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    Monday, December 14, 2020

    The Last of Us | 'The Last of Us Part II' is Nominated for 9 Awards at the PlayStation.Blog Game of the Year polls. Vote Now!

    The Last of Us | 'The Last of Us Part II' is Nominated for 9 Awards at the PlayStation.Blog Game of the Year polls. Vote Now!

    'The Last of Us Part II' is Nominated for 9 Awards at the PlayStation.Blog Game of the Year polls. Vote Now!

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 08:13 AM PST

    Visiting Seattle this weekend, decided to stop by some familiar places

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 08:19 PM PST

    Tommy, I know you missed Joel but.......

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 07:29 AM PST

    I guess Part II hit me hard. I did something today that was scary and hopefully life changing (for the better).

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 04:43 PM PST

    TL;DR: Last year, my partner of seven years cheated on me and left me for another man. After playing TLOU II, I saw my rage and hatred in Ellie and Abby, and I needed it to stop. Today, I sent a message to my ex and the man they cheated with, apologizing for my actions and I want to take steps towards forgiveness.

    Very long story short, in May 2019, my partner of seven years left to start a temporary job far away from where I lived. They settled in quickly and loved the job and the people they worked with (my ex prefers they/them pronouns and I am trying to respect that). I visited them around the Fourth of July that year and I could tell our relationship had been strained. Both of us had made a lot of mistakes during our time together and all they wanted to do was not live where I lived. I was comfortable with my job and situation, so I was hoping they would find a more permanent job and I would move to where they worked. When I left to go back home, I was almost certain that our relationship would not survive to the end of the year.

    In August, they admitted to me that they were attracted to another man whom they worked with. I, obviously, was not comfortable with this and I tried hard to save what was seemed to be falling apart. A couple weeks later, my ex admitted to having sex with this other man while they were both intoxicated. My ex was obviously feeling very guilty, but they admitted that it was probably going to happen at some point anyway, they just wanted to end our relationship first. A few days later, we officially split up and my ex started to spend a ton of time with this other man. My ex even moved in with him for a few weeks while my ex finished their time at this temp job. Eventually the job ended, and my ex moved back to our apartment where things got even worse.

    Obviously I was in a ton of pain. The anger and hatred I felt was unbearable and I took it out on both of them. I wanted blood, so I would constantly berate and chastise my ex, who took it all because they felt guilty for making me feel like this. One night in particular, I berated them until they broke down crying and sobbing on the couch. Here was a person I loved so deeply for seven years. A person I wanted to protect from all the pain in the world and whom I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I turned them into a sobbing shell of a person.

    And I felt nothing.

    There was no catharsis. There was no relief or joy in anything that I was doing. I was only doing this because I wanted them to hurt as much as I did, but the harsh truth is that I would never get my vengeance.

    I even sent a message to the other guy, chastising him and calling him a coward for what he did. He knew I existed and even shook my hand when I visited in July. Thoughts of assaulting him and him dying constantly ran through my mind. It was a miserable existence.

    Eventually my ex moved out of state to start a new, better job far away from me and the other guy. But the pain remained and has persisted for well over a year. Thoughts of revenge and hatred run through my veins to this day.

    As a Christmas gift to myself last year, I got myself a PS4. Originally I was only getting it to play MLB the Show 19, but I started branching out into other games as well. You have to realize the last console I ever played was the GameCube. The first game I got outside of the Show was Red Dead Redemption II (ironically on the suggestion of my ex). Now, if you were to ask me what my favorite piece of fiction is, I would still say RDR2. I had no idea that video games could illicit such an emotional response and I wanted more. From there I played all the Uncharted games, Journey, God of War, and the first The Last of Us.

    TLOU was a masterpiece and I love that game with all my heart, so when the sequel came out, I really wanted to play it, but I had a few games that I needed to finish first. Unfortunately I had many main plot points spoiled for me, so I couldn't go into Part II blind. Anyway, I finish the game and while I knew it was good, I wasn't sure how good I really thought it was.

    One thing I did realize is how much I could see myself in in Ellie and Abby. The anger and hate they both had on those who wronged them was what I was feeling, although to a less murder-y extent in my case. But the theme of the never ending cycle of violence and hate stuck with me. Ellie and Abby never got their catharsis, and I never got mine, no matter what any of us did.

