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    Wednesday, February 17, 2021

    The Last of Us | 🎵Went back home, jumped into bed; 44 pistol under my head🎵 Ellie Fan Art by jvbd_art on Instagram

    The Last of Us | ��Went back home, jumped into bed; 44 pistol under my head�� Ellie Fan Art by jvbd_art on Instagram

    ��Went back home, jumped into bed; 44 pistol under my head�� Ellie Fan Art by jvbd_art on Instagram

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 03:20 AM PST

    Ellie - Aluminum Foil Sculpture

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 06:40 PM PST

    TLOU Platinum - finally!

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 05:53 PM PST

    Halley Gross trolling on Twitter ��

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 02:27 PM PST

    Quick paint of Ellie in Procreate

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 10:04 AM PST

    The game that saved my life

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 03:07 PM PST

    I just wanted to put this out there the last of us is one of my favorite series of all time I grew up with video games and when the last of us came out I was too young to understand how to play or understand the story as I played it when I got older I understood and fell in love with the game over the summer the last of us part two was what kept me sane in May I had a tragic loss I lost my sister my four-year-old niece and my one-year-old nephew and I bought this game as a comfort game and I cried when I beat it because I knew I would never get that experience ever again. It's hard to put it into words of what this game is done for me along with the uncharted series I know naughty dog may never see this but I just want to thank them for making my childhood so much better

    submitted by /u/Beneficial-Fun9773
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    Playing like this is always so fun

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 01:14 PM PST

    Made more art of Joel as Pedro and Ellie as Bella �� twitter- @artbychen_

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 01:44 PM PST

    Found this on tiktok :(

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 12:45 PM PST

    Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I wrote a little (emotional) thing on TLOU after managing 7 years without it being spoiled!

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 11:44 AM PST

    A well written article about this game with Gross and Druckmann breaking it down into pieces for us about different decisions and thoughts of Ellie.

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 03:20 AM PST

    Link to Washington Post article of tlou2

    Some might have read it before and it might also have been shared here previously before I joined this group, but here's a beautifully written article that's analysing and breaking down this masterpiece. It has such a deep story and to read Halley Gross and Neil Druckmann explaining their thoughts on the writing just helps to enhance experience even further. A lot of people have questions why Ellie went to look for Abby at SB or why Ellie didn't kill Abby when she finally had the chance.

    The author of the article describes this really beautifully here "The subtext of the final scene demonstrates Ellie's reclamation of her autonomy. While Joel's death provided purpose, forgiveness gives her freedom. Her life is no longer overshadowed by his death, his lies and his love. Ellie is faced without a clear future, and one without family, but one all her own."

    It's a must read. I just wished the people hating this game with passion would read this and just try to understand it a little bit better. Not to like a game it's okay, but to hate it to that extent it's just tragic.

    submitted by /u/tacoprinz
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    Somebody posted this picture on twitter, and the first thing I thought was that Emma watson would kill it as older Ellie if HBO decided to do a second season of TLOU, I mean the resemblance is uncanny. What do you think?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 06:17 PM PST

    PT1 goosebumps... (credit @theminchodan)

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 05:53 PM PST

    Not finished yet

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 06:42 PM PST

    I hate to say it...but due to Life issues..(Covid. Martial stuff, work, and cause I'm of Irish decent (depression)...I have not finished Last of Us 2.. . I'm loving the game...in fact I called In "sick" the day it released...but I just can't seem to get back to it....

    So it's really hard not to watch/read things about the game...

    Not sure why I posted this...probably the depression thing....

    But there it is...

    Thanks for letting me word vomit. ..

    submitted by /u/Silent067
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    Ellie in the house :) My best figure, yet

