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    The Last of Us | Yara fan art

    The Last of Us | Yara fan art

    Yara fan art

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 08:52 AM PST

    [Spoilers]Can we appreciate how good the journal is?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 02:43 AM PST

    I can't get over how good the journal is. It gives us so much insight on what's going on with Ellie through poems and drawings. It's such a beautiful and unique way to flesh out her character and to do exposition. It adds so much to the story. I even believe the journal offers the player the "good ending". If you finish the last section of the game without checking the journal, you may think that Ellie can't connect with Joel anymore and ends up all alone. But if you do check the journal it shows that Ellie was finally able to draw Joel again and she is probably going back to Dina and JJ. A lesser game wouldn't have bothered with it or would have used it in a utilitarian way just to register the game's story. The journal is one of my favorite things about TLOU Part II.

    submitted by /u/MiaCouto
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    Massive thanks to Shannon Woodward! She was incredibly accommodating and managed to get my “ElliexDina” print back to me signed. This piece definitely holds a special place.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 09:10 AM PST

    I replayed Left Behind after coming out today and it’s got the tears rolling down my cheeks

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 06:27 PM PST

    I'm a 17 year old gay boy that's been obsessed with The Last of Us since about fifth grade. I finally came out to my mom today to an incredible response that I wasn't expecting at all (she's probably more accepting of it than I am to myself lmao) and I feel more relief than I have in years, as well as a bit uncomfortable, not going to lie. I feel kinda exposed, but that's just because I've been keeping this secret for nearly a decade.

    Anyway, I feel like I've sort of known I was gay since I was about 7, but I always denied it to myself and with how society and my town was, I basically hated gay people. I thought they were all terrible people that were going to hell and all that jazz. I remember playing Left Behind when I was about 10 or 11 (yea, I was probably way too young) and unexpectedly finding out Ellie was gay was probably one of the first times I ever thought to myself that being gay might not be so bad and not all gay people are monsters that are going to hell like I'd been lead to believing and that it might actually be okay that I like boys. It made me feel safer. Ellie was probably the first person/character that I was actually able to look past their sexuality and acknowledge they were still good. I saw myself in her in a way I didn't with anyone else before. So with that, I decided to replay Left Behind today, and damn, it's got me extremely in my feelings, shedding many tears. A masterpiece. That's why I'm writing this.

    I don't think a lot of people truly understand the importance of diversity. It means a lot for us. This game means so much to me. If just one little video game character that many people grew to love being gay made a 10 year old closeted kid feel just a tiny bit more comfortable with himself at night, it should always be worth it. That's why it's important and that's why I love Naughty Dog so much. I imagine there's some young closeted trans individual out there right now seeing Lev in Part II and that it somehow makes them feel just a bit more okay with themselves and I think that's amazing. I just wish I could thank Naughty Dog and everyone involved and goddamn, I love you all too.

    Representation is important.

    submitted by /u/the-good-side
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    Ellie’s tattoo with a firefly twist

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 05:22 PM PST

    Mexican clicker ����‍♀️

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 08:10 AM PST

    Just bought my Dad The Last of Us Part 2. He’s about to be heartbroken (he SOMEHOW has avoided all spoilers)

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 08:24 AM PST

    I decided to finally finish Part l of to Platin

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 02:05 PM PST

    I made a miniature version of the museum from TLOU

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 07:16 PM PST


    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 11:05 AM PST

    Funny thing I noticed

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 05:15 PM PST

    If you look up the credits or the soundtrack compilation on YouTube, almost all top comments are people praising and talking about the game because you know.... you actually had to play the game to experience those?

    submitted by /u/AskewScissors
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    The ending we all wanted

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 11:33 PM PST

    'The Last of Us Part II' Named as Best Game of 2020 by Pocket-lint

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 06:08 AM PST

    Long time Xbox player here.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 09:06 PM PST

    ...until recently. I purchased a PS4 about a week ago and the first game I played was The Last of Us plus its DLC. My first time playing it though I had seen a full gameplay of it yeaaars ago. Immediately after finishing it I started the sequel, and I'm typing this as the end credits play. Absolutely fucking amazing experience of a game, wow. Both of them! Heart wrenching, exciting and scary. Seriously, Naughty Dog, you've outdone yourselves with this story telling. From the acting, to the graphics, to the gameplay features and the story itself, this is art.