    After watching reviews and analysis of the game, I started to realize how my hate and anger had consumed me, and how I didn't want to be the person I was and still am to a degree. I had the idea that I should reach out to the man my ex cheated with. Not to ask for forgiveness or to forgive him, but to apologize for how I behaved. I have been in contact with my ex ever since we split, and I wanted to do the same with them. I don't know the nature of the relationship between the two of them, but I figured they were still in contact. So over the past couple of days I wrote a two page letter to him, explaining that I was angry and it was easy for me to hate him because I didn't know him, just like it was easy for Ellie to hate Abby. I explained that I was a bad person and I don't want to be like this anymore. I want the pain to stop and it starts with me. We both have each other blocked on social media, so I contacted my ex and asked them to deliver the message. I invited my ex to read it, as it was also an apology to them for how I behaved while they were still living with me after we separated.

    I told my ex basically what Ellie told Joel in the last flashback of the game. I don't know if I can ever forgive you for what you did, but I would like to try.

    I don't know what comes next, but I admit this feels a hell of a lot better than simply hating both of them for their actions. I want to be a better man, and I want the pain and hate to stop. Maybe this is my next step in healing. I owe the people who made Part II a lot, I didn't expect the characters they created to be so relatable in my case.

    I'd rather be at peace with the people who hurt me and I hurt back. The cycle ends with me.

    submitted by /u/Freshgeek
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    It’s really annoying how people have interpreted the theme in TLOU2 to just be “revenge is bad”

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 06:23 PM PST

    I see a lot of people who didn't like TLOU2 specifically point out how the whole theme of the game can be simplified to "revenge is bad" and how it doesn't work because you spend so much time violently killing throughout the game and how stupid it is that Ellie just lets Abby go after she killed Joel. I also see people complaining how this theme has already been done so many times before. I honestly think it's close minded to think in these terms.

    I mean yes, you are killing people throughout the game. But you can literally see how it's destroying Ellie. You can see how much it's hurting her deep down to commit so much violence, especially after torturing Nora and killing Mel and finding out she was pregnant. And I'm not just talking mentally, you can see how it's destroying her physically as well, especially when she got back from the hospital and Dina was trying to stitch her back up. You can even see how bringing along other people was hurting her. She was watching Dina, the girl she loved who came all the way to Seattle with her, get really sick because she felt that she needed to get revenge for Joel and couldn't waste time trying to bring her back home. She watched Jesse die right in front of her and Tommy get seriously injured. She didn't want to be doing this, watching her humanity get destroyed and watching her friends suffer. But she felt that she needed to do this. She was so consumed by the need for revenge that there was no other way, thinking it would cure that anger and grief she felt. It seems as though she also felt like she needed to do it for Joel because, as Tommy points out earlier in the game, he would've been down to Seattle right away if it were him or Ellie.

    Then we finally get to her in Santa Barbara. She was full on ready to finally full-fill that need for revenge. There Abby was, looking extremely malnourished and sick. She didn't realize until she actually got to that point where she was about to kill Abby that getting revenge wasn't gonna change anything. It wasn't going to bring Joel back, and it certainly wasn't going to cure any of the problems she faced. She realized everything she did to try and get to this point of getting revenge made things worse. She lost Jesse, she watched Tommy's life fall apart with him and Marie breaking up and him being paralyzed, she realized that she might not be able to go back with Dina and JJ, and most important she realized how much of her humanity she lost. All the violent things she did, all the lives she took. Killing Abby wasn't gonna fix any of that, and she knew that. Also, killing Abby wasn't going to fix any of the grief or anger she was feeling.

    However, she realized that letting Abby live and trying to move forward from this incident could help fix those problems. Letting Abby live and letting her help Lev get to safety showed she did still have humanity left in her. Accepting what had happened, instead of letting it consume her, might fix that anger and grief she felt. So yeah, I guess she did indeed learn that revenge is bad, but I'd say it goes farther then that. She learned trying to get revenge is not just bad, it's fucking life destroying. If you let it consume you, you'll be watching yourself and everything you love fall apart. And you know what's better? Getting revenge isn't gonna change any of that. It's not going to change what happened, and it certainly isn't going to fix any of those negative emotions you're feeling. But you know what can help? Accepting what happened. Learning to understand why the person did what they did to you. Not forgiving them, but understanding why they did what they did, accepting it and trying to move forward. Because if you don't learn to accept it, it will eat away at you forever, even after you commit your revenge.

