all of the controversy, successfully avoiding spoilers and not playing since the day one release of Remastered.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 12:47 PM PDT

    EDIT: Jesus H. Christ. I wrote this while I was eating pizza and freaking out over the game. I expected 10 people to see it. Thanks for the awards! May your survival be long and your death be swift.

    I thought this was the Terminator 2 of game sequels.

    Now that I know what happened, I am very very disappointed in many of my fellow gamers for taking such a hysterical stance on what I felt was one of the most believable and realistic plot approaches to subject matter like this.

    Abby reminded me of Sarah Connor. Strong in her convictions, whip smart in battle, bound to her vengeance yet still a lover and devoted to her family.

    At first I didn't like her because she killed a person I am partial to. This is how all war goes. We side with those which we care about and are taught to demonize the enemy as being the morally wicked when in reality we are the same and both caught up in someone else's push for power and control.

    We like to think that OUR side is always right.

    This is not true and there are no white and black shades in war. There is only hideous grey.

    Abby believed she was avenging her father for the greater good and Ellie believed she was avenging her pseudo father for the greater good. You slap flags and tribalism on top of that and you've got the blueprint for getting people to fight to the death in armed conflicts.

    Neil forcing me to play as Abby and learn her and her friends story was genius. Simply put.

    As far as ellie goes:

    I thought her descent into violence and chaos was simply and utterly believable. The mark of this fallen society and Joel's violent ways have successfully taken its toll on her development. She is no longer the somewhat still pure vessel we grew to love. Just as in real life conflict, she traversed puberty and mental development above a landscape of violent conditioning and retribution.

    As far as Joel goes:

    I miss him just as much as the next person but let's be honest - Joel is not a good person and never was at any point since the death of his daughter.

    He's killed countless people. He has ran with unsavory packs. He executed a defenseless woman and an innocent doctor. He halted the prospect of a world saving vaccine. All of that just to serve his selfish desires to replace his daughter. It was only a matter of time until he suffered a similar fate.

    We like to pretend that our beloved hero's will remain untouchable in such a violent landscape but that is improbable and unfeasible. Neil and company were credited in the beginning for stark realism and they've done it again. Only this time, some didn't like the outcome and that is the point.

    The outcome IS ugly.

    The outcome IS sad.

    The outcome is dare I say....meaningless?

    Ellie lost everything.

    Abby lost everything.

    All for what? To service what? Revenge atop a scorched earth? What would come next? One would successfully avenge their loved one just to go on and die a horrible death in another season?

    This is the very nature of violent conflict. It is unfair. It is unpredictable. It will take those that you love with impunity and it will continue on like an infinite hydra.

    Real is what we all wanted isnt it? Then why is anyone mad when real is served up wholesale?

    I guarantee you right now in Palestine and Israel there are 1000 Abby's, Ellie's and Joel's traversing the land waiting for their number to be called.

    For me this is a 10/10 and I have almost never said that in my 30 years of gaming.

    Last and certainly least - The only thing I would like to say about the drama is this:

    If y'all are mad about powerful women and the existence of gay / trans people in a video game then you will be SORELY disappointed when the real world collapses and you find the same thing 1000 fold. Only then you will not have a controller and the comfort of your own home to protect you. Get a goddamn grip.

    submitted by /u/ritualaesthetic
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    Here is a rare smiling Ellie to bring you good luck

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 08:01 AM PDT

    Just started to think about "the moment" in TLOU2...

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 03:27 PM PDT

    Joel died in what was probably one of the happiest days he had in a while.

    As we know, the porch conversation between Joel and Ellie took place a day before Joel and Tommy went on patrol and found Abby.

    All I can imagine is how happy he went to bed after that heart to heart with Ellie. No more secrets, everything is fleshed out. He took out from the library the "Space for dummies" to have a topic of conversation with Ellie the next day after his patrol. Woke up super early, fixed himself a nice cup of joe and started to recite in his head the curious facts he read last night before falling asleep.

    Hell, I can imagine him riding with Tommy to whatever outpost they needed to clear having this conversation:

    Tommy: "You're looking chipper .. something interesting happened yesterday?"

    Joel: "Ellie wants to work things out..."

    Tommy: "I'll be damned... look alive, I see some runners on that hill."

    Or maybe I'm overthinking stufff, I dunno. What do you think?

    Edit: wording

    submitted by /u/StealthyBasterd
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    A sketch of Ellie I just finished up, hope you guys enjoy!

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 07:21 PM PDT

    I’ve never seen this posted before: Dinas sister Talia!

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 08:30 AM PDT

    The Last of Us Part 2.5D

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 02:31 AM PDT

    Sad but free

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 01:50 PM PDT

    Gabriel Luna gets a PS5: "A huge THANK YOU to @PlayStation and the mastermind @Druckmann for gifting me the necessary equipment to further my research. I’m going to replay 1 and 2 in the mode where if you get whacked you have to go back to the start."

