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    The Last of Us | Got this on my 19th bday! It’s finally all healed up :)

    The Last of Us | Got this on my 19th bday! It’s finally all healed up :)

    Got this on my 19th bday! It’s finally all healed up :)

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 09:35 AM PDT

    When you love dinosaurs so much that you find yourself a girlfriend named Dina

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 01:51 AM PDT

    IRL Abby (@jocelynmettlervfx) supporting IRL Dina (@cascinacaradonna) is EVERYTHING ������������

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 03:29 PM PDT

    Little sketch I drew while bored in class

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 05:24 PM PDT

    Ellie’s Tattoo—this one is easily my favorite of all my 3 tattoos thus far!

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 06:41 PM PDT

    Blood, sweat, and tears of Ellie

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 09:22 AM PDT

    Last of us part 2 being exhausting, does not make it bad. [Spoilers]

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 02:09 PM PDT

    The last of us part 2 is one of those games. one of those that we are not use to as gamers. We are not use to as video game media consumers. We are not use to, as normal gamers.

    We had a routine built into us as video game players, this is just a standard video game plot. Routine 1; a 15-30 hour story game, that hits you in the end with a major death or moment of sadness at the end which creates and closes the story, pretty much a heavy hitter. Routine 2; a sequel (2 or more games in one series) were a main/beloved character we have seen for 2 or more games dies in a heroic way at the end of the game in a heartfelt moment which the player gets at the end of the game so they get that moment post game to get over the sadness and carry on.

    Last of us part 2 wasn't this. An hour or two in, Joel is dead. Our beloved character dies before we even get to see him fully again, before the game even starts. Not at the end, at the very start. And it's DRAINING that it happens, and it's the first game (from my knowledge) to kill a character such beloved as Joel, in the first 2 hours and then expect us to carry on.

    The reason most people are so against it? Because we are not use to this, and that's completely fine. People are not ready for this, it isn't easy.. We are use to the main character going out in such a heroic way, but this game doesn't do that. It's such a strange thing, because it changes what we expect, and it's really the first game we feel the same feelings as the main character from the offset... we feel how Ellie feels right off the bat, because Joel was ripped away from us. This is what makes the last of us 2's storytelling so well done, it's because it doesn't do the standard Joel dies at the end, we cry at the end of the game, okay what's next.

    The last of us part 2 gives us Joel's death, and expects us to play in Ellie's shoes for 10+ more hours. And it hurts me, because we all have the connection to Joel.

    I have seen game plots, where the main character loses someone in the opening hour of the game and then that's the motivation for the game, but we don't feel the same sadness as they do, because we don't have a connection to that character that died, as much as we had with a 7 year long bond with Joel. The difference between person loses their parent 1 hour into the game and that's the plot, avenge their death against the bad guy Vs Joel's death, is that we have a solid connection to Joel as a character. We want to see more from Joel, that's why it cuts so deep. We have the same connection to Joel as Ellie does; heck maybe even more so because we actually been in Joel's shoes before, but we also know the impact that Joel has on Ellie, so again, we know exactly how Ellie feels. And I have never seen another game do it so well to the point that it actually HURTS to carry on. Because we have the connection and the mental / emotional connection to Joel, just like Ellie. We are experiencing Joel's death, in our own shoes, while playing as Ellie experiencing Joel's death in her shoes and it's that marvelous blend of the both in the middle that makes it so good.

    It's exhausting, because we see and feel the exact same things as Ellie. I know for a fact, that Ellie section, every single time I got close to one of Abby's group, I'd hope that I'd get to kill them, because we are SUPPOSED to feel like this. Because this is how Ellie feels. This is how we feel, it's the first real time that we are in the shoes of the person Infront of us. It's the reason Abby and her father doesn't cut as deep as Joel.. because we didn't have a connection to Abby's father at the start.

    Does the game have pacing issues? 100%, does it have storytelling issues? I wouldn't say so. But the game convinces us what we need to know.. it tells us what we need to know, by OUR emotion. They don't need to tell us "Ellie is angry and sad" at the start, because we are angry and sad, we know what she's feeling we get exhausted the exact same time as Ellie does and that's a special thing about this game, it uses our emotions to tell us how the character feels.

    And basically, we develop with the characters. This isn't simply character development, it's.. shared development. Both the player and the character develop at the exact same time, I have never seen a game do it. And then playing as Abby, we play through the cycle. Someone who got revenge, but didn't get to bask in the revenge, and she has to suffer to consciences for that... Just like Ellie does. Just like we do.

    Some people? Don't like this. And that's COMPLETELY and utterly fine, I'm not gonna hate you for not liking the game.. this is one of those games, that doesn't follow the recipe that we know and love. Instead of killing a character off at the end of the game in such a notable way, while we turn off the game and move on and wonder what is next on our list.

