• Breaking News

    Friday, May 22, 2020

    The Last of Us | It’s not a movie or tv show. It’s a game and games need to be played (28 days)

    The Last of Us | It’s not a movie or tv show. It’s a game and games need to be played (28 days)

    It’s not a movie or tv show. It’s a game and games need to be played (28 days)

    Posted: 21 May 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    Amazing fan art I saw on twitter from Ruiz Burgos!

    Posted: 21 May 2020 10:33 PM PDT

    28 days until The Last of Us Part II. Guys pre-orders is now available.

    Posted: 21 May 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    So excited now!

    Posted: 21 May 2020 02:30 PM PDT

    Thought you guys would like this. I'm painting my keyboards keycaps with things I like, and made F the Firefly logo from the game :)

    Posted: 21 May 2020 02:56 PM PDT

    I tried to draw Ellie’s dagger but I don’t draw so this happened.

    Posted: 21 May 2020 05:26 PM PDT

    Just got my first platinum, and 100% for a game! Glad it could be The Last of Us. This game was an experience I could never forget.

    Posted: 21 May 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    The Blade

    Posted: 21 May 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    We.. kinda ""won"" ..?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 10:58 AM PDT

    We.. kinda ""won"" ..?

    I know it wasn't a war, but I guess we "won" ?

    Twitter updated the app, so now we can choose who can answer to our tweets, and so ND did it to their last post about TLOU 2, no more spoilers, no more trolls, no more stupid lgbtphobics and all

    I guess that every time there's a leak or something with a game, the teams will do this, and idk about y'all but I'm happy about it. No more people trying to ruin the happiness of others, no more supposedly "freedom of speech" when in fact people are just a**holes

    I'm glad they did it


    submitted by /u/Banjouille
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    Just hear me out..

    Posted: 21 May 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    It's 28 days until The Last of Us Part II releases. I don't ever think we've ever been this close before and it feels unreal. Here comes my ridiculous idea, I was thinking if possible we could have a Last of Us release party. To celebrate how far the game has come. This probably sounds stupid as hell but I thought I would give it a shot. 😅

    submitted by /u/Roman_Howler
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    Can we discuss this together?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    For some context: I played all of the uncharted games and of course the last of us. For the last 2 weeks I have witnessed the shitstorm about one of the most anticipated games of this generation of console with genuine horror. The situation made me have painful flashback to the Disney star wars disaster. (not cool)

    Now first of all. What happened with Disney starwars was maybe justified for 2 factors: there was some "rules" established by the previous content that was not respected. And two, the movies didn't have enough overarching plot to link them. And we can say this because they are out, so we can judge the final product. All the "political" stuff for me is irrelevant. A story can be good or bad wathever the protagonist gender/color imo.

    For Tlou2 it's a completely different thing. The games isn't out yet, no rules have been broken and we can judge the evolution of a story with only some isolated spoilers. This lead me to my biggest incomprehention : how the fuck people think they can judge a product in this state and why do they think they have been betrayed? Naughty dogs are the creators of those games, they own this world, they didn't take something from us. We didn't create shit, we have been lucky enough to play their games.

    I can understand that some choice can be painful, but once again we have no ownership over those choices. We can disagree yes, but it's art, who are we to judge the work, the vision of people who clearly wanted to tell those story? I think the more healthy thing to do is asking oneself, why the art make me feel a certain way good or bad. And not blaming creators for not making the exact choice I wanted for my content, that is a dead end reasoning.

    TL;DR: Maybe some people should rethink the way they interact with the cultural product they like.

    submitted by /u/Willbeary
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    Thank You to this community.

    Posted: 21 May 2020 08:52 PM PDT

    I havent been posting on this subreddit much because, I fear getting spoiled but, I just wanna say thank you to this community. Its been a crazy ride.

    I was doing so well until these spoilers leaked, and then when I saw them I started to get mad. Not at the spoilers, but the community for the way they reacted. Then as I kept reading spoilers, and it got worse and worse.

