• Breaking News

    Monday, May 4, 2020

    The Last of Us | when Ellie asks how many bullets you have left:

    The Last of Us | when Ellie asks how many bullets you have left:

    when Ellie asks how many bullets you have left:

    Posted: 03 May 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    It's such a shame he has to do that. Dude just wants to share awesome music with his fans

    Posted: 03 May 2020 01:55 PM PDT

    New Information from Jason Schreier regarding The Last of Us Part II leak - [Image]

    Posted: 03 May 2020 03:41 AM PDT

    Dear Moderators, You guys are legends!

    Posted: 03 May 2020 07:25 PM PDT

    You guys are potentially sacrificing your enjoyment of a game for the benefit of having us enjoy the game without spoilers. I have never seen such awesome dedication to ensuring the enjoyment of your passion for others. Like others, I'm staying as far away from spoilers as I can. But the fact that you guys do not have that opportunity really upsets me. I wish there was some way I could make it better for you guys like waving a mind erasing magic wand or whatever but sadly we do not have the technology yet. So from people like me and almost everyone on this sub. Thank you for your kindness and dedication to the integrity of this game. Love, Everyone who's not a POS.

    submitted by /u/CyberVenom2077
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    Sony should start marketing for Part II ASAP.

    Posted: 03 May 2020 06:41 PM PDT

    Sony and Naughty Dog need to start with the promotional marketing for Part II and release some trailers or gameplay videos or anything Official. As soon as they release something, We'll see more reaction videos on YouTube and that can null out or push down the leaked ones. The core audience will have something to talk about other than leaks. This community will have new things to discuss about.

    Let me be clear, I'm fucking tired of seeing the leaked content everywhere because there isn't anything Part II related anywhere since the Outbreak day or Outbreak week.

    Playstation tweets about nabbing Uncharted 4 and Dirt 4 before May PS Plus releases; Shit ton of Spoilers.

    Troy promotes his music; Screenshots of Leaked plot points.

    Xbox promoting Assassins Creed Valhalla gameplay reveal in coming week; Fucking people with Spoilers as Username and then post screenshots and leaked footage.

    Things that aren't even related to The Last of Us have spoilers somewhere somehow and I've been spoiled since Day One they spread everywhere. I imagine must be hard for people tryna' avoid them.

    I mean 40+ days of this during Quarantine is going to be fucking annoying.

    submitted by /u/MrTimmyBundleballs
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    I’m a conservative who has managed to avoid spoilers, and I still plan on buying on day one.

    Posted: 03 May 2020 06:47 PM PDT

    So obviously the leaks have caused quite the stir from what what seems to be anger over the game being political. From what I've gathered it is seemingly anger of Ellie being gay having some driving force of the plot.

    And you know what? I don't care, The Last of Us broke so many expectations of what video games are supposed to be for me that I feel like I owe it to myself and the developers to go into this game as open minded as I can.

    I have accepted that the characters are who Neil has decided they are and I'm going to continue to love them just as I had before I knew anything about TLOU2.

    submitted by /u/Rev3r-
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    "Hold on tight."

    Posted: 03 May 2020 06:28 PM PDT

    Jason understands that you can’t judge a game based on a bullet point plot summary which was leaked by very biased hackers

    Posted: 03 May 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    Man got yeeted

    Posted: 03 May 2020 11:00 AM PDT

    Mac Quayle provided additional OST material alongside Gustavo for Part II

    Posted: 03 May 2020 09:40 PM PDT

    I don't know if this was previously known, but Mac Quayle worked along with Gustavo to provide additional music for part II, which is incredibly exciting. If you don't know Mac, he is most well known for his work on Mr. Robot, which is just excellent moody and atmospheric stuff. The music in the E3 demo a couple years back contained some of his style. That pulsating music during combat. This is an absolutely incredible combination of two different styles. Should make for some super intense combat and stealth sections during the game.

    submitted by /u/IceOCafe
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    My Favorite Moment from Left Behind

    Posted: 03 May 2020 11:12 PM PDT

    [OC] Controversies aside, I can't wait to play as badass, grown-up Ellie! Really enjoyed drawing her!

    Posted: 03 May 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    Been living in a bubble apparantly... *sad gamer noises* no spoilers!

