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    The Last of Us | "Any still standing?"

    The Last of Us | "Any still standing?"

    "Any still standing?"

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 05:52 PM PDT

    Can’t wait to dive in!

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 06:16 PM PDT

    Cameo from Nolan North who loved Ellie’s Revenge��❤️

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 04:18 PM PDT

    Why The Last of Us has the best highest difficulty option I've ever experienced in my 25+ years of gaming.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 08:17 AM PDT

    Lately I have revisited one of my favorite games of all time The Last of Us. I started Grounded mode over a year ago with recordings to help those struggling with the difficulty. Unfortunately I never finished due to the amount of games being released and now since things have died down for new games this year I decided to go back and finish what I started.

    I didn't record the final encounters of the game because I wanted time to properly refine my strategy so I plan to have those uploaded later this year for those interested in seeing how I execute the scenarios.

    After finishing Grounded mode for the main game and the Left Behind DLC, I have to say that it's one of the best highest difficulties I have ever experienced. This is coming from a gamer that usually starts games on the hardest difficulty available so I've definitely seen other examples on how it's handled.

    Just incase some of you don't know, I'm very critical on the quality of higher difficulties in gaming and I don't like endurance type adjustments most of all. I've had disappointments like God of War (2018), The Witcher 3, Death Stranding, SoulsBlood series and etc. I don't hate these examples because they are mostly very well designed otherwise however their higher difficulties do not add anything to the game or create an entirely new experience gameplay wise like The Last of Us accomplishes.

    The Last of Us on any other difficulty lower than Grounded is an incredible experience alone and I'm not judging anyone that doesn't want to play the game on Grounded mode because it's definitely not for everyone. I just don't want to come off as having a superiority complex. People have different tastes in gaming and some gamers actually like fighting a boss with the same moveset for twenty minutes longer than usual but it isn't for me.

    So why does Grounded mode in The Last of Us work so well for me? Well for the same reason why most of the Castlevania games work for me. They change the experience entirely for the highest difficulty. For Castlevania you play as totally different characters which comes with restrictions compared to the main character creating a fresh new approach.

    The Last of Us doesn't change characters but Grounded mode removes more resources, triples enemy damage, higher enemy awareness and etc. For this game these adjustments are significant for the playing field. You simply can not walk into an encounter blasting away mindlessly, you have to figure out the puzzles that are very cleverly implemented and most encounters can be solved differently which allows creative freedom which I absolutely adore.

    Perhaps sometime I'll create a difficulty comparison video displaying the accessibility and how it gradually becomes a different scenario.

    I also played Grounded mode using little ammo as possible so most of the time I was 100% stealth for encounters and I was incredibly surprised how much I could get away with by manipulating the playing field enough. I was surprised on how much ammo I ended up with at the end and I would probably have a difficult time convincing someone that it was Grounded mode. My favorite encounter overall has to be the David/Bloater fight which required the most manipulation along with the final fight in the Left Behind DLC.

    I just started my Grounded mode run for The Last of Us II, I cant wait to see how the encounters need to solved using little to no ammo and I also still have Grounded+ mode for the first game so I still have tons to explore in the world of The Last of Us.

    If you haven't tried Grounded mode yet, I highly recommend it. You do need patience and sharp observation but the overall experience is one of the most satisfying moments in my whole life of gaming by far.

    Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/Gay_Charlie
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    Heya TLOU fans!

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 03:19 PM PDT

    We are making a sequel to The Last of Us Fan Film: Ellie's Revenge!! "They Will Come" is set after TLOU2 and will be filmed in Chicago, IL. Set to release in October! I have attached the link to our Indiegogo, so if you would like to donate to help us make another brilliant film, there is 4 days left! Thank you so much!❤️ https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-last-of-us-fan-film-they-will-come#/

    submitted by /u/RebeccaLSHodge
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    The Last of Us, my mom and I

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 09:35 PM PDT

    Gonna be a bit of a long story so bear with me.

    I have been a huge fan of The Last of Us since Part 1. I personally loved Part 2 even more. But one special thing these games have brought me that nothing can match is the bonding moments with my mother.

    So, my mom and I have bonded over many games. I play story based games and she becomes super invested in the characters and loves watching me play. It all started with Telltales The Walking Dead series. Then it was Mass Effect, The Witcher 3 and then The Last of Us.

    When we played the first game together and it ended with Ellie saying "Okay.", my mom goes "That's it? That's the end?!?!" Then, I loaded up the Part 2 trailer and our hype grew more and more. When Part 2 finally came out (I beat it on my own within 48 hours of its release 😂) we went through that game together and we were blown away. We both love Ellie and Abby. Joel's death hit both of us hard as I lost my dad at 19 and really felt the heartbreak in that scene. Ashley Johnson, who lost her dad at young age as well, is an inspiration to me. She has become my favorite voice actor and is just an incredible person.

    These games have given me, not just one of the best gaming experiences ever, but one of the best bonding experiences with my mother who is an absolute rockstar. Her and I have always had a great mother-son relationship. As the Ellie walked away from the farmhouse to end Part 2, I felt a wave of sadness hit me. This was our 3rd time playing through these games in the past year. I am moving from my hometown in a couple months and this may possibly be the last time we play The Last of Us together. It is both of our favorite game series.

