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    Tuesday, May 18, 2021

    The Last of Us | I have a silly, cartoony drawing style but gawd do I love this game

    The Last of Us | I have a silly, cartoony drawing style but gawd do I love this game

    I have a silly, cartoony drawing style but gawd do I love this game

    Posted: 18 May 2021 12:39 PM PDT

    Drawing is my friend talent and look at what she did ����

    Posted: 18 May 2021 07:12 AM PDT

    A fan art of Joel I made on toned paper

    Posted: 18 May 2021 11:16 AM PDT

    Ellie - TLOU2 Charcoal Pencil Drawing by me 'Simon Powell illustrations'

    Posted: 18 May 2021 03:24 PM PDT

    The last of us 2 Dina being Jewish

    Posted: 18 May 2021 09:30 AM PDT

    I have to say, as a former Jew (currently athiest) I thought that scene in TLoU2 where ellie and dina go into the synagogue was awesome. That's one thing from this game that makes it even better with diversity. There's gay characters, trans characters, women that are strong, and even a character thats jewish that I think makes this game all the better. It was great seeing dina explain to ellie what a synagogue was since she was still kinda like, "idk, that's what my family told me"

    submitted by /u/FringeBoi04
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    TLOU2 is a masterpiece of storytelling.

    Posted: 18 May 2021 04:55 PM PDT

    It's not quite Rdr2 in terms of scope and AI and the general script. But in terms of a heart wrenching interrogation into the human condition, the almost Shakespearean introspection into revenge, the change in perspective of villain/hero, redemption, seeking forgiveness, asking forgiveness, dramatic irony, poetic justice etc. So many themes it navigates through effortlessly, it could have been very cliche and full of tropes, which arguably these are trope filled themes, but it's executed perfectly. I loved the masterstroke of having Joel die early on, completely flipping expectations. It was the right ignition for the story to fulfil its theme. They might have lost their humanity to the infected, but humanity rests on that balance between beauty and brutality. A masterpiece.

    submitted by /u/mrwhitemeat
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    Militia Base Exterior by Me

    Posted: 18 May 2021 09:36 PM PDT

    Oh yeahhh...

    Posted: 18 May 2021 08:37 AM PDT

    TLOU Themed Half Sleeve (Complete & Healed)

    Posted: 18 May 2021 03:47 PM PDT

    The Farmhouse

    Posted: 18 May 2021 03:25 PM PDT

    I just finished the farmhouse section on my second playthrough. On my first play I found it really disjointing and weird, and I was angry that Ellie abandoned her life and family and happiness to go get revenge after all.

    However, this time I realized something vital to the story: Ellie doesn't leave because of Abby, but because of JOEL.

    When we get to the farmhouse we see that Ellie has the picture perfect life: she's got a girl, a kid, a nice farmhouse out in the country, which is the dream Dina told her she would have in a normal world. Everything's great, BUT we see in her PTSD flashback that she hears Joel screaming for help, implying that she feels guilty. But there's no reason for her to feel guilty over his death, other than the survivors guilt that would be a normal reaction. There was almost nothing she could have done to prevent it, and she would be able to recognize and accept that in a world this harsh, and she's almost certainly had to deal with similar feelings before, so why does she feel guilt connected to Joel? We'll get to that in a bit.

    Another thing to note, is that Ellie really isn't happy at all. In her journal we see that she can barely think about Joel or Seattle without having an episode, and her poem is about the pain not going away. She tells Dina she's barely eating or sleeping. She doesn't understand how Dina can talk about Jesse and can't draw Abby or Joel's faces.

    When Tommy comes by, Ellie doesn't argue with him that she has a good life, that she can't abandon her family, etc. She doesn't even say a word. It's Dina that defends her and says she isn't going, but when Dina goes out to confront Tommy, Ellie gazes at the map with a distant look on her face.

    The thing that finally prompts Ellie to go is when she plays the song on the guitar that played at the dance her last night she saw Joel. Her second to last conversation with him was very harsh and mean. And at last we come to why she left: she feels guilty that she never forgave Joel. She feels guilt that she never took that hard step to forgive him and let him back into her life. She doesn't go because she feels this burning need to kill Abby. Dina says "You don't owe Tommy anything." and I got the distinct impression that Ellie's immediate thought was "But I owe Joel everything." She feels she owes it to his memory to avenge him or die trying. That's why she leaves. It's not because of hate, it's because of her love for Joel. I'm not saying it's right for her to go, but I understand her a lot more now.

    submitted by /u/ladrac1
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    Finally got my Troy Baker and Jeffery Pierce autographs signed :)

    Posted: 18 May 2021 02:42 PM PDT

    Finally after waiting for so long I have one.

