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    Wednesday, December 2, 2020

    The Last of Us | My wife made fun of me for this but I thought it was pretty neat.

    The Last of Us | My wife made fun of me for this but I thought it was pretty neat.

    My wife made fun of me for this but I thought it was pretty neat.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 07:41 PM PST

    Ellie vs. Clicker

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 06:19 AM PST

    The details in this game... Pearl Jam is actually from Seattle, and their album Lighting Bolt came out on October 11th, 2013.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 12:21 PM PST

    Did an Ellie sketch this time (IG: @hugg.oo)

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 07:28 PM PST


    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 03:52 AM PST

    Am going to my second playthrough now as we speak. Completed my first run back when the game came out.

    I said it before and I say it again, the sniper section is plain brilliant.

    Right from the start of the scene when Manny grabs you and he be like Watch it this guy is a fucking pro.

    I instantly knew it was Tommy, what an Ace. The squishy on that fucker Manny was pretty golden too imo.

    Anybody else liked this encounter in particular?

    submitted by /u/ElusiveVisions
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    My custom made TLOU PS5 faceplates!

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 10:43 AM PST

    Soundtrack is Fire

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 01:12 PM PST

    I don't know if I just haven't really noticed before, but they knocked it out of the park with this soundtrack.

    I just listened to the entire thing while I was studying and I could put myself in every scene when the song changed. They did such a good job of really zoning in on the tone of each scene and improving the overall feeling of the game. Mr. Santaolalla is brilliant.

    I have to say my favorites are The Cycle of Violence and Longing

    I'd love to hear other people's favorites are and why!

    submitted by /u/The_Galaxys_Idiot
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    Cascina Caradonna's (Dina's face model) range of emotion mirrored mine when playing this part... except for the bit at the end.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 07:33 PM PST

    Just finished TLOU and TLOU2 - what do I play now? I’m sorta lost, don’t think any other game can match the amazing experience of both these games. Help!

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 07:09 AM PST

    What other game have you played that gave you a similar experience? I'm thinking Days Gone? Death Stranding? Ghost of Tsushima? God Of War? Looking for great storytelling but not a big fan of open world games.

    submitted by /u/JoeLesina
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    i got treated to a few thoughtful gifts for my birthday and thought this subreddit would appreciate !!

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 09:56 AM PST

    Tommy is the cause of every event in The Last of Us Part II (Spoilers)

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 04:35 PM PST

    So when I finished The Last of Us Part II, I loved every single thing about and I still do. It's my favorite game I've ever played. Especially for how much it changed me and emotionally affected me. Ultimately though my biggest takeaway was how rude Tommy became. I don't know about anyone else but Tommy went from one my Favorite characters from Part I to possibly one my most hated in Part II. This is solely because of how big of asshole he was going to Ellie giving her guilt for not killing Abby. That made me keep thinking about his actions in the game and I relized that everything that happened in Part II is Tommy's fault.

    I'm not saying Joel didn't deserve to die for his actions in Part I, he did and I also believe Joel had the greatest last words in all media, but technically Tommy was the one who told Abby Joel and his name. Tommy telling Abby their names especially in the situation they were in allowed her to take them to her camp where they executed him. Was Joel's death inevitable, yeah, but Tommy was the one who instigated the actions for that to play through.

    After that Tommy goes off on his own to Seatle looking to find Abby. If Tommy didn't go off on his own and waited for Ellie & Dina they wouldn't have had to go and find him in the first place. Also if they went on together when Ellie finds out Dina is pregnant they would've immediately gone back to Jackson since Tommy wouldn't be missing. It also would've let Jesse live since he only went to Seatle to being back Ellie, Dina, and Tommy.

    Next Tommy's gold necklace that he found for Maria. Tommy going to check and prove that his necklace is real gold allows Abby & Lev to sneak up on him, cause a "kerfuffle," leading to Jesse's death. If Tommy didn't go to check his gold necklace Abby & Lev would've have been forced them to go into the main screening room of the theater possibly leading to different outcome.

    Tommy being the sniper. I maybe reaching with this one but hear me out. Tommy being the sniper not only caused Manny's death, but also caused enough of a distraction that it allowed Lev to sneak off on his own to find his mother forcing Abby & Yara to go find him ultimately leading to Yara's death. Not only that but if Abby & Yara didn't have to go to the island Own & Mel wouldn't have died.

    Finally Tommy being rude insisting that Ellie should go on after Abby. Tommy going to Ellie & Dina guilt tripping them not only reignites Ellie's PTSD, but also gives Ellie the tip of where Abby & Lev are so she can get "justice" for Joel and Jesse. I assume that Ellie would've had PTSD before had for the events, but Tommy's tip forced Ellie to give up her chance to have a family and overall become her biggest fear of being alone.

