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    Thursday, October 29, 2020

    The Last of Us | Just watch your step... You'll be fine

    The Last of Us | Just watch your step... You'll be fine

    Just watch your step... You'll be fine

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    I made an Ellie-inspired hoodie! [Eldi13]

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 01:38 PM PDT

    Getting a new generation started

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    Literally every side can be justified in this story, and I’m sick of people trying to put it in a black and white box.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 02:25 AM PDT

    I think it would be unfair to say TLOU2 has generated a "lot of hate" considering it's been a massive success all across the board, garnering critical and commercial success and being nominated for several top notch gaming awards. Regardless, I guess it's impossible to ignore the controversy around it, which in my mind is mostly dumb.

    I see so many people online complaining about how unfair it is that Joel was painted as the bad guy and how he was justified in everything he did and that Abby and her father are pieces of shit and etc.. The thing is, literally every side can be justified in the story.

    Joel? He had spent a year traveling around with Ellie and formed a father/daughter relationship with her. I know if it was me in Joel's situation and I was about to lose my own daughter (or in my own personal case, a little sister) I would probably react the same way. But aside from that, you don't know if the procedure is actually going to work, especially with the recordings around the hospital you can find that show how the fireflies had failed many times in their attempt to find a vaccine/cure. Obviously Ellie was different as she was immune, but it's understandable he'd be untrusting. Plus, you don't know what a vaccine would even do in the post apocalyptic world, where it's become dog eat dog.

    Ellie? It's perfectly understandable why she rejected Joel's affection for years after finding out he had straight up lied to her for years about what happened. Was Joel justified in what he did? Arguably, but it's also understandable his actions would have consequences, most notably affecting his relationship with Ellie. She could've been a turning stone in humanity by helping to bring about a vaccine. As she says to Joel towards the ending of the first TLOU, "this can't have all been for nothing." Now of course, maybe she wouldn't have been a turning stone in humanity, as I had mentioned before that it's a dog eat dog world and maybe a vaccine couldn't have even turned up. But there's always that chance, and it's a chance she herself would've taken, and Joel knew that.

    Abby's father? He saw an anomaly, something that had never been seen before. Something that literally could help save humanity. Forget the fireflies, I mean sure that group was dying out, but humanity as a whole is probably dying out. You don't think after fighting for so many years, anyone else in his position wouldn't have seen this chance and taken it without hesitation? I mean sure, he was taking away Ellie from Joel, but his actions could possibly be saving everyone from being infected! From his perspective he's absolutely justified. And of course it's possible his actions could mean nothing, not getting a cure or vaccine, or getting that but having it not make a difference in a post apocalyptic world. But after so many years of pain and suffering, taking that chance is absolutely worth it and justified.

    Abby? Joel not only killed her father in cold blood but absolutely decimated the rest of the fireflies. And not only that, but he stopped what could've been the vaccine that led humanity to be saved from being infected. She's absolutely justified in wanting revenge. Was it messed up what her father did? Arguably. But it's just as arguable that what her father did was right and what Joel did was wrong, and vice versa of course, but from her perspective she's absolutely justified.

    I used to think Joel was justified, and then I sides more with Ellie. But after replaying both (for the third time each, no less) I realize that no one is wrong. Everyone's actions can be justified and to say they can't is, in my opinion, extremely close minded and just wrong. The story isn't black and white. It's complex and that's why I love it.

    submitted by /u/capamericapistons
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    I saw a fan photo of Ellie and I couldn’t resist making a fan art of it!

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    Tried making a Tlou 2 themed custom ps5 faceplate! lemme know how it looks like

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 12:57 AM PDT

    A prophet

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 06:01 PM PDT

    I really hope we get a PS5 version of this if/when Factions gets released

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    Hairless Tess

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 04:26 PM PDT

    We've all seen it ��

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 02:18 PM PDT

    Finally found a decent cover of Crooked Still - Ecstasy! He linked a tab in the comments as well for whoever's interested in learning to play.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 01:55 PM PDT

    Anyone else take like 20 minutes tryna figure out how to get up here? Or am I stupid lol I refused to look it up!

