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    Thursday, February 4, 2021

    The Last of Us | I have found the Nathan Drake costume

    The Last of Us | I have found the Nathan Drake costume

    I have found the Nathan Drake costume

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 02:59 PM PST

    Today I learned that if you use the zoom, Ellie squints

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 05:25 PM PST

    The Last Of Us Part II By Mat Roff

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 02:20 AM PST

    Animations/environmental interaction is top-notch

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 09:48 AM PST

    The love story continues in 2021

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 06:29 PM PST

    Playing this scene with headphones is like a torture scene . My gameplay reflects how I felt in that moment when I was playing I just wanna get the fuck outta there . ����

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 05:58 PM PST

    I got Ellie’s tattoo, not original I know. But this is a connection I have with my actual daughter and that makes me feel the tattoo is unique for that reason.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 08:47 AM PST

    Just finished stitching this ^.^

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 02:16 PM PST

    My Last of Us display case (swipe for closer pictures, sorry for glare)

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 01:34 PM PST

    Some wood burning art I made

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 06:29 PM PST

    Ellie Looking Fierce ������

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 03:38 AM PST

    I don't know what to say or feel

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 07:48 AM PST

    Anyone noticed theres naked clickers? Like wth were they doing pre-outbreak��

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 02:20 PM PST

    Damn PlayStation.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 06:06 PM PST

    The portrayal of violence in The Last of Us Part 2

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 06:31 PM PST

    I think all of the confusion over the discourse boils down to the assumption that some people believe that Last of Us part 2 making the statement all violence is evil while making the act of doing violence a fun experience through its gameplay. It doesn't necessarily make such an assessment.


    Futurasound Productions makes a great point about it.

    If it wasn't at first at least a sweet escape, it could never pose such a threat, this explains what many critics have called a dissonance in the game. I argue it's not a dissonance at all the conflicted nature of the game is very much part of it it's part of inhabiting Ellie and Abby's inner world. The question is how can these same characters who from Ellie's perspective are all but absolute evil also be the same people that as Abby we see as warm and compassionate. Well, the answer is also how Joel can be the same sweet caring flawed but basically good person that we know a mass and the hated villain that Abby at the beginning lives to kill. This actually goes back to the games ambiguous portrayal of violence if The Last of Us to portrayed violence has an absolute bad it would have committed to the idea of the existence of absolute bad and good in general. But, the entire point of the game is to demonstrate the opposite idea that bad and good while they exist are not opposites necessarily but could rather be joined at the hip.

    submitted by /u/Agastasa
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    The Last of Us 2 Pitch Meeting

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 08:21 AM PST

    Preface: I absolutely love TLOU2, I think it's the best game ever and Abby is my favorite character. I'm also a fan of Ryan George's Pitch Meeting franchise, so I decided to waste an hour and do a "Pitch meeting" kind of thing for TLOU2. I've included a lot of what "haters" don't like about the game in this, so again, it's not me bashing on the game. I love this game! So, here we go!

    Sony: So you got another game for me?

    Naughty Dog: Yes sir, I do. I figure we can do a sequel to The Last of Us

    S: Oh we actually got a great response to the first one, people just loved Joel.

    ND: Well that's too bad, because we're going to pretty much kill Joel right away.

    S: Oh, wow, we are?

    ND: Yes, well not right away, he'll be sort of a NPC while alive.

    S: Well that doesn't sound like much fun. We're going to take the most beloved character and make him a NPC?

    ND: Not totally, there's a short riding sequence at the beginning so…

    S: Well that's fine then.

    ND: Yes, I think people will enjoy this sequence a lot.

    S: I bet they will. Horses are tight!

    ND: What?

    S: Neverminded, so what happens in this game?

    ND: Well right after arriving at Jackson and getting settled down, Joel and Ellie will grow apart a bit.

    S: How come?

    ND: Unclear.

    S: That works.

    ND: So, 4 years later, Ellie finds the truth about what Joel did and she hates him.

    S: I guess we sort of saw this coming

    ND: Yes sir, we did. So anyway, while being on the lookout, Joel and Tommy find this girl, Abby, who's running from a horde of infected and they help her out.

    S: Well that's super generous of them. I bet she must be really glad that she came across them.

    ND: Yes, she certainly is. So much so, that she shoots Joel with a shotgun, almost blowing his leg off.

    S: Oh my God!