    It makes us feel every single emotion of Joel's death. People like to mask their emotions, I'll hold my hands up and say that I have been happy that a game ended there, with a main character/beloved characters death because then I'll just distract myself and sorta forget about it until I come to terms with it.. but Joel? BANG right in your face. Joel's dead, now play 28+ hours while feeling every single emotion these characters do. Even with Abby to an extent, yeah we don't have a connection to Abby's father~ but we have a connection to another character and who has lost their father, who have been on the same exact quest as them, avenging their father's death. They find ways for us to emotionally attach to all these characters. Abby may not HIT us, but Ellie definitely does. Especially Ellie in those closing moments. She WANTS to kill Abby, and we almost side with her just wanting one of them to stop, obviously we want Ellie to win because she's our girl and we just think getting it over with will help if she kills Abby. And then she realises she can't and it's causing so much more hurt and Ellie is now living her worst fear? She's finally ended up alone... And if that didn't hit you?

    Ellie going back to the farmhouse, seeing everything gone and then we find out she can't play guitar anymore, then it hits you. And then if THAT didn't get you? The final scene with Joel and Ellie sprinkles some more salt into those wounds.

    The last of us part 2 is the game we all needed, but the game most of us were not ready for, that's it's completely fine if you feel like you were not ready for it, it hurts so so so badly. We needed this game to break past the standard idea of main character dies at the end, it takes the risk and slams the door twenty times harder in out face every single time we get a happy moment.

    submitted by /u/DeltaAnAlpha
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    My fiancé introduced me to TLOU and helped motivate me to draw so naturally, —- progress on Abby today ��

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 03:09 PM PDT

    Plot Twist: Ellie was never immune

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 08:00 AM PDT

    I did it. I fucking did it. I am so happy right now! The best and most intense gaming experience I have ever had!

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 05:43 PM PDT

    What are your thoughts on some of the more genuine criticisms TLOU2 got?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 06:47 PM PDT

    I wanna focus on some of the more genuine criticisms, not the people that say the game is bad because it's "woke propaganda" or "Joel died". But more legitimate takes. So I made a list of the most interesting ones, and below I'll put my take on it. But please tell me what you think.

    Note: I loved the TLOU2, but I want to hear different perspectives on the game to try and understand how I feel about certain aspects.

    1) "The rattlers are too black and white, and contradict the message of the game"

    This is one of the few criticisms where I completely understand peoples perspectives on, but I think you have to see them in the bigger picture and how they relate to the other factions. Jackson is a symbol of hope, a place where people are genuinely happy and thriving, due to them caring and loving for each other. And by the end of the game, they continue to thrive. While the Seraphites and the WLFs are in the middle. They have a community, they love and care for each other, but in the end, they go around killing the other side, which ends up being their downfall. They had the chance at peace, but they ran away from it. Then the rattlers are completely evil. Which shows what happens when people STOP caring for each other completely, and they end up creating their own downfall through the slaves they gathered. Which does support one of the themes of the story "violence begets violence, but love begets love".

    2) "The new characters are underdeveloped"

    This is one I somewhat agree with, but I think it depends on which characters you're talking about. Dina for example is a fantastic character, and I loved every moment with her. Abby, I think is just as well written as Ellie and Joel. Lev is another great character and one that many seem to overlook. Other than that, I do somewhat agree with the sentiment as the four that I mentioned got the most attention.

    3) "The game is too long"

    The only day I think that could be shortened, is Abby day one. Other than that, I don't agree with the sentiment. There's so much to analyze and learn from, with every moment in this game, that I don't think this holds much water.

    4) "The pacing is horrible"

    I actually agree with this one, but I have no idea how it could be fixed. I've heard many different ideas on how to fix it, but all of them change the game too much for me to think they would work.

    If there's any I missed, and I probably did, please inform me, and tell me what you think.


    Alright, so I went on Twitter, saw that the game was trending and I decided to check it out and see what's up. For the most part, it's people talking about unpopular opinions and they mention TLOU2 a lot, and tons of people keep mentioning the same criticism, so I'm going to add here.

    5) "TLOU2 says that killing is bad, but it forces you to kill people, and guilts trip you for doing so"

    This criticism rubs me the wrong way. If that's what you really think the game is about, that's fine, but I completely disagree. First off, you can skip most combat encounters by sneaking around the enemies, you're rarely forced to kill anyone. I'm assuming since most gamers instincts is to kill everyone in the room, due to most games forcing you to, then most people activate combat, but don't blame the game for that. Second, the game isn't saying anything about the player killing people. You are not a part of the story, this is not the players story, this is Ellie's and Abby's story. The game criticizes the characters actions, not your own. Thirdly, it makes no sense for the people who made the Uncharted franchise and TLOU1, to suddenly make a sequel where they say all violence in video games is bad. There's even a game mode in TLOU2 that allows you to ONLY play combat encounters. It makes no sense for them to hate players for killing people in the game.