    Posted: 18 May 2021 10:36 AM PDT

    I got Ellie’s birthday cassette with the actual moon landing recording

    Posted: 18 May 2021 01:07 PM PDT

    I love this series not just because of the amazing story and cast of characters. But also because of how much it mirrors my current life, at least for Joel and Ellie

    Posted: 18 May 2021 01:42 PM PDT

    So I played the first game back in 2015 and loved it like I'm sure most of you did. Still one of my favorite games of all time. But it left me a bit forlorn at the end because of the one thing I was missing that Ellie now had: a father figure. My dad left me and my mom when I was 3 and I have no memories from when I was that age. But, I still loved the plot of the first game and replayed it countless times. So then, when Part II came out last year, guess who decided to pop into my life again? My dad. But this time, he was here to stay.

    He first got in touch with me and my mom in September and I met him for the first time in October. Not only did I look like him, I was just unsure of how to deal with him being around now. How do I know he wouldn't up and leave again? Well, I didn't. But I gave him a chance and we started talking regularly from then on. I'd text him every day, call him once a week, then eventually I started staying with him on weekends. He also came to my birthday party and we spent time on Christmas and New Years. It was going great. It really was, and it still is. I'm glad to have an actual dad in my life now.

    So, getting to the title of my post, I want to spell out how exactly this series mirrors my life. In the beginning, things were kind of awkward between us like it was for Joel and Ellie. He wasn't controlling like Joel though, thankfully, but being around each other was just like we had no idea what we were doing or what to say. About a month or two later, we were to the point where I genuinely cared about him to some degree, not loving him, but at least wanting him around, much like what happened when Joel got hurt by the Hunters and Ellie had to help nurse him. And we did have a moment where I was going through some bad stuff in my life and had a breakdown in front of him and, just like Joel, he hugged me and called me his "baby girl" for the first time to calm me down. Good stuff.

    And, just like in Part II, I also had a lovely museum experience just like Ellie (though I didn't get to climb a T-Rex or put a hat on a dinosaur sadly). I love STEM (and plan on being a science teacher) and he took me to the local science and industry museum in February as a total surprise. It made my day and I felt like a little kid again. That was also the first day I finally told him I love him.

    So that's about it. I will say it hasn't been all sunshine and rainbows with us. I don't fully and unconditionally trust him for obvious reasons. But it's enough where I care about and love him deeply, and I know he loves me like nothing else. I will say he does remind me of Joel in some ways in terms of his mannerisms and demeanor. Calm, quiet and of course protective of me but not controlling. And he's taught me shooting and hunting, so that's cool. I feel like that missing part of my life is finally filled. I'm glad to have my Joel.

    submitted by /u/lavish_bonus
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    I know how insane naughty dog’s attention to detail is, so any idea what is this suppose to mean? Was there a pin there? did they even mention this?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 06:33 AM PDT

    Stoked to find the special edition at a used game store for like $30, even though it’s the censored version lol

    Posted: 18 May 2021 01:44 AM PDT

    The Last of Us part 2 was such a good game, why did everyone hate on it.

    Posted: 18 May 2021 05:59 PM PDT

    I just completed the game recently and found the experience beautiful. I played the first game on PS4 back when the remaster launched and avoided the sequel because of the overwhelmingly bad reputation it got, but once I actually tried playing it, I really liked it. Basically, I just wanted to know what exactly made people hate it this much. Was it because the story was too sad for them to accept or they just blindly started hating on it as everybody did? I also seriously believe people miss understood the story and refused to view Abby's perspective. What do you think about this?

    submitted by /u/TheRealEpic43
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    Parallel Coincidences. (Spoilers) (Discussion)

    Posted: 18 May 2021 04:42 PM PDT

    So one of the more interesting parallels I've come to notice thru my multiple runs of TLOU2 is the coincidental choice and timing of both Abby's arrival in Jackson and Ellie's arrival in Santa Barbara.

    The more talked about one is Abby's coincidental timing of arriving in Jackson (mostly due to haters), but no one really talks about how Ellie's arrival in Santa Barbara is just as coincidental but, with a different outcome.

    •Abby's arrival in Jackson: Owen shows Abby Jackson. He points out a patrol he saw and tells her Mel's pregnant, implying that revenge isn't worth it anymore. Learning this upsets her and impacts her to make a reckless choice to go after the nearest patrol. She proceeds to get in a dangerous situation and it just so happens Joel is there to save her; only for him to be murdered by her right after.