    Posted: 03 May 2020 03:06 PM PDT

    Ive been seeing alot of the posts here about the leaks and spoilers all around but i havent really seen the discussion outside of this subreddit until today. Was watching a Cyberpunk video and started reading the comments, luckily i have still managed to avoid spoilers but some of the things people say about the game makes me really angry and disapointed in what the gaming community has become these last couple of years.

    People really feel the need to pick a side ''this game is better than that game blabla'' for example alot of people was saying that cyberpunk is so much better then the last of us 2 etc. Dude you havent even played any of them, you are literally just taking some random youtubers words for it. Cant people try to keep a fucking open mind and decide for themselves once they have tried it? Even if TLOU 2 ends up being a huge piece of garbage im gonna do my best to enjoy the hell out of that stinking pile of shit. Cause you know what? after beautiful masterpiece that was The Last of Us, i think that this game deserves a real chance.

    Also i'm seeing so many people jumping on the hbtq hate train for some weird ass reason. Did they even play the first last of us game? Ellies sexuality is nothing new, its been a part of the story since the first game. I would have hated it if they made Ellie straight just to please the audience. I also feel like the fact that she doesnt look like a supermodel like every other female character in games AND movies just gives the game an even deeper sense of realism. I highly doubt that people in a post apocalyptic society would prioritize things like make up and pushup bras (looking at you Lara Croft).

    Even if the story of the game would end up being terrible compared to the first game, im gonna enjoy the visuals, the combat, the exploring and all the other aspects of the game. Because after the first game i have no reason to believe that TLOU 2 is going to come out bad, and im not going to form my opinions before i've even tried the game. I'm also extremely hyped about Cyberpunk and im glad that i will be able to play BOTH of these games soon.

    Form your own opinions, dont listen to these NPC's who only say what their favorite youtubers said in their last clickbait video to get sponsorship money. Rant over. Sorry for the bad english, its not my first language!

    submitted by /u/Dudelson
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    Appreciation Post (Stay Positive)

    Posted: 03 May 2020 10:13 PM PDT

    I want to start by saying this game is my most beloved time with a virtual world. Played the story multiple times, adored Grounded mode playthroughs, absolutely loved the soundtrack and I love that this game elevated storytelling in a video game to a level that people didn't think was possible. In my normal daily routine (pre-COVID😥), I don't get much time to play games anymore but the time I do have I would play TLOU. I'm still anxiously awaiting the release of Part 2!

    I know I can't be the only person that was saddened by the news of the leaks, and the people trash talking ND based on unsubstantiated rumors. So I wanted to post something to balance the negativity surrounding my favorite game. I've fortunately avoided spoilers, but I've still seen the negative comments, and I remind myself that those comments are based on personal feelings and rumors, not facts or play experience. The team at ND would not have worked for this long to put out an underwhelming game. I truly believe people seek out the news that validates their world view, and that's what these angry fans are doing b/c they don't agree with Neil's views maybe, or maybe they believe all large companies are evil, so they think the game should be a failure. I'm sad they don't have an open mind about much. I know a lot of artists from a lot of different teams worked very hard, their work doesn't deserve to be tarnished by being taken out of context.

    I for one am excited to see where the story goes next, no matter what happens. I look forward to playing the game through, and hopping on here to discuss and interact with other fans about the story and gameplay. Won't be long now!

    Sorry for the rant, but I love this series and I know you all do too. Stay positive and keep avoiding spoilers!

    (side note: I was happy to hear that the leak was not from an internal source. It was upsetting to hear people twist the narrative about the leak into a disgruntled employee's "righteous" revenge. I couldn't imagine undoing the work of my friends and coworkers.)

    submitted by /u/The_Dauphin
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    Posted: 03 May 2020 07:01 PM PDT

    The State of the Fandom; Hatred, Frustration, and a Lingering Shadow in Gaming.

    Posted: 03 May 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    So, the past few days have been pretty awful, huh? On top of everything else going on in the world, our own little fandom has been upended by leaks, griefers, and a tide of rising hate directed towards NaughtyDog. If you're like me, you spent the last few days watching your social media accounts and the chaos in the Last of Us circles asking: "What the hell is happening?" This question bothered me, it dug at me, so I had to look into a lot to figure out what exactly the hell is going on. So that's what this post is, a dissection of what is happening, and a look at some possible explanations as to why.