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 12:13 PM PDT

    My heart truly breaks for Dina every time i watch this scene. Shannon Woodward captured the essence of Dina beautifully. She deserves a ton of respect for her phenomenal performance as Dina throughout the game - it's all not talked about enough.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 06:51 PM PDT


    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 07:56 AM PDT

    I finally did it!!

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 12:30 PM PDT

    That's Laura Bailey, isn't!?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 11:33 AM PDT

    I finished the game awhile ago and can't bring myself to play it again, but God damn does it stay in your mind

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 10:26 PM PDT

    I cant describe the game, its like a Ferrari that got destroyed in a car crash. Its beautiful in the chaos, but it also is heart breaking.

    Its hard to say man, like I cant bring myself to play the emotional Rollercoaster knowing how its gonna end despite the gameplay, level design and atmosphere being some of the best in gaming history.

    But Its grown on me over time, I love it but I hate it. You're watching someone suffer through everything and then you have to play as the person who caused them that pain and you have to try to empathize and sympathize with them and it slowly grows on you once you get the full picture. Its simply the most polarizing game I've ever played.

    I'll be honest, I didn't get what I wanted from the game and thats not neccessarily a bad thing. Like the story and writing is flawed but thats how the real world is, and it was a realistic description where you dont get retribution and you dont end up happy; you gotta live with the choices you make and let go.

    Abby as a character is polarizing and I can never come to like her as a character as much as ellie but she's also a somewhat relatable person. And I'll never be able to forget her as she made me feel hate like no other character in gaming has. Like I threw this girl off of every building, got her killed in every boss fight and reluctantly had her nearly kill ellie and youre forced to do these things you dont want to in the game. Its brutal, beautiful and everything under the sun.

    This game moves you in ways i dont think the developer intended. I think they knew alot of people would be divided and I think they realized it would move people emotionally, but I dont think knew how much it would divide the fan base and move people emotionally in ways they didn't even have adjectives for.

    The game got slot of love and hate and I think both opinions are valid. Its a broken masterpiece if you'd call it that.

    Sorry just wanted to get thoughts off my chest.

    submitted by /u/socolditburns
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    The Island

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 04:40 PM PDT

    Clicker tattoo!

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 10:34 PM PDT

    I drew Ellie and Abby! (My instagram: @gracejohnson.art)

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 02:25 AM PDT

    Joel and Ellie

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 07:45 PM PDT

    Ellie's flashes of Joel in those final moments are pointed, as is the last flashback--to a moment that combines the pain and anger Ellie felt toward Joel with the beginning of healing. Ellie lets Abby go, and in so doing, lets go of her anger--at Abby and at Joel. Tlou2 is a hard pill to swallow, Itd hard deciding whether you want to go through all of that again whether you have the game or watched it, its hard, i havent watched it ever since it came out and saw the ending and understood everything, for you guys what does the ending mean to you?

    submitted by /u/Intelligent_Ad6616
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    Abby and Ellie - Gloomy Aesthetic

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 04:27 PM PDT

    Took these screenshots, what do you think?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 02:59 AM PDT

    Ellie Vertical Wallpaper

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 01:36 PM PDT

    "I’m gonna find, and I’m gonna kill, every last one of them."

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 11:01 AM PDT

    The fight at the theatre

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 12:57 PM PDT

    So during the fight at the theatre when you fight Ellie as Abby, there were multiple times where the camera angle switches and it almost looks like you are about to switch from Abby, back to Ellie. This had me thinking - what if they had done that? Switch you back and forth between the two during that fight. Do you think that would have diminished what they were going for during that sequence? Would you have liked that? Hated it?

    submitted by /u/AdventuresOfKrisTin
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    I would like to play as this character in a future installment.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 11:22 AM PDT

    I haven't seen anyone talk about this yet. Who else would like to play as Lev at some point? It's well established from his introduction that he's exceptional with a bow and arrow. It would be a blast to work that into game play and feel like a total God with that weapon compared to all the previous characters. Maybe all he needs other than that is a pistol and he's set.

    Assuming he stays small, quick and nimble, it'd be cool to be able to jump and climb all around. It could bring a Nathan Drake feel to TLOU universe without feeling contrived.

    To keep things challenging, a weakness is that he would probably need to avoid hand to hand combat with pretty much anyone.

    Any thoughts?

    Edit: I appreciate the interesting replies. A DLC seems like a good idea if he won't show up in Part 3, but I'm a little surprised at how many people think Abby is done. Maybe she is, but I'll be disappointed if they don't explore the twist that the Fireflies are still around.

    Another recurring reply is that these games are about Ellie, but I think the writers made it pretty clear with Part 2 that they decide what the story is about. If they wanted to end it all right here, I think even that would make sense as a narrative. Assuming they keep it going, I'm sure they'll come up with something great, whatever it is.

    submitted by /u/berry-bostwick
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