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    Thursday, October 22, 2020

    The Last of Us | Abby appreciation post. She turned out to be my favourite in the game

    The Last of Us | Abby appreciation post. She turned out to be my favourite in the game

    Abby appreciation post. She turned out to be my favourite in the game

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 06:53 AM PDT

    Video proof of my Grounded+ Whole Game Permadeath run

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    Ellie cosplay done by @mary_jane_hollland

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    Jesus Christ grounded can be intense

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 07:06 AM PDT

    Playstation All-Stars Fanart featuring Joel & Ellie (Made by Honeybunny-Art)

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    I found a small mistake in Part II

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    It doesn't affect gameplay or story or anything, it's just a minor detail. It kind of goes hand in hand with another minor thing that they got right so I'm kind of surprised that they missed this.

    Anyway in the museum section there's a contraption that allows you to spin the solar system. They got Uranus correct as it spins on its side. But they missed another planet. Venus actually spins in a retrograde motion; backwards. But in the game they have it spinning west to east. Venus rotates east to west. It's very hard to tell because the rotational period on venus is extraordinarily long, I can't remember the exact amount of time but it's something like 110 days.

    Just thought it was kind of odd to get Uranus correct but not Venus

    submitted by /u/bambi_killer_49
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    If Abby's motivation was revealed at the beginning, the game would have been less divisive, but also less meaningful.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 01:05 PM PDT

    In the last few weeks I've seen an idea pop up around reddit about Abby's motivation. I've seen several people suggest this so I'm not going to name names specifically.

    Essentially, the idea is that if ND had decided to inform players of Abby's connection to Joel and her motivation for killing him in the introduction, that more people would have been able to extend empathy to Abby and accept her as a pseudo-protagonist in this story.

    Taken at face value, this is clearly true - of course people are more likely to empathize with somebody if they understand the character's motivation, so ND could have maybe avoided some of the harsh reaction by revealing Abby's backstory at the beginning.

    But this would have been a mistake.

    While giving players all the information about Abby at the beginning would have definitely reduced player anger, it also would have undermined the key emotional hook of the first half of the game, which is that you, the player, get just as angry as Ellie does. ND wanted you to be frothing-at-the-mouth angry, because then you get pulled down the same path of hatred that Ellie does.

    I think that one of the main storytelling goals of this game was to make you self-aware of the impact that narrative framing can have on your perception of people. They deliberately manipulated the player into hating Abby by not presenting you with all the information at first, by only allowing the player to know the things that Ellie knows about Abby. (Credit to u/FerociousBadger for this idea.)

    But then, when you come to the second act and you realize that Abby actually has understandable motivations behind her actions (not justifiable, just understandable), I think you're supposed to become aware of the fact that the story manipulated you in the first half. You became more hateful towards Abby than was actually warranted, because you didn't have all the information and all of the context.

    So why does it matter that Naughty Dog chose to frame the story in this way?

    Because in the real world, this happens all the time - people are told a narrative about others and come to hate those others based on the narrative they have been told. Oftentimes it's a political or cultural leader who is pushing this narrative for their own ends, but sometimes the source of the narrative is a little more vague, as often happens in the Internet age.

    Narratives that are used to drive hate and bigotry are usually lacking in information and context. Obviously, if you're trying to get somebody to hate another person, you don't want to tell them about how this person is a great father or a helpful neighbor or anything else that might make your intended audience connect, emotionally, to the person that you're trying to get them to hate. No, you're only going to tell them the terrible things that you want them to know about the other.

    Critically, if the narrative that a person initially hears about another is emotionally convincing enough, the emotional weight of that narrative can actually override any future new information they may receive about the other. If a person is given an emotional reason to hate someone, simply learning new information about that someone is oftentimes not enough to override the emotional, irrational negative viewpoint that the person has already built up. Tim from Hello Future Me talks about this at some length in his video about the game, which has been posted here before but is worth a watch if you've not already. Our feelings about a situation are oftentimes a significantly stronger factor in our judgment of somebody than any facts about the situation might be.

    And that's exactly what happened with the response to TLOU2.

    For some people, their hatred towards Abby, which ND intentionally built up in the first half of the game, was simply too strong for it to be overcome by the new information they received in the second half of the game. And since they couldn't stop hating Abby, they didn't find the game's resolution satisfying.