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    [Spoiler maybe] Questionably shaped and questionably wrapped

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    Grounded Difficulty

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 03:43 PM PDT

    How the fuck do y'all do this shit. I may just be complete utter shit at this game but holy fuck. I don't get how y'all have the sanity to play this. Not looking for sympathy, just wanna put out there that the ones who have completed this game on grounded. You're not fucking human. Props to y'all.

    submitted by /u/judgejakaj
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    My thoughts on The Last of Us Part II

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 05:15 PM PDT

    So I should start by saying that I played The Last Of Us when it first came out and thought it was a solid 10/10, probably my favourite game of all time, so going into part II, I had high expectations(also played when it released). I managed to avoid most spoilers going into the game and disregarded all the reviews (positive or negative) so this review (more just my thoughts actually) hasn't been affected by other people's opinions and is solely mine. I'll mostly talk story as gameplay, visuals and whatnot is pretty self explanatory (amazing).

    Score: 7/10

    So I'll start with I guess is the inciting event for the story, Joel's death. Now unfortunately, Joel's death was spoiled for me prior to playing, but I was expecting it after finishing the first one however I was not expecting it to happen within the first two hours. The gut wrenching feeling of watching Joel getting beaten to a pulp by the chic he saved merely minutes ago as Ellie watched on helplessly was quite the bold move from ND. I can't say I was pleased, I was very angry and for the rest of the first half my emotions were controlling me. Personally I don't think Joel should've died as I was hoping to see Joel and Ellie's dynamic expanded upon and actually explore how Joel and Ellie got settled into Jackson, Ellie finding about Joel's lie and the implications of that (in greater depth, not just flashbacks) but I understand why Joel died.

    So Joel dies, Ellie goes on a rage fuelled conquest for revenge with Dina and I'll be honest, I was having a blast taking revenge and hunting down every last one of them. I thought this section of the game was done brilliantly and I was able to enjoy every moment of it. The flashbacks between Joel and Ellie were just, beautiful and for me the best parts of the game. I thought the characters surrounding Ellie were great additions and I felt like I connected with them. Hunting down abby and engaging infected was hella fun due to the gameplay so this section of the game I was really enjoying. Eventually it got to the point where I realised that Ellie was going a bit far with all the killing and stuff especially after the part where we have to press square multiple times to beat up that chic at the hospital (forgot her name). And then Ellie kills Mel and Owen and we find out Mel is pregnant. That was quite heavy on me and I guess this is kind of when the game began to decline for me. Ellie leaves the map there for Abby to find which was purely coincidental and I thought stupid but eh it is what it is. Then we reach the climax, Jesse gets popped in the face without hesitation and we face Abby.

    And then the switch happens. I'm pretty sure majority of people were livid when this happened and everyone was thinking I don't want to play as abby and whatever and honestly same. I was hoping it would just be a quick five minute thing, but nope. Shit went on for 10+ hours and I can't lie, I did not enjoy a majority of this section. Of course abby killing Joel was on my mind when playing so I felt less inclined to like her but I also thought all the characters surrounding Abby were just not that good, I didn't like any of them. I also felt that ND were using manipulation tactics to warm you up to Abby, e.g "Hey you were killing dogs in the first half with Ellie and felt like shit doing it? Well look here you can actually play with dogs as Abby!!" We also find out why Abby does what she does and honestly, I didn't care. I thought Joel was justified in what he did (even though it was probably wrong) and killing the surgeon was probably a bit much but I just didn't care that Abby lost someone close to her and so she had to go and kill Joel for it. I tried to care but I just couldn't. I guess it's because In this world, things like that are happening to pretty much everyone. Everyone's going through those kind of hardships because it's the world they live in but the thing is, I spent an entire game with Joel and Ellie and I connected with them, not Abby. I get it though if part 1 was about Abby I would obviously care for her and hate Joel but It wasn't and I guess my emotions just can't get around that. So to sum that bit up, I spent time with Joel and Ellie, I grew to love them and I guess I just wanted to see them again, not Abby. However, Yara and Lev were great. I thought they were the only two good characters from Abby's section and the Seraphite island sequence was amazing.

