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    Thursday, April 1, 2021

    The Last of Us | Happy Birthday to Troy Baker!

    The Last of Us | Happy Birthday to Troy Baker!

    Happy Birthday to Troy Baker!


    Do you think The Last Of Us Part II will age well?


    I think that in a period of 6 -10 years, the game will not get as much hate and will be more appreciated, I think there is a chance that people will start to look at this game with a different view over time.

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    Days Gone x The Last of Us 2 �� (by doomsdaydave)


    Another example of the amazing detail in this game!


    I just got the scene where Joel finally tells Ellie what happened at the hospital. When Ellie says "I'll go back. But we're done!" You can actually see the tears from her chin dripping down and making marks on her hoodie. I swear, I find something new every playthrough!

    submitted by /u/JTeiger
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    Anyone else feel exhausted just thinking about replaying Part II?


    Don't get me wrong; I absolutely love the game. The plot just happens to be so tragic and heartbreaking that when I think about picking it up again, I get nostalgic for the 'happier' times of the first game. My heart aches and pains for the characters and the world where it is so bleak and depressing despite the story being genuinely great, emotive and impactful.

    submitted by /u/Machienzo
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    I painted Ellie��


    Ellie Wick


    The final fight is the most emotional, but also the most cinematic. I’m still in awe 10 months later.


    Technically speaking, Abby's friends didn't trick.......................


    Abby's friends didn't really trick Joel or Tommy. It was Abby that fired the shot out of nowhere. Look at Owen's reaction, he was surprised and shocked. So, everyone was else a bit for a second. But, her friends sprang into action to restrain Tommy and Joel once the shot was fired. After that, they figured that Abby did find her target. But before then, the friendly atmosphere from Abby's crew was real. Mel did give her hand out for a good handshake in good faith. So, it was hard for Tommy and Joel feel bad vibes from Abby's crew besides Abby, there weren't any feelings of hostility until they knew who they were.

    submitted by /u/AshiusXX
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    Art of the “main” characters of the game that I have drawn under this year! Sorry if not all of them are the best. Plus my Tlou wall:))


    the tv adaptation of one of my favourite video games filming in my city. SO DOPE


    Anyone else find themselves always rewatching scenes from both games?


    I swear to god, I never do this with video games. I only ever rewatch clips of my favorite shows. But when that video game has writing and voice acting that is Oscar-worthy, I ALWAYS can't help but click that video on my recommended section for the 40th time.

    One scene in particular lives in my mind rent-free. Ellie and Joel's final conversation is probably the most important scene in the entire game, and man did Naughty Dog pull it off. Do me a favor and pay attention to ALL the little character nuances and facial expressions. I catch something new everytime, and though its barely noticeable, it speaks volumes about their characters and emotions.

    No game has ever affected me like this; what a masterpiece.

    submitted by /u/royal8130
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    Can you guess what happened?


    found these on twitter, really cool. @starstormie


    Books like tlou


    I have played tlou and tlou2 and I loved both so much. I was looking for books to read that have a sort of simular story, like the post-apocalyptic world. Do you guys know any?

    submitted by /u/jens1357
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    [SPOILERS] Am I the only one that has literally NO sympathy for...


    ...for Abby? Through this whole game I haven't felt a single ounce of sympathy for her. I know for a lot of people, playing in Abby's pov changed a lot of views, and made it in ways that they would feel sorry for her.

    Like she lost her dad, when he was just doing his job to find a cure. She went out of her way to help Yara and Lev, two innocent little kids. Like most people would notice Abby as an honorable character. Compared to Ellie and Joel who just travelled across the whole country killing countless people to reach the hospital and then killing the doctors. It would seem like Abby is the more respectable character. But for me? No. I don't know what it is, but i just wanted to torture the shit out of Abby the whole game.

    When Abby's watching the kids play in the room, I wanted to put a bullet in her head. When she was carrying Yara and caring for her arm, I wanted to put a bullet in her head. When she went after Lev, her relationship with Lev, taking care of him, this whole time I just wanted to kill Abby, I didn't give a damn about Lev or anyone else.

    I never grew up with videogames or tv shows or stories like this. TLOU 1 was the first story game I've ever played in my life and this relationship with Joel and Ellie was something I've never seen before and cherished it so much. Thus when Abby killed him, it pissed me off that I didn't get to see more of a relationship with Joel and Ellie. I was laughing when Abbys was on the pillars. I was laughing when Ellie put the blade to Lev's neck. I was laughing when she was about to drown. Let her go? Ffs really Ellie? ? I literally can't seem to see futher than Abby striking Joel with a club. Am I the only heartless one or are there others that hate Abbys as much as I do.

    submitted by /u/hyperdeeeee
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    Laura Bailey's NPCs from The Last of Us Part 1


    HBO's The Last of Us adaptation to shoot in Calgary area, looks like we aren’t getting the show for quite a while :(


    Ellie’s personality moving forward


    Hi everyone,

    Ellie was a wonderfully written and most of all well acted character. Through Part 1 and early Part 2 we know a lot about her. She's a tough, smart, heartwarming, and caring person. A person who brought light to Joel's dark life. Those wonderful puns in Part 1, her interest in dinosaurs, comics, drawing, and of course space. In the beginning of Part 2 in Jackson we see her grown up, have a crush, has hobbies, she writes music, plays guitar, reads comics and is a pillar of the community. And she still has that dorky, awkward personality.

