• Breaking News

    Monday, April 27, 2020

    The Last of Us | ATTENTION: Very heavy spoilers have been leaked. Please utilize extreme caution.

    The Last of Us | ATTENTION: Very heavy spoilers have been leaked. Please utilize extreme caution.

    ATTENTION: Very heavy spoilers have been leaked. Please utilize extreme caution.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 12:59 PM PDT


    As of today, April 26, extremely spoiler-heavy leaks have been released on Youtube, which means they will inevitably end up on Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, etc. We strive to make this community as safe as possible for our users to browse and talk about the game without risking their future game experience. As many of you hopefully know, we have very strict rules regarding leaks, and will not approve any posts regarding the leaked content.

    Violations will result in a permanent ban, no matter if it was done maliciously or by mistake. This is your only warning: do NOT mention the contents of the leaks in a post or comment on this sub.

    We realize how harsh that is, but we absolutely will not tolerate anyone ruining the experience for other people. I sincerely believe we have one of the best communities on Reddit. You are all instrumental to fostering a welcoming environment for every member, regardless of how new to the game they are, and we could not be more appreciative and proud. Please help us continue by reporting any comments that violate the leak rule so that they may be removed faster.

    Again, thank you all for making our jobs easier in helping keep this sub better for all of us. Let's fight this together. Endure and survive!

    EDIT: If you would like to avoid spoilers on desktop, use the Spoiler Protection extension on Firefox or Chrome. Put in all the keywords you want to use, and it'll put a big colored box on the spoiler so you know not to click it. Please note that it only works on desktop, not mobile.

    Chrome link

    Firefox link

    u/DecomposingCorpse had a great recommendation to use the extension's settings to make the box color something unpleasant to look at (like highlighter yellow) so you will be more inclined to scroll past. Suggested keywords to add are The Last of Us, TLOU, Joel, Ellie, Jackson, Part II, Part 2, and any names of characters, places, or factions you already know from any officially released Part II content.

    Additionally, we also recommend going through your Youtube history and deleting anything related to Part II. This will prevent the algorithm from suggesting new videos that may further spoil things for you.

    submitted by /u/-anne-marie-
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    With how recent events have gone, they really do need to release the game digitally as soon as possible

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:49 PM PDT

    After what happened yesterday with all of the leaks, Sony/Naughty Dog need to go ahead and release the Part II as quickly as they possibly can. The spoilers are only going to get worse from here and people aren't gonna want to wait an indefinite period to avoid spoilers. And it would hopefully get a giant load off of the developer's shoulders, considering the leak was started by an employee over a pay dispute. I get that we're on a middle of a pandemic, and getting physical copies are hard to get out right now, but I'm pretty sure people who don't usually get digital games (myself included) would absolutely buy Part II day one if it released. Then once this whole pandemic dies down, then work on getting physical copies out, but right now, at this rate, everyone is gonna get spoiled if it's not released soon.

    submitted by /u/aa22hhhh
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    TLOU 2 melee animations recreated in Dreams

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    Some more Ellie cosplay <3

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 11:02 PM PDT

    Watch out - there are people inboxing spoilers on Reddit

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 12:22 AM PDT

    I received a message yesterday from master3786 containing several big spoilers from the leaks yesterday. The subject was deliberately inconspicuous 'Help with project' and the spoilers were written very concisely so no chance to avoid.

    I don't know how they knew I was a TLOU fan but I presume it was due to my posting history on this sub.

    Exercise extreme caution!

    submitted by /u/SuspiciousNebula
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    Quick vector Firefly poster

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:27 PM PDT

    Cordyceps on trees

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 06:07 PM PDT

    Me, waiting for quarartine to finally end...

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    Anybody else excited to see how beautiful lighting will be in this game?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:06 PM PDT

    Ever since I finished rdr2, I've been obsessed with gorgeous game lighting, after watching the first demo of tlou part 2, I can't help but stay excited hehehe

    submitted by /u/imsoowaavy
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    We can't discuss theories here anymore and be safe

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 12:48 AM PDT

    The same people who inbox spoilers might post their "theory" which is effectively a leak. We can't be sure that they are just theories and not the leaks. This is really messed up.

    submitted by /u/ilyalap
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    Drew Ellie’s tattoo on myself and it turned into a full blown cosplay oops

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:25 AM PDT


    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 05:29 PM PDT

    Part II release date?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 08:31 PM PDT

    I just finished the original game for the first time and now i'm doing my research for the sequel (I wanted to avoid spoilers) it says everywhere that the game is coming May 29th but i'm also seeing everywhere that the game is delayed, and i've also seen a February release date. So is the game delayed from February to May or was it already delayed to May and now we're not sure when it's dropping? just wanted answers since i couldn't find some anywhere, i'm keen for this game

    submitted by /u/hudholdich
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    Finally got around to playing The Last Of Us for the very first time!

