• Breaking News

    Sunday, February 28, 2021

    The Last of Us | Added Ellie’s tattoo onto my guitar using acrylic gouache and some sharpie. Thought you guys might enjoy :)

    The Last of Us | Added Ellie’s tattoo onto my guitar using acrylic gouache and some sharpie. Thought you guys might enjoy :)

    Added Ellie’s tattoo onto my guitar using acrylic gouache and some sharpie. Thought you guys might enjoy :)

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 09:19 AM PST


    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 08:06 PM PST

    Just realized that if your Allies get spotted it doesn’t always mean you get spotted

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 04:45 PM PST

    Was replaying an encounter, Dina got caught and shouted "Fuck!" and then I ran over to kill the enemy and they shouted "Look! She's got a friend!" and then when we went back into stealth Dina said "Sorry, he caught me off guard." and Ellie said "Don't beat yourself up about it."

    I've never had this happen before and it's pretty neat

    submitted by /u/LickMyCockGoAway
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    And the award for dumbest title goes to...

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 11:59 AM PST

    i can’t stop making concept art of pedro pascal as joel

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 07:41 PM PST

    The final scenes in both games - brilliance in subtlety

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 02:31 PM PST


    TLOU 1 and 2 are my two favourite games of all time and part of what makes them so special to me are the final moments. Both titles opt for a more nuanced approach. There's no melodrama or over the top dramatization. Instead, ND uses subtle cues and the actors' brilliant portrayals of their characters to get complex emotions across to the audience. It's real, grounded and far more impactful than anything I've seen from other games.

    In the first game, Ellie asking Joel point blank about the hospital and him lying to her face. Because the truth doesn't really matter - all that matters to him is that she's safe. And while some part of Ellie knows that this may not be the full truth, she chooses to believe him, because what else can she do? None of this is conveyed in dialogue or explicitly said.

    In the second, the porch scene was a thing of beauty. After a gruelling journey filled with pain and sorrow, that last conversation between the two protagonists offers a glimpse of hope, showing us that while they never fully rectified their differences, they took the first step towards a resolution. And to Joel, Ellie, and perhaps even us, that was enough.

    TLDR: I just had to rant about how much I love the closing moments in these titles. Makes these games so much more special and impactful. ND did a great job in crafting such precious fleeting final moments, and I love them for it.

    submitted by /u/wspartan
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    Little fact to the Cordyceps ;)

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 06:12 PM PST

    For those who didn't know yet. The Cordyceps in The Last of Us really exists! It attacks ants in tropical regions and has the same symptoms. The Cordyceps attacks the ant and forces it to spread the Cordyceps in the colony, or to bite the underside of a leaf and die there.

    submitted by /u/Bastian_2811
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    Just finished my first play through of both games

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 09:30 AM PST

    Holy fucking shiiiiiiiit. The emotional toll these games take on you...I'm just glad I got the scene I was hoping for of Ellie and Joel having a somewhat pleasant exchange before he died. I'm blown away I don't even know holy shit two of the best games I've ever played

    submitted by /u/damnrightslimanus
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    Reading The Game: 'The Last Of Us Part 2'. A pretty good read.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 06:54 PM PST

    Ellie Poster - PT2

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 10:44 AM PST

    Just got my customized doormat

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 01:41 AM PST

    I just noticed...

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 09:31 PM PST

    That where you find gas in downtown Seattle changes based on where you go first. I'm playing Part 2 for the 5th time and I always search areas in the same order every time, just out of habit. Due to this I've always found gas in the courthouse parking garage. I'm doing a permadeath run though and I died in the courthouse basement so when it reset I went to back there first, and when I went to get gas the tank was empty, therefore forcing me to go to the synagogue where I was, for the first time, able to get gas. Had I not been doing this run I probably would never have known that, and maybe everyone else knew about it, but I thought it was cool to yet again find a new little detail.

    submitted by /u/Cool__boots
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    How would you guys feel about an open world game in the TLOU universe?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 09:12 PM PST

    One of my favorite parts of both games is just exploring around, piecing together what happened to the people that were there before. The environmental storytelling in the games is masterful, and I was thinking about how good it would work in an open world game where you explore the ruined city at your own pace.

    It doesn't have to be a TLOU3, just set in the same universe. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/fague_doctor
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    Just finished the game

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 08:30 AM PST

    So I just finished the game and here are my scattered thoughts on it. Long, nonsense post ahead. Sorry if some of the things I write here come off as aggressive or absolute, I wrote them kinda unfiltered and as I thought of them at the moment.

    While I went in spoiled, it still was a very intense experience for me, and I never felt such emotions. Naughty Dog, how dare you make me feel stuff! s/

    Spoilers! (Duh...)

