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    Wednesday, April 22, 2020

    The Last of Us | Trying to animate the melee section from the E3 Demo in Dreams

    The Last of Us | Trying to animate the melee section from the E3 Demo in Dreams

    Trying to animate the melee section from the E3 Demo in Dreams

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 07:04 AM PDT

    Devils Den

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    Am I reaching, or does anyone else a parallel between these two cuts?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 07:30 AM PDT

    Where’s PR and Marketing in all of this?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 03:45 PM PDT

    If we're to believe recent statements, the game is "at the one yard line." It's been about three weeks since that statement. If we're to believe this statement, the game must be extremely extremely close to completion by now. Where the hell is PR and marketing in all of this? They've been nonexistent for SEVEN months now, despite the reassurance that more info etc would be released in the months up to release.

    Well, we've have nothing. Except an indefinite delay now. With essentially 0 communication, other than some generic statements likely tailored by Sony HQ.

    I hope this means that we're closer to release date than we think. If not, this is just a little astonishing.

    The rationale for not releasing new info, a demo, trailers etc is that it takes up too much time and resource away from the real work ..but the game is apparently 99% completed...

    Why not release some extra footage from the demo from last year? Why not release some screenshots? You know, put forth was actually verbally communicated (instead, we get one piece of info, then a year of silence..and the cycle repeats). No one would be clamoring if May 29th remained the release date, but this is just insane. I've never seen such a mess. It's really as if no one was hired in the marketing/PR dept, or they've just not been doing their jobs for the last four years.

    No need to release the demo, maybe just some of the footage. Something. Anything haha. Im just venting here. Just give me a little footage lol. Just a little piece.

    submitted by /u/IceOCafe
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    Shining days

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 02:25 PM PDT

    I don't think the delay is entirely because of shipping issues.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 10:47 PM PDT

    At this point, i really truly feel as though the delay for part 2 is not entirely at the fault of corona virus and physical shipping issues.

    Sure that may play a part, but i really do not believe at this point that the game is as close to completion as Naughty Dog has been saying it is, I think the company structure issues coupled with 70% of their department from uncharted 4 leaving had crippled the games development to a point where they may not even be able to ship this year, i really, really hope this isn't the case as I've been waiting for this game since its reveal in 2016, but at this point - we're not hearing anything about, or seeing any sort of progress with the issues of getting the game to everyone "fairly", it just makes me feel as though this is all going to culminate in a much longer wait than we think we are in for.

    If it was just about shipping logistics, why not update the consumers? It's been weeks, surely they would enlighten us on at least what they hope to do, allow us some insight into where the process of figuring out shipping is at? but they haven't, It feels weird and suspicious and the hopeful side of me wants to believe they've been so silent because an announcement is right around the corner but I'm starting to accept that really may not be the case.

    Idk, something about this whole thing just is so confusing to me, i really hope it isn't the case that it has been delayed because of development issues, what do you guys think? I need some hope, this delay has been on my mind moreso than it should be lately, it's getting me down :(

    submitted by /u/edenyeigh
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    I just beat the Last of Us and wow

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 09:56 PM PDT

    I'm seriously impressed with this game and disappointed in myself for not playing this earlier. The story was amazing and made me emotional quite a few times. I can honestly say it's one of the best games I've ever played. But I have a question that I was confused about: was Joel lying to Ellie at the end?

    submitted by /u/kingkontroverseP0si
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    Missing character in Part 2

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 09:46 PM PDT

    Where is Maria?? Please correct me if I'm wrong but she hasn't been in any of the trailers or even mentioned by naughty dog. She's the leader of the group in Jackson, an important person, yet she's been nowhere. Perhaps something happens to her and that's what sets the story off.

    submitted by /u/Rckstedywatudoin
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    The Last Of Us comic book cover fanart: Had this idea about making this, hope you guys like!

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 10:21 AM PDT

    Got this sweet one the other day, I absolutely love it!

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 07:21 AM PDT

    My biggest concern about TLOU being adapted into a tv show. Please don't hate me for this.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 03:45 PM PDT

    When I really think about it, there has always been a subconscious reason why I enjoyed TLOU's story/characters. One of those reasons is because of the fact that it came from a VIDEO GAME. Our standards for narratives/storytelling in video games have always been lower than our standards for films/television. We're more likely to forgive storytelling flaws in video games because the medium has always been meant to entertain through gameplay primarily, and storytelling as secondary.

