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    Wednesday, October 28, 2020

    The Last of Us | “In a day or two...” pic from our last photoset, hope you like it πŸ’™

    The Last of Us | “In a day or two...” pic from our last photoset, hope you like it ��

    “In a day or two...” pic from our last photoset, hope you like it ��

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 12:42 PM PDT

    Ellie Fanart. (by @lousflow_art)

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 05:07 AM PDT

    I painted Ellie in Procreate. This seems like a good place to post it.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    Ellie, by me

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 11:33 AM PDT

    Ellie as Johnny Silverhand (by Me)

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 05:52 PM PDT

    Ellie as a Reddit avatar

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 05:51 AM PDT

    I just can't believe the facial detail in this game, I mean just look at Ellie's face, you can see every tiny mole and freckle.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    Close your eyes. It'll be worth it.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 03:21 PM PDT

    Joel, by me

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 07:16 PM PDT

    Like father, like daughter.... unfortunately (@_.the_last_of_us_)

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 05:28 PM PDT

    My favorite of criticism of Last of Us Part 2

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 09:51 PM PDT

    The amount of 'Last of us part 2 is a failure' videos on YouTube is staggering, and I've never been able to sit through an entire one. Mainly because I don't see the point in sitting through an hour of someone going 'Game bad because it wasn't Joel/Ellie 2: Revelations' and pretending it's thoughtful criticism. But my absolute favorite line went something like this:

    'Joel having to face the consequences of his decision at the end of the first game is bad writing. In fact it's objectively bad, because it's the obvious consequence of what happened in the last game.'

    I was like: Bro... do you like, even understand what consistency of characters/actions are, and why they are good things?

    submitted by /u/Raspint
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    Customized a pair of Converse to pay homage to my girl Ellie.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 05:16 PM PDT

    TLOU2 will most likely win GOTY

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 10:12 AM PDT

    The reason why is that cyberpunk recently got delayed, sadly. It got delayed to December 10 which is literally the day of the awards. Now TLOU2 is the most acclaimed game of the year. The critics choose GOTY so I think it will win GOTY. What do you all think?

    submitted by /u/CrazyDuckPlays
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    ���� (never carved a pumpkin before, it was surprisingly relaxing ��)

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 03:13 PM PDT

    Joel Miller • "I guess you can't escape your past." NOT MINE, found it on YouTube with relatively low views considering it’s quality!

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    A teacher’s perspective of part 2

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 11:55 PM PDT

    Hi everyone! I am brand new to these games and ps4 in general. I finished part 1 2 days ago and my wife surprised me and bought part 2.

    I've got to say, as a teacher, if "virtual field trips" were done half as well as the museum trip with Ellie and Joel, even half as interactive cutting the narrative for more random space and dinosaur facts, my elementary class wouldn't ever do anything else. I was blown away at how well this part was done. My goodness was it fantastic!

    Can't get over these games and how long I spent being an Xbox fanboy instead of realizing there are great missable games on every console.

    submitted by /u/elwininger
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    Why I think the ending of The Last Of Us was NOT morally ambiguous

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 07:58 PM PDT

    According to The Meriam Webster dictionary the definition of "Moral Ambiguity" is "a lack of certainty about whether something is right or wrong".

    A good example of this is in Mass Effect 1 on Virmire where you have to choose between saving Ashley or saving Kaiden. There is no correct choice here because both are good people who plan on doing good things.

