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    Wednesday, May 12, 2021

    The Last of Us | So, this is what Abby looks like in some concept art. Like a different person entirely.

    The Last of Us | So, this is what Abby looks like in some concept art. Like a different person entirely.

    So, this is what Abby looks like in some concept art. Like a different person entirely.

    Posted: 11 May 2021 08:14 AM PDT

    I painted my Collectors Edition Ellie Statue

    Posted: 11 May 2021 05:20 PM PDT

    Finally Got Platinum

    Posted: 11 May 2021 01:26 PM PDT

    Custom painted TLOU Converse shoes!

    Posted: 11 May 2021 07:23 PM PDT

    My Idea for What The Last of Us Part III could look like

    Posted: 11 May 2021 08:09 PM PDT

    (*Mods please remove if this breaks the rules)

    The Last of Us Part II was one of my favourite games of the last generation. Neil Druckmann and the team at Naughty Dog created one of the most emotional journeys in video games, which expertly manipulated the player into going through a whole range of visceral emotions. From abject loss, a burning desire for revenge, fear, regret and acceptance. The game was polarizing for many, not helped by reactionary YouTube grifters turning the game into part of their culture war narrative, but ultimately what I think Naughty Dog achieved will stand the test of time as one of gaming's best stories.

    I thankfully did not have the game spoiled for me going in, and I actually wasn't the biggest fan of the original game despite enjoying my time with it. I thought Uncharted was where Naughty Dog were at their best, but Part II proved me wrong. I can safely say, I am obsessed with this game even nearly a year since I completed the story of Ellie and Abby. I have consumed all the interviews I could find with the cast and crew, and I highly recommend the insanely well produced 8-episode official Last of Us podcast that features interviews with the creators and acting talent behind both the first and second games (I have listened to it all twice!!).

    Be warned, we are going to spoil everything about Part I and II. I am going to pitch what I feel would be a cool direction for a third entry in the franchise.

    So you have been warned.

    Part III:

    Now my idea for the game is very open to change but I have some broad themes I want to keep the same.

    So the game would open in Jackson, almost twenty years (the gap between Sarah's death and Joel and Ellie's relationship beginning) after the events of Part II. Jackson has expanded even more and now shows signs of being a small city. Larger buildings, more cars and more semblance of pre-cordyceps life are returning. I really enjoyed the glimpse into Jackson life in Part II, and was pretty gutted to learn from Druckmann that the winter dance was actually meant to be a long playable section that was cut. The world of the Last of Us is so rich I would definitely love to explore life 40 years after the outbreak.

    Although this is perhaps too obvious, I feel it would be fitting to play as JJ, the son of Jessie and Dina and stepson of Ellie. In the town I would say Maria is still the boss, but obviously growing older and wearier. I would have Tommy still be around, still affected by Part II but not as broken as he was at the end of the game. The optimist in me would like to see him and Maria reconcile to some extent. Also due to the responsibility and guilt he felt in Jessie's death I would like him to have some role in raising JJ, similar to his relationship with Ellie shown through flashbacks in Part II.

    Now for Dina and Ellie. I would say that in this setup Ellie did return to Jackson for a time, but could not resolve her differences with Dina and left after a few years. I would like JJ to remember that Ellie was active in his life and was a positive influence (perhaps even taught him guitar? Something passed down from Joel and a connection that can exist across the span of time that they don't see each other).

    Now the hook of the game for me would be for JJ to go and seek out Ellie. I've mulled over some reasons why but I feel maybe it could be because of his mother Dina dying. Perhaps being on her death bed and telling JJ where he could maybe find Ellie. And this is what would set off the events of the game.

    When I was initially playing Last of Us Part II, I thought one of the main themes of the game was going to be this adventure of the next generation of survivors, and why that did happen to an extent it wasn't really the focus. But what was extremely interesting to me was seeing teenagers who did not remember the pre-cordyceps world and grew up in a world of brutal violence.

    Ellie, Dina and Jessie were all vicious killers who were not fazed by killing or seeing death. I feel this could be expanded upon with JJ — how does the second generation of people who grew up in the Last of Us world view violence and destruction? This is why I also want JJ to be accompanied by either another companion or two. I want this to feel a bit like Stand by Me and have this group who are somewhat mature for their age in certain ways, but mature through really getting to experience the world outside Jackson as they make their way across the country in search of Ellie. I wouldn't mind Tommy accompanying them part of the way too.

