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    Sunday, January 10, 2021

    The Last of Us | Who else is still waiting to know what that "other thing" is?

    The Last of Us | Who else is still waiting to know what that "other thing" is?

    Who else is still waiting to know what that "other thing" is?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 06:42 AM PST

    I managed to do a little Ellie photoshoot in my house. Here’s one of the pictures I edited!

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 05:55 PM PST

    My take on Ellie’s tattoo! It turned out amazing, I couldn’t be happier

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 12:34 PM PST

    (Opinion) The Last of Us 2 wrongfully received the backlash that much of Cyberpunk 2077 deserved

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 05:20 PM PST

    Both games were delayed numerous times, but one became a masterpiece that was overshadowed by story leaks that made some people give it a bad rep/refuse to try it entirely because of it, perhaps even without experiencing it themselves. Cyberpunk, on the other hand, has also received a lot of backlash for the unacceptable product the company (not devs) decided to release, in the eyes of many. However, there seems to be less anger and more forgiving people who are willing to give it a second chance in the future, in my opinion and things I've read, which personally, I somewhat found a little weird and perhaps contradicting

    In no way am I trying to incite ill feelings towards either game or players who have played/given opinions on either of them, and I know what you're thinking. Despite my title that states "TLOU2 got the backlash that Cyberpunk 2077 deserved", I contradicted myself there, but hear me out for a second. TLOU2 received backlash (to put it lightly) before its release, based on story spoilers that were leaked across the internet, so much to the point where many people (including some of my friends) refused to play it all together. Not because of gameplay or personal experience with the game, but because they didn't like the direction the story took that was spoiled to them, instead of finding out (perhaps) in their own blind playthrough and getting a chance to experience the technical marvel of the game as well

    Cyberpunk, on the other hand, seems to get some passes, that I think could qualify as a double standard. I may be wrong, but I wanted to post my thoughts and receive feedback on the topic that I've talked to a few of my friends with, along with providing some comparison thoughts to try and back it

    Feel free to be as honest as you like, if you take the time to read it, and thank you for doing so if you do

    (Comparison Points)

    In my personal opinion/takeaways, TLOU2 was most heavily criticized for certain story-related choices that seemed to upset (putting it lightly) a large portion of their fanbase. So much to the point that I personally feel that it overshadowed just how much of a technical masterpiece it truly was, as a lot of players (and few friends personally) decided to avoid the game entirely based off some of the knowledge of the leaks

    Cyberpunk 2077, on the other hand, seems to get a pass in my opinion for these reasons. People have been waiting almost a decade for this game, so much to the point where people really want to love it, to make the wait feel worth it in the end and less disappointed. Some even seem willing (from threads I've read online) to give it a second chance in the future after updates, and the comments seem to be far less toxic than TLOU2 as well. But, if Cyberpunk would've leaked and perhaps disclosed some of the bugs close to release date that the company was trying to hide, would people have had different thoughts, as well as the urge to cancel preorders and call the game perhaps "bad" without playing it?

    TLOU2 never received that chance, to learn of its highs and its lows, without pre-determined bias and a lot more blind playthroughs

    TLOU2 (in my opinion) received considerably more "toxic" hate, mostly based on bias from the story leaks compared to actual gameplay, which in my opinion, makes ND the best developer in gaming at the moment

    TLOU2 ran an honest campaign, with director Neil Druckman directly stating that (paraphrase) some people may not like the game, perhaps find it uncomfortable, and might not find it fun (https://www.gamespot.com/articles/the-last-of-us-part-2-isnt-for-everyone-director-w/1100-6478271/)

    Cyberpunk, on the other hand, premeditatively decided to hide previous-gen gameplay from early review content, as well as proceeding to strike down anyone who posted footage of previous-gen gameplay, to show a false image of what "one of" their products actually was

    But, somehow, personally, I feel like TLOU2 received much more vigorous anger for their spoilers, compared to the last thing that I just mentioned. I'm not saying that the over-the-top backlash (talking about threats) that TLOU2 received was right in any way, but in comparison to that, it doesn't seem like anything to hold that much anger towards at all. That's what makes me think that there's a double standard, but that's just me. I'm probably wrong, will be roasted by many in the comments (if there are any), and I'm pretty aware that my grammar/placement of certain sentences were probably choppy and off... but those are my thoughts, and I just wanted to throw it out there and see what others thought)

