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    Saturday, April 25, 2020

    The Last of Us | One of my favorite photo mode captures. Cant wait to use it in Part 2.

    The Last of Us | One of my favorite photo mode captures. Cant wait to use it in Part 2.

    One of my favorite photo mode captures. Cant wait to use it in Part 2.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 04:00 PM PDT

    Artwork by me. Made on Procreate. Thanks for looking.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 08:58 AM PDT

    Made by me! Trailer here:) https://youtu.be/RWf-WbXgumw

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 05:29 PM PDT

    First Picture I've Ever Taken

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 10:36 PM PDT

    This is nice. Wish we'd get something like this for other games too.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 05:09 AM PDT

    Unused concepts/idea/locations from TLOU that may be used in Part 2.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 09:31 PM PDT

    In early development of Uncharted 2, Neil Druckmann once mentioned an idea about a character who is a mute girl. With gameplay mechanics and cutscenes, Drake (and the player) was to develop an increasing bond throughout the parts of the game. This idea did not make it into Uncharted 2 but instead went on to influence the genesis of TLOU. (along with other inspirations such as No Country for Old Men, The Turning,etc.)

    I mention this because unused idea in one game often gets incorporated into a subsequent project. So, it is very much possible that some of the gameplay designs, concepts, and locations that ended up being revised or removed entirely from the first game could have made it into Part 2. (For example, much more realistic A.I., dogs in combat, and so on.)

    Here are some of the ideas.

    Potential location: San Francisco

    In IGDA Toronto 2013 keynote presentation, Neil Druckmann revealed that the original draft of TLOU was supposed to end with Joel and Ellie arriving in San Francisco. They find remnants of functioning society there, and the game ends on a much more hopefully note. Of course, this plot was changed, but the concepts arts are there and it can be seen in the presentation. Presumably, large portion of Part 2 will take place in Seattle. Given that they are in the Pacific Northwest region, it isn't farfetched to speculate that they could journey to San Francisco at some point. (In the first game, they travelled all the way from Boston to Salt Lake City and then back to Jackson, Wyoming.)

    Character motivations: Pursuit of vengeance

    Another major revision to the draft of the first game is that Tess looses her brother while smuggling Ellie out of Boston with Joel (presumably to fault of Joel). Tess becomes fueled by vengeance and vows to avenge his death. Towards the end of the game, Joel is captured by Tess and her crew. Ellie escapes but returns to save Joel and ends up shooting Tess.

    We know that the themes of Part 2 revolve around hate, cost of justice and vengeance, cycle of violence. It is possible that a similar scenario may be implemented in Part 2. Whose death or suffering is driving Ellie? How will other characters be thrown into the plot? Will Ellie lose Joel? Will Tommy lose his wife, Maria? Or, will Joel lose his brother? What about Yara and Lev?

    I'm curious to hear your thoughts.

    There are no new information being released, and the only thing I can do is regurgitate on old information to speculate on Part 2..

    submitted by /u/thinkvrylittle
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    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 11:17 PM PDT

    [Self] Ellie Cosplay from The Last of Us by FrogKingRile

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 12:55 PM PDT

    I finally freaking got it you guys!

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    Did this Ellie drawing, not that good

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 06:49 PM PDT

    My latest playthrough took forever because I spent so much time in photo mode.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 04:06 PM PDT


    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 01:49 PM PDT

    Okay, now I'm starting to get angry.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 06:15 PM PDT

    What is it, like 25 days since the delay was announced? I'm not angry now because of the delay in itself, but I am angry that Sony is basically ghosting the entire TLOU fanbase. I know I'm gonna be attacked by the corporate apologists because of this, but at this point, not giving us any information at this point is downright asshole behavior.

    submitted by /u/casselhag
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    Just finished grounded mode

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 10:39 PM PDT

    Do you think we will have any news on Part 2 next week?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 11:25 PM PDT

    It's the end of the month. The game is supposed to go gold and do you think we'll get new info?

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    submitted by /u/ilyalap
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    "All this music that's just sitting here."

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 01:13 PM PDT

    What is the scariest infection stage?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 12:10 PM PDT

    For me, it's gotta be stalkers. When you pick up that key card and there is one behind you.... urgh, that still fills me with fear.

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    submitted by /u/iBravoTango
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    Mystery Woman theories

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 02:58 PM PDT

    I know everyone is super bummed about the delay and we are all anxiously awaiting news so I thought maybe we could discuss everyone's Mystery Woman theories.

    I always thought it was going to be Anna, Ellie's mother and her scenes in the game would be in the past maybe sometime before Ellie was born. But after watching the trailer a few more times and discussing with some of you I have sorta left that theory behind. The area they are in is very overgrown and I don't think that would happen just a few years after the collapse of society. That plus the fact there is a clicker seems to point it is closer to "present" day in the TLOU universe or at least closer to the beginning of Part I (when Joel wakes up) than the outbreak.

    What if MW is Katt, Ellie's ex-girlfriend? ND posted that tweet awhile back that had 4 blank spaces when teasing the characters name. I don't think we have seen the spelling of her name from anything official but i have definitely known people named Katt that spell it that way.

    Could Katt have some ties to Seattle? Maybe she left Jackson after her and Ellie broke up, or maybe they broke up because she needed to leave Jackson and go home for whatever reason. Or maybe she is from there and those scenes are in the past but only a few years. Katt could have told Ellie about a hospital or some important group located in Seattle and after whatever happens in Jackson she needs to head across the country to track them down.

    There are so many possibilities! Anybody else have any interesting theories about MW and her ties to Ellie?

    submitted by /u/ScrapinLinden
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    I'm not very good at art but I try.. And sketching is still hard for me (I'm pretty young). This is my sketch of Ellie. :)

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 09:51 AM PDT

    Never played this game on PS3 but I always wandered what the fuss was about and the new fuss about Part 2 and decided to purchase a PS Now membership. This is one of the most beautiful games I have ever expierenced and I see why this game is iconic. One of my new favourite games of all time.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 02:39 PM PDT

    I need help finding something

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 11:51 PM PDT

    So a while back I found a TLOU edit on Instagram. I can't find it now and I don't rememberers lot of it. What I do remember, however, is it was an edit of Joel and Ellie fighting and would switch back and forth between them during different punches and stuff. It would switch from Joel to Ellie in TLOU2 and then back to Joel again. I know it's not a lot to go on, but people seem to work miracles sometimes on the internet haha. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/SomeFatGuy152
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    Made a Trailer with one of my favorite song (Oats in the Water - Ben Howard)

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 05:37 PM PDT

    Would you have helped the family at the beginning of the game?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 12:12 AM PDT

    If you were in Joel's position, would you have helped that family or would you have also told Tommy to keep driving?

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    submitted by /u/JAS0NL3GACY
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    It may be Sony’s call to delay, but ND has been disconnected from the fans for a while now and lately has been tweeting things like this to top it off. ND has not handled things well this whole process.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 06:07 PM PDT

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