    She's still young, but very mature, after all, she's gone through a lot for her age and in a world like that, things are obviously much different. That being said she still had a lot of problems haunting her: mainly survivor's guilt and Joel taking what she thinks her life's meaning away, which also really hurt their relationship (but things were looking to get better after that talk on the porch).

    All in all, she was still living a relatively "normal" life and things weren't looking so bad.

    Then we experience Part 2's story.

    And then we have epilogue Ellie. A girl who was brought down to rock bottom and stood directly in front of the abyss. But who also turned around and didn't let it consume her.

    The 19 year old Ellie went through deep, deep trauma, stress, guilt, pain, suffering, misery and loss. Basically every form of distress one could go through. Which leads me to my question: do you think we will ever see that Ellie from Jackson again? The awkward girl who likes reading comic books, having snowball fights? Does she still want to be the 7th landing on the moon? Or has that Ellie "died". Not in the sense she lost herself, but rather in a form of a transformation as a person. She was probably around 21 by the end of Part 2. Do you think she still has that funny, sweet personality she had somewhere deep down in her? Or is that gone and we will see a "new" Ellie?

    Personally, I can't imagine her to go back to her old self. She seemed VERY broken at the end of Part 2 (even if things did seem hopeful for her at the end, she went through a lot of emotional, psychological and physical trauma that can't just be pushed to the side). I just can't imagine her going back to her old self with her old interests. She seemed like a shell of herself in the epilogue.

    Obviously this will be mostly assumptions and we will have to wait for Part 3 to know for sure, but I would love to hear your thoughts!

    submitted by /u/nortonhearsahoot
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    Take on me, a-ha- cover. (the last of us)


    Random crafting bug


    Got to the supermarket and Dina told me to to patch myself up after the quick infected scuffle. I open my crafting and try to craft a medkit but it absolutely wont do anything. I couldn't even exit the craft menu nor change tabs. I restarted the chapter (playing permadeath) but just wondering if anyone has experienced the same glitch at some point?

    submitted by /u/Delicious-Paper-
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    It's Just A Video Game - Perfect Moments


    Does anyone find it bizarre how long it took for civilization to fall completely?


    Austin Texas clearly got fucked, no warnings, nothing. We see the devastating events unfold, and for Joel's life to fall into shambles, wayyy before most people even saw any infected. Which Joel does kinda mention in Bill's Town. "See, some places got a heads up before the infection showed up. Most didn't" in the opening credits, it's mentioned that "winter rations are at an all time low" which means that news broadcast's were still around in December, almost two months after Austin fell. I dunno, I just find it so bizarre how Joel's life practically ended with Sarah, back in September, and other people were completely fine for months. News broadcasts, etc. It's weird seeing how Austin got overrun, no warnings, nothing. It seemed like the end of the world, which, it was, but it took quite a long time to affect the entire world, and that's so wild to me.

    submitted by /u/Joeyisthebessst
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    The Last of Us helped me want to become more active in support of the LGBTQ+ community


    Throwaway because I'm a little worried that this might come across as though I used to be homophobic or otherwise LGBTQ-phobic, which I never was. This post might sound a bit unstructured - I'm having trouble finding the words to describe what I mean. I actually wrote this a few weeks ago and have since watched other media, including Brokeback Mountain and Moonlight. Another post regarding Brokeback Mountain echoes mine in some ways (https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/ej4239/brokeback_mountain_hit_me_really_hard_after/).

    I've always struggled to empathize with people - I don't know why that is, but it is. I've always been passively supportive of rights for people of all backgrounds, but I've never felt more than a passing desire to actively get involved in a particular activity or actively support a particular group (active meaning publicly advocated for rights, attended protests/rallies, etc). I think the issue for me is that I need a strong personal connection to feel motivated into pursuing active involvement, regardless of whether a cause is morally right (which I deem basic rights for all people to be). Going along with this, I've had the misfortune of never having had someone who identifies as LGBTQ+ in my close friend group, so I never developed a personal connection with the political and social barriers imposed on people who do identify as non-heterosexual.

    Through Ellie, The Last of Us helped me develop that personal connection with the LGBTQ+ community. Although she is a work of fiction, the struggles she faces reflect reality. Playing as her, following her story, and feeling basic human emotions of happiness, sadness, worry, and grief with her helped put a realistic face to a community that I never felt a connection with. I feel much more motivated to pursue active involvement in efforts to ensure equity among all groups of people. This is still strange to me because The Last of Us includes Ellie's sexuality in a largely subtle manner, and it arguably has no effect on the story, besides the nature of love interests and Ellie's encounter with Seth. Nevertheless, The Last of Us made me feel a personal connection that I never had before. I think this is really a testament to the power of art as a unifying force in humanity, and I'm grateful that The Last of Us has had this positive impact on me.

    submitted by /u/throwaway_ffa_1470
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