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    Saturday, November 7, 2020

    The Last of Us | I’m really late to the party but I finally completed part 2. What a game.

    The Last of Us | I’m really late to the party but I finally completed part 2. What a game.

    I’m really late to the party but I finally completed part 2. What a game.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 09:50 AM PST

    I have to say... wow. What a game. I don't understand why people were giving the dev team absolute shit, it was one of the best games I've ever played.

    Couple of niggles with the set design in some places - mainly violence followed by long periods of scavenging, but that's about it with my grievances.

    It had everything: violence, horror, great storyline, PTSD, transgender issues, strong female lead, homosexuality and discrimination around it, grief and loss.

    The rat king, though, that monstrosity fucking can do one.

    submitted by /u/coffeefuelledtechie
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    Meet our new puppy, Ellie!

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 06:53 AM PST

    Noticed I have the exact same alarm clock as one I found in Capitol Hill

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 10:11 PM PST

    Still an amazing crossover

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 09:51 PM PST

    (Spoilers) Unpopular opinion: TLOU2 was better than the first one.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 03:06 AM PST

    The story hit me 50,000 times harder than the first one's did. I stg, when she was strangling Abby at the end and it cut to a flashback of Joel for a split second before she gives up and cries in the water while she lets Abby escape... I cried for like a fuckin half hour. That hit me on every level imaginable.

    I loved the gameplay way more. Last of us 1 gameplay didn't feel right. Ammo was obnoxiously scarce, the melee combat didn't feel like it was all it could be, the shooting felt a bit lame at times. All my problems got fixed in the last of us 2. Instead of feeling like Joel the terminator, I felt like Ellie the desperate battle hardened survivor. I didn't feel like a terminator taking on an entire army by myself and winning just because I'm a badass. I felt like I was just a single person with experience, sneaking around picking off the enemies one by one with a brutal throat slit, terrifying them as you silently slink away into the bushes. I felt like every encounter was won by the skin of my teeth, and like I was actually fighting for my life and not just playing an action video game.

    I loved the characters so much (except Abby fuck Abby, even if I didn't want to kill her in the end I still hated her guts). Only complaint is the dialogue between Dina and Ellie outside of cutscenes was awful. Ellie sounded like her mom was trying to talk to her while she was trying to watch YouTube. I loved everything else though. I loved tommy and his downward spiral into the monster he buried so long ago. I loved Ellie, I loved Dina, I loved Jesse, I loved our brief time with Joel, they were all great.

    The writing... my god. The writing in this game is so unbelievably amazing (not just the dialogue). The story is beautiful, the story beats it hits are amazingly brutal and miserable, it does everything it sets out to do and so so much more.

    11/10 fucking game, dude. Only major complaint is it was way too long and like an entire third of it can be removed with literally no consequence to anything.

    submitted by /u/Glossyplane542
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    Is TLOU2 getting an official ps5 release?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 11:38 AM PST

    I have completely avoided all news about TLOU2 even trailers to avoid spoilers so it might sound dumb asking... Is TLOU2 getting an official ps5 release or should i just by the ps4 version and play it on backwards compatibility?

    submitted by /u/Faheydaway
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    Finally finished The Last of Us 2... Don't know what to think?! I need to talk about this story!

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 10:06 PM PST

    To preface, I really enjoyed this game. It was refreshing to see Naughty Dog take some real risks with the story telling. In the end, I feel like the hoopla surrounding this game was overblown. Despite how I feel about certain story beats, this game was an amazing experience. The world is brutal and visceral but has moments where there's hope for our characters. I was left feeling so mixed about the ending but 100% certain that I loved the experience.

    I still feel like the game does a disservice to Joel's legacy and Ellie's character. I would love to have a civil discussion on the topic before anyone with blind allegiance to this game jumps on me.

    The only thing I know for sure is that Naughty Dog makes incredible single player experiences and I can't wait to play what they've got in store for the PS5

    submitted by /u/SUPERxGOGETA
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    I just finished TLOU2, and I need to talk to someone about it.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 12:33 AM PST

    Holy shit, this game is incredible.

    I haven't worked out my thoughts enough to be able to make a good post about them, but I need to say something.

    Fuck. I don't think a narrative has been able to make me feel so much. I'm just sitting here, I feel empty but honestly hopeful.

    I was literally bawling while the last fight against Abby was happening. Neither her nor Ellie are good people, they're both murderers, but they're so hurt.

    If anyone wants to have a chat about the game, feel free to send me a message. Maybe my thoughts will be a little less muddled and a little more coherent.

    submitted by /u/Snidegrime
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    When picking a custom facemask print, this was all I could think of. I'm pretty happy with it.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 02:48 AM PST

    Visiting Boston and bought Ellie so naturally I had to visit the state house with her

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 03:15 PM PST

    Mac Quayle absolutely killed it with his part of the soundtrack

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 07:56 PM PST

    It's insane how much his music adds to the whole experience and just how big a role it plays in building the identity of the game. It's gotten to a point where I just can't picture fighting the WLF with anything else playing in the background.

    The tension, the uneasiness, the apprehensiveness, the anticipation, it's all there and it's turned all the way to fucking 11 the whole time. Absolutely amazing. Definitely the best companion to go along with Gustavo's gut wrenching yet beautiful songs.

    submitted by /u/MC_Mickey
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    Thought you guys would appreciate my latest tattoo. Done by Sonya Moses at Vault Tattoo

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 02:49 PM PST

    Favorite non-character mini story/scene?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 08:54 AM PST

    Of all the letters, notes, photos, stuff you find in random living rooms, etc, what is your favorite?