    I also compared them because of the similarity that both games were from major developers and were slated to release around the same time

    submitted by /u/Angelaflies
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    A digital painting I did yesterday of Joel and Ellie by me, aged 14

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 02:57 AM PST

    @omgitsfirefoxx posted her Ellie cosplay on instagram and had a giveaway for the Ellie Edition backpack (and goodies) and I won it!

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 06:19 AM PST

    Not sure if this was intentional, but I replayed the first one recently with a relative who wanted the story but doesn’t play games. I took the reins. I noticed something about her fingers in the final cutscene.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 10:10 AM PST

    8 year old part one Easter egg finally discovered

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 09:31 PM PST

    Here is Joel's Lookout model replacement in TLOU:R on PS4 Pro - I am still working on the bottom lip, which sticks out a lot currently

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 04:06 PM PST

    Why some people think Ellie acted out of character in Part II?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 07:00 PM PST

    Is it because they're basing this off the first game, when she was younger? I want to know why some people believe this because I honestly don't see it.

    submitted by /u/Bashful_Baboon
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    what a well-placed mine can do :)

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 12:58 PM PST

    Did you know this?!

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 05:39 PM PST

    When Ellie gets to the Rattler camp, she can release the runner and the clickers and they go and actually kill a lot of the rattlers? I just finished my last play through and just found that out for the first time. Thought it was pretty cool.

    submitted by /u/AlertCaterpillar8
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    I like The Last of Us

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 03:33 AM PST

    I finally Did It

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 12:14 PM PST

    I just finished my first playthrough clocking in at 26hrs 30 mins and holy shit what a rollercoaster . I especially appreciated how they told the story fully from both sides and that ending was exactly how I felt it should have ended. Deserves every award it got

    submitted by /u/HeavyDroofin
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    Amazing tattoo by @kevinplane_tattooer posted on @bsatattoo story on Instagram

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 08:31 PM PST

    A thought about Tess and a few other things...

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 06:56 PM PST

    Does anyone think if Tess was still alive at the end of the game that Joel would have still done what he did at the end? It didn't seem like they "loved" each other but Joel still tried to take care of her, and interacted in an almost in a fatherly way. Did Joel just need someone to connect to or take care of? Tess and Joel clearly had a more adult relationship, but was it Ellie's charm, Joel's fatherly needs, both? I'd like to hear what others think about this.

    submitted by /u/TheeOneWhoKnocks
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    For Those Worried Sony wont allow the Innovative Risks TLOU2 had done For their future titles:

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 06:42 PM PST

    One of the things I find really interesting about those big box office games is that a lot of them are crowd pleasers, such as Horizon Zero Dawn and Spider-Man. But you've also got titles such as Death Stranding and The Last Of Us: Part 2 that are more challenging and meant to provoke different emotions. Is that strategy of divergent experiences going to continue with the PlayStation 5?

    "Yeah. We have a management organisation that sits over the individual studios and one of the things that we look at a lot is the portfolio and we look at is the balance between new iterations of much-loved series such as God Of War or Uncharted and shaking things up with new IP such as Horizon Zero Dawn or Ghost Of Tsushima. We think about this very deeply and very carefully."

    -Jim Ryan, Playstation Boss.


    -Link to full interview

    submitted by /u/Luke_Dongwater
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    These are the trophies I'm most proud of:))

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 11:51 AM PST

    I made ellie a music video, i hope you like it.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 05:05 PM PST

    Father and daughter

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 05:54 PM PST

    Part 1 and Left Behind on Metacritic

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 10:49 PM PST

    I know TLOU2 got the hell review bombed out of it, but did the same happen to TLOU1 and the DLC? Looking at it now its hovering in the 5 range with a ton of use ratings, I dont remember it being this low - did the review bombers recently hit these games too or were they always like this

    submitted by /u/beowulf47
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