    Then we return to the climax and we chase Ellie down as Abby. I was hoping ND snuck a secret ending in there with if you let Ellie kill you then it's all good but that wasn't the case. I let Ellie kill me multiple times in this bit and it was bliss. But then I got on with the game and I was hurting when they made me bash Ellie and Dina as Abby. It was not great. Then Abby is about to kill Dina until Ellie stops her and says she's pregnant. All Abby does is say good and proceeds until Lev stops her. I guess this is what made me hate Abby even more coz she was literally willing to kill a mother and her child. Like sure Ellie might've killed Mel, but she didn't know and she instantly regretted it right after. Abby just says good and was literally about to do it, which is pretty messed up I reckon, but thank god for Lev. Then Abby and Lev leave and we go to the farm section. I thought that the game was finished here and I think, they really should've just ended it there. For me the whole Santa Barbara section felt pointless. I feel like it was just really forced. Like, I don't think it's in Tommy's character to start shaming Ellie or whatever BS he did but I just wasn't convinced. Anyway I then went on the last hurrah and it turns out Ellie doesn't kill Abby in the end. I was fine with that ending. I didn't think it was spectacular nor did I think it was utter shit. The only thing I really wanted was for Ellie to not die. I didn't care what happened to Abby.

    After this, Ellie returns to the farm with 2 fingers lost and no one is there. I'm convinced that Ellie had reunited with Dina and JJ as it seems like she just knows what's happened to them when she reaches the farm and it's not like she's calling out for them or crying coz she thinks they've left. Then, Ellie tries to play the guitar but can't because of her two fingers gone and man did that shit break my heart. I cried. We then see a last flashback where Ellie tells Joel she's willing to forgive him and dam was that some heartwarming shit. I also cried at that. And then Ellie walks off and credits roll.

    So if you read all that then it's pretty clear that I'm a Joel and Ellie fanboy, and that's probably why I didn't enjoy this game as much as I wanted to but I thought it was still good. I am still an emotional wreck from playing the game and feel sort of exhausted tbh.

    Personally, what I think would've been great is if part two was compromised of the flashbacks of Joel and Ellie in this game, so pretty much where we left off from the first and we had all those moments and stuff and then in the middle, Ellie finds out about Joel's lie and she goes off on her own and then Ellie meets Abby and we have some sort of friendship between them and Ellie tells Abby about Joel and then at the end abby is telling her group some shit like "I know where he is" and then it finishes. And then part three is essentially this game. I think that would've been cool.

    So yea that's pretty much all I have to say. I thought the game was good but not a masterpiece, Nor did I think it was the worst game ever made like some people. I really hope they make a part three but I hope it's not going to be about Abby because, well I just don't like her. Please share your thoughts and I welcome you to argue any points I may have made or correct me on anything coz I would love it if someone can make the game a better experience for me.

    Thanks heaps for reading.

    submitted by /u/geraldgimes99
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    [SPOILER maybe] That's what you get! I had her stand under the water for like 5 minutes

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 04:30 PM PDT

    Is there any indication to the size of the WLF ? Numbers wise

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    If not what would be your estimated size ?

    Also how many people do you think lives in the stadium ?

    submitted by /u/Boring-Cunt
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    TLOU2 has a chance for GOTY

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    With the Cyberpunk delay and all we all know that it won't be eligible for GOTY this December my Top games i would love to see win it overall are Doom Eternal Final Fantasy 7 remake Ghost of Tsushima or Tlou2 i mean if it wins it that's great I'll be happy but damn we'll be seeing people cry about it as soon as the next day saying it didn't deserve it and all that other shit but no joke my opinion personally it wasn't my favorite game but overall the story was great

    submitted by /u/Crazypanda_21
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    As I haven't seen it yet, I've decided to recreate our favourite "Old Timer" with the new avatar feature. Hope u like it.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 03:14 PM PDT

    Ellie’s Hobbies

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 05:28 PM PDT

    Can someone make a list of Ellie's hobbies? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/kjpkylepeterson
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    Song name?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 03:38 PM PDT

    Anyone know the name of the song when Ellie and Joel are getting really emotional in the ranch house outside of Tommy's Dam? I think the song was also played when Ellie was hacking away at David? The song just gave me that feeling that's gonna stick with those scenes and I need to know.

    submitted by /u/KadeTLang
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