    I also think TLOU2 did this in a unique way. Because it doesn't have the usual theme of "revenge is bad" where the main character usually has no problem killing or torturing all the people that get in their way. Also, they really showcased what this was all leading up to throughout the game with the examples of Mel and Nora that I gave, which I also think is an improvement over other media that have that theme.

    This is how I've interpreted the game anyway. I'd love to see what you guys think.

    submitted by /u/capamericapistons
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    I hope they don’t cast lookalikes for the HBO series

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 07:41 PM PST

    I see a lot of fantasy fan casting on this sub, and most of the choices seem to be based on how closely they look like Joel, Ellie, Tommy, etc.

    I really hope they don't cast people who look like the game characters. Because if they look like them but don't sound, move, or behave like them, it will just feel off since their likeness will inevitably draw direct comparison.

    If they cast actors that DON'T really look like them, I think they will be far enough removed from the familiarity of the game that viewers can really enjoy the series as a separate interpretation, less burdened by canons created by the game.

    Edit: typo

    submitted by /u/AnAnonymouse
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    I completed Part 2 and I need to vent (LONG)

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 03:52 PM PST

    I'd been waiting on Part 2 to drop but couldn't buy it and instead recently received it as a present. Now, back at launch I'd heard that people were uhhh, mad. However since I couldn't yet play it I did my best to stay as far away as I could from the game/spoilers. So I went into it wondering what happened. I began to question why anybody would have a problem... until I understood why, it just took a while. I was expecting Joel to die and when it hit I was totally ready to kick Abby's butt.

    Before I get started I just want to preface this by saying that I don't care about what "the other sub" comes spewing out with. I sincerely hope that this sub is open to discourse and not just follow a blind echo like other subs (Star Wars has a couple of these). These are all my thoughts that I formed by myself. I thought Joel dying was fantastic. My only problem was Abby's chapters, but I'll get to that later.

    On the topic of being mad, I don't know what people were expecting to happen. We'd seen from marketing that Ellie was out to kill a bunch of people and she was pissed about something. I even remember speculation being that Joel was killed and that maybe even Dina took part in it, and that the game was about Ellie hunting Dina down. Furthermore it is a common narrative that the father/mentor figure dies, thus forcing the child to step up. So again, I'm not sure what folks were expecting.

    From the start of the game all the way until the end of Ellie's Day 3 I was calling this game a masterpiece and my favourite game ever. I was so immersed into the story and gameplay like I'd never been before. If the game had ended with the Ellie and Abby confrontation at the theatre and then they skip to the Farm and Santa Barbara, I'd probably still be calling it that. BUT... the Abby chapters...

    This is where things get complicated for me. The switch to Abby was jarring. I Know what Naughty Dog was trying to do. "Two sides of the same coin", mirroring Joel and Ellie (Abby and Lev ) right down to having an LGBT character!, having us understand why Abby killed Joel and providing a new perspective... but It just didn't work for me. I found Abby to be uninteresting and unsympathetic. Day 1 Seattle I was bored out of my mind. You set out to find Owen and by the time I actually did find him I had completely forgotten why Abby was doing this, why she cared and more importantly, why I cared.

    Then Day 2 begins and man, day 2 kicked ass. Traversing the broken down building and then the entire Ground Zero segment (The Rat-King!) was truly awesome. The build up for it had me so hyped and tense. The notes from patients and employees putting emphasis on how bad they were being treated... the noises it makes when you interact with the door, hearing it break out and then the destroyed door and blood trail all leading up to the ambulance. Fantastic stuff. As an old school horror fan, It gave me vibes from "The Thing" and "Alien". Perhaps the highlight of the game for me. and truly demonstrates the potential body horror that TLOU has. I understand that the Rat-King was a creation of circumstance, but the fact that it could exist in the first place has me wondering what other monstrosities are out there, waiting undisturbed in the darkest corners for years or decades at a time.