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 05:16 AM PST

    Opinion on Part 2 after replaying it twice and the criticism:Long Read

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 12:24 PM PST

    Overall Part 2 was a great game 9/10 easily, and top 3-5 of this gen, however it was not better than last of us 1 or games like red dead 2. People who think this game is below an 8/10 are objectively wrong, however those who think this game is perfect all around, are also wrong. This game has many flaws and cannot be considered perfect unlike something like last of us part 1. I have 3 issues with this game, and an overall opinion. Issue 1:Side characters. I felt like the side characters were badly used in this game. On Abby's side you know most of them die when you play for Abby, so this makes them uninteresting(though Owen was fine). On Ellie's side Jesse was never fully utilized, so was Dina in a way. We never have a proper understanding of Jesse and he is not fully developed, but rather used as a cheap tool for Ellie's revenge plot, he is used by NF to drive ellie's story and then killed by Abby. His death, was very shocking, and didn't have any impact or emotional value. Dina and Ellie's relationship is fine(nothing special), then she basically fell out of the story once she is pregnant. In Tlou 1 side characters were much more impactful, and this is true. Sam and Henry's death were more impactful and better fitted the world of Tlou 1, than any of Tlou 2 side character deaths. The serephite part was similar to the cannibal part in Tlou 1. And while in Tlou 1 that part serves as a pivotal point for Joel's and Ellie's relationship, the serephite part is just another tool for progressing the story, and doesn't serve too much of an impact, other than Lev. A lot of the side character just felt undeveloped, and rather used to drive Abby's and Ellie's story. Only impactful side character was Lev. Issue 2: How Joel's death was approached. Don't misinterpret this, I don't have a problem with how he was killed, or the shock(that is fine). But the way it happened so suddenly, and especially the fact that he gave his first and last name to Abby's group, was a cheap way to approach Joel's death, or the events played out fast, in a cheap way. Now I know some people say he got soft in jackson, but still. First and last name like that is unrealistic. I am sure ND had a different approach or different events leading up to his death when they were first playing the game. How his death was executed with Ellie being there was perfect. But the sequences that led up to his death, felt like ND rushed to get to his death. Abby should of found out that he is Joel Miller in a different way, that's what I mean basically. Issue 3: Pacing and plot structure. This is the main reason why this is a flawed game. The pacing is terrible, and the plot structure could of worked better. Firstly, there were a lot of unnecessary parts in this game, that could be cut or replaced by something better. Half of Abby's day one could be easily cut for example. One of the best parts of the game, the museum flashback, was better than an hour of Abby's time. Day 3 for Abby was really good. But the game wouldn't not suffer if they cut Abby part by a 2 hours in day one, and add 2 hours before Joel's death. One of the reasons why Tlou 1 can be considered perfect is because every sequence in the game serves a purpose for the story, and it's relationships. Example with another game Red Dead 2:Spoiler:The guarma section in the game did not serve a purpose for the story and felt out of place. Even though Rdr 2 has one of the best stories in gaming history, it suffers from stuff like Tlou 2. Tlou 1 is one of the only games where I could see why each sequence existed, and how it served a purpose. But Rdr 2, didn't have this on the scale that Tlou 2 had, because it had a simpler plot structure. Tlou 2 couldn't just make you play 5 hours for Abby, to make you like her. That's what it tried to do, and it did. But didn't serve a bigger purpose in the story. 5 hours of story in games, are not made just to like one character. There were two many parts in Tlou 2 that didn't have any impact or meaning, unlike Tlou 1. This game was so messy in some parts, it was insane, and this was mostly due to the flashbacks. I feel like the dual protagonist thing they tried to do, is good on paper. But some of the execution in this game is lackluster, it feels like a first draft of a story. This game feels like it needed another writer that had a different opinion. It feels to mediocre in parts of the game, and they serve no purpose. The plot structure with flashbacks, could of been done numerous ways differently. It could of been play more in Jackson at the beginning and play less as abby(2hours). Don't make Abby's flashback at the peak of the climax. Like imagine playing for Dutch in Rdr 2, in the peak of the climax(last mission). That would be off. This game could of been tackled or executed much better. It certainly does get emotional at times, but a lot of parts were unnecessary, unlike the first game. I love the risks the game took, but it could of been executed better on numerous different levels.

    submitted by /u/Guilty-Strawberry-79
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    The Last of Us 2. **Spoilers**

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 03:57 PM PST

    So i finished playing today & i feel like i need a full therapy session! LET'S DISCUSS

    submitted by /u/Machine-GunFunk
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    DeepFake - Pedro Pascal as Joel in The Last of Us

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 07:10 AM PST

    My own TLoU story

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 09:03 AM PST

    I randomly got the urge to write my own TLoU story, so i did. Keep in mind, i normally HATE writing stories and i'd say that i'm not very good at it. I just really enjoyed writing this one since i'm a TLoU nerd. This is just the first chapter, and i'm thinking of changing some things, but i'd like to hear what you think of it so far. I'm quite proud of where it's at now and i already have some ideas for where the story might be going, but so far this is all I've written. Please give me your honest opinion. Even if you think it's absolute dogshit i'd like to hear your opinion. One last thing before you begin reading it, English is my second language and i'm only 14 years old. With that said, enjoy :)

    1. The treehouse

    "Fuck…… fuck, fuck, fuck and fuck."

    He saw the otherwise silent and still street very much alive and full of infected. Couldn't help but wonder where the fuck they'd come from. Only a couple of them were standing out on the street but he could hear 'em inside the houses and apartments. He knew too damn well how it all worked by now. Not wanting to draw attention to himself, he tried to sneak around the back of a house. He wasn't able to do it since most of the infected were runners who still had their sight. The best bet was to run like hell for the hole in the fence straight ahead. Still standing crouched in the tall grass he checked that everything was like it was supposed to be. Shoes tied, gun in hand, knife in his pocket, backpack safely on. Everything was there. The only thing he needed to ensure was that he had the guts to do it. Sure enough, he was ready. In a split second, he went from crouched in the tall grass to belting it across the street to the fence. Making sure that every step he took wouldn't make him trip. He knew he was doomed if he did. Adrenaline pumping and nerves on an all-time high he dodged the runners and could only think about making it to the fence and making it to safety. He managed to duck and crawl through the hole faster than he thought he could, but he also knew that he wasn't 100% safe. The hole in the fence was open with nothing to block it with so he kept running.

