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    Sunday, December 6, 2020

    The Last of Us | Just found this out.... there is the last of us 2 avatars on the ps3

    The Last of Us | Just found this out.... there is the last of us 2 avatars on the ps3

    Just found this out.... there is the last of us 2 avatars on the ps3

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 09:05 AM PST

    This came in the mail today!! It’s so pretty it hurts!

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 03:15 PM PST

    On this day, a legendary r/TheLastOfUs mod (and cohost of The Last of Us Podcast, alongside u/Voldsby) was born. That's right...today is u/-Anne-Marie-'s birthday! Truly one of the kindest, warmest, most fun-loving, insightful and hilariously unfiltered people I've ever met. Happy Birthday, lady!!!

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 11:41 PM PST


    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 02:32 PM PST

    I think Part 2 is better than Part 1. Here's why.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 07:07 PM PST

    Don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved the first game. It was so fun, and I loved the characters. But, I honestly find Part 2 better.

    In Part 1, Joel is tasked with taking Ellie to the Fireflies so they can make a cure. This brings us on an emotional journey across America. Joel, who originally wasn't up to the task, starts lightening up to Ellie, who in a way replaces what Joel lost at the beginning of the outbreak: his daughter.

    In Part 2, Joel is killed while Ellie watches. This gives her PTSD, which is later shown in the story. Ellie decides to go to extreme lengths to get revenge. Abby, Joel's killer, had her reasons to kill Joel, who killed her father.

    Right before the events of the story, Ellie had an argument with Joel. He pushed the guy who called her a homophobic slur. She says she could've handled him, and later brings up what happened at the end of Part 1. "I was supposed to die in that hospital! My life would've fucking mattered but you took that from me!" She says she can't forgive him, but wants to try. Soon later, Joel dies.

    Ellie, like Joel, goes across the country with a companion - Dina. Ellie kills who and what she needs to, and eventually makes it to her goal. But this time, the goal comes to her.

    Both are moving towards each other, until they finally cross paths. Abby kills Jesse and injures Tommy. Now, we're seeing her side of the story.

    There's no story without two sides, and this is the second side. Abby kills Joel in revenge for her father's death. She saves the life of a child from the enemy team. These actions parallel Joel's and Ellie's. Ellie goes after Abby in revenge for her father figure's death. Joel saved the life of a child from the enemy team.

    However, Abby does do some things that are the opposite of what Ellie did. Abby spares the life of a pregnant woman, unlike Ellie. Unlike Ellie, Abby actually fully went through with her revenge. Abby is the villain in Ellie's side of the story, while Abby has the Seraphites and, later on, the Wolves.

    After going through Abby's story, we're back to Ellie. After talking to Tommy, she leaves her lover and adopted(?) son to pursue her revenge. This time she's alone, with no help or support. After killing more people and infected, she finds Abby.

    This is what I love most about the game. The ending. After nearly drowning Abby, she gives up. Lets her leave. Why? I have two theories.

    1. She realizes revenge for Joel is useless. He's gone, and more deaths won't bring him back. Plus, someone will eventually want revenge for Abby's death.
    2. She sees Lev. While trying to kill Abby, she realizes that Abby is, in a way, like Joel. Abby does what it takes to protect Lev, who she has brought across the country.

    I like Part 2 better because, in my opinion, it has much more emotion and story than Part 1. I know my points are dumb, but this is really how I feel and I had to find a way to put them into more words than "I just liked it better." Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

    submitted by /u/LaughingForeign
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    Added some posters to my room. Been looking for some decent TLOU posters for so long now :)

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 03:57 PM PST

    this is an attempt at an TLOU (inspired and based) original character - took me a couple of hours but totally worth it!

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 05:57 PM PST

    Brilliant - Spoiler

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 08:31 PM PST

    They both get to beat each other to an inch of their life & save each other. Fucking brilliant. Really love this game.

    submitted by /u/mnGozermn
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    Today is the Day. Happy Birthday Neil !