    Onto Day 3. I was on the island and just found Lev and Yara's dead mother when I started to realise how much I'm not invested in this. I didn't even remember Yara's name until I looked it up when talking with a friend. I even forgot her name whilst typing this up. Anyway, the level itself was a lot of fun, but storywise I wasn't into it. I know I'm being so negative about Abby, but I don't know what else to say other than "It didn't work for me". Yara and Lev shouldn't have had such as strong presence in the story and Abby should have died. I would have much rather played as Tommy or Jesse over Abby. Both of them go through their own adventure that connect to Ellie.

    Onwards to the ending/epilogue. I liked the ending but I'm also of the opinion that Ellie and Abby must never meet again. Or at least, not on purpose. Three times they met, two of which they both failed to kill the other. Like, either kill each other or just stop it lmao. Also, shout out to Tommy, Dina and Jesse. If we ever get a part 3 then I wouldn't be against Tommy actually killing Abby. I found myself liking Dina more than I thought I would. Power to her for leaving Ellie. Jesse... his death caught me off guard. I liked him, damn.

    Ellie had the best story and gameplay, Abby had the worst story and gameplay but when the gameplay peaked, it PEAKED. That's probably the best way to say it.

    It's pretty difficult to rate the game since I'm so mixed on it so I don't think I will but I by no means dislike the game. I've already started NG+.

    Some further thoughts:

    I loved what the death of Nora did to Ellie. It messed her up pretty bad and it SHOWS. This was not a mercy kill. This was not self-defence. This was purely an execution and she has to deal with it.

    Game looked gorgeous.

    Acting and motion capture was incredible.

    submitted by /u/relatedzombie
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    Joel was born in the mid 1980s. This makes him a Millennial and currently in his mid-30s

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 05:39 AM PST

    As a 31-year-old, I cannot express how weirded out I am by the realisation that Joel is my age peer. I knew that he was in his late 20s on Outbreak Day in 2013, but the time-skip to him being old made him feel of an earlier generation in the distant future and I never connected the dots even though it should have been obvious. Tommy would be around my age in 2020, too. I hope I'm not the only person who finds this funny and strange to think about.

    submitted by /u/ChildrenOfTheForce
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    I’ll see your Don Cheadle as Ellie fan cast and raise you Jack Black as Joel

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 12:16 PM PST

    Mood when looking for TLoU content on YouTube comments

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 05:33 PM PST

    Appreciation for both of the final scenes of these games. Some of the best acting I’ve ever seen in a game and both incredibly emotional for entirely different reasons

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 02:40 PM PST

    Something the Manny haters haven't realised...

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 03:45 PM PST

    Time for something that's sure to be popular.

    Here's where this thing stands: Manny gets quite a bit of hate for spitting on Joel's body after his death, and those same people tend to be happy later in the game when he's shot dead. Indeed, I've seen some colourful comments out there, of how it was too quick, of how they cheered irl, of how he had it coming, etcetera. And you can bet that if the option to play as Tommy came along with "X spit" appearing as an option when approaching Manny's body, many of them would take it. Personally I disagree with that, but to each their own. Anyway, that's driven by the view that he is "the guy who spat on Joel", a total scumbag and nothing more. Of course, I've seen other reasons (he was annoying, he was a stereotypical character, etc) but the spit tends to be the overarching one. However, that spit and the "burn in hell, pendejo" were driven by Manny's view that Joel was the guy who killed half his colleagues including his best friend's dad - a total scumbag, and nothing more. Except in Manny's case, he'd never see the other side of Joel's story, unlike the player who see more of him in Abby's section.

    Effectively, and TLDR: the happier you were that Manny died, the more you became like him.

    submitted by /u/theshadypineapple
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    Random Opinion: I wish Isaac played a more prominent role in the game.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 10:55 AM PST

    Overall, I absolutely loved the game and all the hate it is getting breaks my heart. Even if you hate the story (which I love) you should be able to appreciate the game for it's graphics, sound design, game mechanics and overall gameplay which is absolutely top tier. With that being said, I am going to get a tad bit nit picky here. Isaac seemed like such an interesting secondary character in the game; however, we didn't get to learn that much about him and then he died. I am sure the creative team planned it that way, but I am wondering if anyone has any insight as to what their thought process might have been? In addition, I think would have been cool to leave him alive so that he could become a primary antagonist for the third game.

