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    Wednesday, November 4, 2020

    The Last of Us | All of Jocelyn Mettler’s (Abby’s face model) cosplay in one! It’s Abby appreciation hours 24/7 here

    The Last of Us | All of Jocelyn Mettler’s (Abby’s face model) cosplay in one! It’s Abby appreciation hours 24/7 here

    All of Jocelyn Mettler’s (Abby’s face model) cosplay in one! It’s Abby appreciation hours 24/7 here

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 08:34 AM PST

    sleeping moth on my (fake) ellie tattoo

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 08:11 AM PST

    My GF has joined the club! Her first tattoo. Plus bonus cat.

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 11:51 AM PST

    Finally finished this coloured pencil drawing! Took me around 40 hours ��‍♂️��

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 09:17 AM PST

    YOOO WTF ��

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 12:41 PM PST

    Just finished part 2 and now I feel empty

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 10:20 PM PST

    Haven't been through an emotional roller coaster like this since Witcher 3. Any other game recommendations for next-level story-telling like this?

    submitted by /u/fatboiUter
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    [Video] I made a trailer for TLOU1, a tribute to one of my favorite (and greatest) games of all time

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 02:16 PM PST

    I found the perfect meme template.

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 08:11 PM PST

    Anybody playing TLOU1 or 2 today?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 12:39 PM PST

    So much stress from the world, mainly politics and COVID so I'm playing though part 1 to get my mind off things. I'm at the Hunters part and damn, Joel was such a butthead for Ellie saving him lol

    I love these games. My husband got me into Part 1 when we were engaged and now I've played Part 2 5 times through...I'm unemployed due to COVID.

    It's just nice that when I'm not applying for jobs, I've had these games to go back in to 😊

    Has anyone else used these games to kind of escape from the world?

    submitted by /u/Kate819Eliza
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    Let's Have Fun Changing the Storyline for TLOU2 Here, Specifically On The Factions...(SPOILER ALERT)

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 10:37 PM PST

    So Neil said on an interview that he was originally gonna have Ellie be on the Seraphite island and we'd know more about those people. I'm not much of a story writer, but here's a personal idea of mine I have in mind if I were to rewrite the story in this direction...

    Ellie, Dina, and Tommy end up at the island because they nearly drown, but were luckily rescued by a Seraphite member. The girls thank them for saving them, so they form an alliance with the Seraphites. They can do various mission tasks helping the Seraphites while fighting various Wolf soldiers and infected along the way.

    Fast forward, as the main part of the game, Ellie and Dina's relationship with the Seraphites have been developed. They learned the home island is under attack, so now it's time for the Great War. An epic battle takes place in the island during the attack conducted by the Wolves (truth be told, I LOVED every single minute of that part in the actual game). While the epic firey battle scene is going on between the two factions, Abby and Ellie duke it out one on one in the water at the docks, similar to the actual game where they were fist-fighting in Cali.

    Now, there ARE a couple of endings that COULD work:

    ENDING IDEA #1: Ellie defeats Abby, the Seraphites win, but their island is completely destroyed. All their homes and essential resources are burned to the ground. Because the Seraphites saved Ellie, Dina, and Tommy in the first place, this can lead to them to bring the remaining Seraphites to Jackson and have them live there. Therefore, in return, the girls and Tommy help them find a new community. Happy Ending.

    ENDING IDEA #2: It looks like Ellie is gonna kill Abby (or vice versa), BUT here comes the infected!!! (How did they end up in the isolated island?? I honestly dunno, but just bare with me here). The rivals have no choice but to team up and fight all these invading infected, including bloaters and shamblers. It seems like it was all over after defeating those big guys, but then out of nowhere....BAM, here comes the biggest baddest boss as the final fight...THE RAT KING! In this one, you can rotate between Ellie and Abby to take down the monster. After the actual final boss battle, Ellie and Abby make a new truce forming peace between the Wolves and Seraphites. Boom, Happy Ending!

