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    Monday, November 9, 2020

    The Last of Us | Playing The Last of Us main theme on the in-game guitar (Learned from GrindcoreMan on YouTube)

    The Last of Us | Playing The Last of Us main theme on the in-game guitar (Learned from GrindcoreMan on YouTube)

    Playing The Last of Us main theme on the in-game guitar (Learned from GrindcoreMan on YouTube)

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 11:29 AM PST

    Detail I've somehow missed about one of the final fights (Part 2)

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 02:33 PM PST

    Tell me I'm not the only one who never noticed that when Abby and Ellie fall through the floor in the theater fight they literally fall onto a bunch of gravestones. They must be theater props for the play or something. Funny Naughty Dog.

    Also, not sure how intentional it is and its kinda hard to tell from that picture but there are 8 gravestones there which also happens to be the total of Abby & Ellie's friends that die in Seattle. All 7 of Abby's friends that went to Jackson die (Nick, Nora, Mel, Owen, Jordan, Leah, Manny) and of course Jesse on Ellie's side.

    submitted by /u/WerkinAndDerpin
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    On point!!

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 10:21 PM PST

    My thoughts on Part II

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 02:01 PM PST

    Idk if you guys get a lot of these posts, but I'm going to say my thoughts on the game anyway, so here goes...

    So I finally got around to playing Part II. I wasn't able too before that due to a lack of PlayStation and a lack of time. I managed to avoid pretty much every spoiler, apart from you play half the game as Abby. I knew people hated her (and the game), but I wanted to make up my own mind on it so I chose to buy the game instead of just watching it on YouTube like I do with other games. I'm so happy I did this.

    I loved Part II. I think it's better than The original. Keep in mind, I played the original close to when it came out, and I've replayed it numerous times over the years (including playing the PS4 remaster right before playing Part II). The original was definitely in my top 5 games I've ever played, but this game is definitely a top 3 (behind Telltale's Walking Dead and Portal 2).

    I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion around here, but I really liked Abby. Well, to be fair I hated her at first (for obvious reasons) but after seeing what she is really like I was really hoping that she would live. I was so happy when she got to live at the end, although Ellie's ending is kind of depressing. I still liked Ellie more than Abby though.

    I just want to give a shoutout to what is now my favourite mission in any game ever, the mission on Seattle Day 1 where Ellie and Dina explore Downtown Seattle together on the horse. It just felt so immersive when finding new locations to explore on the map, whilst scavenging anything I could find.

    One last thing, fuck Owen that cheating piece of shit. Ok, that might be a bit of an over exaggeration but I really didn't like him. Like, REALLY didn't like him.

    Anyways, if you actually read this thanks, I'm going to go cry of post game depression now so see ya!

    submitted by /u/Tim_TWD
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    Never Seen That Kill Animation At The End

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 01:25 PM PST

    Shower Thought: Ellie can probably eat infected

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 06:03 PM PST

    Was watching a streamer play the Winter section. Had a thought: Ellie can probably eat infected flesh, but maybe not the fungal bits. Could be useful if she runs out of food. If the cannibals cooked the infected, could they eat the corpses?

    submitted by /u/ali94127
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    How to replicate Ellie's half up half down hairstyle?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 12:39 PM PST

    So I've marked this as a cosplay post but I really just want to know how to do this hairstyle in general

    I'm not a girly girl and dress a bit alternative like Ellie, I've never really done anything with my hair, its either down or it's in a full ponytail to exercise and that's it. I wanna try Ellie's hairstyle of the half up half down type look where it's kind of like shes got a mini bun or something going on.

    This may be a stupid question but I dont even really know how to go about doing this, I've always been terrible with hair so I cant think on my own where I would start. I have searched google but all the result are about her haircut like the length but not about this styling.

    Does anyone have any tips or link to any videos with similar hairstyle tutorial?, it doesnt have to be specific to TLOU2 of course

    submitted by /u/wassup_18
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    TLOU2 Made Me Sad In a Different Way then TLOU

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 10:06 PM PST

    I can't tell you what it is exactly that makes me feel this way. I felt moments of sadness, fear, levity, hope and redemption in both games.. When TLOU ended and we found out Joel lied and Ellie kind of knew it did hurt, but that felt so much different to me. Was it a moment of sympathizing (or understanding) Joel's actions no matter how flawed? Was it just a realization that things will crumble not now (but later)? I remember feeling distraught by the ending but it was nothing like the second game.

