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    Friday, April 2, 2021

    The Last of Us | The Last of Us 2 is a MASTERPIECE

    The Last of Us | The Last of Us 2 is a MASTERPIECE

    The Last of Us 2 is a MASTERPIECE


    I am completely blown away. This game is EVERYTHING. Story, world, combat, exploration, voice acting, soundtrack, etc. The vistas are breathtakingly stunning and the game is one of the most stylish I've ever played. Congrats Naughty Dog and Sony, this will go down as one of the all time greats 👏

    submitted by /u/LoretiTV
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    Signed Troy Baker (Joel) & Jeffrey Pierce (Tommy) prints! I asked them to write their favourite quotes :)


    Really rare photo of baby sarah. (Sorry for bad quality!)


    “If somehow the lord gave me another chance at that moment......I would do it, all over again”


    Ellie & Cat | Artwork by me [4000x2500px]


    Joel’s Watch Replica (Artist IG: Retro_Licker


    This fuckin got me lol


    Two sides of the same coin


    (Sorry if repost) Saw this on Twitter, took me way to long to realize


    Some sketches - I’ve been trying to do 1/day


    Got the platinum !!!


    It’s kinda early, but these guys HAS to be in the series, right?


    Playing differently during TLOU2


    I'm recently just finished TLOU part two and I just want to take a second to say how much of a masterpiece the game is. But I was wondering if anyone played the game differently when playing as Ellie vs Abby. I noticed that when I played as Ellie that I used a lot more stealth and was more cautious of situations whereas when playing as Abby I was more aggressive. As Abby, I did try to use stealth but it would often fail and I would end up just shooting everyone or using bombs. I don't know if this was intentional by the game developers or if subconsciously played different because I felt like Ellie would use her environment more and use stealth because of her small size whereas Abby would be aggressive because ngl she's a goddamn tank and has lots of powerful weapons. Sorry if this is worded badly I'm super tired but I just wanted to see if anyone had the same experience as me when playing.

    Note: I'm not projecting any hate towards either Ellie's or Abby's gameplay, I found both super fun even though I would prefer Ellie since I prefer hauling stealth over being aggressive.

    submitted by /u/GoofyGoobers7
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    Who needs Concept Art when you can make your own? #photomodefriday


    First playthrough in some time...


    Fired up TLOU2 a few days ago for the first time since August. Not that I was oblivious to the amount of detail that went into this story, but I had just gotten thru the music store scene and sat there for a moment. Dina stands outside the room waiting for you and she then starts to look uncomfortable and fidgets with her stomach. I know it's a small thing, but for them to put stuff like that in the game that isn't even a certainty to be seen by everyone is what sets it apart. Those are the things that make you feel immersed in the world they created, it just envelops you.

    submitted by /u/ASC013
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    A little Old Man Joel doodle to celebrate Troy Baker's 45th birthday! That man ages VERY slowly lol (IG: @sidp221199)


    I really like and enjoy Part II much more on my Second Play-through.


    I was so excited for Part II last year, I went into the experience totally blind (no leaks or rumours, just the trailers) and it was one of the most impactful gaming experiences that I ever had.

    The story, gameplay, visuals, audio, and music are phenomenal and it made the experience so immersive and engaging. However, I will admit that I felt very conflicted & mixed on the story after completing it for the first time, there were parts I loved and parts I didn't like. I still found the game to be an incredible experience nonetheless and I kept reflecting on it for months on end over what the story meant and what it was trying to say.

    I am on a second play-through and it really is a masterpiece. It is so much more enjoyable to play the game now without all the hype and expectations surrounding it around release. We can appreciate the game's story for what it is rather than what we expected it to be. I now see how the themes of the story are connected across Joel, Ellie, and Abby's character arcs and how they all parallel each other in similar / different ways. The character switch midway through is not as jarring as it was the first time for me.

    I think the game is an overwhelming emotional experience for some and that is why there are so many different reactions around it. It literally plays with our perspective and challenges us as players about how we relate to the characters that we play as. For any player, that is A LOT to take in the first time, especially when it comes to this particular game's story, it certainly was for me lol.

    I believe that in time, people will play the game again with a fresh perspective and be able to fully understand and enjoy Part II's narrative much more than they did the first time. That was my experience with this game and I imagine it will be the same for others in the future. What are your thoughts? Did anyone else have this experience with Part II?

    submitted by /u/bestjedi22
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    Fanart of Ellie from TLOU Part2


    Is anyone else fascinated by the space needle in part 2?


    For some reason, I cannot keep my eyes off of it whenever I get the chance to see it. It's just so pristine compared to everything else.

    submitted by /u/Equix18
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    Little cool moments anyone likes in part 2 ?


    there's literally cool moments everywhere throughout the game it's cool asf. I really like the little moment when abbys hat gets taken by the runner.

    submitted by /u/rhyesol
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    An up close shot of Tommy's eye, viewed from modded debug camera. The amount of detail, especially when you hardly even see it, is fuckin' phenomenal.


    Ellie at Salt Lake City...


    I just had a somewhat major realization. So, when Ellie goes to Saint Mary's Hospital she still had no idea what went down there two years prior. That means even though she's suspicious about Joel's explanation, she probably goes in half-expecting to find fireflies and get answers directly from them. Maybe even Marlene. She only finds out they've abandoned the place after venturing in. I've played 10+ times and that still completely went over my head! Was it just me?

    submitted by /u/reticencias
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    I mostly play piano, but I thought I'd try and play a bit of the theme by ear on my guitar.


    The Last of Us is being filmed home province! Any Last of Us Albertans here?


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