    Sorry for ranting, but this criticism always stood out as odd. If you disagree, feel free to leave a reply, I'm willing to hear you out.

    submitted by /u/Ztarz22
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    [TLoU Pt. 1] Not my proudest moment...

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 05:51 PM PDT

    Dina hair issue has anyone else had this issue?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 03:05 PM PDT

    Cool Grounded Stealth strat I haven't seen anywhere else. The spice is at 1:25

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 02:09 PM PDT

    TLOU3?? What do you guys think?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 01:56 PM PDT

    So I just finished replaying TLOU2 and was thinking about the possibility of a third game. Sony would definitely green light it, it's just the question of if ND would want to make a third. I don't think that the vocal minority that disliked the game would affect their ability or willingness to continue the series. I for one think that the series would serve well as a trilogy and, while Part I felt complete where it was and didn't require a second game, Part II feels like it could definitely benefit from a third part. It just feels kind of incomplete and it feels strange to leave Ellie at her lowest point like that without completing her character arc. If there were a Part III, I would love to see it focused almost entirely on Ellie and her finally realizing that her immunity is not her purpose in life. I can't think of any clear idea for a story to portray that, but I have faith ND and co could do it.

    I'm also not sure how Abby would be incorporated. In TLOU2, Abby's purpose was to show a different perspective. Now that that purpose is complete, I'm not sure how they would use her. Abby and Lev's story felt complete to me by the end of TLOU2. I'd love to see a DLC or something from them that shows a little more of what happened once they got to Catalina, but I think that a prospective third game should focus entirely on Ellie, her guilt, relationships with Tommy, Dina, JJ, etc, and finding a purpose. I mean, I'm resistant to the idea of introducing a new playable character at all in a Part III such as JJ. The Last of Us franchise is ultimately Ellie's story, just told from different perspectives. A third game would almost certainly be the last and having a new character would feel disingenuous.

    So what do you guys think? Do you think ND and Sony will make a Part III or a DLC? If so, what do you think they'll do for it?

    submitted by /u/Hannah2482
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    I never finished the game

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 05:54 AM PDT

    I stopped playing after about 15 minutes of when Elle left Dina and just stopped playing.

    I didn't necessarily like where the storyline was going with the whole island, but it fit the game perfectly. It just wasn't for me.

    The funniest part is I replayed Seattle day 1-3 twice.

    I always thought TLou2 was a bad game for the most part, until I joined this subreddit. It really made me see how beautiful the game was and how it truly told the story of grief and PTSD.

    So finally, I decided to watch the finale. I skipped to around the last 30 minutes in a video and just watched it. It was from the time Ellie let the prisoners escape to the end.

    I cried so hard. So hard. I'm honestly kind of happy I didn't finish it because it would've hurt so much more, but it was the perfect ending.

    On some level I feel like I'm not a "true" fan since I never really finished it

    submitted by /u/Mermaid89253
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    This would have tied together nicely with that one Ellie flashback scene

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 08:12 PM PDT

    Is there a way to scam the game’s limit of only holding one melee weapon? TLOU2

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 09:38 PM PDT

    When you swap one melee weapon for another, it seems like might be able to drop weapon 1 in a slightly different spot... has anyone tried to leapfroging two weapons over any significant distance effectively letting you use two melee weapons in some areas?

    submitted by /u/gregsonfilm
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    Is The Last of Us Remastered worth playing in 2021?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 07:43 AM PDT

    I realise that there will be some bias in this group, but I feel like that's somewhat good because any responses will likely be passionate. I never played TLOU on PS3. I guess I never really got the chance, so I have essentially no idea about what I'm in for besides some basic gameplay details. Anyway, I have been hearing very good things about this series and am considering getting both TLOU Remastered and TLOU Part 2 while they are on sale.

    Any responses would be much appreciated and thank you for your time 🌻

    submitted by /u/elijahofearth
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    Folding Ideas - Violence as Narrative. It's a 5 year old video, but IMO more relevant than ever.

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 03:59 PM PDT

    What gameplay could look even more realistic in Part 3?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 09:03 AM PDT

    It seems ridiculous that in 7 years or so we may look back on Part 2 and think the graphics look bad by comparison. I certainly never thought I'd feel that about Part 1 but in comparison to its successor I was struck how so many things seemed aged. So what features in Part 3 will make Part 2 look aged?

    I was interested by how simple things were added to part 2 to make it more realistic, such as the transition when you pick up a note, or allowing you to crawl, or the simple ability to melee. NPCs shouting each others names, allowing you to hold an NPC and shoot at the same time, breaking windows! Etc.

    Can you think of anything in part 2 that can be upgraded so in part 3 you go 'wow, the way to predecessor did this looked so dated'?

    submitted by /u/BarnacleOriginal7221
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    "The Guardian (ELLIE'S SONG)" was specifically written for Part II by Shawn James, who also did the well-known "Through the Valley". The song's lyrics can even be found in Ellie's journal during the epilogue and perfectly capture her state of mind!

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 02:54 PM PDT

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