    Mine, although it is really sad, is the letter to Santa that you find when first heading out with Dina, where he asks Santa for a dog to help his dad hunt, and mentions something about how his dad goes in his room by himself and is obviously having a hard time. That one hits hard right in the feels.

    submitted by /u/jrpeter5
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    Over the last few days I have been recreating the trading cards (front&back) Here is Beyond!

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 05:49 AM PST

    I still can't go back for another playthrough.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 05:28 PM PST

    This game is so strange, on one hand it's the best game I've ever played and one of the most amazing experiences ever, and on the other hand I never want to touch it again.

    Never has a game hit me so hard, making me love it so much while feeling anxious at the thought of it. I've finished the game twice since launch. The second was intended to be for the platinum trophy, that fell apart pretty quick. I still wanna get that trophy, but struggle to even boot up the game.

    Naughty Dog did some crazy shit with this damn game.

    submitted by /u/TheMalpas
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    Daughter of a Rifleman - The Last Of Us (Tribute Video) [SPOILERS]

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 09:12 PM PST

    I think TLOU2 is overall more challenging, but the Pittsburgh section of the first TLOU is easily the hardest section across both games for me

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 03:03 PM PST

    I think most people would agree that overall, TLOU2 is more anxiety inducing then the first game. The whole time, especially across the Seattle days, there isn't much room for feeling safe and you're constantly on your toes going up against the infected, the WLFs, the scars and whatever else the game throws at you. However, if I had to choose the hardest section across either game, it would probably be the Pittsburgh section in the first TLOU. So many dreaded moments, most notably the hotel basement. That alone is enough to give me an anxiety attack lol, even though I know it's just a game. Those fucking stalkers man! Also, going up against the rebels in that city was tough. Trying to escape with Henry and sam was definitely challenging too, especially going through the sewers with them. And man, the ending with those two was so painfully sad.

    What about for you guys? What's the hardest section across either game for you?

    submitted by /u/capamericapistons
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    Unbroken is a masterpiece. I can't get over this song. (kinda long)

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 12:45 AM PST

    A little background: I played most of Part 1 a few years ago at a friends house over a couple weeks because I didn't have my own console. I had always wanted to play it based on clips and trailers I had seen, and I finally got to and it was awesome. But I was young and artistically illiterate back then (I know its only a few years but I was about 13 then and I'm 17 now, so I've changed a bit), I'm also a film student so my appreciation for the visual arts has grown a lot since then. And since I played it in super fragmented sections over a few months, I didn't really get the full experience.

    A few months ago, I stumbled across the soundtrack for part 1 on Spotify and gave it a listen, and I was blown away at how well it captured the mood and experience of the game, and I kind of fell in love with TLOU all over again, just from hearing a few songs. I also listened to a bit of the soundtrack for part II, but I didn't give it too much attention at first. I wanted so badly to play this game again, but I didn't have a playstation and it seemed dumb to buy one just to play one game, especially considering all my friends play xbox. But after a few weeks of listening to the soundtrack and literally not being able to think about anything else, I thought fuck it, I worked all summer so I have some extra money and I'm bored as hell in quarantine. So I went out and bought a ps4 pro on craigslist, and picked up TLOU I and II from gamestop.

    Anyways, that was just a very long winded way of saying I bought a whole console to play these two games just because I stumbled upon the soundtrack. Fast forward to about a week ago, when despite spending almost all of my time on school work and applying to colleges, I made it through both games. And holy shit, the soundtrack for The Last Of Us Part II is impeccable. I can't listen to a single song without getting sad as hell, Gustavo Santaolalla did not leave a single profound emotional stone unturned with this album. But one song in particular - Unbroken - which plays at the very beginning of the game where you are riding the horse as Joel, has been on my mind since I played this part.

    This next part probably doesn't make much sense if you don't know what song I'm talking about, so i encourage you to put on some headphones and give it a listen while you read so you see a little bit of where I'm coming from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLxcwxVh508

    This song is the theme song of part II for me. I don't know the first thing about music theory so bare with me, but something about this song just captures the entirety of the emotional spectrum of the game. Unbroken is somehow hopeful but sad, dark but peaceful, painful but optimistic, all at the same time. It is a beautiful transition from part I to part II that reminds us of the pain and growth that Joel went through in the last game, dealing with the guilt of his decision, but content with the life he crated for Ellie. On top of that, Unbroken paints the emotional backdrop of this game so so well. Like I said, its dark but peaceful. It's not a happy song by any means, at least for me. Unbroken is solemn and painful, but has moments where the notes lighten up and slow down, making you feel tranquil and sort of relieved, in a way. These details capture what the game is really about for me; Ellie trying to find peace in herself, and trudging through these dark, muddy waters to get to that light. These moments of peace in the song also just remind me of those same moments in the game, like some of the moments Ellie shares with Dina in the theatre or the ballroom, when Abby and her dad help the zebra stuck in the wire, when Abby and Lev have a moment, or the museum, among so many others. I think it is a perfect encapsulation of what part II has to offer, and makes the beginning with Joel that much more powerful. Unbroken has become one of my absolute favorite songs, even though I get depressed when I listen to it. I already used it as the music for one of my short movies haha.

    Again I know literally nothing about music so please let me know if I'm just blabbering like an idiot, This song just hits me a little bit different whenever I hear it, and I felt like I had to write it down somewhere. I know this post was long so thanks if you read trough it and let me know if I made any sense.

    submitted by /u/xTuni
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    Are we ever getting TLOU 2 DLC like Left Behind?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 07:58 PM PST

    I loved TLOU 2 (except for some of the ending), but the flashbacks just make me want more Joel and Ellie. Is there a chance we could get something like Left Behind? Maybe Joel and Tommy in the early days? Or Joel and Ellie in Jackson?

    submitted by /u/montezuma300
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    I love it

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 01:59 PM PST

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