    Skip down to the bolded part if you don't need to see my credentials, I don't mind.

    Some background first: Hi, I'm Fox. Some of you may have seen me around, or read my entry-into-fanfiction(and admittedly terrible) story for Last of Us. Some of you may know me from way back, when I was under the username DrowSpectre. Either way, I've been in this fandom since the day the game launched. I caught the trailer on YouTube and bought a PS3 that day for this game, and I finished it the next day. I joined this sub the day after that, itching to talk about my brand new and shiny hyperfixation.

    Why is that important at all? Because I want to establish that I remember exactly how tight knit and easy going this sub used to be. All the major players knew each other, we debated for hours on end about the increasing minutiae of the world of Last of Us. Can Ellie infect someone with a bite, a kiss? How exactly does the infection progress from stage to stage, and when does the person's awareness as a person go away? These were burning, hotly debated questions. And we had disagreements, but we were respectful about them. I know this game, the universe NaughtyDog built, and I know what this subreddit was. Key word on was, I've largely been a lurker since I switched my account over and RWBY became my new obsession.

    So that's my background on this. I've also seen the leaks, but I won't reveal anything here, and yes, I'm still excited as all hell for the game. Seems like the majority of people still are, but there's that very vocal minority screaming at the top of their lungs. Why? Well, there's a few reasons.

    Hatred & Frustration.

    Lets get the elephant in the room out of the way: Some people are just haters, plain and simple. There was a excellent post here just the other day that clearly lined out why the hate has been amplified and a few of the factors to blame for it. Namely, an un-moderated subreddit that has created an echo chamber of hate and vitriol that only feeds and builds on itself a la 4Chan or other cesspits of the internet. There's more behind the scenes there, but I'll get to that. For now, lets examine a possible reason why these people are acting this way to begin with, and give them the benefit of the doubt.

    Frustration. Changes to a story, a world that has become the setting for characters and things we love can be frustrating if we don't agree with them. This is understandable, I have been disappointed in games, movies, and books before because a sequel took something that originally attached my love to that and twisted it until it wasn't what I had originally fallen in love with. Again, frustration is the natural reaction to that. But people who know how to healthily process their emotions work through that in a way that works for them, and usually come to terms either accepting the change or rejecting the story in its entirety.

    What we are seeing now is when people go searching for a way to relieve this frustration, and find like-minded people who are also venting off their frustration, but they do so in a bubble with no one there to tell them when to stop. They go to a certain sub to vent their feelings, get a new dosing of frustration by engaging with their peers there, and come out only angrier for having gone in. There's no release, just another building of pressure for everyone involved. There's no acceptance, just a new seed of hatred that has to be directed somewhere else.

    A person in this cycle starts attaching to small little things of the source of their hatred, using them as arguments about why their hate is valid. They do so because so long as they can keep the argument going, they can prove that they are right, even though they are, in the end, arguing a subjective viewpoint. Usually this will manifest by spreading out to arguing and debating with other people about the source of its hatred, someone will tell them to cool down, and they'll eventually get over it.

    Except this is the internet, where anyone telling you to cool off is met with any number of pre-loaded insults of 'fanboy', 'shill', etc., that allow you to deflect any attempt at self-reflection long enough to top up on that frustration again. It's almost sad to see so many stuck in this loop, because there are two outcomes I have seen before. They will either cool off when the game is released, or they will just move on with this little seed of personalized hatred stored away for the next time an article about NaughtyDog, Neil Druckmann, or Last of Us crosses their feed. These are the people who, years from now, you will see in the comments being the same petty jerks they are being today.

    Why does any of what I said make what is happening now make sense? Because the majority of people you will see spewing hate on social media about the game right now are this kind of person. Genuine frustration about what they saw leaked that has turned into a nasty hatred they direct at the developers and any who would voice support for the game and company during this time. It's important to note that these people are not wrong to feel the way they do, it is a subjective opinion they are holding about a piece of media, there is no wrong feeling. What is wrong is the way they are going about trying to release this frustration. In the actions they take, they lose my sympathy and gain instead my pity. Because there's a good chance they're just ruining their own days over and over and desperately holding to some notion that they are right and justified in their actions.

    Not to say that they should be treated with kid gloves, and I'll explain why in the next part.


