• Breaking News

    Tuesday, April 28, 2020

    The Last of Us | r/thelastofus IS NOW UNDER INDEFINITE QUARANTINE

    The Last of Us | r/thelastofus IS NOW UNDER INDEFINITE QUARANTINE


    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 06:13 AM PDT

    And yes, no pun intended.

    EDIT: Again, please close your DMs and Chat Requests! Info on how to is below

    The proliferation of the recent leaks has left their mark on the subreddit, and even with the gracious cooperation of both the community and the moderators, our users still fall victim to spoilers in comments, links, and direct messages. We cannot ascertain—nor can we guarantee—when the onslaught of these malicious posts will stop, which is why we have agreed to come to this conclusion:

    For the safety of the community, and due to extraordinary circumstances, we are hereby locking all current and future threads on r/thelastofus. Each post submitted to the subreddit will be screened by the moderators, then locked to prevent possible leaks from spreading. We understand that this method appears dire, but it is the only way the community can still interact with one another without the risk of our users getting spoiled.

    What else can I do to stop myself from getting spoiled?

    Please refer to this moderator post regarding spoiler prevention measures. It includes helpful tips and extension tools that will allow you to browse the Internet with added protective filters. If you haven't yet, we encourage you to amp up your direct message settings on Reddit. Here are the methods to do so:

    Click on Preferences → Scroll down to Messaging Options → Click Control who can send me messages → Select Only Trusted Users → Save Options

    Click on User Settings → Click Chat and Messaging → Select Whitelisted for Who can send me Private Messages

    FOR MOBILE: You can access Desktop Reddit by logging into Reddit on your mobile browser, tapping the three lines on the top right, tapping Settings, and hitting Reqeust Desktop Site. To turn off chat/DM notifications, use the Reddit App, go to Account Settings → Manage Notifications

    We value the collective unity that is shared within this community—which makes it difficult for us to enforce this kind of method unto the subreddit.

    However, we refuse to have our users' experiences of the game ruined by others. If you have come across any leaks on this subreddit, please do report them immediately. We are so grateful for your cooperation and we sincerely, sincerely thank all of you for your understanding.

    Until then, endure and survive.

    submitted by /u/TacoSwimmer
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    New Release Date for The Last of Us Part II - June 19, 2020

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 09:12 AM PDT

    And we thought that GROUNDED was hard...

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 11:46 AM PDT


    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 06:35 PM PDT

    Just wanted to drop a line in here saying we're thinking of you guys. Your support is deeply appreciated. And a big thanks to the mods for doing such an incredible job. ❤️

    submitted by /u/Neil-ND
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    Little tidbit from a ND developer that might cheer some folks up ����

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 04:04 PM PDT

    Keep it up, Mods!

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 07:39 AM PDT

    bye guys, I'll be back once the game is released

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 04:14 AM PDT

    Its nice to see people here Still being positive about the game.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 08:57 PM PDT

    After those leaks its nice seeing people here still being sane about the game, and waiting before canceling it, also Good job mods on keeping the sub spoiler free.

    submitted by /u/taavir40
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    Yesterday was my birthday and this was my first tattoo!

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 06:53 PM PDT

    My cat Ellie and her firefly guitar

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 07:42 PM PDT

    ND Animator likes Part II better than Part I. A little reason to stay optimistic despite the leaks.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 10:03 PM PDT

    The mods of this sub deserve a medal

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 02:07 AM PDT

    They have no choice but to read the spoilers for Part 2 whether they want to or not in order to remove them from this sub. Well done mods - you are true heroes.

    submitted by /u/Chalky97
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    The Thing About Spoilers

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 08:13 AM PDT

    I'm truly sorry to whoever was spoiled about any of the plot points in Part 2. But don't let plot points deter you, or worse yet, cause you to judge the game before release. I'm assuming everyone here loves the first game for its storytelling.

    So please, please remember that people who reveal and propagate spoilers are not storytellers nor do they care to be.

    You may have been unfortunately turned on to dramatic beats and unexpected revelations, but SPOILERS DO NOT AND CANNOT contain all the subtlety, build up, suspense, and pay off that a finely-tuned script/game can.