    ND: Yes, but it's fine, they'll tourniquet that bad boy and he'll get to live.

    S: That's fantastic!

    ND: Well not so much, he'll be tortured the whole time and when Ellie arrives to find him, Abby will beat his brains in with a golf club, right in front of Ellie.

    S: Oh my God. People will hate this Abby character, won't they?

    ND: They certainly will. So I figure, let's make them play as Abby for half of the game.

    S: What?

    ND: Yes, I figure, if we force people to experience what Abby experienced, they might understand what motivated her.

    S: Well I'm not entirely sure about…

    ND: ...yeah I need you to get all the way off my back about this one.

    S: Oh, sorry, let me get off of that thing. So what happens next?

    ND: So, Ellie will try to find Abby and kill her, and while doing it, she'll kill all her friends, ex-boyfriend whom she still loves, his pregnant girlfriend, and half of the militia group that Abby belongs to, called WOLF.

    S: Wow, wow, wow

    ND: Yeah, but she'll also kill a lot of infected and members of this cult, referred to as SCARS.

    S: Wait, won't that make Ellie a murdering psychopath?

    ND: Woops…

    S: Woopise!

    ND: So anyway, Ellie will also get help from Dina, her girlfriend, and later also from Jesse, who is actually the ex-boyfriend of Dina and father of Dina's yet unborn child.

    S: Wait, so Ellie and a pregnant teenager are going after a militia group?

    ND: Yes, that's what we're going with.

    S: It is kinda hard to believe, don't you think?

    ND: Yes, exactly, that's why we've balanced the situation by making Abby and her crew the exact opposite of that.

    S: Oh really? So what's the deal with Abby?

    ND: Well she's a 20-something year old daughter of the Fireflies doctor that Joel killed in order to save Ellie's life. She's basically this bookworm, kind of a stoic person, who had her life shattered by Joel and is trying to cope with what happened, while simultaneously also trying to live a healthy, social life. She's also super buff.

    S: Wait, what did you say?

    ND: That she's a bookworm?

    S: No, the other part, about her being buff?

    ND: Oh, yeah, she's super buff, but we won't make a big deal out of this and I'm pretty sure that nobody from the gaming community won't either.

    S: I'm sure they won't!

    ND: Me too. So anyways, Ellie doesn't really find Abby and we're meant to believe that she'll be satisfied by killing literally everyone Abby loves, but then out of nowhere Abby appears, kills Jesse and holds Tommy hostage.

    S: Wow wow wow. How did she find Ellie?

    ND: Exactly, how did she? Well, you're gonna have to play approximately 10 hours to find that out and it will involve a lot of side quests, such as getting some equipment to amputate the arm of a Scar member, Yara, that escaped with her transgender brother, Lev that you'll be introduced to while hanging from a tree. And afterwards, you'll be going to this island where WLFs are just about to begin the war with Scars and you'll look for Lev because he wanted to get his mother off the island. But she's a bigot and tries to kill her transgender son, but he kills her instead. You find him and you try to escape the island, which involves you betraying your militia brothers and sisters in order to save the life of Lev, who was a part of the group that you hated your whole life.

    S: Wait, are we still talking about The Last of Us?

    ND: Yes sir we are. So, anyways, you and Lev eventually catch up to Ellie in order to avenge the death of Abby's ex-boyfriend-current-lover and basically all of her friends, and you get into a battle with Ellie.

    S: So you're playing as Abby and you're actively trying to murder Ellie, another character that people absolutely love?

    ND: Yes sir, you do.

    S: And you think this will be well received?

    ND: I see why not.

    S: Well okay then. So, Ellie being super tough, skilled and generally a badass, it will be incredibly hard for Abby to win this fight, won't it?

    ND: Actually, it's going to be super easy, barely an inconvenience.

    S: Oh, wow, really?

    ND: Yes, you see, it will mostly be like playing cats and mouse and eventually Abby catches up to Ellie and beats the living shit out of her, but eventually lets her and Dina go, because of Lev.

    S: Because of Lev? Wait, isn't this the second time Abby spares Ellie's life?

    ND: Yes, it is.

    S: And you're still sure that Ellie is the good guy here?

    ND: Yes, she is.

    S: Well okay then. So, how does the game end?

    ND: Ellie and Dina get a nice house, where they raise the child and they're happy together.

    S: That's a nice ending.

    ND: Yeah it's not technically an ending just yet.