    Anywho, would love to hear your guys' ideas as well.

    submitted by /u/eddielammusic
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    Just an amazing game

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 11:49 AM PST

    Sooo... I recently finished TLOU, and started the part 2. How could i Say it? The first game legit made me cry sometimes, you just like Wanna hug the characters, Tell them it Will be allright, even though you know it wont , you know what i mean? This is imo an emotional masterpiece. And, i know There are people that didnt like it, i respect that, but from what ive Seen , part 2 seems even more emotional and beautiful than the first game. Anyone feels like this?

    submitted by /u/Uluxia
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    [Spoilers]Why does it have to hurt so much?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 02:21 AM PST

    This fucking game, man. Don't get me wrong, it's a masterpiece, but why did Naughty Dog have to use it's talent to make me feel so miserable? 2020 is the worst year of my life, but I was hanging on, you know? Then I played this fucking game and it fucking destroyed me. It feels like I'm going through a real grieving process right now. Maybe I'm just an emotionally vulnerable person overreacting, but goddamnit, why? Why?! If I could ask Neil Druckmann and Halley Gross just one question it would be why does it have to hurt so much? Why did you have to tell such a tragic story? I love your characters. I just want to hang out with them. I don't want to play a post-apocalyptic game anymore. I don't want to play "The Last of Us" anymore. I want to play a social simulation game called "Jackson" where I get to go to the museum with Joel, to hunt with uncle Tommy, to go to the dance with Dina and kiss her in front of the whole goddamn town. The biggest threat I want to face is Seth, The Bigot. You don't need to use violence and death to engage me. The museum scene was one of the most beautiful scenes I've ever seen and I've watched Bergman's entire filmography. It's not like I can't deal with a challenging story. But this is different. Maybe you have underestimate the power of video-games, Naughty Dog. The interactivity makes the connection with the characters very strong. Maybe video-games can makes us connect with characters in a way that novels and movies can't. Maybe most of us weren't aware of how strong this connection could be until a talented bastard pushed what a story in a video-game could achieve and made us all miserable. If it was all about violence then I could've detached myself from the characters and treated them just like video-game characters, but no... No, you had to make Ellie go to the moon. You had to make her use that dam tear-watered sketch book! You had to make her meant all the promises at sundown! You can't just do this with us. You can't just make Ellie go to the moon.

    submitted by /u/MiaCouto
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    please send me ellie pictures

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 04:45 PM PST

    this is a very random post but i really need some comfort right now because im stressed about the election and my cat has gone missing (ive baited and set traps). TLOU is a large comfort source for me and i would appreciate it if you could send me any content of ellie smiling or happy in general. my twitter is tychzor. thanks.

    submitted by /u/bulbluey
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    The hate is being spread on topics that have nothing to do with this game. It’s annoying seeing it everywhere when I’m just trying to enjoy a movie clip. Tlou 2 was amazing.

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 10:40 AM PST

    Why Ellie is immune

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 09:33 PM PST

    (Obvious this may be a spoiler if you never completed the game)

    This doesn't get covered well in the games, but they do provide hints to the answer if you work for it. When you take over as Ellie in the first game, you now have access to her backpack. In it is a blood stained letter from her mother.

    I'm going to share a secret with you, I'm not a big fan of kids and I hate babies. And yet... I'm staring at you and I'm just awestruck.
    You're not even a day old and holding you is the most incredible thing I've done in my life - a life that is about to get cut a little short. Marlene will look after you. There's no one in this world I trust more than her. When the time comes she'll tell you all about me. Don't give her too much of a hard time. Try not to be as stubborn as me.
    I'm not going to lie, this is a pretty messed up world. It won't be easy. The thing you always have to remember is that, life is worth living! Find your purpose and fight for it. I see so much strength in you. I know you'll turn out to be the woman you're meant to be.
    Forever... your loving mother, Anna
    Make me proud, Ellie!

    From this we can make a basic supposition. Ellie's mom was bitten. Her resistance friends saved her life long enough to deliver the baby. We don't know how long it takes someone to turn, but I would guess more than 24 hours would be rare. Sam turned in around 12 hours, but he was a sickly, underfed child. So we can imagine Anna getting bit and begging them to do whatever they can to get the baby out. She writes a painful last letter, and then they kill her before she can turn.

    So how does this explain why Ellie is immune? It's the placenta, and the way the barrier prevents many terrible things from being passed on to a child. The hours Anna spent fighting off the infection were vital, and allowed her to pass something to her daughter. The placenta allows mothers to pass antibodies on to their children, while also blocking some diseases. Even though Anna couldn't fight the infection on her own, her body fought it long enough to produce some antibodies/anti-fungal properties. Those would be passed on to the baby. This is an unprecedented disease, so it's hard to say exactly what happened, but some small component of the infection was passed to Ellie. This component was inert, not active, and set up residence in her brain, where it grew. Her body has a built-in blueprint on how to fight the infection, so any future spore contact doesn't bother her. Just a small, inert amount of the fungus made all the difference. Or to put it another way...

