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    The Last of Us | Found an Easter egg!

    The Last of Us | Found an Easter egg!

    Found an Easter egg!

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 09:32 AM PST

    Jesse concept art

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 01:13 PM PST

    After so Much Sadness,Pain, and Anger I finally beat The Last Of Us 1 on Survivor difficulty for the first time!

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 04:44 PM PST

    Got this awesome cake for my birthday this year

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 03:15 PM PST

    Made an edit for the game.Playing it for the first time.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 05:43 PM PST

    Allow yourself to have fun

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 09:27 AM PST

    So I'm replaying the game; I finished on hard and now I'm playing moderate plus. I have an abundance of ammo and whatnot. I started playing just as I'd normally would: stealth, saving ammo for later. Then I saw these amazing clips on this subreddit where people just go all John Wick on enemies and I know I can't do that. But why not? Well I never truly went into a "war" playing tlou. Ever. I'm somewhat afraid of being spotted. It feels like I lost a battle when I get spotted. Even the sound alone makes me anxious (am I alone in this?).

    So yesterday I decided ...I'm going to have fun. Fuck being spotted, fuck wasting ammo. I'm going to get better at shooting and causing mayhem. So I did. I had so much fun playing a map (Seattle day 2 I think, Ellie). Always left one person alive so I could restart encounter. And I restarted like 10 times. Once I went all in with bow, explosive arrows. Then only guns. Then rifle, scoping people.

    This game is an amazing shooter underneath the stealth, preferred approach. And you guys should allow yourself to experience it!

    submitted by /u/JavascriptFanboy
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    Credit to thelastofus_latam

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 12:27 AM PST

    Part II made Ellie a great character for me

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 11:53 AM PST

    Something I do often is think about who my favorite video game characters are and why. The top of the list has always been Kreia from Kotor 2, followed pretty closely by Morrigan from Dragon Age: Origins. Now Ellie is in that conversation, and she might even take first place. And it is almost entirely due to Part II.

    Now before Part II while I always *liked* Ellie, I never once put her in that greatest characters category. In the first game she's spunky, lively, funny yes, but she's not particularly interesting I would say. Not that she's uninteresting either, but I think most of the reason why we like Ellie is because of A) Joel's connection to her, which is informed by his status as grief-stricken father, and B) because she is charismatic, thank's to Ashley Johnson's performance.

    Notice how none of those are very dependent on Ellie's actions? That's why I've always considered Part I *Joel's* story. I know when people were singing heaps of praise on the first game it was fashionable to say 'Actually, Ellie is the main character/this is Ellie's story.'

    But I don't think that's true. Joel is the one with the moral uncertainty to him, given his background as being a hunter himself, he's the one who makes choices about taking Ellie with him instead of passing her off to Tommy, and he is ultimately the one who is faced with the dilemma at the end. As such, the game is about HIM, and as such Joel instantly become one of my fav game characters.

    Joel's just got so much more going for him in the first game: He's got the gut-wrenching loss in the first game (which as hard as Ellie's life was up until that point, she'd likely never gone through something like that), and he's so wonderfully morally compromised, given how easy it is for him to torture people and how selfish his choice at the end is. There's just been more to talk about in regards to his character.

    Now in Part II... holy shit. Well in Part II Ellie has much more agency and makes most of the choices in the story herself. And every choice she makes is debatable, and possibly the wrong choice. I can't remember the last time I saw a story wherein the protagonist was making what was ostensibly the 'immoral' choice over and over again. And it was really great to see. I loved that it put so many people in this place where they like Ellie, but Ellie is doing things most of us (not me personally) would wish she stopped doing.

    One of the most fascinating things we see Joel does comes at the end of the first game, and arguably that ending is why the first game stuck with so many of us for so long. Ellie however is making the same kind of morally murky decisions throughout the entire game, and all for reasons that are completely in character. Now Ellie's done things which we can debate about the morality of all day. Even now, I still like listening to commentators - well, people commentating in good faith (so AngryJoe can get out) about what they felt like when Ellie was beating Nora, or abandoning Dina. And I like characters who foster discussions like that.

    submitted by /u/Raspint
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    So I've hit a dead body, consumed by fungi and this happened

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 11:54 AM PST

    Looking for the revolver

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 07:25 PM PST

    I'm trying to find the first game's revolver textures for a little personal project, but I cant find them anywhere. I find it so strange since you can find character models pretty easily. Anyway thanks a ton if you do have them. Also i dont mean to break any TOS or something by trying to use it, just a thing for myself, but i get if this is looked down upon/removed by mods.

    submitted by /u/Charble675
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    Big spoiler! Dont read if you havent played yet or arent further then chapter 2 or 3!! Otherwise, read all you want. Last of us part 2

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 01:43 PM PST

    Last warning!! Big spoiler!!!

    You were warned:

    IMO is the death of Joel (Miller) one of the saddest, espacially because its such an in your face one, couldnt see it coming before hand and it was brutal asf. First time i actually felt sad about a videogame character.