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 10:11 AM PST

    I made a firefly ornament! I tried making it look sort-of like cordyceps

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 04:49 PM PST

    My Joel fan art

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 05:00 AM PST

    Got the soundtrack today!

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 02:54 PM PST

    The Last Of Us - Year One

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 12:33 PM PST

    The last few days I've been thinking about what life would have been like in the first 365 days following Outbreak Day in September 2013.

    No Bloaters or Shamblers to worry about and unlikely to encounter any Clickers until Autumn / Winter of 2014.

    Runners must have been absolutely everywhere though. Dozens of them in every town and city street.

    Then, if that wasn't bad enough, around about day 14 some of them begin to transform into Stalkers. 😱 That must have been fun!

    Good luck scavenging for food and supplies with those odds against you. Must have been horrific. Just checking your local food store or supermarket would have been mega risky.

    Do you think the first year would have been the most dangerous time or does that come a bit later when the Clickers start to appear in decent numbers?

    Not sure when FEDRA set up their safe zones (forgotten the name used for them) but for the few survivors trapped in their homes I bet it felt like an eternity.

    It's kinda miraculous anyone lived through that first year let alone almost 3 full decades after the outbreak.

    What are your thoughts and how do you think you'd have faired if you found yourself in such a position?

    submitted by /u/InfectedByEllie
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    we need to pick it up on round 3 :(

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 11:31 AM PST

    So I was playing TLOU on New Game Plus, and I just noticed this Uncharted Easter Egg at the toy shop.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 12:23 PM PST

    Help! Stuck on grass!!

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 01:05 PM PST

    My Ellie nendo arrived yesterday!

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 09:53 AM PST

    The Association Bias Test (Entry Number 2)

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 10:29 AM PST

    This is entry 2 into my foray into discovering the truth and reality of Association Bias. Here is the link to the first entry. To summarize what I am looking into, I seek to find the effects of Association Bias, in which someone meets someone first and has a preference to defend them. My friend knows next to nothing about the franchise, so when she joined my screen share of my Twitch stream of the second game where I was just beginning Abby's section, an idea sparked and I got permission from her to observe her reactions to the games in the series. A constant throughout her experience was awe of the graphics.

    In Abby's end of Day 1, she watched her and Owen get together, finding their sex scene to be a little awkward and surprising. This had no lasting effect on her liking them.

    Starting out Day 2, she enjoyed it, rooting for Abby and Lev, liking their interactions throughout their trek to help Yara, especially enjoying the Bridge. During The Descent, like myself, she ended up getting a tiny bit scared and shocked at the Stalkers in the walls. Upon reaching the hospital, she was creeped out and nervous at the fungus all over the walls much like in The Descent, and was very clearly in shock and found the Rat King boss to be intense.

    As Day 3 began, she enjoyed seeing Yara interact with Alice the dog thinking of it as super wholesome, and finding the shark plush adorable. She was filled with worry when Lev ran away, and wanted to reach the sniper, thinking he was skilled. When Manny got shot, shock overcame her. Later on upon finding Lev's mom, she yet again felt shock and wanted to give a big hug to Lev, also finding Yara's death to be surprising. Upon reaching the Aquarium once more, despair and grief came as she spotted Alice's corpse, and even more so when she found Mel and Owen.

    After all of this, chasing down the killers, she felt emotions such as anger, wrath, and wanted to seek vengeance. She was desperate to avenge all those that were killed because of those chasing them and was rooting for Abby until finding Dina pregnant, at which point she didn't know what to feel anymore.

    This is where I stop for now. We are to continue this experiment on Monday and work towards finishing the whole game and begin on Jackson this time.