    I also really liked the flashback sequences in Part II and I think you could use them to great effect in Part III. I think it could focus on JJ growing up in Jackson, his relationship with his mother Dina and Tommy, and his experiences with Ellie while she was around.

    Abby and Lev:

    For a long time I was against Abby and Lev appearing in a Part III, as I do not want these characters to interact with Ellie again. I feel the last scene between them is a perfect finale to their antagonistic relationship. However, I would absolutely love to see these two again and see how much they have grown in 20 years.

    A cool scenario I could see is JJ's paths potentially crossing with Lev. Lev would be in his 30s and could maybe stumble across the group while out on Firefly business. I am picturing a similar scenario to Sam and Henry from Part I, where they briefly team up with Joel and Ellie to survive. I think you could go one of two ways with their interactions. Maybe have them bond and Lev is oblivious to both who they are and who they are looking for, or he can maybe suspect there is a connection between them — but this is dependent on how much Abby had told him about her conflict with Jackson.

    I feel the group could later get into some trouble only to be rescued by Abby, who through conversation slowly realises that these guys are looking for Ellie and JJ is either (or both) Dina's child who she spared, while also potentially being the son of Jessie who she killed. I would maybe want a little hint from her that she knows this before they separate, a kind of bittersweet moment in that she spared his life by sparing Dina while also being the one to kill his father. Again, it is pretty unclear how much of a good look she got at Jessie, maybe she could piece it together if JJ reveals how his father died? But nevertheless, I feel it would be important for her to piece together that she has a historic connection to this guy.

    Ideally, you would end Abby and Lev's story there. Just a brief crossing of paths to show us how they are coping but to also remind us of how devastating her battle with Jackson was for all involved. Of course, Lev and Abby would still be a part of the Fireflies, and presumably looking for a cure? But I'd say Abby would not want to dig up old wounds and would leave Ellie alone after she spared her life.


    So let's get to Ellie. At some point in the story JJ is going to find Ellie, ideally I think he should be alone for this part. In my head, Ellie is alone living in a cabin or something similar in the wilderness. Sometimes trading with locals and hunting off the land to sustain herself. I would make her more gruff than she had been previously, but still retain some of her wit and charm. Neil Druckmann spoke a lot about how Joel coped with horrible life events after his daughter Sarah died. He would keep moving forward and wouldn't allow himself to grow close to people or else the pain he felt when Sarah passed couldreturn and be unbearable. I feel Ellie could maybe employ a similar mechanism to stop her from dealing with more pain like she did with Joel. I would have her be cold in her initial appearance. She would also be a similar age to Joel in Part I.

    I'm not sure how it would go but Ellie and JJ would need some time to bond. Perhaps the group JJ had been with have been captured and Ellie and him have to set out on a Joel-Ellie style journey to rescue them. And this is where the parallel with the first game would really set in, as you travel across the country together.

    I think to full-circle the Last of Us trilogy you want Ellie to realise and completely understand why Joel did what he did in the first game as she now find herself in the parent role in a relationship. I think there could be some scenario where she has to save JJ with dire consequences for someone. Again, I am not completely sure on the details of what this would look like, but I think it would be a nice way to wrap up Ellie's arc. She becomes Joel in a way, and like how Ellie gave Joel a reason to embrace his humanity, I would have JJ be a reason for Ellie to re-embrace her own humanity.

    Can the Last of Us have a happy ending?

    So that in short is the barebones through line of where I would want the narrative to go if a Part III was ever made. I am sure Druckmann has drawn up a far more compelling story than me in his own head. But Last of Us as a franchise has never cared what the player wants. Players may have wanted Joel to let Ellie become a cure, but he didn't because he is Joel and not the player, for the same reason Ellie went after Abby despite most of us wanting her to stay with Dina and JJ.

    But could a happy ending exist for Ellie? Ashley Johnson has expressed a desire to reprise the role and in the Last of Us podcast has suggested that Ellie does deserve a happy ending. Maybe her and JJ could have a 'normal' and peaceful life that Joel had always wanted for the pair of them? Maybe the best way she could honour him is to live a life that he would have wanted, with JJ. Maybe she returns to Jackson or maybe they set off to start a new life.

    The Last of Us has very cynical views on humanity, and even when dealing with questions of love it is usually asking us how far we would go and what we would do if the ones we loved were in danger or had been hurt. Could this message be about trying to hold on to something when the whole world is shit and your experience of the world have been traumatic? Or about finding peace with yourself, your regrets, flaws and pain as you get older?