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 06:19 PM PDT

    I want to start off by saying that this review is of my own opinion and that everyone is entitled to their own. I also want to state that the reason I have never played this game before is that I'm not typically a survival/horror game fan, I know the vast majority don't consider it a horror game but I still found it very unsettling and felt very uneasy during game play. I also want to state that I love each and every one of Naughty Dog's previous IP's from Crash Bandicoot to Uncharted but I was hesitant about this one. I was relatively young at it's time of release and some of the game play I had seen of my brother playing scared the shit out of me. The high school bloater, hotel basement, and David for example, it was then when I decided it just wasn't for me. 7 years later in quarantine, I finally decided to give it a try, still weary of what I had seen in the past but really wanting to give it a shot, I pushed all my preconceived notions aside and threw on some headphones to truly feel immersed in the world. After having just completed it a few hours ago I wanted to share some of my thoughts. The art style and the environments were just absolutely breath taking, they felt very reminiscent of the Jak and Daxter games to me, (I played the PS4 Remastered version if that makes a difference). I really enjoyed the diversity of the environments we saw as well during the different seasons. My personal favourite season was Winter, everything was just so bright and colourful and you could really see the contrast in the lighting. With this game being my first introduction to the survival genre I wasn't used to having to gather supplies and craft weapons and health kits but once I understood how everything worked I really enjoyed it. I especially enjoyed the sense of realism and helplessness when you realize how scarce the supply and ammo drops truly are always keeping you on edge and having to think ahead like "should I craft that now or will I need to craft this other thing later on?" I really liked the way new weapons were introduced and felt that they progressed well with the character and story. For example, when you find the Flame-thrower in the College and are able to just bulldoze your way through the bloaters without breaking a sweat. As far as the story goes, it is absolutely one of the best games I have ever played, absolutely amazing. As the story progressed and I was introduced to different people and new allies such as Henry and Sam, I instantly felt an emotional attachement to them and like I really cared about what happened to them and where the story was going to go next. Throughout every single cut scene I always felt some type of emotion, whether it would be sad, happy, angry, whatever the case, I truly felt connected to these characters and the story and that takes truly amazing storytelling and game play to accomplish, job well done Naughty Dog! Lastly, I wanted to talk about Ellie, after already knowing bits and pieces about the story and being on the internet over the past 7 years, I already knew how much of an important role she would play and how dearly beloved she and Joel are to everyone. However, nothing could have prepared me for the emotional roller coaster I had just experienced, from beginning to end I thoroughly enjoyed their relationship development. It felt very coherent and realistic, I understand that Joel would be hesitant at first after losing his daughter 20 years ago, and I understand that Ellie has had a tough upbringing and doesn't take to kindly to outsiders, but the father-daughter relationship I saw flourish throughout this game is outlandishly unmatched in any piece of media or entertainment I have experienced before, absolutely beautiful. Thank you Naughty Dog.

    Verdict: 9/10 - I think this game is a masterpiece as many if not all of you do as well, but nothings perfect. Can't wait to experience The Last of Us 2 and see where the story goes next. I'm kind of glad I waited this long to play it so I don't have to wait so long for the sequel, ahaha. Thanks for reading my review if you made it this far, I apologize for the length!

    submitted by /u/Theodore1117
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    Home Stretch

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 06:37 AM PDT

    Why Ellie Kissing Dina Isn’t Harmfully Infectious or a Plot Hole

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 11:47 PM PDT

    So I just finished my first official play through of "The Last of Us" and "Left Behind" (I say official because I had played about 10% of the game back on PS3, watching my brother play the rest of the game) and after multiple attempts to get a play through I have to say I really enjoyed it.