    EDIT *This was first EVER reddit post so I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who commented so far. It is really cool to see people discuss the contents of the game rather than just rip on it because they don't like a major plot point and a jacked female. Obviously, it's a bonus that most people agree with me, but at the end of the day that doesn't really matter to me as long as we're discussing the content of the game in good faith!

    submitted by /u/Resident_Line8710
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    This panel in American Dreams gives context to Ellie's rage and brutality that would burst forth in Part II; she's always had a violent streak

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 02:31 PM PST

    I have a theory on why people disliked this game.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 03:09 PM PST

    The last of us part 2 is a critisism of the "eye for an eye" sence of justice most people have. People are mad because their morales are being questioned.

    submitted by /u/speakeasy1080p
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    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 12:01 PM PST

    My thoughts of TLOS2 [Spoilers]

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 03:10 PM PST

    Okay, I just wanted to write up my thoughts on the game after just finishing it. Like most of you probably were, I was waiting on this game ever since I finished it on the ps3. Based on naughty dog's previous games such as uncharted and the last of us, I had nothing but high expectations for the game. I pre ordered the game in advance and turned it on straight away without reading any reviews. Of course I then came across the death of Joel and I was heartbroken. Joel is up there with my favourite all time characters in both books, movies, tv shows and games so to see him go out like that was upsetting to say the least. I kept on playing for the next few days but played less and less as the days went on until I stopped playing it completely. I was then talking to my friend a week letter (who also was obsessed with the first one) and he finished it but said it was awful. Without spoiling anything for me he said he hated that Joel died and wished Tommy died instead and then Joel and Ellie went on a revenge mission. I asked him whether or not it gets any better and he said it gets worse so I was so disheartened that I couldn't bring myself to play anymore.

    Then, about five days ago I started playing again from just over 5 hours in (just before Ellie's gas mask breaks) and I barely put it down since. I was hooked to it again. Since so much time has passed I heard several spoilers about the game, mainly that Ellie spares Abby and why Abby killed Joel but that didn't really bother me the second time I picked it up and kept on playing. I did feel Isaac to be very underwhelming as a character who is mentioned so much. As for Abby, I loved her as a character and grew to really understand and even sympathise with her. I do remember having very conflicting thoughts when I found out Tommy killed Manny, unsure of what side I wanted to win since Abby did kill Jesse previously.

    At the end of it all, I found the ending to be extremely depressing with nobody really winning (Ellie losing everything and Abby barely surviving also.). Bittersweet would probably be the best way to describe my feeling of the ending. Yes, I do wish Joel didn't die where he did and how he did but looking at the whole story shows you how important to the story him dying was. If I could have it my way he wouldn't have died but this is their story, not mine to think of and tell. Neither Abby or Ellie is nearly as compelling as Joel to me and I don't feel like I personally cared about either as much as I did Joel. Even in TLOU1, I only cared about Ellie because of how Joel cared about her.

    Overall, I feel like this is one of the best games of the year and in the PS4 era. I'm split between whether I prefer this or Ghost of Tsushima as my favourite game this year. The gameplay is this game is amazing as it was in TLOU with some pretty nice additions. The story wasn't anywhere near as good as the first game though so as a sequel I don't think it really holds up. Saying that, I thoroughly enjoyed it and look forward to whenever or if we get a part three to hopefully conclude Ellie's story. I would give this game between an 8-9 out of 10 while the original is a perfect 10 out of 10 for me. I'd love to hear if anybody disagrees or agrees with my opinion or simply wants to open up discussion about the game.

    submitted by /u/JackL97
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    Do you also “see” that??

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 08:07 PM PST

    Hey guys hope you're fine!!i would like to tell that from the first time I've heard Unbroken theme(the beginning theme of the part II game)i totally found it as a continuation of the path(ending theme of part I)I believe they have a great similarity and also you can hear with guitar this time the mandolin part of "the path"and this leads me to my next discovery :p..at the ending of the part I you could hear that part when Ellie says to Joel "swear to me"and also at the ending of the part II you can hear this part(now the unbroken version)when Joel says "I'd Like that"..the attention to details is amazing to these games!!i would like to hear you me opinion on these two things,if you agree or not :)

    submitted by /u/tdg1992
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    Abby’s had enough of that whistling for now thanks.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 06:31 PM PST

    Am I the only one who doesnt want the HBO show be about Ellie and Joel?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 09:45 AM PST

    If the show is the same as the games I wont watch it. Not as a cancel or anything negative, I am happy for everyone enjoying it, but for me the story is told in the best way possible: through Video games.