    S: Oh, it is not?

    ND: No sir, it is not. Tommy arrives and is all like "I found where Abby is, we should go murder her".

    S: Abby, you mean the woman that spared Ellie's life twice?

    ND: Yes, that Abby.

    S: And they still want to murder her?

    ND: Yes sir, they do. So anyways, Abby arrives at Santa Barbara, where she's looking for Fireflies but gets ambushed by this new gang, who are keeping people as slaves. Luckily for Abby, Ellie arrives there weeks later and just about eradicates this gang in a matter of hours only to find Abby being half the person she used to be, literally and figuratively.

    S: That must surely invoke some feelings of empathy in Ellie and she lets her go, right?

    ND: Well not exactly, she forces Abby to fight her by threatening to murder Lev. She eventually wins and lets Abby go.

    S: What? She murdered half the WLF militia, Scars, came all the way across the country, murdered a bunch of different gang members only to get to Abby and then she lets her go?

    ND: Yes, but she has a flashback of Joel, so.

    S: Oh, okay then.

    ND: Yeah, so that's pretty much the story. What do you think?

    S: Well, the story is so complex that if leaked, people would lose their minds before even playing the game.

    ND: Yes, but what's the likelihood of that happening?

    S: I know, right?

    *Sound of a guitar chord* https://www.theverge.com/2020/7/6/21314471/last-of-us-part-2-harassment-naughty-dog-abusive-fans/

    submitted by /u/JavascriptFanboy
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    Hesitance to finish Part 1

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 03:07 PM PST

    Just finished my 8th playthrough of Part 1 at like 3:30AM this morning and I always find myself pausing at the end. Just standing still for a moment before than final button press where Joel helps Ellie up onto the hill overlooking Jackson.

    I don't know why I do it. Maybe it's because I just love the game so much I don't want it to end. It has nothing to do with how Part 2 plays out because the last P1 playthrough I did was was in 2019 before P2 was released.

    Anyone else get this feeling?

    submitted by /u/ThatTallGuy1998
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    Ideas for DLC for TLOU Part Two

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 08:53 AM PST

    Naughty Dog haven't said anything about releasing DLC for TLOU Part Two, but I wanted to share my idea for a some new story content.

    You play as Tommy (a criminally under developed/under serviced character) starting just after he leaves Jackson to go hunt Abby. We get to play him on his way to Seattle, and play out his part of the story over the three days in Seattle. There would be so much opportunity here to fill in story lines with the WLF and the Scars, it's a bit of a blank slate as we don't really know what he did during those three days apart from torture two Wolves and shoot at Abby at the marina. Tommy is pursuing revenge for his murdered older brother, the DLC could cut between present day and flashbacks of him and Joel when they were bandits, before Tommy joined the fireflies. Again, this is a huge blank slate where we could get some real development of him and Joel's relationship and their lives prior to the first game.

    Would love to hear what people think of my idea, and if anyone else has an idea for a DLC. May your survival be long, may your death be swift.

    submitted by /u/altered_tear
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    Change my mind

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 01:45 PM PST

    is there a chance we can have more in depth custom difficulty options?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 07:13 PM PST

    Like changing the aggression Ai for infected and humans seperately. humans wouldn't be suicidal.
    infected have no care for their actual life. And all resources being scarce but human enemies would actually drop bullets more often. The Last of Us has never really solve the unrealistic part of enemy humans never dropping ammo even though they have guns.

    submitted by /u/fortunesofshadows
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    Enjoying photo mode... Share your pics!

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 06:23 PM PST

    I'm commissioning a friend to create an art piece ( I had the idea for a triptych that represents Seattle, Jackson, and Santa Barbara) and I've been playing through the third time on Survivor+ working on photo mode and I'm loving it, although I still get caught up in the game and cutscenes and forget to catch photos!!

    I've already sent her a bunch of photos I took (as well as some I found on this subreddit, special shout outs to u/VoyTron, u/truth_radio, u/namelezz968, and u/Voldsby... Excellent eye for detail fellas). She requested more so she can have a better idea of special moments or areas in the game to represent in her art, she's not a gamer but she was very intrigued when I told her a bit about the game and its world. Share what you guys have if you haven't already! I'd love to see them, I just can't get enough of this game and this community's creativity!

    submitted by /u/Lazeeboy2003
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    Rough sketch of Ellie

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 03:20 PM PST

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