    Ellie was vaccinated.

    The bite when she was a teenager had very little effect, because her body already knew how to fight off the infection. So she walked away with a scar, while everyone else dies. She was always immune, she just never knew it. This also explains why they needed to study her brain. They very likely couldn't easily make a vaccine everyone could take. Children are incredibly resilient. It's doubtful an adult could safely be given a shot, if this fungus really does set up residence in the brain. Young Ellie's brain just grew around it. So they had a lot of study and work to do with her. Heck, is it so integrated into her brain that it's possible to consider her part fungus? Honestly, the doctors might have eventually arrived at the need to extract her brain tissue, but in the game they went way too fast. A biopsy at least and lots of tests should have come first, but narrative won out over medicine.

    Regardless, that appears to be the reason Ellie is immune.

    submitted by /u/PastorBlinky
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    Just finished my second playthrough of the game. I wept.

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 01:52 AM PST

    So I first finished the game back in early July and it was the most emotionally heavy game I've ever played. As the credits rolled I remember just sitting in my chair for 30 or so minutes just gathering my thoughts, and also the next few days were spent just thinking about it's major themes of loss, grief, and forgiveness. Ever since then I found myself sporadically thinking about this game and the story. How much will you let grief consume you? Can you forgive your loved ones? Can you forgive yourself? So a couple weeks ago I decided to to replay the game to try and clear my head of it. One of my concerns was that the story wouldn't hit as hard the second time, knowing the full context. But no, Joel's death was still very much shocking, the museum sequence was still very peaceful, playing Abby's 3 days in Seattle was still very much fun. But oh man, the beach. I remember the first time I played I was rather drained. I really didn't want to fight Abby, like that's not the same Abby that killed Joel anymore. But this time I was dreading it, like you know it's coming but you don't want to. I didn't remember it being so brutal the first time, but the fight brought me no joy. The moment Ellie forces the knife into Abby is what first got me. As I'm smashing square, tears started to well up. When Ellie is choking her out underwater is when they started flowing. Ellie doesn't want to do this, I don't want to do this. And then the final flashback with Joel, when you hear Joel's voice crack... Final blow. In summary, this game is just as good as the first time and I hope it can finally stop haunting me lol.

    Huh, didn't know this was gonna be as long as it is lol. But anyways if you made it down here, thanks for reading

    submitted by /u/broke_boi1
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    Don't know if it's just me, but I can hear a similarity between "Chasing a Rumor" and a song from another one of Gustavo's projects. Does anyone else hear a resemblance?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 03:56 PM PST

    Love Breeds Hatred

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 02:35 PM PST

    Joel’s revolver

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 10:55 PM PST

    So I was really just wondering what model revolver Joel carries, because I kind of want one. It would be great if someone could also give me an approximate price point. If not that's fine too. Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/peffx4
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    Photo mod question

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 06:37 PM PST

    Any of you guys notice a lose in quality when transferring the photos from you ps4 to the computer? I was really dispointed when the ones on my computer looked so pixilated/blurry. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/Raspint
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    tlou2 need good vibes

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 06:15 PM PST

    hi i recently finished tlou part 1 for the first time about a week ago, i played it with a friend who's played it several times and knows the ins and outs and got me thru hard parts that i couldn't. loved the game and thought it was a masterpiece obviously. i was going to sit on part one and really let it sink in but i have no patience and downloaded part 2 like 3 days later and started.

    my problem is that i have really bad anxiety and playing this game sends me into a near anxiety attack almost every 15 minutes. which is why my friend had to step in and get me through some parts in part 1 because i really just couldn't handle it. (i know that it's the whole point of the game to be on edge and stuff but still). i really want to finish it on my own instead of watching playthrus or having someone else play for me.

    does anyone have any advice or tips? i'm obsessed with this game but it honestly exhausts me to the point i can only play an hour or so a day when i really want to play it 24 hours non-stop (especially so i can discuss it with my friends who have already finished it!).

    also i'm only on Seattle day 2 at the part with the stalkers in the building! pls no spoilers!

    submitted by /u/st-vercetti
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