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    Friday, June 11, 2021

    The Last of Us | Got my TLOU inspired tattoo and couldn’t be happier with it!

    The Last of Us | Got my TLOU inspired tattoo and couldn’t be happier with it!

    Got my TLOU inspired tattoo and couldn’t be happier with it!

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 02:30 PM PDT

    For people who doubts the HBO series casting choices, always remember how this guy surprised the world and gave one of the greatest performances in media history! Pascal & Ramsay could potentially do the same!

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 07:59 PM PDT

    Changed the design myself. Got this shortly after launch. The red fern represents Abby, who I loved, and also the tears of the haters.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 02:30 PM PDT

    Lets see you guys TLOU collection. Here is mine so far.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 06:54 PM PDT

    I got a little obsessed with photo mode on my last playthrough. Here are a few of my faves.

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 12:20 AM PDT

    Part 2 has a perfect ending. Here's why.

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 01:47 AM PDT

    Part 2 hate isn't exactly hard to come by, and most of it is either about Joel's death or the ending. Now, I'll defend Part 2 until the day I die. I love it even more than the first. I feel that the ending is perfect for what the story was trying to convey.

    1. "Ellie should have killed Abby!

    No, she shouldn't have. If she did, it would of just ruined the message of the game. Violence begets violence. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. If Ellie killed Abby and left Lev, then Lev would have got to the island, left years later, tracked down Ellie and killed her. Then, Dina would track down Lev and kill him. Then, whomever Lev was close to would track down Dina, and so on and so forth. Nothing would be gained from that. If Ellie killed Abby, she knows she would be doing the same thing to Lev as Abby did to her. She would be taking away his closest friend, one he sees as a big sister or mother.

    In the flashback we see with Ellie and Joel, Ellie starts to forgive Joel for doing something terrible. Joel took away Ellie's purpose just like Abby did. Ellie, in her own way, is forgiving Abby.

    1. "They set up Abby's death!"

    They also set up Ellie making the vaccine in the first game, which didn't happen, and nobody complained about that.

    Funny how a venn diagram of people who complained about Ellie not killing Abby and the people who complain about the revenge message being shoehorned in would be a circle, when those two complaints contradict themselves.

    I'll admit the game has pacing problems, definite story problems, and a run time that doesn't match too well with its gameplay, but I'll never say that the ending sucks, cause it doesn't.

    Also, my statement about the first game setting up the vaccine was taken directly from one of Dunkey's videos about TLOU2. I heartily recommended you watch both of his TLOU2 videos, they are superb.

    submitted by /u/holsomvr6
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    Textbook example of why you don't corner a wild animal

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 06:22 PM PDT

    Ellie The Explorer

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 02:08 PM PDT

    The Last of Us Part 2 By Kyle V. James

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 02:05 AM PDT

    Just finished replaying PT 2 and it was better the second time

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 10:35 AM PDT

    The first time I played through all of it, it affected me more than any video game ever, and I truly couldn't stop thinking about it. Finally 2 months later I decided to replay and find every single thing in the game (which was a LOT... SO much content that I'm so glad I went back for) as well as upping the difficulty from moderate to survivor which made for a much more harrowing experience.

    Emotionally, it hit harder the second time. Knowing things already like Ellie's motivation, knowing about her last convo with Joel, Abby's introduction, knowing what characters will die, etc. And just picking up on subtle plot points I missed the first go around. It's such a massive game in every way, it would be hard to take 100% of it in the first playthrough, and I'm so glad I went back in to try and do that. What a masterpiece.

    submitted by /u/istherelifeaftrlimes
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    Opinion on Part II

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 06:53 PM PDT

    I'm curious how this page feels. I'm sure a poll like this has been done in the past, but I'd love to see some fresh opinions. If you want to comment your thoughts please do!

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/HB-BOOMAN
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    I just played and beat the Last of Us Part 1 for the first time in February, and just wrapped up and beat Part 2 last night, what a roller coaster of emotions

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 10:30 AM PDT

    Spoiler heavy of course,

    I wonder if people who played the first one when it released in 2013 then the sequel 7 years later had a different experience because of the time lapse. Like you grew more or less emotionally attached to Joel because of the long gap in between the games. For me after just finished one then seeing Joel die so soon into part 2 it was gut wrenching. That attachment was still fresh you had just gone on this journey with him and now he is gone. So I felt like Ellie a lot of part 2 angry at Abby, angry at the wolves who just couldn't leave well enough alone. Then the game does something beautiful it has you play as Abby and you get to see everything from a different perspective. Abby is asshole, a bitch but then she finds humanity in Lev, she finds there is more than just vengeance because she was too wrapped up in vengeance and she learns to love something she had hated the scars.

    So when you hit the drowning scene I am screaming for Ellie not to kill Abby because it won't release her grief and that is what Ellie was going through grief and vengeance and then she has that moment of clarity that killing Abby won't bring Joel back, it won't bring her happiness or joy or even closure it will just remain and empty wound. And she grows at that moment, she lets it go and releases the grief.

    That made the ending so bitter sweet she gave everything up for that vengeance and arriving back at the farm and Dina and JJ are gone she sacrificed everything for something she realized to late wouldn't allow her to heal and that what she had needed had always been there. We sometimes learn to late in life what we always needed we already had, so it broke my heart.

    I am so hoping we get a Part 3 so I can get closure myself but at the same time I don't think we need a part 3 because Ellie finally healed, Abby finally healed and let go of her anger and grief and found someone else to take care of like Joel did with Ellie. If you played it as one game instead of two like I did I think the emotions are different and you get this roller coaster of healing from the grief as well.