    I obviously trust Druckmann, Halley Gross and the writing team with whatever they decide to come up with. I just thought it would be fun to put my ideas out there and what I feel would make sense for a Part III after my own interpretation of the previous two games and after listening to what Troy Baker, Ashley Johnson, Laura Bailey, Shannon Woodward, Neil Druckmann and Halley Gross had to say about the story of The Last of Us and The Last of Us Part II.

    submitted by /u/tommycahil1995
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    This is it. It was this moment that solidified TLOU2 as one of my favourite games of all time.

    Posted: 11 May 2021 06:01 AM PDT

    Maybe I'm late to the party or I'm just the only person dumb enough to discuss something everyone already knows, but I haven't seen this mentioned before. What gripped me so much about the final fight is the fact that, absolutely battered, covered in blood, filled with nothing but desperation and rage, saying nothing and screaming and grunting like feral beasts, Ellie and Abby sound and look like nothing more than common Runners.

    Considering the ending, I feel like this only emphasises Ellie's hollowness and loss of humanity for the sake of revenge, while also emphasising Abby's animalistic desperation to protect the only thing she has left after losing everything as a result of her act of vengeance.

    I found this part absolutely unplayable. There were so many moments where I couldn't complete the QTEs and I kept my distance to stop from having to fight. I've never felt so sick and shattered while engaging with a piece of art before. I had come to care for them both and didn't want to see either of them hurt anymore.

    For me, this game is a masterpiece, as is the first one. I recently played FF7 Remake and hated it with all of my being, which may be why this game seems even better to me than what it might actually be. (¯―¯٥) Nonetheless, both TLOU games definitely take a (shared) spot in my top five of all time.

    **Also, I think Ellie is headed to find Fireflies (or any medical centre, I guess) to be used to make a vaccine. At this point, I think she feels she has nothing left and this would work as her final, redemptive, "meaningful" act.

    submitted by /u/souzeh
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    Was anyone else disappointed by this aspect of Part II? (not a hater, favorite game ever)

    Posted: 11 May 2021 08:34 AM PDT

    Just the fact that almost all of the game took place in one geographical location, Seattle. I know we got a lot of varied locations within Seattle, and some great sections in Jackson and SB to bookend the story.

    But one thing I loved SO much about the first game was the cross-country aspect of it. Each level/location felt really unique and special, and it really added to the narrative arc, and the bond between Joel and Ellie.

    I was so hyped about the different places we'd see in Part II, and it might be my biggest disappointment with the game, spending 20 hours in one city. Maybe ND just really wanted to do something different from the first game, and sticking to one locale did work in that sense. I just hope the next game has even more variation.

    I wonder if most people even noticed this difference between the two games as they were playing, or was it just me? If you did think about it, what are your opinions on the change?

    submitted by /u/suffan1895
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    (Courtroom) Grounded + No HUD

    Posted: 11 May 2021 03:46 PM PDT

    Last of Us Remastered is SERIOUS����

    Posted: 11 May 2021 10:07 AM PDT

    Just finished the game

    Posted: 11 May 2021 09:07 AM PDT

    Wow. Just wow. This is a simple appreciation post.

    Maybe it's because I haven't played current video games (I've had a PS4 collecting dust in a cabinet for the last four years and only brought it out to play The Walking Dead during the pandemic) but I was in awe of the gameplay and visuals.

    Don't even get me started on the story and characters! The depth of emotion captured in this game is beyond anything I've experienced before. (Don't get me wrong, TWD really went there also... but there is something about the realistic, human rendering in TLOU that makes the emotions so fucking raw).

    I really don't know what to do with myself. I started playing it over on a higher challenge setting, of course. But I'm not sure my heart can be ravaged again.

    Bravo, Naughty Dog, bravo!

    submitted by /u/CarolandDaryl
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    i love taking my time while reading the notes and exploring the buildings

    Posted: 11 May 2021 12:28 PM PDT

    i just think it's so cool seeing the remnants from before the apocalypse and i love the stories from the notes. they make the world so haunting and beautiful and it makes me think about how it would be if we actually experienced something like that irl

    submitted by /u/Responsible_Egg7519
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    An (almost) 1 year retrospective on Part 2

    Posted: 11 May 2021 07:42 PM PDT

    TL;DR at the end.

    So, I'll be honest. I saw the spoilers at launch, and bought the game anyway, and didn't like it, mainly due to the same reasons that others did. I thought the character switch, writing, and pacing was bad.

    Some of what I say is kinda controversial in the community, but I believe that it is relevant in both praising and criticizing TLOU 2

    After I finished my playthrough a few days after launch, I traded the game in. I didn't want to think about it compared to TLOU 1. Honestly, I just wanted to forget the game existed and move on.

