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    Tuesday, July 7, 2020

    The Last of Us | Figured this subreddit might enjoy this edit I did

    The Last of Us | Figured this subreddit might enjoy this edit I did

    Figured this subreddit might enjoy this edit I did

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    Stole it from Twitter

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 12:31 PM PDT

    Abby Portrait by Laura Andrade

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    I don't know if anyone else posted this so sorry if so, but I love how both games parallel each other's beginnings!!!

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    Anachronistic political map of factions across The Last of Us and The Last of Us Part II

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    My Ellie drawing ��

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 03:13 AM PDT

    *confused emotions*

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 03:34 PM PDT

    Happy birthday, kiddo. My fan art of The Last of Us 2

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    My attempt at drawing the owl from tlou2 (srry about the pixelation i had trouble putting the pictures together)

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 02:19 PM PDT

    Some examples of why “The Last of Us” (2013) has such an awful story and is OBJECTIVELY one of the worst games ever made

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 05:14 PM PDT

    (Title is supposed to be an exaggeration, I want to apply the same criticism we've seen regarding part 2s overall story and some stuff regarding Abby, but I want to apply them to Joel in the original game. This was inspired by a post that I saw here a while ago, I don't know the name of op but this seemed like a fun thing to do)

    The Last of Us is filled with bad writing, let's talk about just how bad it is. As someone who's watched many YouTube videos, I like to think of myself as a professional critic, and since my opinion is fact I've come here to show you why last of us is an objectively terrible game.

    For starters, let's look at the intro since this immediately displays a problem. As many of you know, Joel is a single father who has a daughter named Sarah. As the apocalypse starts, Sarah dies on Joel's arms. This is incredibly poor writing, I won't be discussing the entire story in this review since this is about Joel, but I have to bring up just how lazy Sarah's death is. For starters she is immediately killed in the intro just for shock value, her death serves no other purpose aside from driving Joel's story forward, which is incredibly lazy. This death scene is also used to emotionally manipulate us into liking Joel, naughty dog is so lazy that instead of creating an organic relationship we just see his daughter die which is supposed to make us sad and empathize with him, a character we barely even know at this point. I don't want to make this essay too long but believe me, this is how the game handles deaths. Characters exist just to be killed off, they'll sometimes disappear but most of the time they just exist to die and emotionally manipulate the player into feelings sad.

    Moving on from the intro scene, we'll focus specifically on what makes Joel such an awful character. For starters there's the fact that his development is implied. As we all know, bad writing occurs when we aren't explicitly shown stuff and told how to feel, naughty dog is so lazy that instead of showing us how Joel is affected by the death of his daughter they decide to skip forward 25 years into the future. This wouldn't be a problem if Joel was consistent with what he know about him so far, from the intro we know that he likes to crack Jokes with his daughter and he's someone who sticks to whatever legal principles and rules are established in society.

    Joel is all of a sudden a cold, cynical man and a smuggler operating outside of the law, this doesn't make any sense since it isn't consistent with the character we've been shown. It's like they're two completely different people, which would be fine if we were shown how Joel changed but instead Naughty dog decided to make it implied, because they're extremely lazy.

    Another reason Joel is such an awful character is due to the fact that the game emotionally manipulates you into liking him. We're shown since the very beginning that he's ok with torturing people, like Robert, and then we hear about his dark past which resurfaces when we watch the interrogation scene. How am I supposed for empathize and care for a character thats very clearly not a hero? Well naughty dog resorted to some pretty manipulative techniques, Ellie exists solely to show us the type of loving father Joel would've been if he never lost his daughter, it's even more disgusting how they want to manipulate us when you look at stuff like the giraffe scene, in which they show Joel's connection with nature and how he wants to bond more with Elle, that scene also uses music to manipulate us into thinking Joel is actually a good guy and not a psychopath despite theirs being plenty of examples of him being an awful person.

    Finally we come to the best example of terrible writing. As we all know, characters should remain consistent always, the game goes to far lengths to show us how Joel is a cold old man who doesn't care about anything but at the end of the game he suddenly cares about Ellie. So much so that he completely forgets about his deal with Marlene, rushes to the room were Ellie is going to be operated and rescues Ellie. This ending is terrible because Joel suddenly changes his mind, he basically becomes a whole different character than what we've been shown. The player doesn't accomplish the goal that was set so the whole game ends up being insignificant, nothing you did mattered.