    •Ellie's arrival in Santa Barbara: Tommy shows Ellie the map of Abby's last known location in Santa Barbara. He points out how Ellie promised him she'd "make her pay" when Ellie is hesitant about going after her. Learning this news and her consistent PTSD episodes impact her to make a reckless choice to go after Abby's last known location. She proceeds to put herself in a dangerous situation and it just so happens she finds Abby in time to save her life; only for her to attempt to murder her right after.

    The main difference of these two parallels is, of course, the outcome. Ellie comes to see and understand what the cycle of violence/hatred is by remembering her love for Joel. She choses to let go of hatred and shows empathy and mercy to Abby and Lev. This speaks volumes to her as a character; choosing to do this in a setting where doing that is extremely rare.

    Lastly, I'd like to point out its not just the timing that is instrumental to these coincidences but the state of mind and ultimately the choices of these characters.

    submitted by /u/Jimmy-DeLaney
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    “No Matter How Hard You Try, You Can't Escape Your Past.” (A Character Analysis Of Joel Miller)

    Posted: 18 May 2021 07:42 PM PDT

    This post will contain spoilers for both TLOU Part 1 and 2.

    Joel is a complicated man to say the least. On one hand we have a loving father, willing to go to hell and back for his kid. On the other hand.. he is a cold blooded killer.

    In my eyes in the first game, Joel is a good man doing bad things. After losing his daughter Sarah during outbreak day, he has to adjust to the new world around him, and in his perspective he does what he need to do to be able to survive, even if that includes committing horrible acts.

    Although we don't know exactly everything that Joel has done in between the prologue and 20 years later, but you can get the impression that Joel has done some horrible things from some of the dialogue that plays out through the game.

    Joel is a hardened killer, doing whatever he thinks is necessary to survive. Until he meets Ellie, a 14 year old girl. Who he over time starts to see as his adopted daughter.

    Throughout the game we can see Joels shell begin to crack more and more. Where he starts to open up more about his past to Ellie.

    Ellie is the catalyst to Joels emotional journey we see play out in the game. In the beginning he just saw her as cargo to be delivered to the fireflies. But the more time he spends with her the more he becomes attached to her. Spending time with Ellie convinces him to be able to trust and love. To the point where she restores the lost humanity within him.

    And thats why he decided to save her from the fireflies in the end. He was willing to kill everyone in that hospital just to save the person he cared for so much. And he was willing to pay the price.

    This directly leads to Part II. Because did anyone really think Joel was going to get away with killing almost all the fireflies? In the end he kills a Doctor named Jerry Anderson, who had a daughter too… Abby. I have a gut feeling if Joel knew about Abby. He would have never killed Jerry. Because he knows the pain of losing someone he loves, But that barely matters.

    After Joel kills Jerry. Abby discovers her fathers body. And after that, she is hell bent on killing Joel. And she ends up succeeding in her quest.

    Joel knew this was going to come sooner or later. He was just trying to enjoy the time that he had left with Ellie. In the beginning he lied and told Ellie that the fireflies no longer were working on a cure. A lie that eventuality put a strain on Ellie and Joels relationship when he is forced to tell the truth. But in the last conversation he ever has with Ellie, he says- "If the lord somehow gave me a second chance at that moment.. I would do it all over again" which shows even though their relationship was strained. He would do it all over again to be able to spend time with the girl he see's as his second chance of having a kid.

    Joel in the end was neither a good or bad man, he was just doing his best to survive and take care of the people he loved. By any means necessary.

    I would love to see feedback on this analysis!

    I hope to do more character analyses in the future.

    Thank you for reading this :)

    submitted by /u/Trashhh_Kingg
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    Being friendly to your local small business may result in friendly messages

    Posted: 18 May 2021 01:26 PM PDT

    A Great Watch

    Posted: 18 May 2021 03:47 PM PDT

    Has anyone watched the series on YouTube with Troy Baker and Nolan North playing the last of us every episode they bring on special guests with other members of the last of us cast its on the channel RETRO REPLAY

    submitted by /u/MyNamesDEADMAN
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    4K 60FPS PS5 patch coming soon?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 08:32 PM PDT

    I've been holding off on replaying the game and I've been itching to do another run. Anyone know if it's coming out soon? Going back to 30fps after doing a GoW run looks unplayable to me now.

    submitted by /u/GettingCucked6969
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    (TLOU1) How much harder is Grounded difficulty compared to Survivor?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 08:05 PM PDT

    I just finished my first Survivor playthrough in TLOU1 and am thinking about trying Grounded difficulty. I know that Grounded disables the HUD and reduces checkpoints and stuff like that, but are supplies even scarcer compared to Survivor? Do you take even more damage or is it the same? Does the "whoosh" sound when you're about to be spotted still play?

    submitted by /u/dratsabdeye4
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