• Breaking News

    Monday, December 7, 2020

    The Last of Us | Voting has opened for the last round of the TGA Player’s Choice category.

    The Last of Us | Voting has opened for the last round of the TGA Player’s Choice category.

    Voting has opened for the last round of the TGA Player’s Choice category.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 05:58 AM PST

    The battle horns are out. Vote y'all!

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 10:37 AM PST

    "You make ever VOTE count." - Final Round of Voting in the Player's Choice Awards! Remember to cast your vote for your GotY!

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 07:38 AM PST

    Come on yall, last day to vote! Fuck the haters! Lets take it on home!

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 08:17 AM PST

    About an hour ago, Part II was leading in the TGA votes. Now you can‘t sign into the website and one title stands at 100%. What is going on?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 11:09 AM PST

    Remember me from 3 days ago? This is me now.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 02:41 PM PST

    Just got my 1st platinum trophy, safe to say ive enjoyed the journey.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 04:39 PM PST

    Guys we’ve got a day left to vote for the TGA awards, TLoU and GoT are within 2%. Vote now if you haven’t, link in comments

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 10:51 PM PST

    TLOU2 is now losing for like 2%. Come on boys, cast your votes! We can still win this!

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 11:05 PM PST

    Glad he liked it! But uhh, not sure about the rest...

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 11:32 PM PST

    (Spoilers) Unjustified Hate, Part 1 - The fall of a "hero"

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 05:11 PM PST


    TLDR: Joel's death should not be the reason why this game is hated nor why many should abandon it!

    A few days ago I finished TLOU2 for the first time and have one big question lingering in my mind, 'why is there so much hate for this game?'. I do admit I was a bit hesitant when purchasing this title after reading the reviews but after completing it, I can easily say this is one of (if not) the best title on the PS4. It is up there with GOW, RDR2, HZD and other behemoths we were given in this generation. But as I said before, I am bothered by the amount of hate that this game garnered from release and onwards.

    From what i gathered the majority of the hate is from Joel's death. Yes, his death was brutal and mind numbingly upsetting but it is justified in many ways. When I first encountered that scene, I had to take a break for the game even though I was only 2 hours in. Killing off such a huge character that we grew to love over the span of many years was a bold move, which personally paid off. My little break from the game helped me get into the same mind set of Ellie, feeling all of the pain and sadness bubbling up and evolving into anger and rage. Just like Ellie I was set on ending Abby and all those around her, not letting anyone or anything come in my way. This in turn allowed me to connect with Ellie in ways that I have never done with any other character.

    I agree that Joel's death should have been expanded somewhat, allowing us to spend a few hours with him before the inevitable happened. But by making it so quick and sudden, it felt real and much more immersive. In a world of constant danger, death is around the corner for anyone and everyone, inconsiderate of their status or the life they lived. Killing Joel made him feel human and real, as instead of an invincible terminator, we see a regular man in a situation he cannot escape. Humanising him in such an extreme way helped us realise that although Joel lived an extraordinary life, he was just like the rest of us.

    The main argument against my previous point is that 'Joel is strategically smart enough to not get into that situation in the first place'. People have to understand that this game takes place 5 years after the original, with Joel becoming accustomed to a whole new lifestyle. Before he was a strategic genius with the brawn and skill to go alongside it, however his life and time in Jackson has altered that side of him and somewhat evolved him. He lived a much more tame and relaxed life, being able to explore and live freely with his guard down most of the time. When meeting Abby he saw a person who needed his help, not a possible enemy or rival. Even when entering the lodge with the other WLF members, all Joel saw was a group of displaced stragglers who needed somewhere to thrive and live. We even see Tommy, an ex firefly enforcer, as tame as a butterfly, offering his soon to be enemies a home in Jackson. A younger Joel would have been much more hesitant in that situation, giving a fake name and not entering such a confined space with that many strangers, but as mentioned earlier this is a different Joel from the first game. His new and improved lifestyle may have given him a decent and laxed life but also led to his ultimate demise. This, alongside other reasons yet to discuss, played a huge role in why he had to die.

