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    Wednesday, February 24, 2021

    The Last of Us | MOD POLL: We want to hear from YOU!

    The Last of Us | MOD POLL: We want to hear from YOU!

    MOD POLL: We want to hear from YOU!

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 02:48 PM PST

    Hey y'all! Your favorite Tess-pert here with a quick but very important question.

    With the HBO casting news creating excitement around the series, we've begun discussing how we will proceed as a community once the show really gets up and running.

    Right now we allow posts about the show because we have always (and will always) welcome new fans into our amazing community surrounding The Last of Us. However, we know that the show will bring in a whole flock of new fans who may or may not be familiar with the games. There will likely be times when posts here have more to do with the show than with Part I or Part II.

    Our answer to this would be to potentially create a sister sub for posts surrounding the HBO show, and leave this sub to have full focus on the games. As mods, we are torn: do we create a divide in an already tight-knit community, knowing most of us will overlap as fans of both the show and the games? Or do we establish a new community in order to keep this one for its original intent of game discussion?

    We work for you guys. Your votes will help guide our discussion for the future of this community. Please vote in our poll to decide which direction you'd like to see us go.

    *Edit to add that you must log in through Google to vote in this poll. This is only to prevent vote spamming -- there is no way for us to see any accounts/email addresses of people who voted. (nor any interest if I'm being honest, haha)

    submitted by /u/-anne-marie-
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    Finally got this in the Mail today!

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 04:59 AM PST

    And another since only three were allowed

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 04:26 PM PST

    concept art of pedro pascal as joel by me

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 12:02 PM PST

    Possibly my favourite glitch in my favourite game

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 12:54 PM PST

    Just wanted to share my tlou collection

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 10:08 AM PST

    Made this in memory of my best friend who i recently lost to suicide, these are dark times; ellie and joel gave me the strength to keep living.

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 05:50 PM PST

    Not the best shot, but what do you guys think of this clicker tattoo I got a while back? It has a few differences than the original clicker, but I love it! Credit goes to Joe Shaw at Brewster Tattoo Co, NY!

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 12:20 PM PST

    Talking about Jesse

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 03:53 PM PST

    I felt like he was a wasted character and thought he had a lot of potential. Considering he got killed like nothing. Did you guys think any differently?

    submitted by /u/Phantom877
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    Fight Club - PUNCHES ONLY (NO DAMAGE) - Stalkers (Grounded)

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 06:59 AM PST

    Some time to appreciate this sequence. It blow me away this segment. Love playing it

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 07:30 PM PST

    The Last Of Us Podcast - Episode 9 - Bella And Pedro (feat. r/TheLastOfUs mods u/Voldsby and u/-anne-marie-)

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 02:21 PM PST

    tommy and his goddamn ✨ t o w e l s ✨

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 01:54 AM PST


    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 06:07 AM PST

    Hi, the post seems long, in reality it will take you a few minutes to read it all.



    << "If I ever were to lose you, I'd surely lose myself" >>

    These words from the song "Future Days", foreshadow the path that Ellie will take in this chapter, after losing Joel, she'll lose herself. In fact, Ellie will try to fill (through revenge) the void left by the death of Joel, but with every death, she will feel increasingly emptier than before.

    • Nora's death. Ellie killed her, just like Abby did to Joel (through torture). This gesture will deeply mark her, as evidenced by the following scene, the shaking hand and her gaze lost in the void.


    • Mel's death. Ellie, after finding out that Mel was pregnant, she'll take a heavy blow.


    At this point of the story, Ellie's no longer the same as before. The thirst for revenge was destroying her, that's why, after the fight with Abby, Ellie didn't try to find her again, but she will decide to lead a quiet life with Dina, hoping that time can heal her wounds. But, as she writes in her diary:

    << "There's a noose around my neck,

    and the further I get, It's harder and harder to breathe.

    Can I find a way to cut the cord?

    I've been waiting for dawn, but the light is all gone.