    In conclusion, the last of us is trash. Sure I'll tell you that it's just an opinion and you're allowed to like the game and disagree with me, but I also want to make it clear that if you like the game you're objectively wrong and your taste is trash

    submitted by /u/josmp21
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    One of the most touching parts in the Last of Us 2 was just a tiny little detail. The book on the nightstand, Space For Dummies.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 05:42 PM PDT

    If you've ever played a video game before, you knew what was about to happen here.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    I made a cake/cookie of Ellie’s tattoo

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 04:44 PM PDT

    I'm starting to take the stance that last of us 2 is BETTER than last of us 1.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    It's definitely a sequel in a trilogy so it losses points for that but it's long enough, fun enough, challenging enough and enough happens so that I'm genuinely more in love with it than the first...kinda wanna play some more rn tbh

    submitted by /u/poeticpoet
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    Last of Us Part II is a game about trauma, grief and redemption, not revenge.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 01:59 PM PDT

    An overlooked aspect of the game's story is the depiction of trauma and how the characters of the story cope from it, and how both characters Ellie and Abby find redemption and closure by the end of it. For Ellie her trauma is of course concerning the death of Joel and how it leads to a cycle of vengeance and violence, the trauma exists not only in the form of Joel's death but in the fact she was never able to fully forgive Joel but only was in the process of doing it before it was taken away, and we see Ellie be consumed by hatred and grief to the point where she is compelled to do these vile acts for the sake of vengeance. At this point it's clear how Ellie wishes to cope with her trauma and grief, through violence, this begins to deteriorate her sanity and causes her to commit dangerous acts such as doing torture of which she has never done before, and killing a pregnant woman of which admittedly she wasn't aware of but it still takes a massive toll on her. In this moment in Ellie's story she begins to grapple harder with the truth and starts to question things, her doubt is kicking in, but Ellie still hasn't found closure and peace with Joel's death just yet, in fact she's begun to suffer from PTSD and her only solution to this it seems from her is by finishing this story and avenging Joel by killing Abby, by this point Ellie believes her only cope is through violence, she's become an addict and it's only when she's at the brink of her sanity can she begin to find closure, peace and ultimately, forgiveness. Which is what happens, through a near battle to the death with Abby, Ellie realizes the futility of it all and flashes back to a scene with Joel where they discuss forgiveness, which sets in the powerful truth: the only way to find peace and closure with your trauma is accepting it and learning to forgive what happened. Ellie realizes this and lets go of Abby, returns to her home later and finds Joel's guitar but can't play it any longer due to two fingers been cut, her not playing guitar anymore is a consequence of her actions and shall serve as a reminder always for her, where she acknowledges her mistakes and moves on. She also leaves behind Joel's guitar and by essence learns to forgive him and move on, this is where Ellie finally finds redemption in her story and regains her humanity, and where finally she can find further peace and closure with Dina, JJ, and the others back in Jackson, or perhaps she'll go on another journey, only time can tell.

    The other side of the story that deals with trauma, grief and redemption is Abby's story as well, and Abby's story is in a way a foreshadowing of Ellie's future story if Ellie decided to kill Abby, we see Abby is still haunted by the death of her father even after killing Joel (her still waking up with nightmares and flashbacks of her father), almost a foretelling of how Ellie will still be haunted by Joel's death even if she killed Abby. This even further cements how the idea of revenge becomes futile when unhealthy coping mechanisms like violence emerge, it's only through (and this will sound corny so forgive me) love and forgiveness that it can be healed or resolved, and that's where Lev and Yara come in in Abby's story. People seem to think at first glance Abby's story seems like filler, or unconnected from the main themes of the game and only serves as a mindless side-story when this couldn't be further from the truth. In the same way Ellie finds closure with her trauma and grief in forgiving Joel and Abby, Abby finds closure with her trauma and grief through Lev and Yara, through embarking on a reckless adventure to save and protect these strangers and begin to form a connection with them, more specifically with Lev later on. There's no greater moment in the game that cements this idea than when Abby returns Yara and Lev to safety in Owen's aquarium and Yara is finally healed, Abby is in a dream where she opens the same door in the Firefly building to the surgery room where she finally sees her father in shining light and in a serene manner, signaling that she has found peace with his death and she wakes up peacefully for the first time in the entire game, this peace and closure is found by Abby regaining her humanity by saving a couple of strangers and learning to form a bond with them, the exact way Joel regains his humanity and finds closure from Sarah's death through forming a bond with Ellie, ironically making Abby seem more similar to Joel than what meets the eye. The game literally carries the torch of the first game by continuing the motifs and themes of the first game and expanding on it in this game. Another character in Abby's story who begins to grapple with loss and grief is Lev, after losing both his mother and sister Lev begins to suffer from trauma the same way Abby did from the loss of her father, while the game doesn't delve further into his trauma we still find him dealing with it and ultimately finding some closure and peace through Abby, the same way Abby finds closure through him Lev begins to find closure through Abby's help, and the two form a close bond. Abby and Lev's story finally comes to a redemption arc where they can find solace and peace with one another, just like Ellie and Joel in the first game.