    Spoilers do not reveal the full extent of character motivations and character needs. Spoilers do not reveal the emoting and voice work of the talent. Spoilers are, by nature, very dry and static, and they are not dripping in atmosphere, tone, and mise-en-scene. Spoilers do not reveal how your interactions with others will expand through gameplay. Spoilers very rarely focus on the first 1/3 of a story (this is where a majority of your attachment to said story will come in). Spoilers often purposefully exempt earlier plot developments that give credence to the more "spoiler-ly" dramatic beats later in the narrative. Spoilers do not involve the immersive qualities of sound. Spoilers are not crafted in a way that have any creative structure or friction as the final piece will have.


    If you're a Marvel fan, think back to Endgame. Someone could of spoiled to you that Tony Stark dies(Endgame spoiler). This would of certainly soured your imagination while entering the film; however, those three words certainly don't carry the weight that the previous 3 hours of that movie did. You can do this with any of your favorite stories from any medium. The power of storytelling is that it transcends the boundaries of its on-the-surface, simple plot points. The capacity of human ingenuity when it comes to storytelling is so much deeper than what someone can bullet point in a message.

    Don't give up hope for the story and world and characters of The Last of Us Part 2.

    TL;DR: Spoilers spoil the plot, not the qualities that make a story great.

    submitted by /u/lotr_ginger
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    I feel so bad for the developers

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    They put tears of their lives into making this game as good as possible just for one asshole to leak the plot, get everyone pissed, and harass them

    submitted by /u/matthewm89
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    Despite everything, I am still incredibly excited for this game

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 02:14 PM PDT

    A few thoughts:

    firstly, yes I've been spoiled - I am strangely not as upset at that itself as I am with two other things: one, the fact that someone leaked it in the first place and the trolls who keep spreading it around and basically scamming people into being spoiled; and two, the amount of people who are now saying they'll boycott the game and that they hate it based on a couple of sentences they saw and the conclusions they drew from them.

    I'm incredibly sad for every team member who has put time, effort, creativity, passion and love into making this game, as well as every fan who did not want to be spoiled and has now been robbed of the gaming experience they deserved.

    I, despite "knowing" where the story is supposed to go, believe that some of those leaks are actually a little misleading and that we don't have enough information to draw certain conclusions. But even if every single thing from that list of plot points is true, I still wholeheartedly believe that this game will be so much more than those. If you've seen the leaks and are feeling doubtful now, please don't let 10 sentences shadow the fact that this is going to be a huge, long, intricate game with plenty of surprises and twists and emotions along the way. I trust that the devs have made an incredible game and I am still so excited for all the hours of it we'll get to experience, despite everything.

    So please don't lose hope - I'm so, so sorry if you've been spoiled, but right now more than ever we need to trust the devs and trust this game and put all of our excitement and love toward it.

    Hope you're all doing well <3

    Endure and survive.

    PS. thank you mods for doing your very best to guard this community from any further leaks and spoilers and fighting the tough fight against trolls <3

    submitted by /u/wanderingsoul28
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    To people who have been spoiled (like me)

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 03:06 PM PDT

    The story of the first game was nothing special (the concept I mean). What made it brilliant was how it was presented. Frankly, in my opinion, it was very predictable. The major plot points and story itself don't matter, it's the way that naughty dog made you care about the characters. You find yourself caring about loads of small characters, and in some cases, they never even show up on screen (like Ish for example)! Even though I have been spoiled and am very angry about it, I will still play the game for the immense detail that it will most likely have. My point here is that the game is more than its story, but I am sad that I won't get to be surprised by it as much. At least I haven't seen anything in the way of cutscenes, and I hope that you all are able to "endure and survive" this leak.

    submitted by /u/Gen-Maddox
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    Was heartbroken, but I have a new perspective.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 03:37 PM PDT

    I was spoiled and have been sad the entire day, but have been thinking about it a little more.

    If you were to tell me a couple of the major events in one of my favorite movies or books without any context I'd think it was a bad movie/book. That's because we don't have the character arcs, the build up, the tension, the relationships, the beauty. We don't have the whole picture, just a small ugly chunk of it.

    How can we pretend a story is ruined, when we haven't even begun.

    submitted by /u/VerminSC
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    For those unfortunately spoiled, I hope this helps you get through it a little and keep faith in the experience the game may give you.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 10:03 PM PDT

    Having been a huge fan of the uncharted series, I remember seeing the teaser for uncharted 4 at E3 in 2014 and thinking that it looked unreal and I was so pumped for it.