    So when TLOU came out, I think one of the reasons it got so much praise was because we were all surprised by how well-written these characters were in a video game. We generally don't expect characters/stories/voice-acting to be this well-executed in games because we've always accepted that the gaming medium had limits to their storytelling capabilities. The world-building and characters were always forced to revolve around the gameplay, while in movies/television that restriction was never there. This explains why we accept characters like Nathan Drake as "cool guy" even though he's a mass murder. We're surprised by how "human-like" his mannerisms and personality are despite the fact that he kills thousands of people every campaign. Nathan Drake would be a generic character in a hollywood movie, but he's a unique relatable personality in the video game medium.

    My question is, will we still view Ellie and Joel as well-written characters in a tv show, similarly to how we view them in the game? Once these characters and world are translated into the television/film realm, the standards are going to be much higher. How do we know this won't be just another season of The Walking Dead (for better or for worse)? My point is: One of the reasons TLOU's characters are so widely loved is because of the shock factor of them coming from video games, a medium where we don't expect storytelling to be a primary selling point.

    submitted by /u/CanadianTurt1e
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    One thing I’m not looking forward to in Part II...

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 02:47 PM PDT

    ... is Ellie killing the dogs. I imagine that's intentional in making the player uncomfortable but it would be nice if there were a way to just subdue them. I've never been good at stealth and avoiding enemies.

    submitted by /u/CyberGhostface
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    How about some transparency?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 02:12 AM PDT

    I think the #1 thing that is upsetting fans is NOT KNOWING anything about a release or status. Give us an update or tell us what discussions are being had. Stop leaving fans in the dark. We've had 2 major letdowns, I think Sony and naughty dog owe us some fucking transparency.

    I don't think it's that hard to say "we're aiming for a June, July, August release; we're deciding if we want to go digital only; we're talking to distributors; we're unsure what we're gonna do!" ANYTHING! Not this radio silence!

    submitted by /u/VerminSC
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    Is there any particular reasons why these guys weren’t added to the game?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 12:58 AM PDT

    Drawing I did of Ellie. I’ve done a few over the years but this is my favorite by far. Criticism is welcome

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 12:34 AM PDT

    After weeks of constant gaming I can now say that I have fully completed the last of us remastered

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 04:46 AM PDT

    I was trying to figure out why my game audio stopped working and then this happened...

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    The Aftermath...

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 02:49 AM PDT

    David is the best villain ever

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 01:06 PM PDT

    It's too bad he wasnt closer to the end than he already was because with the exception of the end no part of spring was as difficult or as well done as winter. I have the toughest time here but I still love it. Hes the best boss in this game by far. Like he really did get me thinking while I was fighting. "You're quick to judge, after you killed, how many men?" "And you think WE have a choice" the entire time I was questioning it. He is a horrible person sure but is he really worse than us? I mean he kills and eats. It's a food source. When Joel saves Ellie he kills people that not only dont deserve to die but are getting ambushed simply for being an obstacle. Like Joel is strong enough to grab the knife from the Surgeons hand and push him out of the way but nope he killed him. The entire David bossfight. Where hes sneaking around especially the last part where you cant see him anymore. Was the scariest part of the whole game. He had me more scared than both required bloater boss fights. I mean they are all great. But David was amazing. The whole fight I still thought maybe he was right, yet despite that I wanted him dead more than any other boss in the entire game and killing him felt so good. In fact all the bosses bring something to the table


    Summer bloater-fear

    Indestructible humvee-hopelessness

    Hunter sniper-anger

    Winter bloater-fear


    But David is all of those things which is what makes him such an amazing fight. Anyway just wanted to talk about him. If you have a different favorite villain comment!

    submitted by /u/yrahcaz29
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    Redraw of Ellie! (Art by me)

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 03:28 AM PDT

    [SPOILER] Beginning and ending

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 01:26 PM PDT

    Just beat the game on grounded plus, my fourth overall time finishing the game. I'm damn proud of myself, but the reason I'm here is because I noticed something I never did previously. At the beginning, when Joel is carrying Sarah after the car crash and at the end when Joel is carrying Ellie after his rampage, the game feels completely different (as a player) even though the scenes are remarkably similar. I think this is one of the most genius parts in any game; it's a smart as hell way of showing how Joel has bonded to Ellie as a daughter figure while tying everything together. I didn't notice this until today, someone more observant than me has surely already said this before but I thought it was super cool.

    I don't know if I should use spoiler blackout here but I figured better safe than sorry. Also, fuck the resort bloater and subsequent David fight on grounded, jesus christ. The hotel generator/final area has Nothing on that entire chapter.

    submitted by /u/MacKoushki
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