    For the rest i absolutly love the game. After completing the last of us many times and starting to speedrunning it, i finally decided to buy the last of us 2. And after the prologue mission(s) i fell in love. The graphics are out of this world and the storyline (for as far as i have played) is insane. The details and little things that add to the environment and the personality of the main characters (for me Dina, Ellie, Tommy and Abby) are well made. You really see how that person is and god i have no words to describe it.

    Its a game done right. After all the years since the first game i couldnt imagine a better part 2. It shows that if you work hard and long enough (with the right people ofcourse) you can make a great game and live up to the hype. They didnt announce it "years" before thus they werent pushed and rushed to finish it and thats clearly visible. In comparison to Cyberpunk for example, they announced it way before its release date (from wich i heard and read etc, correct me if im wrong) thus being kinda rushed to finish it, meaning its a game with a lot of bugs and so it may not live up to the hype. Again, in love with the details of part 2 and how they made the characters!

    TL;DR: Joel's death is the saddest and (most) brutal main character death i have ever seen in a game. I love the attention to detail, the graphics, the storyline and the characters in the last of us part 2 so fucking much, its unbelievable!

    submitted by /u/DarkAssasin___
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    It hurts.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 06:32 AM PST

    Checking stats and accuracy be like this

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 02:27 PM PST

    Joel's symbols

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 10:11 AM PST

    I just completed Seattle Day 1 yesterday and couldn't help but noticed the wolf statues that Ellie came across at the museum. One stand had a pack attacking a moose. I can take a guess and say Joel is symbolized as a moose here and that the stand was foreshadowing Joel's fate. If we go back to the patrol in Jackson, the eaten moose might have symbolized Joel's death in imagery. The moose is what Joel used to be in part 1 and what Abby and the WLF pack saw him as.

    submitted by /u/TrinityXaos2
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    Thought yall might like this

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 06:14 PM PST

    I'd just like to draw attention to the fact that (spoiler)

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 04:16 PM PST

    When Abby saved Yara's life, she willingly strangled herself with the force of her entire body weight for at least a few seconds. When she stepped off that bucket, she likely had to use her legs and abs to swing herself a couple of times too before she could get the height necessary to get her legs around that woman's neck, because she definitely didn't have enough space to jump. When we see the bucket again before it's tipped over, it's still upright, which means Abby took care not to knock it over when she stepped off of it AND while she was swinging. Since it was directly under her feet, Abby either had to bend her knees as she swung, which means more swings to gain height, or position her legs at a wide angle away from it to assure she wouldn't hit it as she swung. How awfully terrifying and painful those seconds must have felt. Imagine mentally preparing for that. Also, Abby makes a determined effort to stand on the bucket again once the woman dies, so she could also have been preparing for the possibility that the woman would step away before she could intervene, which would have meant Abby would have had to make an effort to get a stable position on the bucket again, from the starting point of swinging by her neck and being strangled.

    submitted by /u/RavenRaxa
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    One of my all time favorites. I dedicated a lot of time on this... (Art by me)

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 01:23 AM PST

    What’s with the hate of The Last of Us: Part II

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 06:03 PM PST

    This is my first post here, so forgive me if its not right.

    Anyway, I'm trying to understand the hate this game gets. It just... I mean, I've seen DOZENS and DOZENS of videos and comments on this game SUCKS. But... WHY?

    I really liked it.

    Yeah, the SJW elements were uneeded and felt forced and yeah I wish they killed Dana instead of Joel and THAT was the motivator for killing Abby and her crew and it was Joel (who wasn't killed) that was not only trying to bring her to her senses, but also try to make up with her, but still standing by his choice. Beside that, the graphics, the story, the design, ALL OF IT was transcendently beautiful.

    Also, am I the only one that thinks that TLOU II should have focused on ABBY as the main character and have the game as a seperate story, telling it from another's perspective or am I alone on that.

    That's all I gotta say about that. Just... why all the hate?

    submitted by /u/FoxMovius-1138
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    What were the writers’ intention behind this specific fight and its outcome?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 04:19 PM PST

    The end of Abby's Day 3. At the theatre.

    Were we supposed to have feelings of hate against Abby again so when Ellie goes for revenge in Santa Barbara we would support her? (In my first playthrough, I felt that my three days of warming up to her just went to waste because of all the damage she did to Team Jackson. So when Tommy wanted Ellie to go to Santa Barbara, I was 70% on board with it)

    Were we supposed to be disgusted at the cycle of violence and want the fighting to stop?

    Were we supposed to be mad at Ellie?

    Were we supposed to be proud of Abby for choosing to spare Dina and Ellie (even though she came really close to doing so)?

    Were we supposed to root for Lev for controlling Abby and telling her to stop?

    I'm really curious what you think the intentions were behind the theatre fight and what you felt towards the characters in your initial playthrough

    submitted by /u/rustedkey
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    TLoU part 2 Movie cut - Not just all cutscenes

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 04:15 PM PST

    Who do you like more?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 04:02 PM PST

    About a certain enemy type in Part II

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 05:25 PM PST

    Just passed through the first dog encounter. Does anyone else feel bad for killing the dogs in any type of method? Is that what Naughty Dog wanted us to feel?

    submitted by /u/TrinityXaos2
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