    'Fox, what the shit?' You ask, wondering why I just put that there. 'It was years ago, right? We're over this, it all went away!'

    Well that's the lingering shadow in gaming for the last seven or eight years, actually.

    Now, I admire Neil Druckmann. Not only is he a master storyteller and director, he's also a staunch advocate for equality of both law and representation. He's been the focus of a large amount of directed hate from the people we're discussing, and its frankly nothing short of disgusting. There have been claims of what he's done as far as driving people out of the company, or forcing others to silence their own views while working with him(with no evidence given on any count, mind you).

    Side note: I should note that Left Behind inspired my own questioning of my sexuality after examining some friendships I had felt were different, and eventually led to my questioning of gender identity as well. People from that other sub will absolutely love this, but I'm bisexual and identify as non-binary. Hopefully this explains a bit about why I personally adore how outspoken Druckmann is.

    But you may have noticed another name popping up nearly as much as Druckmann's in terms of 'ruining' this game, Anita Sarkeesian.

    If you don't know anything about her, but have heard her name around certain gaming circles, you may know you're supposed to hiss at her name, but you don't really know why? If you have literally zero idea about Gamergate or Anita Sarkeesian(or are one of the aforementioned hissers), I recommend you check out Innuendo Studios' fantastic Short History on Anita Sarkeesian so you understand what actually happened. His videos are incredibly well researched which I'm sure makes them frustrating to those who would wish he would just say something different, and his account of Gamergate is done in hindsight with what happened clearly laid out.

    Sarkeesian is singlehandedly attributed with the 'downfall' of gaming by including more women and minority representation in games, something seen as bad by a large group of dedicated and hateful people. These people are the same who were behind the rise of Gamergate and they didn't so much as go away as start using different labels and move on again when one gets too toxic to be taken seriously. These are the people who aren't angry about certain story beats or the direction the game has taken, they may only even tangentially enjoy the game. They are really angry about the inclusion of gay and gender minorities being added to games. They're the 'fans' who raged against Nadine in Uncharted 4, and again when Lost Legacy came out.

    They form the core of these little hate movements that tout about how leftists are are lobby that ruins gaming, or whatever their latest buzzword is this hour, and they aren't in it for venting frustration or to just have a good ol' hate pile on something. They want to amplify and spread their hatred and bigotry, consciously or not, and are willing to do so with any emotional cause that comes their way.

    Note: Look back up to where I said it is not wrong that the majority of people hating on the game/developers right now are frustrated at the leaks. Again, it's not wrong to hold a subjective opinion about your favorite game. What's wrong is their actions. And remember when I said you shouldn't treat these people with kid gloves? Here's why: The core of the true bigots, those who still get up in arms about Ellie being a lesbian or trans people existing in media, use these haters to hide themselves and shout their objectively wrong(yes you read that right, they are objectively wrong) out into the void and spread them.

    When you go to call one of these people out, they immediately back up and say "Wait, whoa, I'm not homophobic, I'm just mad about the narrative, like these reasonable folk over here." and point at the frustrated crowd around them. They disappear for a bit, then come back, ready to vanish again the second anyone tries to call them out on anything. The majority of this hater crowd also serves this narrative, as it becomes easy to attribute the bigoted core as being the core of the entire movement, so when you try to engage one of these people and mention the homophobia or transphobia, they immediately kick up a storm about how it's not about that, it's about the narrative. They shield the bigots and are able to, in their eyes, discredit attackers who are trying to paint them as all being bigots.

    They don't do this purposefully, they have legitimate feelings about changes in direction and story beats. But they also do go along with the jokes and the memes of the bigots, and help to spread the disgusting ideas of the core haters around. By this tacit cooperation and inaction, they are just as part of the hate as the bigots. They are being used, yes, but they do not deserve to act like both sides have a point when they actively and passively shield terrible people. Again, do not treat them with kid gloves.

    Criticism & When it is Valid.

    Which leads to my next point.

    I'll repeat it again: It's valid to have concerns and be disappointed when a story takes a direction you did not anticipate or enjoy. That's fine. But when all that is supplied is largely out of context and obviously incomplete leaks or rumors, criticism and more importantly hate is not valid.

    Criticism is a valuable tool for creators, if its productive and not combative. For instance;

    "I hate that you made Ellie a giraffe, god you should be fired from NaughtyDog. No little girls are actually giraffes in real life!"