    Can I leave it all behind ?" >>

    Ellie, despite being aware that persevering on the destructive path that she had faced in the past, could at this moment cost her everything she had left (her integrity), but above all, a new life with Dina and JJ, she feels the need to leave. Many have criticized this point of the story, completely ignoring the reason for this choice, which will then be explained at the end of her diary:

    << "Would it have been better if I'd stayed?

    Swallowed up the (regret sad) shame,

    given them (Dina, JJ) what's left of me?

    Was it mine to give?

    Do I have it to give?" >>

    Ellie, with "regret" and "shame", she's trying to communicate a feeling that goes beyond what many have imagined it could be, in fact, when Ellie faced Abby on the beach, it won't just be for revenge but mostly for redemption (she was trying to remove the noose from her neck), and that's exactly what we're shown in the final scene when Ellie is about to kill Abby, on her face we see the despair, she feels the weight of the moment and that gesture would have devoured her from the pain, ending up not to find peace but the end. But just when all seems lost, It's Joel who saves Ellie. In that fateful moment in her mind will exhume the fragment of a memory that she had with him the night before he died.


    This memory will be the key to Ellie's salvation. At the end of my post, I'll tell you why.



    Let's step back for a moment and focus on developing Ellie's story (from beginning to end).

    Before Joel died, Ellie believed that the life she was going through was meaningless. In fact, she wasn't grateful to Joel for the life he gave to her, because, as she said in the last memory, Joel deprived her of the destiny that she should/wanted to have, which was to give the world a cure (a vaccine).


    But after losing Joel, Ellie will put aside her grudge and realize how important he really was to her, because sometimes, paradoxically, we understand the importance of someone in our life, only after we've lost them. Ellie harbors hatred of Abby, not just for taking Joel away from her, but mostly for depriving her of the possibility of restoring one day the relationship she had with him, condemning her to lead a life tormented by regret but above all by guilt, in fact :

    << "Swallowed up the (regret sad) shame" >>

    Ellie felt shame of the way she treated him the last few years, because she knew that Joel's gesture, even though it was wrong, was born out of an act of love for her.


    • Why didn't Ellie stop after Abby spared her life?

    The whole way, Ellie always said that Joel would do the same for her (avenge her). Therefore, even after she found out form Nora that they are/were "Fireflies", the subconscious kept pushing Ellie on this path by tormenting her through hallucinations, but mostly in her dreams. She knew that killing Abby would mean killing herself (she would have nothing more to give to them), but as she wrote :

    << "Was it mine to give? Do I have it to give?" >>

    In fact, Ellie believed that what was left of herself was not really hers (was Joel's), For this reason, her thirst for revenge will turn into despair, because she had no choice, If she had backed out (If she hadn't killed Abby), consequently, it would have meant betraying Joel. That's why, even though she knew they had taken revenge for what Joel had done, and despite the fact that her integrity was almost destroyed due to the lives that Ellie killed to find Abby in the past, she decides to leave.

    Because her inner pain is stronger than the desire to build a new life with them ( Dina and JJ ).


    Therefore, she was willing to sacrifice what was left of her humanity to redeem herself, she wanted to do justice to Joel's memory by killing Abby and consequently forgive herself for what she did to him.


    • Why didn't Ellie kill Abby?

    I've read a lot of explanations about why Ellie didn't kill Abby, like :

    "Ellie spares Abby's life because she did the same to her in the past"

    "Ellie spares Abby's life for Lev, because Abby for him. it's like Joel was for her"

    "If Ellie had killed Abby, the cycle of revenge wouldn't have stopped because of Lev, also Ellie had to be grateful to him, because if it wasn't for Lev, Abby would have killed Dina." etc.

    These are justifications for the player (us), but not for the character of this story.