    At the end of the day, I wanna say thank you to everyone involved in The Last of Us series, especially Ashley Johnson, for giving me some amazing games and an amazing bonding experience with my mother, whom I cherish greatly since my dad's passing almost 7 years ago. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

    submitted by /u/JTeiger
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    HOW DID I DIE?? That was literally the last enemy ��

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 09:34 AM PDT

    Close one!

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 09:49 AM PDT

    My Insta story while I was in Seattle the other day the other day

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 07:40 PM PDT

    Added this "Motolov" to my collection!

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 05:05 AM PDT

    I found out that you aren't able to take damage after entering a triangle event

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 03:48 PM PDT

    Finally got myself a turntable, so I’m able to play this beauty I got earlier in the year!

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 03:25 AM PDT

    5th playthrough, already at 100% and platinum - what settings?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 08:53 PM PDT


    1 - 9 days, Hard; two months off

    2 - about 2 months, Hard+; 1 week off

    3 - almost 3 months, grounded; 2.5 months off with a false start on full game permadeath

    4 - about 3 weeks, Moderate chapter permadeath.

    The last one ended 2.5 months ago and I'm ready for #5. I will not ever do full-game permadeath, but I'm torn between what to next - thinking grounded because I want the challenge, but also don't want to have to run through every single place, so thinking about cranking up resources, but I'm concerned that'll cheapen how it feels, like having a cheat code. What would you do?

    submitted by /u/__Lifeguard__
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    There's so many cool collectables in TLOU games. I still really like the "Fedra Stages of Infection" Flyer! What's some of your favourite items?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 10:51 PM PDT

    Dear Ellie, from Joel

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 04:16 AM PDT

    (An idea I had for Part III, a letter she finds upon compulsively or purposefully returning to the Firefly hospital.)

    By the time you read this I'm certain I'm dead. I want to provide you the explanation that I can't say out loud—then or now. If you followed a pathway of regret here, please return for a moment to the girl who sometimes listened to me. Here is what happened: a disease was crumbling the walls of humanity, I needed to get one of its children to safety; I did that; I took a sigh of relief when the good humans arrived, and they said unfortunately we have to sacrifice the child now. This happened here and on Outbreak Day. They shot my faceless daughter to be safe, deciding their increased hope was worth more than her risky life. As all got worse, I thought for 20 years she died for nothing. Since meeting you, I have come to the conclusion that none of it has been for nothing. And it's okay that it took me so long to realize this, just like whatever you're feeling now is okay. You are my example of good in the world, but good shouldn't have to die for more alleged good. Therefore, about 25 years ago I decided that you deserve a life. I love you more than the world.

    —Joel (a dinosaur, officially)

    submitted by /u/thelaurafedora
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    Im curious, does anyone here prefer abby over ellie?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 09:58 PM PDT

    Im like 99% sure like 3 ppl prefer abby, but who knows!

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/gibbyfromicarlyTM
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    Abby, Lev, and Ellie.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 09:42 PM PDT

    In pt.3 I'm assuming that we're gonna see Abby and Lev try and regroup with the fireflies and Ellie going back to Jackson and what her life is like. The thing is I'm kinda confused to see how they'll write both of their storylines. Abby and Lev will probably be really traumatized after what had happened to them, so would we see them go to the fireflies right away or would their be some sort of time gap in between? If their was a time gap would they have one with Ellie too? Or would we see her in jackson right after the end of pt.2.

    I guess I'm just trying to ask how you guys think they'll tell the storyline for Abby and Ellie if their is a pt.3

    submitted by /u/Educational_Jacket65
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    Is listen mode turned off in permadeath?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 08:57 PM PDT

    Im playing permadeath per chapter moderate and i dont have listen mode. My r1 button still works, its just that listen mode isnt working.

    submitted by /u/gibbyfromicarlyTM
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    Why couldn't the infected get through the revolving doors?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 10:17 PM PDT

    Remember the part where Ellie tells Dina that she's immune and they have to run from the infected? At the end of the chase Ellie goes through those revolving doors, she gets grabbed by an infected but manages to get out. Why couldn't the horde of infected, not even one, get through those doors?

    submitted by /u/Juan_Piece
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    What's the best "Movie Version" of TLOU2 on YouTube to watch for a second viewing?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 09:49 PM PDT

    Hey guys!

    I'm showing someone Last of Us 1 right now. Just a movie version so they get the story without having to play.

    I'm looking for one for the second game. I've personally already gone through it, but I need a movie version for them. They don't play games, but are really invested in some story games! Also no Playstation here.

    Basically what I hope for it something with subtitles, something that doesn't show TOO much combat, but also includes all the little lines of dialogue as you go around.

    I would normally use Dansg08 for this stuff. But he didn't do subtitles on the second game for some reason, after clicking through. He's good with keeping the small details in on games so the story stays fluid, without huge battle scenes that take 30 minutes as if you were playing.

    So if you know one like that, but with subtitles, I'd appreciate it so much! Just want this person (who doesn't play games) to experience the second game's story.


    submitted by /u/appleparkfive
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    Does anybody have an emulator for PC?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 07:54 PM PDT

    hey! i have this on my ps4 and it's my favorite game ever but i can't bring my playstation with me to college and i was wondering if any of you had an emulator to play on PC? It would be greatly appreciated ❤️ Thank you in advance

    submitted by /u/ellaluise
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