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    Monday, May 10, 2021

    The Last of Us | My new drawing of the Bloater

    The Last of Us | My new drawing of the Bloater

    My new drawing of the Bloater

    Posted: 09 May 2021 08:24 PM PDT

    Happy Father’s Day, cosplay by me ��

    Posted: 09 May 2021 01:33 PM PDT

    A tribute to my fav game ever

    Posted: 09 May 2021 11:10 AM PDT

    Finally got the clicker now all I need is Joel

    Posted: 09 May 2021 02:03 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, I'm a professional illustrator and cartoonist, I made this Ellie fan art, I hope you like it

    Posted: 09 May 2021 07:31 AM PDT

    Last of us Europe setting?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 07:53 AM PDT

    Skateboarding grandma joke?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 07:07 PM PDT

    In Part II, on the boat in Santa Barbara, Ellie can find a note that says Abby told Lev Owen's joke about a skateboarding grandma. Does anyone know if there is such a joke? If so, what is it?

    submitted by /u/cadeaver
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    TLOU2, Crunch, and the hypocrisy of the gaming community.

    Posted: 09 May 2021 11:42 AM PDT

    Before I begin, this is NOT an anti TLOU2, or anti Jason Schreier post. I love TLOU 2 and I think Schreier is a solid if not great reporter.

    Im here to talk about the hypocrisy that surrounded the game, both when it came out, and when it won GOTY award last year.

    When it came time for GOTY there were thousands of people online rooting against TLOU2 "not because the game is bad, but because crunch is bad". This is not everyone, or even word for word, but that was the essence of people thoughts. Games that were made under crunch should not win GOTY, seems to be the philosophy, but where was this sentiment when RDR2 was nominated? Or when the Witcher 3 won GOTY? Or when Uncharted 4 could've won? Or when TLOU 1 was winning awards left and right? All games made under terrible crunch. Hell, Naughty Dog has been vocal about their working conditions long before TLOU2 was even announced. It wasn't until TLOU2 that people started to care, despite it being an issue since Uncharted 3. It wasn't until ND released a game, that some people didn't like, that crunch was brought up as an issue in the public's eye.

    People wonder why crunch has gone so far, to the point of being an industry standard, and one reason out of dozens has to do with the gaming communities double standard. Apart of me wonders, if TLOU2 was more universally beloved, like the first one, would most people care about the working conditions? Sure, people like Jason Schreier would have, but would the rest of the public care at all?

    It's good to see developers like super giant get love for not crunching, but it's disgusting that they were forced into the discussion at all. They just want to make games with love and passion, but now their ammo for people with an agenda against games they don't like and that were made under terrible conditions. And crunch IS horrible, let's not sugar coat it. But it seems like supergiant is being used like a toy rather than being appreciated for their passion. But hell if you only have 20 employees working, rather than 100 or more, it would be more shocking if you did employ crunch, then if you didn't. Especially when your game is a smaller production, and had early access, with no multi billion dollar corporation breathing down your neck to finish a game. That's not giving developers who do crunch an excuse, not at all; rather, it's showing the difference in development.

    However, it almost seems like people don't care about crunch, it seems like the gaming community cares more if they like the game or not. Using the games development history as an excuse to make themselves seem unbiased or virtuous, but not actually caring about the predatory and manipulative behavior that the gaming industry employs to abuse their workers.

    I highly recommend you watch "The Crunch Culture Conundrum" by Noodle, on YouTube. It's a great video breaking down crunch culture and how it's used to abuse workers, and destroy, young, talented artist. It's a nuanced video, and explores why the issue is more complicated than it seems.

    The Jason Schreier article about TLOU2 is also really interesting, and explores how crunch can backfire at the corporation. "As Naughty Dog Crunches On The Last Of Us II, Developers Wonder How Much Longer This Approach Can Last"

    I hope I made my points clears, crunch is horrible, and the hypocrisy/double standards shown by the gaming community is not helping solve the problem at hand; rather, it's only perpetuating it. ND isn't the only developers who crunch, not even close, and more effort should go into holding those accountable, wether you like the game or not.