    A step away from her destruction, only on the point of to kill Abby, Ellie will find something she didn't think she could have, a choice. Ellie saves what was left of her (as she wrote in the diary, the scraps (gristle and bone)) in order to keep the promise she made to Joel the night before he died. That's why I said, that memory will be the key to her salvation. In fact, at this moment that he's gone, what does it mean for Ellie to try to forgive Joel? It means trying to make sense of the life that Joel gave to her (by saving her from the hospital), therefore, taking care of the people she cares about (Dina and JJ), just like did Joel with her after losing Sarah. That's the only way Ellie will be able to give the forgiveness that she couldn't give to him in life, and consequently she will find peace with herself and mostly with her past. Therefore, she realized that sacrificing what was left of her, wouldn't have done justice to Joel's memory, but on the contrary :1) It would have made his death in vain, because, paradoxically, Joel by giving her that life she was trying to destroy, he ended up losing hers. 2) It would have meant breaking that promise (that hope she gave him), because Ellie would no longer be able to love, would no longer be able to take care of the people she loves, and consequently she never see the light again.

    That's why, at the end of this long journey of destruction, Ellie will be forced to stop, not because she forgave Abby (as many say), but because she finally found the way to cut the noose from her neck.




    << "Can I offer the scraps now?

    Gristle and bone. Chewed up and rotting.

    Or will it make them sick;

    Corrode their insides, cripple poison them ?" >>

    • Ellie thought of them on her return journey from Santa Barbara. In fact, when Dina told her "I'm not gonna do this again", that didn't mean Dina broke up with Ellie. Dina left the farm because she didn't want to wait alone thinking Ellie would be dead. Therefore, they (Dina, JJ) went to Jackson.
    • Ellie begins to understand that what's left of her is not enough for them. Her inner situation could corrode them inside, like a poison. She needed to heal before she could see them again.

    I could be in the woods,

    Buried for the insects to clean;

    Left for the insects to clean,

    Untill the iron smell is gone,

    Untill I'm bleanched and beautiful brittle;

    Ready to display.

    • Guys, it's a metaphor. As I said, Ellie chose not to die but to heal. What she wrote here, it's exactly what she wanted to do after facing Abby in Santa Barbara. Ellie decided to be alone for a long time, away from everyone, in order to heal. This decision was made mostly for Dina and JJ's sake.
    • That's why in the end, seems like it's been a long time (almost a year), because it's just like that.

    I strongly disagree with those who support the theory that the last scene of the game doesn't show Ellie returning to the farm from California but rather her last visit to the farm after she has already returned to Jackson some months before. Like you, I also analyzed every object left in the room, even the guitar that looks more damaged than before or the fact that there's only one chair in the room etc. If you want to know my thoughts, ask me in the comments.


    1) The bracelet :

    Dina gave Ellie this gift (a Jewish 'hamsa' bracelet) to bring her luck and protection, in order to track Abby on her own on their second day in Seattle. Also, it symbolizes the love between Ellie and Dina.


    At the farm and in Santa Barbara, Ellie didn't wear it. This didn't mean that Ellie gave it back to Dina, first of all, it's rude to return a gift, second of all, even Dina hadn't it on during the farm scene. It's a way to symbolize that the dawn (light or luck) that she was waiting for was gone and this time, even Dina's love can't save (protect) Ellie from her inner pain (the noose around her neck).

    The return of the bracelet in the epilogue is therefore hugely significant. In this context, it gains additional meaning as a symbol of healing and redemption. Therefore, the one we see in the end in front of the farm, it's a new version of Ellie, regenerated (the iron smell is gone, she's bleanched and brittle), ready to display, ready to let love in her life again and leave her quest for vengeance behind.


    2) The last page of her diary :

    This drawing of Joel that Ellie did after Santa Barbara, It's very important, because this is the first time she was able to draw him with eyes since he died. Therefore, this proves that Ellie's healed.




    Ellie has reached the end of this chapter losing everything, she even lost the ability to play guitar, something which helps her feel connected with Joel, but she has found herself. Leaving that guitar so important to her, in that empty house and deciding to leave, it's a symbolic gesture that represents the end of this story and it's time for her to let him go. Ellie somehow found peace, because that life she probably didn't want to have, right now, it will be important to her (for Joel's memory), because Joel would want this from her. This ending, as sad as it may be, it's actually a happy ending.