    We all love and admire Joel, seeing him as not only a father figure to Ellie but also as a father figure to many of us. But that's exactly it, US! We see Joel as a mighty hero, battling hordes of enemies to ensure that Ellie lives a good a life as she can in such an accursed world. Those so called "enemies" however see things in a different way, instead seeing Joel as a man killing all those he deems 'evil', acting as judge, jury and executioner. I totally agree that many people Joel killed deserved it, such as hunters and the cannibals, but others were totally avoidable and unjust murders. Some examples i can think of would be the nurses and Marlene. The nurses were only there to assist the doctors and help out during operations, many being unarmed during the hospital massacre. Marlene was bleeding out and unarmed when Joel decided to end her life, pleading him to stop and reconsider. I do understand that it is a "dog eat dog world" but sometimes i felt that Joel became unstable, killing some people just beacuse he was angry. However, Joel cemented his death by murdering Jerry someone Abby loved more than the world itself, placing her on a similar path to that of Ellie's in the future. Joel got, quite brutally, what was coming to him with justified reasons to support his death.

    Finally, I would like to disucss his death from a gaming standpoint. His death ultimately set the course and narrative for the whole game. Without it, we would never have seen Ellie go after Abby but more importantly, we would have never seen the consequences of Joel's action's. Consider this, what if Joel never died and the whole game was him and Ellie going on some big adventure, fighting another generic villain and ending with them living happily ever after. Would that seriously be fun? Of course it wouldnt, it would feel as if we were playing the first game just re-skinned! Truthfully, some aspects may have been fun such as seeing a grown up Ellie and an older Joel have fun together whilst fighting off enemies but would feel mediocre after a while. This is NO fairy tale, it is a harsh and gut wrenchingly realisitic take on a world gone to sh*t! There isn't always a happy ending where our beloved characters go off and live peacefully in the meadows. We have to face the realisation that it is a cruel world that they inhabit and that no one is safe from the conniving clutches of death, not even our protagonists.

    In conclusion, the hate for this game is completely unjustified. Altough other reasons played a part, (which will be discussed in later post's) Joel's death is one of the main arguments. Those who hopped on the bandwagon of cancelling the game, missed out on an awesome experience that puts many other titles to shame. I also would like to add that all of this is coming from someone who has played the original 4 times over and loved Joel as much as the rest of the community. I feel great loss from his death but completely understand why Naughty dog took that approach and do not hate the game for it. I would like to end on a quote: "Abandoning a path of adventure for what you stumble across in its way, is idiocy in its purest form".

    submitted by /u/SkyHD786
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    I am so sorry Dina

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 08:23 PM PST

    Neil Druckmann Becomes Co-President of Naughty Dog

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 06:13 AM PST

    TLOU2 is losing traction over the past couple hours. Fans Mobilize

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 10:22 PM PST

    They both deserve it, just shocked how quickly LOU2 lost the lead. Still one day left.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 10:17 PM PST

    With the Game Awards a few days away, I wanted to post my thoughts on the criticisms and why I (and many others) seem to easily dismiss them.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 08:24 PM PST

    For the past couple of months, it seems all the hate for this game died down significantly, with only the occasional comment or YouTube video popping up. However, with the Game Awards coming up and TLOU2 seemingly having a record-breaking number of nominations, it seems it woke up many dormant "critics" as criticisms for this game once again rose up. This got even bigger once TLOU2 won 5 awards (6 if you include Naughty Dog for Best Studio) at the Golden Joysticks, including Ultimate Game of the Year, which caused many "critics" to call foul and claim the vote was rigged (even though it's 100% public/fan voted).

    With talks about criticisms rising up again, I thought it was time I vented the thoughts I've had on them for the past few months. But before I truly get into my thoughts, I just want to state this preface: this is not meant as an attack on all criticisms and anyone can genuinely not like TLOU2. TLOU2 did a lot of bold things, especially in its story-telling, so its understandable if someone doesn't like it. Also, even though I loved the gameplay and how its a great improvement from TLOU, I also have to admit it is similar enough to TLOU that I understand if someone says the gameplay just stays the same.

    With that being said, though, many of the "criticisms" and "critics" (who I will refer to as "haters" from now on) genuinely frustrate and infuriate me. I know there are many claims that fans of TLOU2 are not open to criticism and although there is some degree of truth to this, these claims also ignore the fact that this game has been bombarded with hate for months (starting a month before the game even came out) and every time someone expressed a positive opinion about the game, they were bombarded with messages saying things like that they are "shills" or "do not understand good writing". After dealing with or seeing a lot of this crap for months, many are just tired of it and when they (and myself) see a common argument pushed by haters, we immediately dismiss it not because we can't handle criticisms but because we've seen and addressed it before and know it has no merit.