    I then found this community, and I gained back hope, but at one point even after I joined, I started getting annoyed again, and then being mad about not having enough money.

    For like 2 days I was mad, sad, and annoyed. I started crying and then started blaming Naughty Dog, for "Ruining the game". But then I realized that it's not about only what happens, it's about the execution.

    I realized again theres so much more to look forward to, gameplay, graphics, cutscenes..

    The journey.

    So thank you to this community, and the Moderators, for risking your eyes to keep us spoiler free, to brighten our day, and keep us excited about The Last of Us Part 2.

    Now I'm going to not look at my reddit dms probably.

    Only 30 days, Endure and Survive fellow survivor's.

    submitted by /u/DannyYTee
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    You guys know the footage from the recent video is taken directly from E3 2018, right?...

    Posted: 21 May 2020 10:06 AM PDT

    They literally just ripped the footage directly from E3 2018 and the gameplay demo from September.

    This is proof that people will cry downgrade even if it's literally the exact same footage lmao.

    submitted by /u/CallOfKtulu24
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    Part 2 is literally dominating this list for the last 2 weeks.

    Posted: 21 May 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    I can’t man lmaoo

    Posted: 21 May 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    Naughty dog literally just ripped the gameplay 2018 demo and put it to the new inside the gameplay video (you know it's not updated because the 2018 gameplay trailer didn't have all of the stickers and stuff on Ellie's backpack) and people are like "OH THEY DOWNGRADED IT! LOOK AT THE TEXTURES THEYRE SO SIMPLE" lmao I can't. It's not even that they took a static screenshot as the "2018 gameplay trailer" graphics which means Ellie won't have any motion blur on her and on the "new 2020 gameplay" they took a screenshot of Ellie moving which means Ellie will have motion blur because naughty dog uses per object motion blur, and they take that motion blur and are like "YEA YOU SEE THAT THATS THE TEXTURES THEY ARE SIMPLER" I can't lmaooo.

    Sorry for the long ramble lol

    submitted by /u/CaptainAcornYT
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    A puzzle piece

    Posted: 21 May 2020 08:50 PM PDT

    The leaks remind me of puzzle pieces. You have 3 pieces out of a jigsaw puzzle and they look terrible, but once you put them together you see the bigger picture. People make assumptions based of the 3 puzzle pieces and don't care about the rest of the jigsaw puzzle. There is a fine line between assumptions and opinions. Assumptions can be wrong but opinions can't. Assumptions are based of puzzle pieces(incomplete/incorrect facts or opinions). Opinions is based off of absolute knowledge(complete facts). Right now everyone is making assumptions about the game based off a incomplete puzzle. The only time you will have a valid opinion is when you see the full jigsaw puzzle. Anyway that's my point of view on it.

    submitted by /u/brazil21
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    On the hunt

    Posted: 21 May 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    I can't be the only one that feels like crying whenever I think about the last of us right?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 11:01 AM PDT

    I think about joel and Ellie, I think about the music, The story, I listen to the music , I read about the last of us, I watch the trailers, And I get so emotional because this game has had such an impact on my life. I love this community, I love everything about this game! I would like to say thank you to Naughty Dog, you guys are amazing! Onwards to part II !!

    submitted by /u/Tanakito3
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    Infected in Part II

    Posted: 21 May 2020 03:31 PM PDT

    I dont know if anyone said this before, but don't the infected look less human ?

    In the first game they would be people with growth, but their skin was still either white or black, but it was human.

    In every part II trailer/gameplay we have seen the infected look more monstrous. The Clicker is full covered in mold or something, to the point where you can't see its skin, the runners and stalkers are really gray looking, kinda like zombies. And the stalkers litteraly have skinny white mushrooms sticking out of them.

    This isnt a criticism, I like some of these designs more then the original, its just something I thought was interesting.

    submitted by /u/Elkuscha
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    Made an Ellie fan video in anticipation of the upcoming game, hope you enjoy

    Posted: 21 May 2020 08:24 PM PDT

    Where would you live?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 04:02 PM PDT

    For the people who are saying there is a downgrade.