    "More fucking infected. How!?" He thought.

    He turned to the first house he saw looking for safety. It seemed that the now disturbing house full of infected was once a family house because he saw a treehouse in the backyard. He was reluctant to climb up it but saw no other possible way of quick safety. He made it up the ladder and opened the hatch. Not too big of a space, but it was good for now. The runners were not aware of his presence anymore so he decided to spend the night in the treehouse. It was after all getting dark. Trying to make himself comfortable he sat down on the mattress, that was oddly laying there. It looked as though someone else had once stayed there. Hopefully not anymore. He was counting on this place being his for the night. All he saw was a candle next to the mattress alongside a note. Whether he dared to open up the note or not he wasn't sure of. He had before read notes with terrible things in them. With nothing else to occupy his mind though, he flipped the note open.

    "Dear Jane

    I know you wont read this. You cant. Your fucking infected. I saw you get bit and here i am, writing you a fucking letter. I don't know how long i can stay up here. Ive got almost no food and just two bottles of water. Ill have to go soon. I just cant get myself to do it. Im a coward. Every day i look down at the ground and i see you and Ben. God it hurts. It hurts so much. I hear and see you both. As fucking infected. I just wish i could see my wife and my son one last time. What i wouldnt do for that. I can feel my sanity slowly washing away while writing this letter. Ill leeve leave it up here for someone to read. Even if its not you or Ben. Love you both.

    - Matt"

    It was strange seeing a letter from someone with the same name as himself. Matt. He didn't want to throw the letter out, but he also couldn't stand looking at it so he tucked it under the mattress. Not really knowing what to say or do Matt decided to try and get some sleep. Tomorrow could end up being a long day depending on where the fuck he'd end up. He laid for almost half an hour before falling asleep thinking about the letter. It was gutwrenching and so fucking sad.

    After you've read:

    Matt's letter is full of typos, but it's supposed to be that way. Please don't roast me for using the wrong Your/You're lol.

    submitted by /u/RandomPersonOof7
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    When does “A Wolf’s Ghost” play in the game?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 06:11 PM PST

    I've been trying to find where this theme played in the game for months? Was it apart of a deleted scene or something. Because I can not find it in the game.

    submitted by /u/DawVan1028
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    finished the game, WOW. My thoughts, spoilers ahead.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 11:05 PM PST

    This might be the greatest game I'll ever play.

    I didn't play this damn game because of all the goddamn lesbian controversy BS. I had the plot ruined for me, I thought naughty dog sunk the damn ship. Then I bought the original remastered. And 7 years later, it sucked me right back in. After watching what dunkey had to say, I knew I fucked up missing this.

    4 days and 26 hours of gameplay later, I've finished the game. My hands are shaking, I seriously don't know what to do with myself. The ending? knock out. Ellie and her character development? Amazing, I was with her every step of the way, even when it became real crazy, just keep going girl. and then the reset.

    Abby? one of my favorite characters in games, being able to put myself in her shoes was an experience like no other. Abby and her crew are very hard to hate once their actions are given context, and now I feel like shit for killing alice and bear.

    THE GAMEPLAY. MAN. Teetering on the edge of survival has never been better, Abby and ellie play unique to their characters, i loved the enemy variation and combat scenarios, the freedom and the sense of urgency is unmatched, knocks the old tlou to the fucking moon.

    In conclusion. FUCK THOSE HATING NERDS. I hate virtue signaling and when shit is forced down peoples throats. Not once was ellies sexuality pointless and unrealistic, instead was very organic and Natural, with a character as diverse as her, her sexuality is such a miniscule thing, and her relationship with dina was quite sweet. Abby had her innocence ripped away from her, and her evolution into an apex survivor is believable and understandable. Lev, loved em, don't give af about him being trans, live your life little buddy.

    Hopefully naughty dawg makes a 3rd. The last of us is the tale of humanity, not just ellie and Joel. By forcing the player to view the consequences of the first game and navigate them makes this story a cut above any game I've ever played. 10 outta 10, I'd play as those lesbians again and again.

    edit: for anyone who thought that just hearing it had a Lesbian or 2 was enough to turn me off, that wasn't it, ellies been a lesbian for 8 years. The review bombers just made it sound like it was this HUGE plot point and was forced, when it wasn't at all, ellie and dina where a normal couple, and I thought lev was a dude until the serphs called him out and then I just really wanted to kill them even more because honestly fuck those guys

    submitted by /u/BrosaMa911
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