    Some of these maybe a little too contrived so I apologize. I don't know, tell me what you think because I can't stop thinking about how Tommy was pretty much the driving force for the events in the game.

    (P.S. This is my favorite written game ever)

    submitted by /u/Cybotico
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    So I checked my 2020 Spotify Wrapped and uh.... Yeah. Safe to say that I love the music in The Last of Us lol

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 05:40 PM PST

    Sketch of Joel done by myself (@ashlee.draws.stuff on Instagram).

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 05:57 PM PST

    Did Anyone Play TLOU: Part II Completely Blind?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 08:44 PM PST

    Hi everyone! I just finished TLOU: Part II and boyyyy was it an experience. I unfortunately got spoiled, but I really wanted to hear from anyone who played it completely blind; what were your thoughts about the game?? I'm especially curious to hear opinions from those who played the first game, and got emotionally invested in the story.

    submitted by /u/LotusKST
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    Does anybody else do this when they don't know what chapter to play?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 05:38 AM PST

    Thoughts on The Last of Us 1

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 02:28 PM PST

    Wow. I have to lean back, just for a second. When I start writing this, I am not yet done with the game, but right now, I need a break.

    When this game came out, seven years ago, I watched a playthrough on YouTube. I was far too young to really understand what was really going on in the story, I was maybe fourteen years old. But still, I knew that someday I wanted to play that game for myself.

    And here we are. Today, I got the deaths of Henry and Sam, as well as Ellie's and Joel's confrontation at the farmhouse. In one hour. After the scene where Joel decided that he will continue to travel with Ellie, I shut the game down.

    Those two events are related, and the connection only starts to make sense right now, while writing this silly text. Joel refuses to connect (or refused), because he has been where Henry was in the last moments of his life. Losing the person most important to him. But Joel survived, and Henry didn't. Joel shuts himself up from connecting to people, so that he does not end up like Henry, broken, again. But by accepting responsibility for Ellie, out of emotion and connection, he also accepts the possibility of loss. It is Joel's turning point, I think, where he goes away from keeping people out of his heart.

    The deaths of Sam and Henry are shocking, and it hurts watching Sam turning, and then Henry shooting him. But it also shows us, the players, how huge Joel's shift in attitude is when he finally accepts the emotional connection to Ellie. Joel wanted to erase the possibility of ever losing someone again. Sure, the prologue shows us why, but Henry's and Sam's story only reinforces that, right before Joel opens up again. In the end, I believe that being afraid of loss is a price worth paying for not being alone. And Joel pays the price, although not long ago he saw in Henry what he believes always happens when you get attached. That is heavy.

    So, having two such emotional highpoints in a short amount of time, I needed to process this first. Tomorrow, the university awaits. And I am a bit scared of what new meaning I might find in the winter chapter, something that I did not understood as a fourteen-year-old.

    Sorry for inconsistencies in language (I am not a native speaker) and content. And thanks for reading my rambling.

    submitted by /u/maxilambers
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    Details of Beauty - The Birthday Gift

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 09:04 PM PST

    Simply put, that Ellie does a little cannonball when jumping into the creek is just a perfect way to capture that she's still a kid here.

    That's all I have to say. Beautiful little detail I caught upon a replay.

    submitted by /u/__Lifeguard__
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    Multiple saves

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 08:47 PM PST

    I just finished and am going to play ng+ but after that I want a new save that's on grounded is it possible to have multiple saves

    submitted by /u/bigd69555
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    Thoughts about the upcoming The Last of Us show

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 05:29 PM PST

    So I finally got around to watching Chernobyl, judge me later, and wow just wow. I'm excited and terrified by thought of the same creative team (plus Dr. Uckmann) of this show doing a Last of Us show. Just watching that first episode, watching people dying slowly and changing/succumbing to radiation I can already see that translating to the new show. The thought of seeing a clicker in live action has my nauseous, and I'm so excited for it. I really hope that first few episodes don't even have Joel in it, I want to see outbreak day, I want to see what happened to Seattle. What's everyone's else anticipation levels for this show? What are you looking forward to seeing? Cheers

    submitted by /u/nerdyactor
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    Theories on the HBO show?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 01:29 PM PST

    Some of my ideas of what I would want to see:

    The WLF

    new characters

    The initial outbreak of the virus

    or a prequel story with Tommy & Joel

    i think left behind could serve as a really great single episode as well

    What would you like to see?

    submitted by /u/joeybologna909
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    Uhmmm.... what?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 08:52 AM PST

    "Let's talk about 'Game of the Year' controversies." - Alanah Pearce

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 02:49 AM PST

    Have you guys ever done this (TLOU1)

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 08:21 AM PST

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