    Unfortunately I was in school and didn't have a PS4 at the time nor was I planning to get one anytime soon so I never got to play Uncharted 4 for myself. I instead chose to watch a YouTube game movie of Uncharted 4 shortly after it came out.

    I know it's not the best way to experience it but I had no real choice at the time. Granted when the movie was over and all of the major beats unfolded, I clearly felt no need to actually play it. I knew what was going to happen and what the gameplay had to offer.

    That said...

    ... after picking it up on the PS Store this month since it's free, I'm honestly shocked at how much I missed and how often I consistently said "wow" or "holy shit"! Every chapter just blew my mind in a different way, from the graphics, the attention to detail, the voice acting, the huge set pieces and varied gameplay and environments. Even knowing what was going to happen didn't hinder my experience in a strange way because playing it for yourself is truly just a different feeling for some reason. I couldn't take in the sheer awesomeness of the game by watching someone else play it on YouTube.

    I now consider Uncharted 4 to possibly be my favorite PS4 exclusive. Blows my mind that a game that came out in 2016 and that I had already spoiled for myself still managed to be better than some of the more recent games I've played. And if that's what naughty dog was capable then, you can only imagine what we'll see in a 2020 naughty dog game.

    So I hope this helps anyone upset about the leaks. I had it spoiled for me too but I'm trying to remember my recent experience with uncharted 4 as a reminder that you still have to play things for yourself. ✌️

    Also, as awesome and as much of a surprise as the ending in The Last Of Us 1 was, the moments with David, Henry and Sam, Bill, and Tess were just as important and just as memorable. We've not seen ANYTHING as far as what TLOU2 will do in that regard so still... get hyped!

    TL;DR - There's A HUGE difference between watching something and playing it for yourself.

    submitted by /u/jtm529
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    If you saw someone who just got spoiled, do them a favour and lie.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 11:08 PM PDT

    If you see someone who just got spoiled in a reddit thread or something can you please drop something like:

    "bro I actually looked at the spoilers and what that guy just said is fake".

    Idk how morally right any of this is but I think it'll make everyone's day better. I'd rather discover I'd been lied to than go in the game knowing spoilers.

    Even if the spoiler is true, or even if you don't know the spoilers just dropping something like that could save someone's day.

    submitted by /u/cayendo-
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    Some snaps I took while playing the game. You can't deny those views!

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 08:19 AM PDT

    Part 2 is releasing on my birthday :)

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 12:46 PM PDT

    Nothing else to it. Im just so pumped. Best bday gift ever.

    submitted by /u/RazeXIX
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    (No Part II spoilers here) I think Winona Ryder would be really good as Tess in the Last of Us TV series

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    Casualty Count

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 11:28 PM PDT

    I thought that to know the reach of the spoilers we should conduct a poll about who has/hasn't been spoiled.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Ajgr333
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    I just want to say that I'm fucking sad

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 11:13 PM PDT

    The Last of us was the game that moved me the most in 24 years of life. The plot, the characters, the soundtrack, the ambience and the level of tension that the game gave me, made this game be the best ever my life, and now, while browsing Facebook, someone made a fake video of a fake news from Horizon Zero Down, and at 5 seconds of video it counts the biggest spoiler of the game. I can't understand where these people get pleasure In doing that. I'm fucking sad, I waited 8 years for this sequence, for this game. I'm really angry. fuck this motherfucker

    submitted by /u/raphhaelbatista
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    Until June 19th....

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 03:56 PM PDT

    ...do not even look up anything remotely resembling the game anywhere else on the internet. some fucking dumb websites are putting spoilers right in the title. be careful out there. thanks to the mods for making this sub the only safe place on the internet to hear tlou2 news.

    i won't name drop but you can find this website if you really want to. big spoilers are in the title. how fucking ignorant. be careful.

    submitted by /u/ShadowKnight333
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    I’m going to print this & read it everyday until June 19th....

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    I wonder if this is why ND was so worried about simultaneous release...

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 05:50 PM PDT

    I know a lot of us kinda rolled our eyes about that line of reasoning they were citing for the pushback, but now I kinda get it. Spoilers out of context suck no matter what, and especially for a game like this (one that's bound to stop on a lot of hearts) Well, if they were trying to protect us, I applaud their efforts, but oh, the irony...

    submitted by /u/OctavianSoup
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