    Is obviously not criticism, it's hate. But that person will claim they are criticizing the work all the same, and while they may actually believe that is what criticism looks like(there's a point to be made about social media and how it has deconstructed the safeguards against unworthy critique being thrown at creators, but hey this is long enough as it is), they are wrong. It's important that you, my dear and hopefully sane reader, understand that even if they do not.

    "I hate that you made Ellie a giraffe, I don't feel like the story foreshadowed that direction enough and as such it kinda feels like you're animal baiting people. I would have included a bit more about her and the other giraffe she knew before to have the player have some solid understanding of what was coming so they weren't so blindsided by the reveal."

    That is valid criticism. States the problem and a productive way of how to address it. It personalizes the problem ("I hate") without personalizing the critique.

    More importantly valid criticism also requires the context of what came before and after to establish why it did not work for that person and establish ways of how to correct it. People who have seen the leaks and have decided that the game is not worth getting, going to bomb, or that it is an "epic fail"(in the words of one popular YouTuber) are doing so without enough of the information to actually know that. It also requires, as many of you have pointed out here, a deliberate ignoring of what NaughtyDog has done before so as to act as if they have no faith and goodwill.

    In Conclusion.

    What was the point of this needlessly long post? Well for starters this was my frustration release. Research, deliberation, report. It helped me process my own feelings regarding the leaks, the state of gaming culture as a whole, and my anger at the hateful mass that has been growing in gaming in the last decade. This is not to mention the baseless rumor mill surrounding who leaked what and why, Druckmann's supposedly dark interests, and the subversion of any actual conversation on the subject of a story with disgusting memes and hate-filled rants.

    But also because it's important that we recognize when these sorts of people are among us, and I hope that people who are frustrated and just so angry at the leaks see this and take a good look at the communities they surround themselves with. Do your peers promote hate or inclusion? Does it really sit right with you to answer that with hate? Do you really want to be used by bigots to advance an agenda they've been pushing in gaming for the last decade that focuses on hating anything that challenges the status quo of a male-dominated hobby?

    Some people are just going to let themselves be hateful all their lives, it's just the truth. Being fair and open minded, what I would consider good, takes effort and self-improvement. Some just don't take those steps, and that's all on them. They will direct that hate outward, they will cling to the idea that they are right because they are seeing what everyone else just has blinders on to see(if anyone ever says the gay agenda seriously, they're saying A LOT about themselves), and they will likely be in gaming all the rest of our lives.

    All we can do is watch, learn how they operate, and adjust our own discussions to cut out any opening for them to slip in an take control of a narrative. Because to those of you reading who do go to that other sub and are rolling your eyes at my 'leftist, progressive shill' post here, you are going to be lumped in with the absolute worst of your group, because the rest of us have no way to separate you from them, and they designed it that way.

    And in the end all we can do is form our own opinions and choose what actions we will take. For myself, this means buying the game when it comes out because I love this world and I want to return to it, not because I think NaughtyDog can do no wrong. It means continuing to look into every rumor and stated 'fact' that NaughtyDog is in fact evil throughout this and finding that there isn't a lot of truth to those claims, just a lot of anger. It means approaching those who are filled with their seemingly righteous fury with understanding that you can dislike a story for subjective reasons, but the second it becomes that you feel like including representation of minorities is a bad thing you lose all semblance of credibility.

    It means spending a couple hours writing up the longest thing I've written in a year and a half because I feel it needs to be said.

    'Til next time!


    Final note: Innuendo Studios' series 'The Alt-Right Playbook' on YouTube covers a lot of the tactics I've described in here in much more detail and style. And if you can honestly tell me that bigoted core of hatred directed at women and minorities is not a reactionary standpoint, ho boy. Just take a look at that other sub(honestly, don't) and see the amount of memes criticizing not the game, but the inclusion of these characters or of figures like Sarkeesian(and by extension Feminist Frequency), or Druckmann. As the echo chamber builds, they'll care less and less about the narrative they are supposedly disappointed by as the core bigots convert over more and more of the other users there.