    The narrative of the game deals with how these two characters cope with their losses, their grief, their trauma and finally how both can find redemption and peace by the end of it. There's more to it than just those themes as well, and perhaps I'll write more on it someday as well, we'll see :)

    The first game deals with love, and the lengths one can go to protect the ones we love and the consequences of those actions. The second game deals with love, and the lengths one can go to avenge those whom we love and have lost, and the consequences of those actions. Two sides of the same coin.

    P.S: Oh boy I wrote a lot more than I expected and thanks a lot if you read all the way through here I really appreciate it, I've only really scratched the surface of the myriad of themes and symbolism of this story and there's no doubt I missed some plot details here and there but I was trying to not make my essay too long and hopefully I've done just that, I hope you enjoyed reading my thoughts on this game as well.

    submitted by /u/LiquidWrath47
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    This is just depressing.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 07:43 PM PDT

    Everyone knows who Neil Druckmann is, but can we get some love for Kurt Margenau and Anthony Newman, co-directors on TLOU2

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 12:58 PM PDT

    An Open Letter To Neil Druckmann & Halley Gross, From A Fan Whose Life You Saved.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    I apologize in advance for any incorrect grammar or odd phrasing , English isn't my native language.

    After seeing the death threats & the vile, disgusting comments neil & his team are getting, I've finally decided to share my story & dedicate this to the people who've unknowingly saved my life.

    In late 2013, I got hospitalized & was diagnosed HSP (Henoch Schoenlein Purpura) & I used to be in alot of pain & was depended on painkillers to sleep...it took me 3 months to recover from it & in those 3 months I used to ask my father if I'd make it..I realized how much my father cared & loved me in those times, he used to barely sleep for 4 hrs & wouldn't even sleep or rest at all on certain days. Even my school's principal said that he'll expel me cause I wasn't able to attend my classes at that time. He didn't gave a f#ck about my health, my father got into a pretty heated argument with him...Eventually he agreed & nothing happened AT THAT TIME.

    See, I never owned a ps3 & had no access to the internet until I owned a ps4 in march 2015 so, I had never played any of the beautiful games you guys made.

    I bought the last of us on ps4 & played it & fell in love with it...It reminded me how far people can go to protect those they love, especially a father.

    Unfortunately, My father passed away 10 days before my 14th birthday i.e

    On 22nd November 2015....

    I wasn't very open with my father, he was very strict man, we didn't talk a lot & had trouble expressing ourselves to each other....I wish we did cause there's alot i wanted to say to him but i guess it's gonna stay with me ,until we meet again.

    See, he had a pretty rough life himself, lost his father at a pretty young age too & had to take responsibility of his entire family as he was the eldest son....couldn't follow his dreams, had to get any job he could, so he could support his family, financially.

    I was pretty f#cked up, had nightmares every single day, couldn't sleep, couldn't eat but people expected me to behave as if I'm fine cause boys aren't supposed to cry, express, I guess...atleast that was , what I was taught.

    & guess what, just after 10 months of his passing,in september...I got expelled,without any proper reason.

    So here I was ,a 13 year old....who had nothing to do & had nothing except pain, who finally decided to flip the switch on life But coincidently PSX happened that same day & It may & probably will sound stupid but somehow I convinced myself that, if I do this,I won't be able to play TLOU 2

    cause since that day ,TLOU has always reminded me of his love & what he did for me & how much he went through himself & that gave me strength.I thought he was hard on me but looking back at it,I just remember the good stuff.

    as of me writing this ,I have just finished part 2, 3 days ago & it hit real close to home cause I know what it feels like to lose, to feel if I just had a little more time, to not be able to see further, to feel lost....When Ellie smelled Joel's jacket, or whenever she looked at Joel's watch. I knew how & what she felt.