    submitted by /u/TattedGuapo
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    Is the bloater a fat guy or is he only an infection stage?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 06:52 PM PST

    Is the bloater a fat guy who was exposed to the infection for long enough or is he a direct stage after the clicker? I started do think about this because I saw the pictures of then and realized that, in my opinion, is kinda impossible for a clicker to become a bloater cause their anatomy is so different from each other, the clicker looks like a skinny guy who got infected and the bloater looks like a fat guy. Another fact that made belive in this is the rat king part , why there is only one bloater there if all those infected was exposed to the fungus by the same time? I mean, can a clicker become a bloater if he be exposed to right circumstances or not? I'm my opinion no, because the looks of the anatomy doesn't checks the bloater looks way bigger than the clicker I don't think that the fungus can make someone looks bigger or fatter, it only gives the person a thick armor above the skin. For me the bloater is a random fat guy who was exposed to the fungus for long time. I might be wrong, but I would like to know your thoughts about this. Tks for reading

    submitted by /u/Henriquemauc
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    Say something about my new gift! ��

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 07:23 AM PST

    I'm so thankful that the hospital I'm staying at has a ps3 and TLOU. This makes my stay a little easier and fun

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 03:33 AM PST

    Future Days

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 05:13 PM PST

    I've been listening to the full rendition of Joel's Future Days cover and I feel like there's a bit more to it than just the symbolism of Joel's love for Ellie. I feel like this song is also kind of symbolic of Joel's mind state before and after his bond with Ellie. Like a retrospective of sorts. And Troy Baker did an absolutely fantastic job with this. But there's one part in particular that I want to highlight and commend Troy on.

    "So persistent in my ways Hey Angel I am here to stay No resistance, no alarms Please, this is just too good to be gone"

    The way this is performed is so gutwrenchingly heartbreaking. It kinda sounds as if Joel is saying goodbye in a weird way. It's so haunting because it really does sound like he knew something was going to happen. I can just imagine Joel, after that final conversation with Ellie, going back inside and singing the entire song. And I feel like each line of those above relates to these games in their own way.

    "So persistent in my ways" is an easy way to sum up Joel lol. He was very stubborn and never wanted to get out of a "safe" routine. He didn't want to smuggle Ellie to begin with, then he didn't want to go all the way to Tommy's. He silently used Tommy as a way to pawn Ellie off. Once he realized that he cared for and needed her, he wasn't going to let go. Even if that meant slaughtering a hospital full of people and then lying about it to protect the relationship the two had built.

    "Hey Angel I am here to stay" could be a way to speak to Ellie. From the moment Joel pulled Ellie off of David, he had committed to being by Ellie's side. Maybe even before that point. And he was always there. When she was going to die at the hands of the Fireflies, when they were getting acclimated to Jackson, and even after she had decided to shove him out of her life. He was "here to stay." He's also there after his death. Every decision Ellie makes is because of Joel. She, in the immortal words of New York Jets quarterback Sam Darnold, is "seeing ghosts." And while he lead to some of the worst moments in her life, he also helped her out of that hole. He helped her find herself again. He was there.

    "No resistance, no alarms/Please, this is just too good to be gone" might just be me reaching (well this whole thing might be a reach) but hear me out. The first part, "No resistance, no alarms," I interpreted as Joel expressing to Ellie that he was there because he wanted to be there. Joel Miller well and truly loved Ellie. He didn't regret a fucking thing he did, and in this house we stan an unapologetic loving king.

    The second part, honestly, I feel like is a plea to God. In my imagination, Joel knows SOMETHING is going to happen. I don't know if he knows he's going to die, but he knows he won't be the same. And he's asking God not to follow through with it. He just received everything he had been wanting in the past year and a half, and he wanted the chance to see it through. Unfortunately, the Lord never gave him that chance.

    Again, this could be just me reaching for meaning, but I honestly believe that there's some more deeper meaning with the selection of THIS song.