    Edit note: I forgot to include a section on the whole "both sides" thing a post today tried to pull. I'll sum it up with this: The sub isn't locked down because we can't handle disagreements. I have had heated arguments with people here, some of who became mods, over the most trivial of things. We can certainly handle disagreements. It's because many who want to hate on the game would stop at nothing to ruin it for others, and that is worth stopping. I don't think the leaks are a big deal, but I'll never spread what I've seen because it's up to every person who wants to experience this story to do so on their own terms.

    Also I didn't get into the connection between Druckmann as an Israeli-American Jewish man who has also confronted his own internal biases bleeding into his creations and his active attempts to subvert those, and how it also fuels the reactionary web's hatred of him. But again, it was already pretty long and as someone who has not experienced that sort of discrimination, I don't feel I have the necessary experience nor research into the experiences of similar cases to comment more than a standard 'Yikes'.

    submitted by /u/Foxinstrazt
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    Getting tired of this leak nonsense, so here’s my favorite photo I’ve ever taken in Part One’s photo mode. Always thought it served as a larger comment on the story. With Ellie looking up to Joel for respect and a father figure, not knowing that he might not always have her best interests at heart.

    Posted: 03 May 2020 10:57 PM PDT

    Complete inside breakdown of how the leaks happened (No Spoilers)

    Posted: 03 May 2020 04:15 PM PDT

    Avoid reading the comments on Troy Baker's twitter

    Posted: 03 May 2020 02:31 PM PDT

    I saw someone commenting spoilers. I have reported them. God, I hate these people

    submitted by /u/harleyfuckingquinn
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    The leaks have ruined all discourse for the game (in terms of the offical discussion posts being spammed with spoilers prematurely)

    Posted: 04 May 2020 12:02 AM PDT

    This might be obvious, but like the title says, the leaks have made a problem for discussing the game that won't go away even when it releases. I'm not sure how the offical discussion posts were going to work here, but there were at least two options. Either a full-spoilers discussion post and a first-impressions post VS a multi-tiered discussion rollout like what r/Deathstranding did, as in a post for each "chapter" of the game. But either way, that can't work now. Realistically players wouldn't have naturally gotten to the ending until like a day or so. So for the most part discussion posts of both kind would have been safe. But now, as soon as the game comes out, the people that have already seen the leaks can go and spam the ending in the "chapter 1 discussion" or "first-impressions discussion" posts straight away. I'm not really offering a solution, because I can't think of one. It's just a shame that discussion has been effectively ruined for any discussion post that isn't a "full spoilers ending discussion" post. Thanks to the mods for their hard work, and hopefully they'll be able to think of some kind of work around.

    submitted by /u/BigBoiBob38
    [link] [comments]

    Another poster for my room.

    Posted: 03 May 2020 10:20 AM PDT

    I feel like we need to explain this to them

    Posted: 03 May 2020 12:26 AM PDT

    The leakers are not really what they seem.

    Posted: 03 May 2020 05:02 PM PDT

    Hey everybody! I just wanted to remind everyone that the leakers and spreaders are not what they seem. These people are have no power in real life. I mean can you imagine sitting at home on quarantine spending all your time spoiling details for a game you'll never play for people you'll never meet. It's easy to think that these people have some sort of power, but really you should feel bad for them. These are the people who have nothing else going for them. While we have other things to do, sports and hobbies that have nothing to do with video games, they don't. Set your dms to trusted, and there is nothing they can do. These people want their movement to have an impact, but most people who will buy the game will never hear about the leaks. They are preventing at most a few hundred sales, which is a drop in a bucket. When the game comes out, their movement will be forgotten, which is what they fear most. Try to think of them not as menaces, but as people who are lost. Maybe you can help them find their way.

    submitted by /u/shadowvanilla
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    From TLOU to TLOUII

    Posted: 03 May 2020 08:20 PM PDT

    What I loved most about part one was the relationship built between Joel and Ellie, especially the scene right when Joel calls Ellie "Baby Girl". I really want a happy ending for Ellie in part II, I feel the same way about Ellie that I do about Clementine from the Walking Dead. I think what matters the most to me for part II is that we see a good ending for Ellie, even if there are some casualties along the way.

    submitted by /u/Markov-Chains
    [link] [comments]

    Here's hoping we get something original from the "old man".

    Posted: 03 May 2020 01:45 PM PDT

    Here's hoping we get something original from the "old man".

    Music was a big part of the trailers, and I know Troy has a pretty good voice...


    submitted by /u/ralphplatt
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