    If you have anything to say, wether it's to add onto something I said, or disagree with something I said, I'm open to have conversation with you. Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/Ztarz22
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    First time posting something...

    Posted: 09 May 2021 12:14 PM PDT

    Does anyone else feel various emotions that you can't explain while listening to TLOU music?

    Gustavo Santaolalla did great job with the score. Love it.

    submitted by /u/Red_Tiger_LTU
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    Ellie cosplay by me �� find me on twitch:KATEVITAMIN

    Posted: 09 May 2021 01:36 PM PDT

    Found a couple interesting prototype files for Part II in the 1.10 patch for The Part I remaster. There's no upgrade guy or bike in part 2. More in comments

    Posted: 09 May 2021 06:18 PM PDT

    The Last Of Us speedrun (yes I do feel way too hilarious right now)

    Posted: 09 May 2021 04:50 AM PDT

    In about two weeks will be Sony's Investor Relations Day 2021. Here's why that matters... And why it doesn't

    Posted: 09 May 2021 05:59 PM PDT

    TL;DR: We might get updated sales numbers for TLOU2 on Sony's IR Day (May 27-29). It's basically the only Sony event at which it can happen, but it is still very likely that it doesn't happen. If it doesn't, we probably won't get sales numbers for another year.

    Sony doesn't announce sales numbers very often. And why should they? They know how much money they're making, and we have no real business in knowing. Yes, it's petty tribal bullshit to be rooting for a company or on the contrary to be putting another company down based on how much money people gave to them. But hell, that's basically what sports are, so fuck it. It's okay to like that sense of competition when the console or game you like is dominating the sales charts. And yes... It's okay to feel validated when a game/console you hate has poor sales numbers.

    I think a lot of people here have been subjected to the "TLOU2 didn't sell well therefore it is bad" arguments at one point or another. I certainly have and I've foolishly taken on the task of making them understand that "no sales data does not mean poor sales data" a lot more than once. Can't say it's worked often... Regardless, I think it would be useful to share some of this here because in a couple weeks these "sales bad tlou2 bad" arguments might come flooding in again. And also I think it's healthy to understand how these things work a little, I often see bad sales arguments made for games in general, not just TLOU2.

    The question at hand is: "If TLOU2 sold well, why haven't we heard of it?"

    Well obviously the main answer would be that haven't heard of it YET. Few games got more than one updates in their first year, as I said Sony doesn't announce sales numbers very often. Basically, when it comes to Sony first party games, we can expect to get sales numbers in some select occasions:

    1. Sony's CES conference in January of each year

    2. Sony's Investor Relations Day (IR Day) which is usually in late May

    3. When a game breaks a launch sales record

    4. When a game breaks some specific sales record (eg fastest selling new IP)

    5. When a particular announcement related to the game happens (eg launch anniversary, studio acquisition or movie being made)

    When it comes to TLOU2, 4 and 5 will probably not happen. TLOU2 is not a new IP and no IP can ever reach the sheer popularity of Spider-Man. So it's doubtful that we'd get TLOU2 sales figures for bragging rights only, there's nothing to brag about when Spider-Man and God of War are such sales monsters. And for that reason 1 is probably out too. Numbers announced at CES are usually outstanding records, like Uncharted 4 which was their fastest selling exclusive at the time, or Spider-Man which blew everything else out the water. In any case, this year's CES conference did not focus on Playstation at all anyway.

    We probably won't get sales updates as an aside with a specific announcement (eg relating to the HBO show or a PS5 remake) because those are usually made by the studio directly and Naughty Dog has never directly announced sales numbers like this.

    So basically the only times we could reasonably expect sales numbers from Sony on TLOU2 is if it breaks some launch sales record (which it did, 4M copies in 3 days) or at Sony's IR Day. We'll know soon enough (IR Day 2021 is spread out over May 27-29)

    Basically, as it stands right now, the reason we haven't heard of TLOU2's sales is because there has been no occasion for them to be shared.

    So now two scenarios can open up.