    Now, around the beginning of May, I replayed TLOU 1 (part of my yearly tradition), and simply wanted more. I picked up TLOU 2, expecting to feel the same as I did the first time. This could not be farther from the truth.

    I was immediately sucked back into the world. What immediately stood out to me was how much better the game played then the first one. It was similar, but also different. Playing on hard, I was always on my toes and tense looking for ammo and approaching combat in different ways. The world, graphics, gameplay, animations and more are all leagues better in the sequel.

    I had to mentally prepare myself for the "scene." Obviously I knew it was coming, and wasn't shocked, but it was still very sad and uncomfortable to watch, mainly due to the sheer brutality exhibited by Abby. However this time I remembered a throwaway line from when Dina and Ellie are first entering Seattle.

    "Joel wronged a lotta people. I have no idea who they are."

    Joel wasn't a bad person. Ellie isn't either. Neither is Abby. The world of TLOU is brutal, and people do what they have to do to survive, and commit terrible acts of violence to avenge/help those they love. For instance, in the first game David is definitely not a good person. I don't believe he was totally evil either though. Joel killed him to save Ellie, and wiped out most of his colony in the process. The implications of this are huge; most of the fighters and hunters in his group are killed, and this would almost certainly mean more deaths for the weak, such as the children, on top of those that Joel already killed.

    Joel killing the Fireflies is another example of this. They aren't bad, but they aren't good either. For instance, they blew up multiple checkpoint in QZ zones, which killed civilians as well as soldiers. They did what they thought was right, but it came at the cost of commiting what is essentially terrorist attacks. They could have had a cure in Ellie, but Joel did what he did in order to save her, because he loved her.

    In the end of the first game, Joel "did what he had to do." This is referenced again at the beginning of Part 2 in his conversation with Tommy. This hurt people, potentially a lot of people, and killed Abby's father in the process.

    Ellie's mission to kill Abby mirrors Abby's mission to kill Joel in a lot of ways. Both of their father figures are brutally murdered, and both believe that killing the murderer will give them closure. Both commit terrible acts along the way, with Abby potentially risking her friends lives in the process (more on this later), and Ellie killing all of those involved with Joel's death, not just the murderer.

    In my mind, Ellie's journey is one of hatred, revenge, and eventually forgiveness, whereas Abby's is one of hatred, revenge, closure, and acceptance. Abby does not feel guilty about killing Joel, and in the world of TLOU I believe that is perfectly justified. However, Ellie ultimately changes her mind about killing Abby. I believe this happened because not only did she see herself and Joel in Abby and Lev, but also because the realizes the destruction that she wrought on them. She killed a pregnant woman (it's realistic to assume that she thought of Dina, and probably feels guilty), and almost all of Abby's loved ones. She has done enough damage.

    At the end of the game, both characters have lost almost everyone that they care about due to the violence that they decided to do to others. Ellie lost Dina and JJ, and Abby lost everyone but Lev. Their motivations make sense, and they do what they think they should given the circumstances.

    I do have some critiques.

    The sex scene between Owen and Abby was forced, and not necessary to the plot, especially compared to Ellie and Dina's. I posted a meme on the other sub around this time last year, and that is pretty much my only old opinion on the game that still holds true today. It's just bad.

    I wish we would've seen more of Abby's journey to kill Joel, so that way we could've sympathized with her more initially, and also gotten to know her supporting cast better. They are good characters just not expanded on enough imo.

    Abby's section seemed to drag on a bit. I mainly feel like this is because it didn't contain enough meaningful story compared to Ellie's, but this is my opinion and understand why someone would think otherwise.

    I thought it was strange the Ellie would not forgive Seth. I understand that he is a bigot, but I believe he was truly trying to better himself. This is just a nitpick though.

    Some of Druckman's Twitter use was strange, and so was the marketing around the game. I understand him blocking bigots and homophobes, but calling people bigots because they don't like the game is silly. They have every right to criticize a product if they do not enjoy. Also, Joel being in Jesses scenes in the trailer was misleading. Not a fan.

    Overall, I love the game and just want to get my thoughts out there. I have a few gripes, but I don't believe they detract from the experience in any meaningful way, and would encourage anyone that is even thinking about replaying the game to do so, even if they did not like it initially.

    TL;DR: Game is good. Play game.

    submitted by /u/linktothepast99
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    I finally got my Ellie Nendoroid!♥️ isn’t she so cute? You need this in your life...