    In a few words: Everyone needs a hug. I just want give all these people a hug (not you Rattlers lmao).

    In many words:

    •Jackson is a pretty cool place to live. If I lived in this world, I'd go to live there, definitely.

    Joel's death. To be honest... I wasn't even mad. Maybe it was because I wasn't THAT attached to him in the first place. Also didn't surprise me at all. I mean, come on, you expected him to get away with everything? Nah.

    •Seattle Day 1: It was very chill at first really. Just two girls alone in a open world Seattle. It was almost romantic like that. Of course things went downhill after crossing that gate.

    The "Take On Me" scene. It was just so beautiful, a calm moment before everything got bad. I'm even learning how to play it on the guitar myself these days. You could even say that because of this game I took on the guitar.

    •I got so much anxiety ascending on the TV station tower. Pretty chilling.

    •Can I say how much I hate the Shamblers?

    •When Dina revealed that she's pregnant I was just like "dammit, wth D?"

    •The flashback! I couldn't stop grinning all the way through. And then the dark part of the museum came along to ruin it for me haha.

    •Hillcrest was when things got real. I felt bad for killing the dogs. Just shot them like "I'm so sorry!". And then Jesse came along. And then we left him again. Which is a shame really, he deserved more screentime.

    •The patrol flashback. This is where we see the part where we see Joel and Ellie's relationship slowly crumbling. And the bloater part. I seriously thought that I lost when it grabbed me that one moment.

    •The first encounter with the Seraphites happened. "Let's cut through the forest" she said! "We'll go faster" she said!

    •I also hate the Stalkers. Nuff' said.

    •The hospital. I felt some kind of emptiness when we interrogated Nora. And how lost Ellie looked when she returned to their base... Pain.

    •"I don't want to lose you.". Feels. The feels.

    •The Saint Mary hospital flashback. And there it is. The truth is revealed. I felt so bad for both Joel and Ellie. Tbh, I kinda felt Ellie's anger towards him. I mean, if someone lied to me about something that important, I believe I'd be angry too. I dunno. Can't say for sure.

    •Day Three. What a messed up day. The argument with Jesse, the ride with the boat in the raging river, swimming in the open sea, it was so intense.

    Owen and Mel's deaths. Well, Ellie, you messed up! Seriously though, I felt so... I don't know how to call it, when we found out about Mel's pregnancy. Almost felt like I helped commit a crime.

    RIP Jesse...

    •"We let you all live... And you wasted it!". What. A. Line.

    •Salt Lake City flashback. Wish I could say I'm surprised that we play as Abby, but as I said, I went in mostly spoiled. So. I liked Jerry as a person and I liked how they painted him as a more human person with his ambitions and flaws. You could see that he's conflicted about the whole "sacrifice one to save the many", I mean, he clearly wasn't happy about it. If he did do the surgery, I believe he would feel guilt afterwards. He is human after all. Anyways, we learn about Abby's motivation behind Joel's murder.

    •I've seen many of the "Abby is a monster because she shows no remorse for what she did". Sure she may have shown no remorse, but she definitely showed no satisfaction. Her expressions after the deed are just something else. All of the characters' expressions are amazing really. Anyways, yes. Abby definitely realised that she gained nothing from doing what she did. Because…

    Abby still has nightmares. Day 1 (again) starts with her awakening from another nightmare. And I believe a person who has gotten what they wanted, wouldn't still have those problems.

    •Manny. I actually liked him, cause as a person he's pretty ok. I noticed that while other members of Abby's close friends seem to be drifting away, he seems to be the only one who doesn't.

    •The WLF stadium is pretty sweet. If I couldn't join Jackson for whatever reason, I'd go with the WLF.

    •The interactions with the dogs amplify my guilt. And Alice, I'm melting-

    •Manny about the person in the infirmary: You only need three (fingers)! The foreshadowing…

    •Abby sure shows more loyalty to her friends than the WLF. If she gets out of her way to find her friend who may or may not have betrayed their faction by killing one of their own while they are planning a attack, that shows that she's worried.

    The aquarium flashback. The beginnings of the obsession with revenge. Poor Owen...

    •I got attached to Lev and Yara the moment I saw them. The Seraphites who dared hurt them got what they deserved, so I regret nothing.

    •From the moment the dream at the end of Day 1 comes on, Abby knew that she is screwed lol. I knew she'd go back for the kids and I was happy when she did. Abby may have gone to save Lev and Yara out of guilt, but I believe she came to genuinely care for them on the way, just like Joel did with Ellie. Joel saw Ellie as cargo initially and by the end of his arc, he saw her as his daughter. In this case, Abby and Lev probably have more of a sister-brother relationship or something close to that.