    Ahley and troy will be the only Ellie and Joel for me and I don't want any actors to replace them. It's not that I think other Actors aren' good enough, I just think these characters are too much connected to them so that noone will come close to them. Troy even said at TGA how Neil asked them about their alternative careers and troy said singing, while ashley said space! (Joel loves singing and Ellie space)

    Not saying to stop discussing possible actors, but I really hope the show is about some new characters. like the world of LoU is so big and interessting. They don't need it to be about Ellie and Joel.

    Sorry if this has been discussed here before. I didn't find any posts.

    submitted by /u/Pousadel
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    You can vote for the PlayStation game of the year on the PS Blog

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 11:26 AM PST

    Seems like this should be pinned but what do I know?

    It seems this link has already been posted but I've yet to see the post containing it.


    submitted by /u/anonymousss11
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    My very very very late in the game review

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 12:25 PM PST

    I am a casual gamer. I bought a PS4 Becs my kids were driving me crazy during the pandemic. I kept starting and stopping TLOU because I could not get out of the city. Once I learned stealth mode I was fine.

    I enjoyed the game even though it was a shoot em game. Story line was interesting but I would have loved some options to make moral decisions. As a disclaimer I just finished Detroit: Becoming Human so that could be influencing me.

    My cons: Needs longer hand holding in the beginning. It's frustrating to die over and over again until you get lucky and manage to sprint accidentally to safety.

    A slightly larger variation of things to use as weapons. I'm pretty sure if the apocalypse comes bottles and bricks are at the bottom of my list to kill stuff with.

    More variety of things to kill and greater strategy. See Horizon Dawn.

    Pros: Truly enjoyable story. Felt realistic.

    Great graphics and scenery.

    Really great atmosphere. Completely intensive fight scenes that left me on edge.

    Sense of satisfaction of going from a couple of bullets to defeating all the bad guys.

    Not sure if I will play part 2 but great time for locked inside.

    submitted by /u/ObligationGlad
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    TeamEllie vs TeamAbby : Who is the best person ?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 01:33 PM PST


    I saw a lot of people online use the hashtag TeamEllie or TeamAbby, or saying that Ellie is a better person than Abby or that Abby is a better person than Ellie. And I'm going to be clear :

    If you are a TeamEllie person, or a TeamAbby person, then you miss the all point of the game.

    Because there are no team to be with. Ellie is not a bad person. Neither is Abby. They both do bad and good things. They both make mistakes. And they both learn from them.

    Ellie killed a lot of people and put all her friends in danger, she even left Dina at the end to find Abby. But she also saved Abby and Lev from the Rattlers and let her go at the end.

    Abby killed Joel in a horrible way. It was very cruel. She didn't just tortured him, she killed him with a golf club just in front of Ellie whereas Ellie was pleading her to stop. She also killed a lot of Seraphites and innocents people. But she eventually saves Lev and Yara and becomes a better person.

    Both of them are wrong in what they are doing. Abby didn't have the right to kill Joel that way. Ellie didn't have the right to kill all those innocents people on her way and to put her loved ones in danger.

    If you think Abbt was in the right for torturing Joel in front of someone that loves him, then you should maybe get some help. Same thing if you think that Ellie was in the right for torturing and trying to kill Abby at the end of the game during the beach scene.

    One of the thing that game is talking about is factionalism. It's the tendancy of people to be loyal to or to support a particular person or group, not because what they are doing is right or wrong, but because they are a part of their faction, their team. It's a "Us vs Them" mentality. And that's one of the thing that the game is denouncing. Deshumanizing the other and thinking you are right in your actions. That's how cycle of violence works. That's how it keeps spreading out over and over again. That's why the WLF and the Seraphites are trapped in this endless war, because they think it's Us vs Them. They are right, and the other is wrong. And having that TeamEllie and TeamAbby mindset is missing the point of the game about empathy and factionalism. Those people think there are teams. They think it's us vs them. Ellie vs Abby. But you should not be on board with neither of Ellie's or Abby's actions when they are trying to get revenge.

    Because there are no team. If you think so, then you are standing against everything the game is trying to tell you.

    submitted by /u/Milydd
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