    All I want to say to you guys, Neil , Bruce, Halley ,Troy, Ashley, Laura, Shannon, Ian, Victoria & everybody who has worked or was involved with both TLOU 1 & 2 THANK YOU FOR MAKING THEM & FOR SAVING MY LIFE.

    & honestly...If it was possible I would love to talk to atleast any, if not all of you guys & tell you,how much of an effect you all & your art has had on me.

    I hope you all are safe & happy

    & that this reaches you.

    with all my love,


    EDIT: Halley gross has seen it..hopefully neil will too,i wanna thank you guys for your kind words.

    submitted by /u/samark2121
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    Ellie is wonder I saw it on Twitter, I don’t know the original owner, I thought it was funny and I had to upload it here

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 12:13 PM PDT

    THE LAST OF US PART II Loading Screen Wallpaper

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    Spent hours on this disaster. Ellie is love.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    I got this from Etsy. The sellers name is “byllogan” I know you’re on here but I don’t know your reddit name. But thanks! The quality is great!

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 02:55 PM PDT

    An essay, after completing Part II.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 08:13 PM PDT

    Firstly, I'd like to express how much of a fan I am of the first game, and what that game means to me. The Last of Us (2013) was the first video game I ever really 'played'. Up until that point, my most notable contribution to the community was an attempt at weaving my extremely-limited knowledge of NBA 2K into casual conversation with the cool kids on my first day of high school.

    Still, I had no experience with consoles. Aside from handheld; the extent of my gaming career fell on a bootleg Nintendo DS cartridge I had found on the floor of a local food court.

    One day in 2013, my dad came home with a PlayStation 3. Nobody in the family used it, so I was allowed to put it in my room. Here, I turned to the internet. I remember googling something to the effect of "top 10 best games", only to be met with a bunch of recommendations for The Last of Us.

    Purchased it. Sat in my bedroom for 15 hours straight. Completed it in one sitting.

    Those followings days, weeks, months; can only be described as some of my most emotionally-confusing hours. Somehow, I was filled with simultaneous bouts of depression and satisfaction; feeling drained yet invigorated; willing to participate in it over and over again. I knew what I had experienced was special, and I wanted more of it. I watched countless hours of video thesis', theories, cinematic walkthroughs, replays and reactions. I went back in-game and found all these new Easter eggs and collectibles I had skipped on my first play-through. I joined forums to discuss THAT ending and the possibilities of future instalments. How I had been compelled to give such an amount of myself to a video game was beyond me.

    For the first time, I felt something within me shift. My capacity to elicit new emotions had broadened. I had always been somewhat reserved and impassive, but The Last of Us changed that for me. It was now okay for me to feel sad. It was new and it was different. I was oddly content. The game served as the start of my progression from childhood to adulthood. At a time of uncertainty and confusion, I played through an overwhelming amount of emotions that I had previously never been exposed to - an introduction I am thankful for.

    I urge you to stop reading beyond this point if you have not completed The Last of Us Part II. The following contains heavy spoilers. I encourage you to finish the game before discussing it.

    Without fear of retribution, I can honestly say The Last of Us Part II is one of the most powerful, poignant pieces of media/cinema/literature/entertainment/storytelling I have ever experienced.

    Well-written; incredibly nuanced, smart, impactful, hard-to-swallow and thought-provoking; even more so than the first game. Ashley Johnson delivers another powerhouse performance in her work as Ellie. Laura Bailey and Troy Baker too, deserve an abundance of recognition.

    I don't think there's an argument to be had that this game, on a technical level, is masterful. From the cinematography to the score; I can't say enough good about Gustavo Santaolalla. The way that man is able to affect my emotions with his music is an achievement in itself. I also thought the editing was amazing and unprecedented. It's probably the best editing I have ever seen in a video game. Those half-second intercut-scenes of Joel - bleeding, brooding, dying....dead - it was like a goddamn film.




    But then I read shit like, "This game is way too pretentious" or, "This game takes itself too seriously".

    - "The Last of Us 2 is so bad that I cannot finish it."

