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    Wednesday, September 2, 2020

    The Last of Us | Started a mini serie of Last of Us Part 2 watercolor painting. This is No 1

    The Last of Us | Started a mini serie of Last of Us Part 2 watercolor painting. This is No 1

    Started a mini serie of Last of Us Part 2 watercolor painting. This is No 1

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 10:21 AM PDT

    The Last of Us 2 has one of the highest completion rates of any PS4 game

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 04:03 AM PDT

    It finally arrived! And it's now one of the nicest things I own. Beautiful guitar!

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 05:44 PM PDT


    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    Noir Abby & Ellie Art by @iconicnephilim

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 05:33 PM PDT

    Ellie then and now!!

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    My favourite part of the game����

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    One of my many many many screenshots from this game. Just can’t get enough!

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 08:16 PM PDT

    Finally received this fantastic tshirt of Ellie and Dina inspired by the take on me music video :)

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 06:02 PM PDT

    Personalized Joel Coffee Mug

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    [spoiler] i’m probably late to the party. but i didn’t know you could do this

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 06:50 PM PDT

    Unpopular opinion

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 08:55 PM PDT

    I wanted to talk about Abby and how a lot of people hated her character because of what she did to Joel for me at first i didn't like Abby when they made me play her in Day 1 2 and 3 but it all changed when she met Yara and Lev these 2 completely changed Abby and that's when i got to love her character so much to be honest i enjoyed Abby side of the story way more than Ellie look don't hate it's just my opinion

    submitted by /u/MikaelPeloquin
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    Know what you leave behind

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 05:27 PM PDT

    I'll leave this here. Well, I'd guess many of the fans could relate to this now, and maybe Neil too.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 04:33 AM PDT

    My clicker sculpted so far(OC)

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 07:08 PM PDT

    I feel so extraordinary...

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    Bear Appearances in the game

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 06:57 PM PDT

    Everyone aware that Bear actually appears twice in the game if you don't kill him? Once in the hospital on Day 2 and then when you and Jesse are heading to the aquarium on Day 3. I've seen some confusion on this.

    submitted by /u/rocketpower23
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    Remember when we thought she was Ellie’s mother?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 04:01 AM PDT

    Find someone who looks at you the way Dina looks at Ellie.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 06:41 AM PDT

    Why do people hate THE LAST OF US 2 so much

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 08:20 PM PDT

    I already finished the game (with platinum) and never really comprehended why people hate the game. I understand some ideas of why people hate the game but I'd love to hear it from you guys

    submitted by /u/Exodustr1024
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    The exact moment she realised who she was standing next to.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    What are your three favorite cutscenes in either game?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 07:09 PM PDT

    Here are mine:

    (1) The Space Capsule

    "3...2...1...we have liftoff!"

    This scene is a treasure. As Joel and Ellie explore the dinosaur remains in the museum, you can't help but reflect on the ultimate fate of homo sapiens given Joel's decisions. Did he doom humanity to a fate similar to the dinosaurs? Or is the irreplaceable human moment they are sharing the only thing that matters?

    When they move into the space exhibit, this contrast is cast into even sharper relief given the possibility that Ellie's sacrifice could have brought about a flourishing society "ballsy" enough to attempt a return to space. In the moment, however, with Joel and Ellie laughing together in the capsule, I simply did not care about the fate of the world. The experience of imagination and optimism that Joel gave Ellie was enough to make me think that it was all worth it, at least for a moment. This scene is a microcosm of the biggest theme in both games: the tension between what's best for "us" and what's best for all of us.

    (2) The porch scene

    "If somehow the Lord gave me another chance at that moment..."

    The context and setup for this scene is what makes it so good. I was in such a fragile and broken state of mind as Ellie tried to play the guitar in the farmhouse with her missing fingers that I might have forgotten I was playing a video game. The experience had completely unmade me at that point. And then the screen cuts to black. At first, you think the guitar you are hearing is ushering in the credits and your heart sinks as you realize that this is it. Ellie has lost everything - even her good memories of Joel. Then, suddenly you are looking at Joel strumming his guitar on the porch and the sound of the wind in the trees kicks in like a breath of fresh air and you realize that Joel and Ellie had a chance to make things right before his death.

    Every turn in this short conversation is masterfully crafted. The tension between their mutual heartfelt desire to make things right and the fear of rejection is broken when Joel says he would do it all over again and Ellie says she doesn't think she can forgive him (the only moment in the conversation when they can make eye contact). Being honest with each other was all they both needed to give their relationship a glimmer of hope that we know will never be realized. Watching Ellie walk away from Joel without an embrace felt like my soul was being torn out of my body.

    (3) The ranch scene in Part I

    "Everyone I know has either died or left me. Everyone...fucking except for you!"

    I disliked this scene when I first encountered it in Part I, simply because I didn't want these characters to fight. But it was the biggest breakthrough in their relationship and it's the first time that they really understand each other. The exchange laid bare Joel and Ellie's vulnerabilities, not only for the audience, but for each other. I love that the characters in these games have genuinely complex inner lives and frequently talk past or misunderstand each other. Seeing Joel and Ellie briefly come into alignment is satisfying only because of the conflict that predates it.

    There were many great cutscenes including Abby and other characters, but these three have to be my favorite. What are yours?

    submitted by /u/letsjustsee
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    My Favorite Last Of Us Characters

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    I guess some things never change

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 07:19 AM PDT

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