    As a side note, I'd really like to hear Ashley Johnson sing this song as Ellie. We hear Ellie sing the first few lines, but I'd love to hear her sing the entire thing.

    submitted by /u/CommisionerGordon79
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    Shower Thoughts : If we get a Part III on PS5, we will be able to play the entire trilogy that took tree generations to develop, on one console.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 01:31 PM PST

    I'm just so excited to think about this !

    submitted by /u/MonkiMango
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    Just a quick message for all the moderators

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 08:31 PM PST

    Just wanted to say thank you to each one of you guys since the spoilers leaked you guys have worked hard to you know banning trolls trying to keep us safe from these spoilers so yeah thanks guys

    submitted by /u/crazypanda_24
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    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 10:29 AM PST

    Let's talk about TLOU2

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 08:19 PM PST

    The last of us 2 is imo a great game and i know a lot of people hated but the majority of people who didn't like it haven't played the game then you got that first big death I'm pretty sure you guys all know who I'm talking about and yeah i hated Abby after that but whatever let's talk about her later Seattle day 1 was just so amazing that open world section was one of my favourite part of the game then day 2 Hillcrest was really good and day 3 was pretty awesome too then you switch to Abby and yeah still hated her until she met those 2 Yara and Lev i mean these 2 were so awesome and they completely changed Abby at the end i was pretty happy that she didn't get killed

    submitted by /u/crazypanda_24
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    Apologies for hating TLOU2

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 09:36 PM PST

    I only recently understood the plots of both games and now feel bad for thinking so poorly of Druckmann and fans of TLOU2 for many months.

    Part 1 explained

    It is a redemption plot. Joel is first established as a selfish character in two ways:

    1.Tess and David remind us that although Joel kills in order to survive, he still does so without remorse. Note the absence of guilt when Robert is killed and also recall this conversation between Ellie and David:

    "You're a fucking animal." "Oh. that's awfully quick to judgement. Considering you and your friend killed how many men?" "They didn't give us a choice." "And you think we have a choice? Is that it? You kill to survive and so do we."

    1. Henry and Sam are placed in the story to remind us that Joel is no longer a friendly and kind person after losing Sarah. Note Henry's willingness to trust Joel compared to Joel's willingness to trust him back and additionally note the friendliness Henry shows Joel despite him being a complete stranger and how it isn't of the manipulative kind like David. Joel up to this point has never shown great kindness towards a stranger and the turning point only comes when Ellie runs away.

    Joel is now redeemed by a great act of kindness.

    Ellie says she ran away because she had lost everyone close to her and did not want to lose Joel as well. Now Joel's motive for travelling with Ellie changes from only wanting a vaccine to caring for Ellie, because the loss of Sarah which had made Joel so heartless is what allows him an empathy for Ellie far greater than the false kindness shown by David and Marlene, and thus the title of the game is explained. If the whole plot was simply about a man not wanting to lose a daughter twice, which is how many people interpret this game, then I don't think it would be as special. Joel's greatness of character comes from great compassion, not only from great fear of grief. And so the final hospital scene makes us appreciate Joel more than hate him.

    Part 2 explained

    The message of part 2 is not that "Revenge is Bad". If this were the case the beach fight would have been the final scene but there are two scenes which follow. In the former Ellie says to Joel that she wants to try to forgive him; in the latter she leaves behind Joel's guitar implying that she could not forgive despite wanting to.

    Why can't Ellie forgive Joel?

    Is it because the writers hate Joel? Not at all. She can't forgive Joel because she doesn't understand his motive for preventing a vaccine and thus judges his actions by there consequences instead. This is why Abby's murder of Joel is shown BEFORE Abby's flashbacks. The way we initially feel towards Abby is how Ellie feels towards Joel - when we do not have a persons backstory we are likely to judge their crime too harshly. We have the privilege of seeing Abby's crime and then its motive; Ellie does not have the privilege of seeing Joel's motive from the first game, only his crime.

    Why doesn't Joel tell Ellie about Sarah?

