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    Friday, April 9, 2021

    The Last of Us | The Last of Us - Fan Art by me. I made this in Blender (3D software). Huge fan of both games, so I wanted to make some fan art on my free time. Hopefully I managed to capture some of the Last of Us vibes :)

    The Last of Us | The Last of Us - Fan Art by me. I made this in Blender (3D software). Huge fan of both games, so I wanted to make some fan art on my free time. Hopefully I managed to capture some of the Last of Us vibes :)

    The Last of Us - Fan Art by me. I made this in Blender (3D software). Huge fan of both games, so I wanted to make some fan art on my free time. Hopefully I managed to capture some of the Last of Us vibes :)

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 07:57 AM PDT

    The Last of Us 2 is simply amazing

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 04:55 PM PDT

    I don't even know where to begin. Everything about this game is grade A. I wouldn't change a thing. This is an instant classic and is already one of my all time favorites. I laughed, I cried, and I had a grand ol' time. This is what gaming is supposed to be folks. I can't wait for another playthrough!

    submitted by /u/LoretiTV
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    "The bad things are out there..." Just found this bit of dialogue

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 08:20 PM PDT

    More photos of my cosplay as Ellie for TLOU Fan Film: Ellie’s Revenge!

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 11:27 AM PDT

    I was literally playing Seattle Day 1 yesterday only to come across this on my walk today...

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 02:48 PM PDT

    Remember when we all lost our minds at this moment in the official Part 2 trailer? It really prepared me for the emotional ride we were about to get into.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 06:26 PM PDT

    Classroom of Duality

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 04:05 PM PDT

    Black and white

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 06:05 PM PDT

    Russian director Kantemir Balagov who’s working on the last of us HBO show uploaded this video on his insta. The city in the video looks like calgary (where the last of us hbo is said to film) and he put a zombie emoji in the caption. Hype!!!!

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 10:22 AM PDT

    LEGO Seattle Day 2 Ellie

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:40 AM PDT

    Recently had this commissioned

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 07:59 PM PDT

    TLOU2 "Bad Ending" (Spoilers)

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 04:48 PM PDT

    I think that the ending was a good ending disguised as a bad one, why? Because Ellie still has Dina at least although many people think they've broken up. Ellie wears Dina's bracelet when she visits the farm at the end and also she has different clothes and no guns with her aaand there's no note inside the house from Dina so in my opinion it's pretty likely that they're still together but in Jackson since Dina left the farm because she needed family & mental support since there'd be no reason for her to stay there without Ellie not knowing whether Ellie's dead or alive and there'd be no point in moving back to farm again with Ellie since Jesse's parents love them and want them in Jackson. Ellie probably went there to check if everything's moved out and found that the guitar was left there and she decides to leave it behind and it's like a sign of moving on and that she doesn't (hopefully) suffer from PTSD anymore and that she forgave herself for treating Joel the way she treated him and forgave Joel for doing what he did and she lets Joel rest and she's done with all the bloodshed and revenge since she lost a lot because of the revenge. (She also lost her switchblade from her mother when she fought Abby seems like)

    submitted by /u/kyko1
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    The Seamless Integration of New Characters In Sequels - The Last Of Us 2 Analysis

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 08:02 PM PDT

    ----------------------------- INTRODUCTION ----------------------------

    Let me quickly get this out of the way: I love both games to death. I also love Joel, Ellie, and Abby as characters. Those are my opinions. Now let's get into it.

    The subject of discussion here is how well the new characters were introduced to the universe. For any sequel really, but specifically if it was done well for Part 2. Whether their presence feels completely seamless, or completely immersion shattering.

    ---------------------------- EXAMPLES ----------------------------

    An example of seamless would be Doctor Strange's introduction into the MCU. He's just a bit of a prick doctor up until his car accident. When they go to the past in Avengers Endgame, it's said that he's performing surgery a couple of blocks away. And it's believable. You can picture him as a younger doctor living through the battle of New York.

    Also done well with Sam Drake in Uncharted 4, the young brother scenes really sell the idea that Sam existed during the first 3 uncharted games.

    An example done wrong would be Jason Todd's introduction in Batman Arkham Knight. He kind of just comes out of nowhere in the movie studio, and then he reveals himself a little later. Now try to picture what Jason Todd was doing during the events of Arkham Asylum. Canonically he was either preparing his army in Venezuela, or he was an inmate. But it's really difficult to imagine, because frankly Jason was completely shoehorned in at the last second and doesn't feel like he belongs in the original asylum universe at all.

    ---------------------------- CHARACTER ANALYSIS: THE LAST OF US PART 2 ----------------------------

    ---------------------------- ABBY: ----------------------------

    Abby: We first see her near the ski resort, then later there are flashbacks of her past as well as more of the present. Abby was a part of the Salt Lake crew. Remember that college from the first game where you find the flamethrower and bad things happen to Joel? Abby used to live there, up until her crew had to move to the hospital. That's something you can picture.