    Posted: 11 May 2021 02:14 AM PDT

    Catch me Ellie! Catch me!

    Posted: 11 May 2021 02:11 AM PDT

    New(ish) Last of Us Podcast

    Posted: 11 May 2021 04:16 PM PDT

    Hey folks,

    Apologies if this has already been posted, but I stumbled across this new Last of Us Podcast called Sundown Promises: The Last of Us Podcast. I've listened to the first four episodes (that's all that's out thus far) and a bonus episode about the tv show. It's a couple of self-described "fangirls" talking about the game. New episodes come out every two weeks.

    They are going sloooooooow: each episode is 1hr+ and after 4 episodes they haven't even met Ellie yet in their scene-by-scene dissection of the game. I love listening to anything Last of Us, so I'm really enjoying and if there's anywhere on the web I'd find someone else interested, I think it would be here.


    submitted by /u/Working-Sandwich6372
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    The Last of Us Part II

    Posted: 11 May 2021 01:54 PM PDT

    So like... I'm about to fight the Rat King for the fifth(?) time... AND I'M TERRIFIED! Like EVERY TIME i do. But it's kinda worth it just so i can get to the SB part, it's my favourite part of the whole game. That and the last conversation Ellie and Joel had... Like GODDAMN it was beautiful all that explosion of emotions! LOVE the whole damn franchise!!

    TheLastofUs #TheLastofUsPartII #naughtydog

    submitted by /u/Puzzleheaded_Tune650
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    What if “The Last of Us” had an animated show?

    Posted: 11 May 2021 07:39 PM PDT

    Instead of the live action HBO show, what if Neil had worked with an animation company like Sony or Warner Brothers., or maybe Adult Swim with the original voice actors from the game playing the characters from the show?

    submitted by /u/KingDawg72
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    What's your story idea for Part 3?

    Posted: 11 May 2021 05:21 PM PDT

    I had an idea that part 3 could start with Abby and the Fireflies finding another doctor who can make a vaccine and then needing to find Ellie and convincing her to go back with them. At least as a way to get the game started. What are your ideas? 😁🍄

    submitted by /u/Saybrooke
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    Put yourself in Joel’s shoes.

    Posted: 11 May 2021 12:02 PM PDT

    Would you save humanity and create a vaccine? Or suffer knowing that someone you've grew an attachment to will die again?

    Me and my friend were having a debate on wether we would save someone we love or save the world from preventing this from happening again?

    My question is for you.. what would you choose?

    submitted by /u/RD-archived
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    My poor sketch of ellie

    Posted: 11 May 2021 05:08 AM PDT

    [PART 2 SPOILERS] A sad parallel I noticed towards the end of the game.

    Posted: 11 May 2021 08:34 AM PDT

    As Ellie during the Santa Barbara section you are hunting down Abby, who herself was in search of Fireflies. Ellie can read a note left by Abby that states she is searching for them, meaning that Ellie is aware of that fact. I then had a thought while playing that was basically "what if Abby (and as such, also the Fireflies) actually were there" and then subsequently "would Ellie have endangered the lives of the Fireflies in her path to vengeance and killing Abby"?

    In her pursuit of revenge she'd be diminishing the chances of the Fireflies potentially which, at it's core, was the decision Joel made at the end of PT1 to save Ellie. She has all this survivor's guilt and hated that her choice was taken away from her, yet at the same time she'd be doing a very similar thing by potentially risking the lives of Fireflies to get to Abby.

    Joel took a chance away from the world to save Ellie which she deeply mourned, yet she'd be doing the same thing to "avenge" him.

    submitted by /u/Nadja_Doll
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    Bloater with the Assist (@24 Seconds).

    Posted: 11 May 2021 02:07 PM PDT

    Just finished TLOU2

    Posted: 12 May 2021 12:40 AM PDT

    Firstly. Wow. I've not played such an a immersive game in a while. I was hooked start to end.

    I started by absolutely hating Abby, I wanted her dead for what she did for Joel but as the story progressed into part 2 I actually started to like Abby.

    I could feel her pain for what happened to her father. She spared Ellie twice despite Ellie killing most of her friends and loved ones.

    The love she showed for Lev, even going as far as turning her back on the WLF to save him.

    By the end of the game I was rooting for Abby and I felt pretty mad that Ellie decided to leave the farm to go and find Abby AGAIN. It didn't help that Tommy ended up acting like a complete dick.

    The ending on the whole was meh. But woah I have to hand it to naughty dog for the world they built.

    submitted by /u/Haydnh266
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