    I get why some might not have liked it because they were playing it as two games you have to see it as one game you have to feel the same raw emotion and grief Ellie feels. It was a masterpiece of a game and something when I got done I just wanted to talk to someone anyone about.

    submitted by /u/sirdizzypr
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    My biggest problem with Part II

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 08:18 PM PDT

    So, I love the story of the 2nd game. However, my biggest (and really only) problem with the story is the order in which it's told. I understand that they wanted to have you playing as Abby halfway through being a surprise and all. However, I think it could have been a lot more impactful if it was done like this.

    So, everything plays out the same until you finish day 1 as Ellie. Then, it cuts to the Abby flashback and you play day 1 as Abby. And then day 2 as Ellie, day 2 as Abby. Then day 3 as Abby, and instead of being a cliffhanger from Ellie's perspective, it goes back to the start of day 3 as Ellie, so you already know what's going to happen. And you already know you have to kill Alice, Mel and Owen. That would make it a lot more conflicting, as you like all of these characters, but you know that Ellie has to kill them. Then in the theatre, you go back to playing as Abby and the rest of the game plays out the same way.

    submitted by /u/loomman529
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    He dreampt of ellie amd peace...

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 10:16 PM PDT

    What are your thoughts on Abby’s half of the game?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 02:29 PM PDT

    Abby's section is really the part of the game that didn't work for me. I should say I'm not one of those knuckleheads who hates Abby just because she is woman with muscle, I just thought narratively it felt a bit disconnected. I like a lot of the stuff in Abby's section, the side characters are all really interesting, the set pieces are amazing, it's far better then Ellie's section in terms of gameplay in my opinion. The story is very interesting as well, but I don't feel it ties in with Ellie's very well. When Abby's section started and we started seeing a bunch of characters who I remember killing as Ellie, I was really excited to see how those actions effected the other side of the story, but Abby never learns about the deaths of scar man (I don't remember his name sorry) and Nora. Then the parts that are connected with Ellie really feel like they come out of no where. The sniper section with Tommy and Manny is fantastic but it didn't feel built up to at all. It felt like you're playing as Abby doing shit with Yara and Lev and then all of a sudden Manny's back and you fight Tommy. I don't know, maybe I'm missing something. I still really like the game but that just didn't work with me.

    submitted by /u/OverlyCritical005
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    New dialogues in TLOU2?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 03:14 AM PDT

    I'm currently replaying TLOU2 and I believe there are more extra dialogue (like, hello Ellie, just simple dialogues) that I didn't remember were there on my first gameplay. (Mind that I'm still very early game in Jackson) Did they make those dialogues more aggressive in an update or did I just forget how the game actually goes?

    submitted by /u/bryanwt
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    Joel’s lie was the right decision

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 12:11 PM PDT

    Hey, so I was rewatching the walking dead and I made it to season two spoilers

    There's a scene in the second season when Carl wakes up after his surgery and asks if they've found Sophia yet? Rick lies to him, telling Carl they have found her and not to worry.

    This got me thinking about Joel's lie to Ellie and why Joel and Rick lies here and if it was the right decision.

    I believe it was the right decision to lie.

    Let's look at the end of part 1 again. Ellie is very vulnerable there. She's recounting all that she has lost, everyone she's lost and what it means without the cure. It's here that it's clear she suffers from survivors guilt. So when she asks Joel to tell the truth, I believe he done the right thing by lying.

    Ellie is young and it's easy to forget that although they live in a harsh world, it doesn't mean you aren't used to it. Joel was saving Ellie trauma. Maybe he thought he'd tell her someday, it's hard to know. All I know is in that moment, Joel made the right decision.

    With this guilt she already has, who knows who would've happened to her mentally if Joel told the truth? Would she have gone as far as self harm or suicide even? It's hard to know for sure. All we can really bet on is that it would've traumatized her.

    I guess I'm tired of hearing the "Joel's lie was wrong" argument. It really makes no sense why Joel would tell the truth there. If anything, it would've broke character if he did.

    submitted by /u/sevenbiscuit7
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    For those who disagree with Joel saving Ellie...

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 02:17 PM PDT

    why wouldn't you do the same thing?

    submitted by /u/trestro24
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    Okay, I gotta ask a question that everyone must have had in their mind: are these guys even human?!

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 01:33 PM PDT

    It's been a while that the game is around, but seriously? These seraphite brutes aren't made with flesh and blood, there's just no way they are. I'm aware that Joel, Abby and even the relatively skinny Ellie are all physical beasts of their own, but these guys are superhuman even by this universe's standards! They can lift Ellie off the ground with a single arm, eat a bullet in their head, a goddamn shotgun blast at point-blank range. Not even clickers are that durable. And don't even get me started on that monster from Haven!

    And to think that fighting off a skinny runner/clicker is already a hard task for Joel and the others...let's be glad that these guys never got infected...

    submitted by /u/Super-Shenron
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    What's the best parts of the TLoU games?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 05:46 AM PDT

    For me, it's:

    TLOU1: story and cinematics, intimate character studies, powerful themes and motivations

    TLOU2: level design, music, gameplay, environmental storytelling

    The story is superior in the first game, the gameplay mechanics in the second. Imagine if we get the best of both worlds in the third game!

    submitted by /u/Kitchen-Following-83
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    Thought experiment: If Maria...

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 12:48 PM PDT

    Hello friends,

    imagine Maria had locked up Ellie as Tommy advised her.

    He might have succeeded in avenging his brother and coming back in best health. Just think about it - all complications arised from Ellie's journey. We don't save Tommy at any point and he seemed to be getting the job done just fine.

    Locking Ellie up (which was really the only way to stop her) would have had consequences like Ellie losing her trust in Jackson and is generally improbable (they'd have to keep her locked up almost month and a half before they know for sure Tommy isn't coming back and it would require incredible confidence he will succeed) but yet.

    submitted by /u/hahavatabaklava
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