    Scenario 1: We get sales numbers on IR Day

    Great. Enjoy the irrational sports pride, your team probably won. Even in the most pessimistic scenario it's doubtful that TLOU2's sales would be below 9M by now. HOWEVER: Do not go posting those over on "that other sub". First of all that would be brigading, though it's not like their mods (or anyone over there) understand that word. But more importantly, it's a losing battle. You'd just get hit with a barrage of "nobody cares" or "shipped, not sold" (as if 5M copies are sitting on shelves lmao). Playing chess with a pigeon, you know the deal.

    Scenario 2: We do not get sales numbers on IR Day

    Too bad. That means it's very unlikely we get updated sales numbers until a year or two from now on another IR Day. It might be possible that we get sales numbers when they announce Factions or a TLOU2 Remastered version, but I wouldn't hold my breath. As I said, it's not Naughty Dog's style.

    But more importantly, that does not mean it didn't sell well. Sony's IR Day sales numbers are more often than not used to show the growth in Sony's business by comparing the numbers to previous years/games, so a relevant use of TLOU2's sales would be to compare them to TLOU1. But instead of showing how much more it sold over its first year, they might wait to do that until it sells more copies overall than TLOU1, which would take a while considering how much TLOUR sold on PS4.

    Ultimately, Sony has no obligation to share sales numbers, and not sharing them is not in any way, shape or form a sign that they are disappointing. It just means they didn't feel compelled to share them. In a world where Spider-Man 2018 exists, it's going to be years until any Sony exclusive compels them to share sales numbers for sheer bragging rights. It will probably only happen with Spider-Man 2

    submitted by /u/dospaquetes
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    Was Playing on grounded mode and these Mfs was really trynna jump me (god I love this game)

    Posted: 09 May 2021 02:27 PM PDT

    Thread of "LESSER" known small details

    Posted: 09 May 2021 02:02 PM PDT

    What small details have any of you noticed, that have gone mainly unnoticed? Not long ago, I found out that rain affects the camera depending on the camera angle, especially if you look up at the sky! What else do we got?

    submitted by /u/Joeyisthebessst
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    Ellie - Vendetta

    Posted: 09 May 2021 11:37 AM PDT

    In need of your video game recommendations

    Posted: 09 May 2021 08:26 PM PDT

    Tlou was the first game to ever make me tear up. I want your emotional game list. I have played life is strange/2, I have also heard great things of red dead 2 but never played it.

    submitted by /u/AJRay41
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    How many times have you played part 2?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 06:37 PM PDT

    Just curious how everyone else stacks up

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/tylerc371
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    In your opinion, which one of the factions is the best one of the games and why?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 07:57 PM PDT

    For me it might be either the WLF or FEDRA, those two are just too damn OP for the world they exist in, however, regarding the first one, the fact that a group of cultist with bows, arrows, hammers and a couple of old bolt action rifles are able to stand up to it, when they have humvees, semi automatic rifles, attack hounds, explosives and just a general obscenely big amount of assets trained in the use of military equipment and tactics under their sleeve gives you something to think about...perhaps the real OP faction are the Seraphites, however, I think their strength really lies in their guerrila style warfare tactics than in their sheer numbers, Seattle´s environment does encourage a less traditional approach to conflict after all.

    submitted by /u/Sh0-m3rengu35
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    I covered Chasing a Rumor from Part II on classical guitar and ukulele. Let me know what you all think. One of my favorite songs ever.

    Posted: 09 May 2021 09:33 AM PDT

    Anyone ever wonder what the significance of the Moth is on Ellies arm?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 12:27 AM PDT

    A firefly would be a bit on the nose, however it would make sense. But its not a firefly. Its a moth.

    As far as I can remember, moths were never a motif in the 1st game. So where did this moth come from? Whats it mean? Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/bodhasattva
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    Is anyone more interested by the Seraphite and WLF conflict than the actual story with Ellie?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 12:51 PM PDT

    So much more could have been done with the conflict, and while it makes sense to not see too much of it as Ellie, we could have at least gotten a map or something

    submitted by /u/Bojac420
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    Trophy not working in TLOU2?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 04:19 PM PDT

    I'm trying to get the platinum but there is a trophy that's not working. Its "Learn all player upgrades" and I definitely have all the upgrades, but no trophy. It's been like this for two days and wondering if anyone else has had this happen to them?

    submitted by /u/WalkinInHawkins15
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