    Below, I'm going to breakdown many of the haters' "criticisms" into 3 general points. It's because of these reasons that I and many others seem to quickly dismiss many of the common "criticisms".

    • Subjectivity or personal opinion = Objectivity or "bad writing"

    This is probably the biggest reason why so many fans of the game hate the criticisms and once it seems like someone is taking this stance, they are immediately ignored. Now many of us have seen this criticism all over the place saying things like the game is an example of "bad writing" or that it's "objectively bad". However, as soon as you breakdown their arguments, it becomes very apparent there is no objectivity to them and they are just saying their personal opinions. As stated previously, anyone can dislike the game (especially because of its bold decisions) and there is nothing wrong with that. But as soon as you take your personal opinions and start portraying them as objective facts, you lose a lot of validity in your arguments.

    Let's look at the most controversial portion of this game,>! Joel's death. Now many people were understandably angry at his death as he was a the protagonist of TLOU, was very well-written, had a great performance from Troy Baker, and was pretty much loved by the entire fanbase. However, many haters use this as an example of how the game is "badly written" for one reason or another. Now this has been talked to death so I won't go into it too deeply, but the game gives a lot of justification for how his death was set up and why it happened the way it did (like the fact that Joel and Tommy had no other option but to go with Abby or risk being swarmed by a horde).!< Now, you do not have to like these justifications, but the fact that they exist, are realistic, and accepted by many people shows that this is not an example of objectivity but subjectivity.

    I also recommend you guys look into Suggestive Gaming's video about this, as I think he does a great breakdown of these types of arguments (especially since he admits he did not like the story) .

    • Shallow Arguments

    If you ask many of the haters why they think it is an objectively bad game, they will give you a list of reasons that at first glance seem "legitimate". However, if you actually sit there and think about it (especially if you played the game and remember the part they are criticizing), you realize there arguments actually have no merit to them, hence why they are shallow arguments. This could range from leaving out crucial context, making false equivalency, or just misprotraying an event in the game. One of the most obvious one is pregnant Mel during the beginning of Abby Day 1. So many people use this as an example of "bad writing" and are saying that "they let a pregnant woman fight on the frontlines", which honestly does seem like bad writing at first. However, anyone who has played the game knows it's much more complicated than that. Mel was not "fighting on the frontlines", but being transferred from the WLF's residential area to its main military HQ/FOB. There's even a conversation Abby can have that confirms that the area they went through was suppose to be secure/safe and that the Seraphites broke through their lines and defenses. Additionally, it's established that Mel is one of the WLF's best doctors/medics and since they were preparing a final assault and had a lot of wounded at the FOB, they needed all of their best people at the FOB to prepare. Now you can still disagree with Mel leaving as she is still pregnant, but it is not as clear cut as what a lot of haters claim and there's honesty a lot of good justification for her decision to go.

    • Intended for people who already hate or have not played the game

    I personally think this is one of the main reasons why there are so many shallow arguments. We've all seen this exchange in some form or another, where a person is criticizing the game and then immediately say that they haven't played it, heard their friend talk about it, or just watch their favorite streamer play it. Anyone who has played the game can easily see how shallow a lot of these arguments can be, but the people who haven't just have that person's word. And since the internet amplifies all messages, especially negative ones, it gives the impression that the majority of people hate the game and so many more people start to hate it just to join the bandwagon. Then this leads to a weird cycle where everyone is using other people's "criticisms" to validate their own and believe that they are more valid even when presented with counter-arguments that basically dismantle their criticisms. Now I'm not saying you can't use your favorite streamer or YouTuber to help you decide your feelings on a game. However, I suggest you take a critical look at their actions as many of them made it very clear that they were not going to give TLOU2 a chance, whether it was publicly announcing they hate the game before its release or messing around with a chat spamming things like "TLOU2 sucks" instead of paying attention to the game.

    These are the main three points I've seen in a lot of the "criticisms" and if a "criticism" falls under at least one of them, I think it's safe to assume its not as valid as they are portraying it.