    Because of this, TLOU2 has developed a fascinating metatextual meaning, in that the discourse surrounding the game has taken on the form of the exact sort of antipathy and misunderstanding that the story is trying to warn against. I don't know how much the developers intended this to happen, but I think that the game and the discussion around it ended up serving as a compelling warning about the caution with which we need to treat the narratives that we are told about other people.

    submitted by /u/Satan_Prometheus
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    Neil Druckmann did NOT ruin the story in Part II

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 10:29 PM PDT

    This series takes place in an apocalyptic world where the rules of society no longer exist. Even if that weren't true, life can be extremely intense and unexpected things happen. The story in Part II goes way beyond the actual murders that took place. This game forces you to actually walk in someone's shoes who up to that point you seriously fucking despise. But yet you push through and you intend to survive playing as Abby because you are pulled through her story.

    If you can't empathise with both characters after playing this video game then you are the problem, not Neil or any of the actors that voiced the characters.

    The story in TLOU Part II is absolutely stunning and forcing you to play as a hated character was a top notch decision from Naughty Dog. This game pushes the boundaries in a good way. Again, if you didn't gain some sort of emotional growth after playing then you weren't really paying attention.

    The whole time throughout, Ellie was playing beautiful music on her guitar. In the end she chose to enact revenge and even though she let Abby live, she suffered. Now her music is no longer the perfect melodies they once were. She's healed herself enough to move past the death of her dad, but at what cost?

    The lesson is that sometimes the music isn't as beautiful as you'd hoped it would be but you keep on going.

    Anybody that sends death threats to actors or crew because of a video game plot is not right in the mind.

    submitted by /u/redrocketinn
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    Ellie charcoal drawing done by me

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 06:42 AM PDT

    The sheer irony

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 12:17 PM PDT

    Happy Moments ��

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 08:50 PM PDT

    I want this to be a discussion not an argument, I played The Last of Us Pt. II and did not like Abby, to those of you who love this character what about her is so great?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    This is not trying to stir an argument, I just want to understand what about Abby was written so well? Like I liked seeing Ellie grown and the death of Joel didn't make me mad, i fully expected Joel to die early on when I heard this game was about revenge, btw I only watched the first trailer that came out years ago, the one where Ellie sings Through The Valley, and I had no spoilers when I played through. Here's personally why I didn't like Abby, number one, I get she is filled with rage for her dad, but killing him in front of a girl who is clearly close to him and not even showing an ounce of care for her, yes she spared Ellie, but why force her to watch him die. I understand there was rage, from living her life without her dad, but why force an innocent to watch. I've personally done some things in my life that are awful and I deal with the repercussions and demons that have come with it, Abby never sits there and thinks did I do the right thing, she doesn't fight with the demons of her actions, she never sat down and thought maybe he was different maybe he grew and changed. Final major thing that made me question everything about her was when she was going to kill Dina and Ellie said stop she had nothing to do with this and that she was pregnant, Abby saying "Good" made me despise her, I saw no light left in her, yes Ellie murdered all her friends, I have my problems with Ellie in this game but that's a different subject for another day, Ellie killed them because they were associated with Abby, and they partook in the murder of Joel. This is just me looking for others opinions i'm not trying to start a fight.

    submitted by /u/mikethesav27
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    On my last leg, on the last leg, in Survivor. Persevere, friends

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 12:41 PM PDT

    Did you enjoy The Last of Us 2?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 05:41 PM PDT

    I asked the same question over r/TheLastofUs2, and they gave me their opinions. I haven't played the game yet(but I certainly enjoyed the first one), and I've avoided spoilers for it pretty well, believe it or not. I wanted to ask of your opinions on the game, just because of curiosity. I'll still form my own opinion once I get the game though, I don't like judging things I don't know much about.

    So did you guys like the game?

    submitted by /u/LastOfUs45
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    We filmed The Last of Us fan film last weekend. We couldn't be happier with the amazing experience we had, and the fantastic content we created. Here are some stills.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    Ayo what dog breed is this

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 11:04 PM PDT

    Turns out Ellie can play Pool

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    The way Ellie swings pipes.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 12:14 PM PDT

    In The Last of Us 2 Ellie staggers a bit when she uses a lead pipe. My brother said he didn't like the animation but I personally thing it's realistic, cause a lead pipe is a bit heavy, and anyone would lose there balance a bit when swinging a weapon right? So, is it realistic? or is it just game logic?

    submitted by /u/DannyYTee
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    How The Last Of Us Part 2 should have ended

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 04:08 PM PDT

    Ellie, Hope you like It.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 02:11 PM PDT

    A poll

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    I feel like the more I play the game, the more parallels I start to see between Abby and Ellie, and realize there’s not really a “right” or “wrong” character. These scenes in particular I feel like show how similar their situations are

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 01:20 PM PDT

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