    •Anyone who actually was concerned about the fact that they'd have to amputate Yara's hand? I sure did.

    •So I figured out about Lev's identity... And later on the reason about it... The Seraphites scare me...

    •The sky bridges omg. Being just slightly acrophobic, I felt the anxiety.

    •The Christmas in the Aquarium flashback. Don't have much to say about this, don't know why do I even include this-

    •Ok, I like Nora a bit more now.

    •I knew about the Rat King. Still scared the sh*t out of me. My first reaction? Run for your damn life! And then I realized that I have to fight it. Died three times.And I just remember that Abby headed down to the basement of that hospital and risked her life to save a girl who was of the opposite faction while she didn't have anything to gain from it. Let that sink in...

    •The companionship between Abby and Lev... Again, I'm melting.

    •The dream sequence of Day 2… I teared up.

    •Day 3 (again) summary. The trouble we get in for you Lev!

    •I felt bad for Abby after the argument with Mel… I mean, getting her revenge is something she doesn't regret, sure, but... She does recognise that she is a bad person. She does recognise that she has pushed her friends away.

    •"We are allowed to be happy". Thanks, Owen, I didn't need my heart anyways.

    •I actually felt sad when Manny died. Am I the only one?

    •The Seraphites have a nice place too. Would make a nice resort if the Seraphites knew tourism lmao

    RIP Yara...

    •"You are my people!". Another great line.

    Many people say that Abby's defection from the WLF doesn't make much sense. Here are my thoughts on it. I think that Abby didn't have that much loyalty to this faction anyways. The only people she was close to were the former Firefly crew from Salt Lake, her friends. At this point, you can say Lev had become her friend too. So the moment the WLF was going to attack a person she considered a friend, it wasn't hard for Abby to turn against them.

    •The action sequence on the Seraphite island. Intense af.

    •The aquarium scene and when Lev finds Ellie's map to base… I instantly had a bad feeling about this...

    The boss fight was absolutely crazy! Since I came to like both Ellie and Abby, I didn't want either of them to die. It was very brutal as well. Now why Abby was about to kill Dina even if Ellie told her that she's pregnant? Well, I guess it goes for the eye for an eye thing. Abby wasn't on good terms with Mel last time they saw each other, sure, but Abby definitely wouldn't wish death on her. She also lost her ex (?) boyfriend as well and you could see it in her eyes when she saw their bodies, she was ready to kill whoever did this. But when she was about to commit the deed that would continue the cycle of revenge, Lev is there to remind Abby of her recently regained humanity and brought her out of the rage. So just imagine how bad things would go if Lev wasn't there...

    •After the events of Seattle, being in the farm seems almost like a dream. It's almost idyllic. Almost too good to be true...

    •JJ is adorable on a sidenote.

    •Just when you thought that the game was going to end here, in a happily ever after, the game goes nope! and reminds you that there is no happily ever after in this world.

    •Can say just how mad I am at Tommy? I know that Ellie would have left anyways most likely, but still. But yeah, at the same time I get it. Ellie is by no means a "bad" person, she's just lost and sometimes, even if you try your best to move on, you still have this need to find closure.

    •The "Prom" flashback. Do I really have to say something about this? Well, one thing. Screw Seth.

    •"We have a family. She doesn't get to be important than that." This scene hurt.


    •And back to Abby and Lev again. Seems they follow Owen's plan to find the Fireflies. While Ellie still goes after them for revenge, these two are moving on with their lives, they are on their way to find their own something they will fight for (did that make any sense?).

    So, the duo seems to have been able to find the Fireflies, waiting in Catalina but at the same time, I have my doubts. I mean, talking with the Fireflies on the radio and then getting immediately ambushed by the Rattlers seems suspicious. I think that they did find the Fireflies though, so what are your thoughts on it?

    •The concern Abby shows for Lev, how can you tell me that she doesn't genuinely care about him at this point?

    •Back to Ellie once again. She really is unstoppable. Gets stabbed by a tree (ok, that sounded weird) and still kicks ass.

    •I had fun with setting infected on the Rattlers. These guys did get what they deserved. I wonder what happened to the prisoners

    •By the point I reached the beach, I still didn't want any of them to die. All of them are just so human in this point. Exhausted, just wanting to be done with it. Then the boss fight happened. I hit Abby but I felt like I was forcing myself to press the button, I actually said "I don't want to do this" out loud. So I was relieved when Ellie let Abby go. I just want all of them to be happy dammit-

    Remember how in the first game Ellie said that she's afraid of ending up alone? Yeah about that

    I still have questions about the last scene... Does this happen right after Santa Barbara or Ellie has gone to Jackson first? Has she made up with Dina or not? So many questions…

    •That flashback man... The feels. All the feels...