    Sorry for the long post and if anyone read through the whole thing, thanks. I've been thinking about this for the past few months and with criticisms for the game rising because of the awards, I thought it was about time I get it out there. Again I like to reiterate, I have no problem with anyone who criticizes TLOU2 and genuinely dislikes. I will fully admit that my kneejerk reaction is to aggressively defend this game, but I also understand that this game is not for everyone and I'm really sorry if fans of the original hated this one. There are also some criticisms that I agree with too, like how the Santa Barbara chapter (while fun) caused the game to be dragged on for too long, and how they could have delve more deeply into the supporting cast like Jessie or the other Salt Lake Crew to make their deaths more impactful. However, I've seen so many arguments that have one if not all three of the above points and once you've seen that much, it becomes much harder to take the other criticisms seriously especially if they use similar arguments. This is why I think TLOU2 fans seem to come off as dismissive of criticisms; we've seen it so many times before and after responding to/reading the 20th comment using the exact same flawed arguments, you just give up and immediately shoot it down.

    But these are just my takes and I could be completely wrong about how the rest of the fans feel. What are your guys' thoughts?

    submitted by /u/ARVNFerrous
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    A part of TLOU2 that I wish would’ve been longer (SPOILERS)

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 09:04 PM PST

    I think that the very first flashback as Abby when she finds her dad should have been longer. I think it would've added so much to the scene to have Abby walk through all of Joel's carnage on her way to the surgical suite. They could've shown the reactions of all the members of the "salt lake crew" mourning the dead, caring for the wounded, and just generally freaking out about the "crazy smuggler that ran through slaughtering everyone", have everybody freaking out because they can't find Marlene anywhere and that he got away with the immune girl. I absolutely fucking loved the game from top to bottom, I just always am a sucker for added character development and I think that it would've went a long way in humanizing Abby and her friends even more, as well as better painting the picture of why they hated Joel so much.

    submitted by /u/RollTide22
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    Depression and regret

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 07:19 PM PST

    Terrified as I begin my grounded/permadeath first run.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 04:53 PM PST

    After beating the game on survival once, a new game plus on survival months ago, I was eager to go ahead and try a grounded run with a permadeath mode for the whole game. I ended up playing other games, and for the past hour I have been reading everybody's struggles and how far they have made it trying to beat the game on grounded in permanent. I'm absolutely terrified to start this run through because I know it is in evitable that I will die at least 10 times before getting halfway through the game, but I refuse to say no to challenging playthrough like this. Last game I played that offers such a challenge was ghost recon: Wildlands, ghost mode with tier one mode on and no hud, except compass, and that took me a little over a month to finally beat after dying so many times. Wish me luck guys lol

    submitted by /u/thatonesoldier210
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    Here's a mask I made with some styrofoam and crate paper (that's the rippled texture)

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 10:10 PM PST

    Emmys should consider mo-cap performances/voice acting in video games as a category.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 08:01 PM PST

    Ive thought this for a while now and maybe others have too.

    Ashley Johnson (Ellie) and Laura Bailey (Abby) are prime examples of why motion capture performances and voice acting should be considered as a category. They were seriously amazing performances by both of them, definitely better than most actors on TV shows and movies today.

    Their subtle facial expressions, their slight movements, their realistic vocal expressions are purposeful and are all captured by motion capture and microphones. These are some seriously talented actors and actresses that should be treated with the same respect as other Emmy winners and nominees.

    Not to mention, the directing in TLOU2 is awesome, great cinematography and great shots, literally better directing than most shows on TV. The writing is also superb, interactions feel so natural and genuine, this may be because of the talented actors/actresses as well, but no matter what, it is quality work.

    submitted by /u/DickGrayson123
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    The Last of Us tattoo ideas?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 04:48 PM PST

    I am getting a tattoo for Christmas and I am seriously considering a Last of Us tattoo. I was thinking of a Firefly tattoo but it is considered overdone and Ellie's tattoo a lot of people have too. I'm stuck on what to get and my brain does not want to function with me.

    Any ideas? Any of you have any inspired by the game?

    submitted by /u/The-Great-Red-Dragon
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    Completed the second run, and with it the platinum. Six months after the first run, this game was able to keep me in suspense until the end, and excite me in the same way. What a masterpiece.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 05:56 AM PST

    Is it me or did someone else notice someones face looks 100% different between part 1 and part 2?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 06:49 PM PST

    Marlene is the face in question.

    I have included a side by side between her.

    Part 1 Scene was taken as Joel was exiting the elevator with Ellie in his hands.

    Part 2 Scene was taken after the Zebra encounter as playing as Abby.

    Here is the side by side:


    submitted by /u/mrnapolean1
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    Anyone getting nostalgia??

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 12:20 PM PST

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