    Pt 2 crushed me more then I could logically explain. Maybe it was the feeling of desperation and exhaustion at the end? The feeling of not wanting Ellie to dive into the irredeemable deep end? I don't know. All I know is that pt 2 crushed me in a way I can't explain. I just wanted Ellie to be happy. She became such a sad, hopeless individual blinded by revenge and hate. Perhaps it's the loss of innocence of a character I've loved. By the end, I feel like she lost everyone and everything she's ever loved. She ended up alone like her worst fear. I try to realize that no matter what happened at the end of the day, she let Abby go and found her light... but it does really depress me. Anyone else feel this way? I really can't put my finger on it.

    submitted by /u/hellollamasan
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    If there was a Last of Us part 3, would you buy it?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 05:44 PM PST

    One of my favourite photos I've taken in Part 2

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 06:44 PM PST

    Difficulties in tlou

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 02:52 PM PST

    Challenge i Will take on (survival-After Hard)

    First off all, I am a 29y Flemish speaking from Belgium (so if there's grammatical or structural errors sorry) i told myself i will attempt to take on and try to beat the survival settings on as well last of us 1 & 2

    A bit of background I finished the second one on normal so maybe start there after I finished Tlou 1 for the second time (this time on hard.) I am currently at the part where Ellie has to take care of Joel in the winter before he wrestled an enemy and got the spike trough his body. I finished the game the first time back on ps3 on normal. I don't feel like I'm getting less loot on hard then compared to normal at least for the first one in my play trough now,...

    Even tough the second ones story is less good for me, I still enjoyed every part of it.

    Somehow I have still 15 or so other good games to complete but I still come back to tlou the last couple weeks, since no other story wise game I have currently keeps me interested and focused for a long time like this.

    Looking forward to CyberPunk tough. only this and The Witcher 3 is the only other game apart tlou that keeps me captivated now, the thing is I was playing 10 15 games starting something up not finishing it and got too saturated too keep interest for long.

    Trying survival soon, any tips for playing on survival for me ?

    submitted by /u/RollOneSmokeOne47
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    Abby and Lev

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 01:50 PM PST

    I know a lot of you are about to be real mad at me, but I think Lev is the Ellie to Abby's Joel. Please don't come for me I love Ellie and Joel's relationship so much the first game always makes me cry, but I think that naughty dog was trying to give us something like what they had in pt2 with Abby and Lev. In the begging Abby hates the scares and kills them without any remorse, but then she gets saved by two scar children. After she gets Yara and Lev somewhere "safe" she leaves them and pretends to not care about them. That's what Joel did to Ellie (not physically leaving her but being emotionally absent). Then Abby starts to warm up to them Lev especially and treats him like her son. Let me know what you think.

    submitted by /u/leakyjuulpod420
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    The Last of Us Part 2 Taylor Guitars

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 03:20 PM PST

    Hello, everybody. I have been trying to contact PlayStation Gear Store in regards to when the Replica Taylor 314CE that went back up for order on The Last Of Us Day in September, would be shipping out. I haven't been able to get an answer from them directly, so I was just curious if some of you who might have ordered one this most recent time have maybe had any updates or received the guitar yet. Sorry if this post doesn't belong here wasn't really to sure where I should put it. Thanks everybody! May your survival be long!

    submitted by /u/Claymeister63
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    When do you get the grounded trophy in Part 2?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 10:50 PM PST

    Like is the screenshot taken when the credits begin to roll or is it after the credits play?

    submitted by /u/bambi_killer_49
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    Badly Maimed if not Dead

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 10:34 PM PST

    Last of Us Deaf Playthrough

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 01:30 PM PST

    Been playing the original last of us on my ps3 on one of my brother's old monitors, it doesn't have a speaker so my entire first playthrough I'm completely deaf. It's kind of fun for my first playthrough. I hope the second will be scary though. I end up listening to Eurobeat to fill the silence, any other recommendations beside that? "You're Gonna Go Far Kid" can only go so far as a Eurobeat remix.

    submitted by /u/The_Memeiest_man
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    Ellie's immune to everything! ����

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 09:21 PM PST

    Death in Tlou2

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 09:11 PM PST

    First off, I love Tou2, but one thing has been eating away at me since I originally played it. The deaths in the first game also affected me but not to this degree. I think we all know who I'm talking about. When they revealed Danny's dead body, I broke down. This character I had grown so attached to, learned to love, despite all of his shortcomings. I had to take a week long break. When I came back, I had to fight through the tears. Knowing that I would never again see Danny. It got me thinking about the loved ones I have lost in this life. I'm studying writing, and I would love to know how Naughty Dog got me so invested in this character. R.I.P. Danny, I miss you man.

    submitted by /u/King_of_Toxicity
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    I was proud of the beginning of this. Santa Barbara - The resort - Grounded - No Damage

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 08:30 PM PST

    A Joker Tlou mash up I made quite a while back. One of my earlier tributes I had made, thought to post anyways.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 02:31 PM PST

    "What are you doing? It's alright. C'mere. Hey, fella." ����

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 02:14 AM PST

    "What are you doing? It's alright. C'mere. Hey, fella." 🦒🌿

    "This everything you were hoping for? It's got it ups and downs. You can't deny the view, though."

    My TLOU inspired tattoo + this cutie was incredibly kind and friendly and reminded me of a certain event.


    submitted by /u/winterswake26
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