    •The game had me feel empty... But in a different way, I can't explain how exactly. But I can say this: Naughty Dog's intention was to play my emotions and they succeeded.

    •The biggest WTF moments (not in any particular order): -The first Seraphite encounter -The Rat King fight -The bloater in the arcade -The Seraphite "brutes" fights -The stalker filled apartment -Getting attacked by Alice in the aquarium -Any infected jumpscares

    •The moments I couldn't stop smiling (not in any particular order): -The museum flashback -The "Take On Me" scene -The dream sequence of Abby's Day 2

    •The moments I almost cried (in no particular order): -Abby's Day 2 dream sequence -Saint Mary Hospital flashback -Finding Lev in the Seraphite village -The Porch flashback/the ending in general

    •My thoughts on what might follow: Everyone talks about the Fireflies and how Ellie might go find them to make a vaccine, and while it is a probability, and might be addressed in a possible part 3, I don't think it would even be a main theme. A thing I haven't seen anyone talk about, is the recurring theme of a broken adult and a kid born after the apocalypse against the world, that started with Joel and Ellie and continues with Abby and Lev. Since I personally find it improbable that the third game would follow a different cast altogether, I think that the game would follow the last part of Ellie's story. She might as well become Joel, but in a different way than the one she was trying to do, she will follow the theme of the series, becoming Joel in her story. I feel like JJ might take part in that if Ellie hasn't left Jackson behind for good.

    •I will put it out here, I don't mind it at all if you don't like the game, everyone has different tastes so I won't really fight anyone who didn't like it, because you enjoy what you enjoy and I can't do something about it, I'm just here stating that I really liked TLOUP2.

    So these were my ramblings about the second game, which I absolutely loved. Anyways, thanks for coming to my TED talk, and have a good day/evening.

    P.S.: If you think there is something else I should add a spoiler tag to, tell me so that I add it.

    submitted by /u/Commander_Meiloorun
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    aint trying to flex but... this is the best I’ve ever done on Grounded Permadeath Whole game up to this point and idk if I’ll ever top it. I healed once the whole game. max health and cant even pick up this med kit ��

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 10:26 PM PST

    Ray McKinnon is the only actor I will accept as David. I am prepared to dispute any claims that Adrien Brody would be better.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 02:51 PM PST

    How old is Ellie ? Discussion regarding the timeline .

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 10:22 AM PST

    I made this post because on most things like Fandom or wiki have Ellie's listed age for part 2 at 19 , which for a big chunk of the game that's how old she is in Seattle Specifically but the game goes on past day 3 in Seattle ( estimated to be May or June 2038 ) .

    ( Going with a know date first) the date of Joel's death is 3/2/38 & a week or so after that Ellie goes on a trip to Seattle seeking revenge which takes her and Dina around 2-3 months to get to Seattle .

    Throughout the game we find out Dina was already pregnant by Jessie and is starting to show signs when they arrive in Seattle . If she had a normal pregnancy and the baby wasn't premature I believe that would mean JJ was born around late November / early December 2038 . But by the time we actually get to meet him he isn't a "baby" or at least not a infant anymore ( according to Neil Druckmann in his relater interview with Troy Baker he's a toddler ) .

    That adds nearly a year and a half to the timeline considering toddlers are defined as 1-3 years old and it's clearly sunny and clear of snow on the Farm in snowy ass Wyoming of all places so I'd assume its at least April / May for that section of the game then Ellie goes on a 4-5 month round trip to Santa Barbara and by the time she gets back it's late summer 2040 I'd assume .

    One thing I'm not 100% on is Ellie's birthdate other than it's for sure in 2019 I remember hearing that she was born in the spring / summer but I don't recall if they ever said a date , either way I believe that if my timelines right that she'd have already turned 21 by the time she returns to the farm which is a big jump from what most people consider her age to be in the game .

    Let me know what y'all think about this .

    submitted by /u/BJYxWJY
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    Ellie Red

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 12:03 AM PST

    Trap Mine Near Work Bench—Ellie Day 2

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 04:48 PM PST

    Hey y'all, I'm going through what seems to be my 4th or 5th full playthrough of Part II and I've always wondered this:

    When you're on your way to the hospital and you get to that workbench scenario where you get ambushed by the WLF deserters, has anyone placed a trap mine near the bedroom door where they come out of before you get to the work bench? I'm too far into the game to go back on it, but I was just wondering if anyone's done that yet, and if so, what was the end result?

    submitted by /u/abel_novocaine
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    Killing some WLFs with all weapons and ammunition in one take

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 08:44 AM PST

    hey everyone! i made a new tlou playlist if you’d like to stream it! also drop song suggestions please haha

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 08:00 AM PST

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