    There are no killers in this story, only people who deserved a chance to heal.



    submitted by /u/Eliot19R98
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    BAFTA Games on Twitter “VOTING IS NOW OPEN for the #BAFTAGames Awards only audience-voted award: @EE Game of the Year! Who is getting your vote? #EEGameoftheYear �� Animal Crossing: New Horizons �� Call of Duty: Warzone �� Ghost of Tsushima �� Hades �� The Last of Us 2 �� VALORANT”

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 04:52 AM PST

    Beautiful Crime | The Last of us part II (Fan Trailer)

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 07:48 PM PST

    The theater fight

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 12:14 PM PST

    You know the scene.


    Jesse dies. Tommy has been shot in the face. Dina has been shot in the back and possibly has a concussion. Ellie has her arm broken and face smashed.

    I'm no doctor but I'd imagine there's several injuries here I'm unaware of.

    How'd they make it back to Jackson?

    The journey to the theater scene was incredibly dangerous. How'd they make the journey back against the infected, seraphites and WLF while being severely injured?

    I always felt the flash forward was abrupt and I always wondered how they done it. Personally, if the game ended there or not long after they try to make their way back to Jackson, I'd have liked it more.

    That's all folks.

    submitted by /u/sevenbiscuit7
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    Any official or otherwise cool TLOU merch for my friend who's a big fan of the series?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 09:55 AM PST

    Hey all. My friend, who's a big fan of both games, celebrated her 27th birthday a couple of days ago and she's currently in a rough situation, half her family has covid and both her parents are in the hospital. I was thinking of sending her a present to cheer her up while she's isolated, and i don't mind spending a bit given the severity of the whole situation. Is there any cool TLOU art, comic books collectables or anything like that i can get her? We're in Eastern Europe but i can order through amazon, ebay and other places like that.

    submitted by /u/Tiny_Tim1956
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    Who agrees Sam's ''trapped in their bodies'' theory?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 05:46 AM PST

    Hi folks, we all remember sam's quote before his die right? He said ''What if they're trapped in there, without any control of their body?'' Honestly this sentence makes sense because of runners and stalkers. They are look like to trying crying and talking. So all i want to say is anyone agrees Sam or not?

    Thanks in advance...

    submitted by /u/Elekor
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    Getting ready to do a small speed run up until the theater area. Is there anything I might miss if I’m not careful?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 01:38 PM PST

    Long story short, I played about 20% of the game(maybe not even that much) on ps4, never finished, and now I'm resuming on PS5, but my save didn't transfer.

    I was at the theater when I left off, and I plan on doing a big speed run through the game until I reach the theater. Is there any missable items that won't reappear later in the game?

    Such as missable trophies, weapons, large amounts of supplements, etc? Or am I good to mostly sprint through each area?

    submitted by /u/Ryvit
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    Any chance for a PC version?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 07:33 PM PST

    Now that Days Gone and other Playstation titles are confirmed to be releasing for PC, is there any news of a possible PC release for the first game or even the second? I think it would be highly profitable considering the upcoming TV series.

    submitted by /u/TripleX123
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    The Last of Us Post Pandemic Edition

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 07:29 PM PST

    New to this sub and not sure if this is allowed so please delete if not. I have found myself in a very unfortunate position needing money. Its come time that I've listed my post pandemic collectors edition set. If anyone is interested here is a link, shipping in the US https://www.ebay.com/itm/The-Last-of-Us-Post-Pandemic-Playstation-3/393152030153?hash=item5b89afe5c9:g:CrcAAOSwSMRgNcBL

    submitted by /u/CokBallZ
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    The game gets more heartbreaking with every gameplay.

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 05:27 AM PST

    I just finished my third gameplay (in permadeath!), and i must say that the ending felt more sad this time, and i can't exactly explain why.

    The suffering of both, Ellie and Abby, somehow makes more sense as i still play and find new little details i didn't picture before.

    And that last fight...dear lord. That image of Ellie being wrecked in the beach is pure art.

    submitted by /u/lucjuli08
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