    In The Last of Us Joel is presented with the decision of either allowing Ellie to die so a vaccine that will save hundreds of thousands(just an estimate) of lives could be developed or saving Ellie but dooming all of those people. To me this decision isn't morally ambiguous, Joel is presented with an ultimatum. Lives will be lost regardless, this choice is about mitigating the damage. So the idea of the fireflies not having the right to kill Ellie is void because they aren't doing so out of desire, they didn't want to be in the situation they are in and by not killing Ellie they are essentially killing a large number of people. If you have the opportunity to save someone and choose not to then you are responsible for their death, in this case the fireflies would be responsible for the deaths of thousands if they decided not to kill Ellie because they had an opportunity to save those people and chose not to. So the obvious correct choice here is to let Ellie die and the reason for that really does come down to proportions. If you have to choose between letting a great number of people die or just one person then it makes sense to choose the latter unless you know that one individual will go on to do things that outweigh the cost of letting them live. (Basically Utilitarianism)

    The interesting thing is that even Joel knows this, he tells Marlene to "find someone else" meaning that he doesn't actually have a problem some other innocent person dying in this scenario, he just doesn't want it to be Ellie. The reason i find this so compelling is because the game depicts a situation where anyone would act exactly how Joel did but at the same time forces you to acknowledge that Joel did the wrong thing. I think this perfectly leads into Part 2 where we see people commit horrible acts for understandable reasons. You even see Jerry(Abby's Dad) share similar sentiments to Joel in the scene where he's hesitant to admit that he would carry out the operation if it was Abby who had to die, this adds a layer of depth to Abby's revenge quest by implying that the man she's been hunting down her whole life isn't actually that different than the guy she's seeking vengeance for. In the world of The Last of Us preserving one's humanity may actually be destructive. It makes me wonder if Joel was better off being the cold hearted and pragmatic survivalist he was at the beginning of the game because its his new found vulnerability/kind heartedness that not only led to the death of thousands in the long run but it eventually led to his own death.

    As a side note I dont think Id ever have the strength to kill an innocent person despite my feelings on the morality of the subject.

    submitted by /u/TonySoprano300
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    Is The Last of Us Part II One Big Guilt Trip?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 06:26 PM PDT

    Naughty Dog’s guide to The Last of Us Part II’s Photo Mode

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    I tried to make Joel as a Reddit Avatar. Couldn't get the beard right, but I think it turned out ok

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    A possible flag of the Fireflies (explanation in the comments)

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    Similarities between Ellie and I. Spoilers

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 12:31 AM PDT

    The last of us 2 SPOILERS

    I'm also called Ellie. I had just turned 15 when the first game came out, and im now 22.

    When i was 12 my father was stabbed to death. I didnt witness it, i didn't ever see the house he died in again. Nobody has been caught.

    I did an interview for a tv crime series in September in an effort to find whoever was responsible. I didn't think it would yeild results, and so far it hasn't and i doubt it will. Nobody wanted to do the interview, so i felt i had to. Somebody had to show that my dad had loved ones, may as well be me.

    I watched a playthrough of the last of us 2. I saw joels death. I went into hysterics for hours.

    I felt stupid once i calmed down. Its a videogame, why am i reacting like this.

    I wondered if my dad had time to process the fact he was dying. Did he suffer. Was he harmed before he was stabbed. Did he know he was leaving me. I don't know. I guess seeing so many similarities brought back memories and thoughts.

    I was vengeful as a child. But not long after dad died i was the victim of the 4 letter R word. That changed my perspective because it wasn't a stranger, wasnt in a dark alley, it wasn't typical.

    I didn't want revenge for my dad. But a part of me, this visceral hate feeling in my chest. I wanted it out. I wanted the pain to stop. I saw my family doing their own investigating, saw their own plans of revenge, and i saw them filled with hate. I didn't want that. Eventually after years i didn't care about justice, because i know I'll never get it. My dads case will forever be a mystery.

    I could empathise with Ellie, felt that hate for Abby too. Saw in her the feeling i had all my childhood of wanting and planning revenge. Then i realised i was once more like abby than i wanted to admit. Began noticing the similarities.

    Its hard for me to talk about. Hard for me to deal with this game. Just thought I'd share

    submitted by /u/AlwaysThinkAboutYou
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    I wore my chucks and my outbreak day shirt while I finally got the platinum for part 1. Endure and survive, everybody.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    Made Joel as best as I could

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 04:21 PM PDT

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