    After all it would make allow Ellie to forgive Joel. It is because in the first game it was made clear that Joel wanted to keep his personal history to himself and so here comes the actual message of TLOU2. The details of people's lives, unlike characters in literature, is mostly kept private. Since we cannot know the details of our loved ones like those of a character, we may want with all our soul to forgive only to find it impossible. Ellie's ending is perhaps a bit too sad, we may have wanted her relationship with Joel revived, but we can only be grateful to Druckmann and his team for presenting a story honest to life.

    submitted by /u/WonderNo1927
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    [SPOILERS] My Small Review Type Thing About Part 2 Having Finally Beaten It

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 11:58 AM PST

    After long hours, have finally beat Last of Us 2! So, figured I'd vomit my thoughts on the game for those who feel like reading. Also, expect some screenshots over the future cause got plenty of those.

    As someone who played the first game plenty of times, I feel like the characters returning are a natural progression of what they were in the first one. Tommy/Maria became leaders of a settlement from being leaders of a small little group. I'm assuming Tommy is still in some sort of leader rule post theater. Joel finally letting himself feel and become a father again. Ellie healing from Riley and learning to how to be a kid/teen.

    Jesse and Dina easily fit in. Jesse the kind hearted best friend who has your back and Dina the strong willed lady that knows how to get stuff done. And Ellie/Dina relationship felt good to watch unfold. Instead of instant "Boom! GFS!" we see them tease and flirt. Say how they wanted to kiss each other when they were kids. See them dancing and laughing. Telling each other deep secrets. I 100% want to belive that, after awhile, they find there way back to each other.

    Then we have Abby and her side. For the purpose that the Salt Lake Crew served, they all had enough going on for us to know them. Know why, more or less, they did what they did. Then Lev and Yara showed us the Scar side of things. How they feel. Why they feel like they do, which was good. And the whole thing with Lev, for me at least, was fantastic.

    Now to Abby! I like her. From her little jealousy over Mel and Owen to her instincts to protect Lev and Yara, even if she does so out of guilt. And the way she doesn't bat an eye with the Lev/Lily thing. In a lot of ways she is the different side of the coin to Ellie. Both stubborn. Both loving and caring. Both monsters if you look hard enough. The game gets you invested with Abby just as much as you get invested with Ellie. Getting you to see why Abby did and does what she does.

    Speaking of which, lets finally get into the story. I like how the story is handled. A slow cycle of violence and vengeance. Abby didn't kill Joel due to the cure. She killed him due to him killing her dad, which she had tunnel vision towards. So long she planned on killing him. Thinking of what she'd do. She was more then ready to torture Tommy for where Joel was. With a few tweaks, Ellie's campaign could have very easily been Abby's.

    But by getting vengeance and thinking she is in the right, the cycle moves onto Ellie. We know why Ellie does what she does. What she's feeling. At points we know what she's doing isn't right or healthy. But we get it. And then Lev, who came out of his abuse has Abby get out of hers at the theater. If not for Lev, she would most certainly have killed Dina. Again, we know it isn't right but we know why Abby would have done it.

    And even after Ellie get's a small farm and a family with Dina and JJ, she can't let herself be happy with knowing that Abby is out there. Damaged Tommy may have sparked it, but even without him she would have eventually left for Abby in my opinion.

    Which brings us to the end. Of Ellie finally catching up to Abby, after killing slavers and freeing slaves. And I'm 100% convinced that when she saw Abby walking with Lev in her arms that she flashbacked to when Joel carried her in her arms. It wasn't until she caught sight of her own blood on her fingers, flashback to Joel, that she turned to finally confront Abby. If Abby was quicker, if Ellie didn't get hurt or see the blood on her hands maybe she would have left it there who knows.

    Then when she's just about to finally finish Abby, her mind thinks back to Joel. How Joel would have still saved her knowing that Ellie would hate him. How Ellie wanted to try and forgive Joel and start fresh. Since she couldn't do that with Joel, she then decides to to that with Abby. The first game was about violence and tragedy. This one is about hope and forgiveness.

    Ellie then heads on home. First back to the farm and then back to Jackson, since it left where it did that's where I say she is going. With hopes that she can make amends with Dina, though it'll take time since she left her. Doesn't matter if she killed or didn't kill Abby, the fact is she left Dina. Though I do feel, eventually after a couple of years, that they will get back together.

    This game made me cry. Made me smile. Made me enjoy. Very glad I played it, one of the best games ever made.

    submitted by /u/Ayserra
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