    - "Abby is Druckman's poor attempt at forcing politics down our throats with video games."

    - "They were okay with showing Joel's face being bashed in, but they didn't show Nora's face when Ellie beat her because she's black and Naughty Dog is a leftist cult whose afraid of being labelled as racist".

    First one answers itself. Don't even know how to respond to those last two.

    It's a whole new level of reactionary stupidity. The main comment I see more than anything else is, "Joel deserved better."

    I think what's happened here is that people have gotten angry about Joel dying, call it quits - and then hopped on twitter to batter the game for being overly violent. Then; without playing the game, they find out they play as Abby; in an attempt from Naughty Dog to show us why transexual lesbians will rule the world forever until the end of time.

    Joel's actions ended up affecting other people. Simple as that. Part II explores the aftermath of the Saint Mary's Hospital massacre, and how it impacted the people whose loved ones were killed by Joel. Joel's murder was not a random act of violence. It's not a victimless crime either.

    It's a story of perspective.

    The first game actually hints at a perspective shift in David's dialogue with Ellie. "The others had been slaughtered by a crazy man... A crazy man travelling with a little girl." It's an excellent way of picturing our beloved protagonist in a different light - We, the player, don't see ourselves as an estranged serial killer - but is that what we've become?


    If the first game had introduced us to Joel as the person he was; post-outbreak/pre-Ellie; relentlessly murdering innocent people - and then Part II focused on Joel as a playable character - people would hate on the game with the EXACT same disdain they felt towards Abby. The problem lies in people taking Abby's character at face-value, and not as a part of the bigger story.

    Her arc is actually fascinating.

    I was definitely disoriented when the switch happened. Controlling Abby did not feel 'natural' by any means. This was Naughty Dog's intention.

    She's introduced as an unredeemable character. She murders Joel in front of Ellie. The only emotion to feel is pure hatred; in-the-heat-of-the-moment, vengeful and vindictive; hate. That's what Ellie felt. That's what I felt. That's what you're supposed to feel. It leads us down a path of obsession.

    Over the course of the game, we experience the same story but from Abby's point of view. Her father is murdered, she develops a deep hate towards Joel, her 'friends' are killed off, and her own people turn against her. All she's left with in the end is Lev. It's almost the exact same story as Joel and Ellie's.

    People are misinterpreting the writing. It's not trying to 'preach' anything. I'm sorry if you felt that way. TLOUPII shows us Ellie at a moral crossroad - it explores her journey from deep-rooted hatred to eventually humanising the people who wronged her. She gets caught up in this cycle of violence; Abby is merely a mirror of that. It's so well written, that it manages to blur the lines between enemy and main protagonist. That's the point of it all. That's TLOU universe.

    The confrontation/theatre fight is particularly interesting - probably one of the boldest choices made on behalf of the game. You aren't supposed to want to kill Ellie. Naughty Dog's intention is to drive the player to a moral crossroad; the same that which Ellie eventually arrives.





    Ellie's inner conflict begins only after Abby spares her life for a SECOND time - as well as Dina's - and her unborn baby. Once you take into account the fact that Ellie had killed both pregnant Mel and Owen a few hours beforehand, the story becomes all the more provocative.

    Both characters come to a mutual understanding of what they have to lose. Dina is to Ellie what Lev is to Abby. On the surface, their obsessions of vengeance have ended by becoming entwined, and the player's quest for blood-lust comes to a natural conclusion. However, it's important to remember that both Abby and Ellie suffer from post-traumatic stress.

    Abby is haunted by the hospital, and what lies behind that door. It is ONLY AFTER she finds new hope in the form of Lev; that she is able to overcome her father's death - that which directly parallels Joel's story from the first game. Abby's obsession ends.


    Ellie, on the other hand, cannot sleep. Her obsession was merely put to rest. So, in an effort to escape her visions of Joel - for the final time, she resorts back to hate; that vindictive compulsion which lead her to Abby in the first place is reawakened once Tommy visits the farm.





    Here begins my favourite chapter of the game: Santa Barbara.


    Playing as Ellie in this chapter is downright disturbing, but it makes for an extremely meta experience. This is her at rock bottom. She is a complete mess. Physically and mentally broken.

    Ellie's ego is so wrapped up in a quest of vengeance, that she's managed to lose her soul and all that she loves. She's not willing to change the conversation. She's not willing to learn. She's not willing to let her own obsessions go. It's a story that unfolds within the context of the game, but it's also a message that directly deconstructs the reception of the game itself.