    Posted: 21 May 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    Y'all are ungrateful. We are literally getting some of the best graphics of any game ever and y'all are calling different textures a "downgrade". This game is huge and the graphics are incredible throughout the game so stop complaining

    submitted by /u/godflashspeed12
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    “I want to talk about” conversation # 34

    Posted: 21 May 2020 09:13 PM PDT

    The glitch for this trophy is well known and documented... but i've yet to see anyone specifically mention the conversation i'm having problems with - the one with ellie at the bus station in salt lake city. The most commonly mentioned buggy/glitchy conversations are at the university and the lakeside cabin.

    But In order to make sure every conversation registered, I deleted my data, sped through the game paying attention to stats and EVERY conversation increased the number EXCEPT for this one. I keep reloading the chapter and talking to her sitting at the bus starion but nothing is raising that conversation number to 34...

    Did any of you encounter this and how did you fix it? I'm not sure what else to try

    submitted by /u/aronahlam
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    On Thematic Writing and What that Means for Part II [Some Spoilers for Part I]

    Posted: 21 May 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    "The Last of Us" is my favorite game that I've yet played, and that is largely due to how incredibly well the team at Naughty Dog managed to weave a linear narrative within an interactive medium. I'm drawn to storycraft in ANY medium (I got my BA in Cinema with a focus on screenwriting) and I feel that video games have the greatest potential for telling truly affecting stories. "The Last of Us" is primarily about loss and desperation, and it explores these themes through specific narrative elements supported by an overall design philosophy that prioritizes resource management and desperate, chaotic improvisation. The end result is that both the story AND the gameplay exist in a heightened emotional state that immerses the player in the world and the characters.

    It also focuses largely on character in order to explore those themes, namely that of Joel. Joel is a character whose place within the world of the story is well outlined. We see him as a father, living what appears to be a normal, happy life that is tragically upended when the chaos of the outbreak takes the life of his daughter. More specifically, the government in their desperation, take drastic action to try to contain that chaos. This, quite reasonably, changes Joel. He becomes emotionally distant and distrustful. In order for him to make the very serious decision he makes at the end of the game, the writing does a metric TON of legwork through small character beats between Joel, Ellie, Tess, and Tommy to get to the place where he makes the decision to prioritize the life of one over the lives of the many. This is a decision based entirely on Joel's history of loss and sense of desperation, the core themes of the game.

    The game's narrative language seems to suggest that this is a BAD decision. Joel is guilty about it. The reveal of what happened with Marlene is played for tragedy, and he LIES to Ellie. It also reveals the specificity of the title; now those remaining truly are "The Last of Us." We all lose. We are all desperate.

    We've heard now that Part II is focused on telling a story about the cycle of violence and perils of seeking revenge. I've seen a myriad of complaints after the leaks that the writing is "bad" (a criticism I generally dismiss since most people who say that can't seem to articulate what that even means). I've been resisting looking at the leaked plot details, but yesterday I finally bit the bullet. My will broke. I needed to know if the criticisms were genuinely based on the fact that Ellie was gay (something we already knew) or if there was something else truly terrible that Naughty Dog had in store.

    Now, I'm certainly not going to spoil anything here, but I will say that from what I read (and I did deliberately skim and gloss to keep my self-spoiling in the broad strokes), the story looks every bit as thoughtful and thematically driven as the first. So if, like me, you were worried there might actually be some canary in the coal mine here, I wouldn't worry. It seems like they've come up with some very clever ways to explore the aforementioned cycle of violence just as holistically as they explored loss and desperation in the first. It's not lip service to a broad thematic idea, it is a real story about real ideas. I, for one, am very excited to see the stuff that truly matters; small character beats, grand emotional performances from an expert cast, and how the game design reinforces those narrative ideas.

    Nothing I've seen so far suggests that Naughty Dog is not going to make good on what they always do.

    Endure. Survive. PLAY.

    It's the only way we'll know.

    submitted by /u/enthusiastpress
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