    We cannot wait to further continue our experience with The Last of Us Part II. Entry number three is to come either on Monday or on Tuesday. Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/orecon125
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    Heres two review on this game from two Iranian game website:

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 03:18 AM PST

    Zoomg: 10/10

    By: Mouhammad Hosein Jafarian

    Naughty dog's new game succeeded to prove that the last of part 2 was a necessary game while lots of players believed that there was no need for a second game. The first game was a very successful product for making known right decisions and Excellent use of unique characters But the second game In many ways is considered a novel product in the eighth art world. With its intertwined mechanics combined with rich environments, strong technical graphics, engaging soundtrack, and detailed sounds, it puts the gamer in a post-apocalyptic world for almost 27 hours. There, the player becomes Ellie. experiences a story full of bitter moments but not empty of sweet moments. reaches different conclusions, realizes the wrongness of those results, and takes every opportunity to challenge her/himself with a calculated great story. Even if you get bored of some bold and meaningful storytelling decisions after finishing TLoU Part 2, it's certainly better than not having experienced such an important video game before.

    In a time that companies look at the game as an Industry, Naughty dog without any fear of being hated reminds us that game is an ART.


    1. Shocking soundtrack album
    2. Clear graphics, sound, and battles improvements over the first game
    3. Providing unparalleled gaming experience for the deaf and blind people
    4. The entanglement of each component of the game in the path of exemplary storytelling
    5. Significant use of controversial elements such as realistic violence




    The last of us part 2: Naughty dog's 24 carat diamond on the crown of the PlayStation Kingdom

    By: Saeed aghababaee

    We've had some amazing games throughout history, but titles like Bioshock, God of War, or The Last of Us are still a few notches high because they make new paths, not just in the
    world of Games, but in the whole world of modern entertainment today, and make the game world in the eyes of other people outside the game is "respectable" and so-called Justify.

    This game makes me think that the Eighth generation gen never happened before and makes me say: "what was happening in this gen? like other games belonged to 7.5 gen and this game is the true meaning of Eighth generation"


    A masterpiece and unique story with a perfect narrative that tells one of the bitterest and darkest stories in the history of the game in the best way.Very strong and believable characterization. You understand them and you can hate or love them. Technical and artistic graphics are masterpieces. One of the best visual achievements in the history of video games. A great background for the next generation.Very strong and deep gameplay and very exciting, but still loyal to the first version. Of course, it has changes that help make it more attractive. The surfing system and large environments alongside the skill tree and other role-playing elements greatly enhance the depth and appeal of the gameplay. Perfect sound The game offers a new standard for comparing the sound quality of characters for other games.Audio soundtracks from Gustavo Santaolalla. Like the first version, it is a masterpiece that engages you more and more with the game and the emotions of the game characters.
    this game is a strong fist on the mouths of haters who hate art.


    No problems or glitches were seen at the slightest level of the game.





    Please forgive me.

    My translating is not good enough.

    submitted by /u/apaxco
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    This was satisfying,playing hard mode on new game +

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 03:04 PM PST

    Question about the game

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 08:01 PM PST

    I just completed TLOU yesterday and I have a few questions.

    1. At the diner, before Ellie kills that David guy who ate humans, did he try to rape her?

    I don't wanna google this just in case I get spoilers for TLOU2 but Ellie said something along the lines of "he tried to...". He also gave me pedophilic vibes when Ellie was locked in the cage and he held her hand. IIRC, a few henchmen also made references to this.

    1. What is the name of the song found here?

    It begins at around 4:12 and resumes at like 5:50-6:03. I tried going through the official soundtrack but couldn't find it.

    1. Why do people say Ellie knew that Joel is lying?

    She was unconscious for the entire last part and Joel doesn't really sound like he's lying.

    1. Would you recommend TLOU2 if the game has been spoiled?

    I've seen some absolutely shit reviews for this game + I got a spoiler so I don't even know whether it's worth my time. Should I wait for it to be like $20 this summer or do you think it's a worthy purchase for the holidays?

    submitted by /u/2789334
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    Who will cut together anthonycaliber grounded gameplay with Cascina cutscenes? I would watch that on repeat.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 05:45 PM PST

    For those who don't know, Cascina Caradonna is the face model for Dina and she's been playing through both games. Anthonycaliber is WR speedrunner for both games, streams regularly on twitch.

    Cascina's YT

    anthonycaliber on twitch

    submitted by /u/TheSentencer
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