    Our actions; Ellie's actions - have become so systemic to the point where her emotions are unwavering. It's almost as if she's desperate - but she doesn't know what for anymore. It is only once Ellie decouples her ego, that which is done by sparing Abby's life; does she break free of blind grief and rage as a motivator.



    One thing I cannot comprehend is the backlash towards Ellie's choice not to kill Abby.

    Ellie has killed Abby's friends, Abby has killed Ellie's friends. Repeat. Repeat. To an extent, they've killed each other. What good will come now from Ellie killing Abby?

    Joel killed Abby's father > Abby killed Joel > Ellie kills Abby > Lev kills Ellie.

    It takes Ellie hitting rock bottom to recognise this cycle of violence.

    It's pointless to kill Abby - she's literally and figuratively the exact same as Ellie; she's just been presented in a different light. She's not as quirky and as quick-to-love as Ellie; but what she is - is just another daughter who's lost their father and wants revenge. They are the same. Abby understood that even before Ellie did. Their motives are the same. Abby deserves revenge just as much as Ellie does.



    Ellie's choice is further explored in the final flashback of the game.

    She admits to Joel that his actions are unforgivable - but she's going to try to forgive him, at the very least. Ellie was desperate for that chance to forgive Joel, and that's why she spares Abby. Choosing to recognise Joel's capacity for growth and forgiveness and wanting to emulate that - she decouples her selfish desire for revenge and chooses to forgive Abby.

    It's a choice that Abby had last time, during the confrontation/theatre fight - now Ellie has that choice. It's some pretty subtle symbolism, but it's wild to me that people took that and reacted negatively to it.

    This game is not supposed to be a clear-cut revenge story; 'I kill you because you killed him'. How disappointing and boring and unoriginal that would have been. This isn't assassin's creed. The fact that people think a story like that would have been on-par with the first game is ridiculous and silly. TLOU set the bar for single-player, linear, narrative-driven games. TLOUPII raised that bar and blurred the lines between video games and every other medium of entertainment. It's an incredibly intimate piece of literary work, and it needs to be analysed/experienced in that way.

    The execution of this story cannot be fully appreciated by reading synopsises or watching a friend or streamer play it. It's not supposed to be a game of laughs and controller-sharing. The storytelling is enhanced by being a video game - and that's where TLOUPII does something that films and cinema cannot - you aren't watching, you're playing. You are the character. You are making the decisions. It's extremely personal.

    Naughty Dog knew what they were doing. They knew we would hate playing as Abby - they knew that shift would be difficult for us. It's not about absolving her; it's about accepting her. That's Ellie's journey. That's our journey. That can only be accomplished by experiencing the story as a video game.


    I saw one comment ask why PII doesn't end the same way Uncharted 4 did, "happy and bittersweet".

    The ending is intentionally tragic. In fact, Ellie had the 'Uncharted 4' prologue ending on the farm with Dina, but she chose to throw it all away because of her hate towards Abby. Hatred ruined her life. Obsession split her soul.

    The characters that these games have created and the world that this series has built is like no other. When was the last time you felt this strongly about fictional characters? Not just from a video game, but from all of entertainment?

    Whilst I adore the first game, I believe the experience and tonal shift of The Last of Us Part II will stick with me for much longer. It's dark and deeply depressing and painful, but it's perfectly poetic and powerful all the more. Never has a piece of entertainment required so much of me.

    Someone on here said, 'It's not the majority of the player base that dislikes TLOUPII, it's just a very vocal minority' - which sucks because that vocal minority is made up of mainly YouTubers and streamers with supermassive followings. They have a much bigger voice than the majority of people who actually played Part II, and draw power to sway their audiences towards one bias.

    Come time, I really hope people give this game another chance. It's an extremely well-told tale of obsession with flawless performances and fantastic gameplay. Once people have had time to settle, and the casual mob mentality of hating on this game for fun ends, I truly believe The Last of Us Part II will be recognised as this generation's apex mountain for video games. A true masterpiece.


    submitted by /u/australiughhh
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    Thought this was adorable. Art by Hyoung T. Nam

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 09:45 PM PDT

    I had to make this fanart. I never cried so much because of a game :')

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 06:03 PM PDT

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