    Being fairly interested in the story, as well as excited for Part II, I had seen discussions in the past as to why Ellie kissing Dina is considered a "plot hole" (or that she'll be infected because of Ellie's saliva), and I honestly don't think either of those are correct.

    Near the end of TLoU, Marlene states "The doctors tell me that the cordyceps, the growth inside her, has somehow mutated. That's how she's immune."

    That sentence is key to understanding Ellie's invulnerability and also to how deadly it would be if she were to kiss or bite someone.

    The cordyceps in her system and brain aren't actively harmful anymore. They've mutated to become harmless due to some unknown factor. Any spores or future bites she'll sustain will mutate as well to become harmless.

    So does this mean she'll transfer cordyceps if she bites people or kisses them? Technically yes, but these cordyceps are no longer harmful. So likely Dina will be infected with these harmless cordyceps but they'll most likely not do anything (just as once they mutated they don't attack Ellie).

    Does this mean Ellie could never transfer harmful codyceps to others? No. We don't know how fast her body works at mutating the cordyceps. If she were to breathe in fresh spore or get a fresh bite she very well could transfer those to someone if she kissed or bit them.

    Lastly, since I know people will bring up David: A) Ellie isn't informed as to how her immunity works at this point, as well as it just likely being a bluff to escape David and James hold. B) We don't see any proof that the bite is affecting him negatively. He does experience paranoia and a sense of brashness near the end, but that could also be from outside factors (as well as placebo) given that most of his men are dying, he's in a burning building, and his obsession with Ellie.

    TLDR: if Dina is unaffected by the kiss she and Ellie share, it is not a plot hole because the cordyceps were mutated (as Marlene stated) to be harmless. It is not a plot hole.

    Sorry about my rambling thoughts, but after finishing the game I couldn't let this one go.

    submitted by /u/Hidan213
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    I bet this has been discussed previously, but I wonder if „Ish“ will make an appearance in Part II. What do you think?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    Not a hamsa like Dina's bracelet, but I got it as a gift from my aunt years ago and now it reminds me of Part II every time I look at it (in a good way)

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    "I don't think anyone from our group is gonna show up... worst part about it all. Explaining it to Sam."

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 12:14 PM PDT

    Trouble with the ending

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    I just finished The Last of Us for the first time yesterday and I don't know how to feel about the ending. Here me out: you travel across the whole country, fight and kill both infected and humans, Joel saves Ellie multiple times, Ellie saves Joel multiple times - all to reach the fireflies so they can use Ellie to find a cure. Then when you finally reach them and they want to use her to find a cure, you kill lots of them (including the surgeon) and Marlene so you can save Ellie. Then when she asks you for the truth you lie to her. I feel like Joel really took the bad route here. I admit, saving Ellie was an arguably understandable decision, but why lie to her when you're already back in Jackson? Also if you don't help them find some way for a cure, then what was the point of everything?

    I feel like the ending was the perfect example of the trolley problem (save one and kill many, or save many and kill one), and Joel chose to save one while killing the many. How did all of you feel when you finished the game? Do you agree with Joel's decision, or what would you have done differently?

    Also I don't know if this will come up in LOU2 because I haven't read anything about it.

    submitted by /u/big-booty-mood
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    My favourite duo!

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:50 AM PDT

    Is it too hard or do i just suck?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    As the title says, i'm strugglin. I've started this game not long ago, just killed the bloater in the high school. At this point i already have died 65 deaths. Every encounter with enemies i'm dying. Several times. To the point that beginning the encounter over and over again leaves me wanting to rush through and sacrificing the slow and stealthy approach that i actually like. I'm playing on hard and to be honest, i hate playing games on an easy mode. In comparison i played bloodborne and loved it, so trial and error isn't new to me. But in this game it's just frustrating, because its scripted and you spawn again in the same scenario. Is it later on rewarding to die so often? Or should i change the difficulty (with a loss of honour)? What were your first experiences?

    submitted by /u/dernamemussreichen
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    I thought I’d share a pic of my TLOU display

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    The flick knife is actually a comb. I live in the UK and couldn't buy a real flick knife! I made the keychain. The 'No Pun Intended' book was bought on Etsy from Alter Ego Productions and has all the jokes from the game. Such a wonderful addition.

    submitted by /u/Rapturerise
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