    Also, when Ellie finds the hospital recording before Joel tells her the truth, it's Abby's voice on the tape. This further plants the roots of her as a character and makes her feel more ingrained into the universe. I'd say Abby's integration was done really well if you play the whole game.

    ---------------------------- DINA: ----------------------------

    Dina: Ellie and Dina met right after the first game, it's mentioned early on. They're friends for years after that. They also talk about how Dina had to kill when she was younger than Ellie. If you read some of the journal entries you know that Ellie was with a girl named Cat for awhile and Dina was getting jealous. That's where the tattoo came from. Decent worldbuilding in general. Tommy knew Dina during the events of the first game at the Dam, she lived at his town. Not the most important character, so this much background for Dina is enough. She feels a little out of nowhere though.

    ------------------ SERAPHITES AND WASHINGTON LIBERATION FRONT: ------------------

    This includes Lev, Yara, Mel, Owen, and Isaac.

    On one of the notes after Ellie leaves Dina, Ellie describes going around Los Angeles because it's filled with infected. Every part of the world is different. Interesting to think about how other places like New York would get hit by the cordyceps. But you can tell that in the last 25 years Seattle really went to shit.

    When you get there for the first time, it's just a huge feeling of, "What the fuck has been going on over here?" This is where Naughty Dog truly nailed it. I never for one second doubted that all of this happened in the same exact universe as the first game.

    You show up and there's a massive war going on between a self-built military group and a religious cult. Not to mention the runners, clickers, and other infected running around all over the place.

    Lev and Yara aren't given much backstory, but since they are a part of the crazy cult who've been in Seattle for years, this makes sense. What you know is enough.

    Owen and Mel exist with this ongoing love triangle. They also survived the firefly hospital. Really they are more or less side characters who assist Abby, so having a lot of backstory for them is unnecessary. A lot of the Owen scenes don't feel like they belong in a Last Of Us game.

    Isaac. Almost everything you know about this guy you overhear from WLF's talking. Rumors galore about him being incredibly ruthless, strict, and terrifying throughout the whole story. When you finally meet the guy he's torturing a naked dude on a chair. He's willing to sacrifice his entire people to end the war during day 3. Someone had to build this army up to such a degree, and I haven't got a doubt it was this guy.

    ---------------------------- CONCLUSION: ----------------------------

    Any character that you care about enough to question their place in the universe is incredibly well-established. The side characters have a bit less, but that's expected. Owen should have had less screen time. Abby's place in the story is backed up very well, she might have even known Riley before Left Behind took place, as they were both fireflies around the same age.

    Dina is slightly less believable, but you get used to her fast and it becomes easy to overlook. Meanwhile Isaac is over in Seattle helping the WLF overtake the military. And they later go to war with the Seraphites. This feels like a true extension of the world rather than a last-second retcon. The WLF revolution against the military likely happened before 2033, and the WLF/Scar war was likely starting around the events of the first game.

    Overall I think they delivered well when it comes to seamlessly introducing Abby and Seattle as a whole. There aren't any bad characters like Jason Todd who completely break your immersion going from Part 1 to 2, but Owen comes close. You can justify that by assuming Owen is just a weirdo, plain and simple.

    So there's that. Let me know what you think of whether or not the characters are believable, or if you have a good example of a new character's integration in a sequel. Alright, this took a couple more hours than I expected. I'm done now.

    ---------------------------- TLDR: ----------------------------

    TLDR: Discussion on whether the new characters (Abby, Lev, Yara, Dina, Jesse, etc.) feel like they came out of nowhere, or do they feel like they've always been living in the world of The Last Of Us?

    submitted by /u/Jozombies115
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    Secret room?last of us just

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 08:04 AM PDT

    Went back through some screenshots, had a good laugh

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:31 PM PDT

    The Last of Us 2 combat...

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 12:40 PM PDT

    I absolutely love the combat! Feels so visceral and smooth and I can't get enough of it. Anyone else feel the same?

    submitted by /u/LoretiTV
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    The truth

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 07:30 PM PDT

    I know this is gonna get a lot of downvotes just because any criticism towards pt 2 gets downvoted by all fanboys. Pt 2 is good, first game to ever get me to cry. but its not above criticism. theres two sides of the ball when it comes to the fanbase. first is the fanboys that think this game is the greatest thing since porn was invented. then there are the haters that think this game was the biggest national crisis since bush got elected. truly i wanted things to be different in pt 2 but what we got i can live with. but i just dont get how people consider this game untouchable. its good but not that damn good. then the haters are just people that loved joel (btw i loved him too but everyone knew he was on his way out)

    submitted by /u/Pretend_Ad_1786
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    I made a noir trailer for The Last of Us

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 08:26 AM PDT

    This video helps me understand so much more of the beautiful games that The Last Of Us are.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 07:07 PM PDT

    Who will do the music for the last of us series?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 04:29 PM PDT

    I'm really really hoping that Gustavo Santaolalla ends up doing the show, but I can't find anything saying he will. Has there been any news on this or are we just in the dark for now?

    submitted by /u/ItsThatOneGuy1129
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