• Breaking News

    Thursday, April 30, 2020

    The Last of Us | Just saw this on r/reddeadredemption, it made me chuckle and I hope it does the same for you all.

    The Last of Us | Just saw this on r/reddeadredemption, it made me chuckle and I hope it does the same for you all.

    Just saw this on r/reddeadredemption, it made me chuckle and I hope it does the same for you all.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    Ohh Cory... we love you man! (Director of God of War 4)

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    No reason to trust Naughty Dog

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 12:19 AM PDT

    A forbidden giraffe to remind myself that ND gave us this unforgettable gaming moment inside one of the most beautiful games ever created and maybe they earned some trust that they know how to make a good game.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 06:31 AM PDT

    He did it!! Ant got the 2:49!!

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 04:20 PM PDT

    Thanks to the mods, this is probably the only truly safe place for the next 50 days

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 01:55 PM PDT

    That's it. That's the post. Thank you so much, mods, for allowing us to have one safe place on the net where we don't need to worry about being spoiled. It's like a minefield out there, with spoilers being discussed in places I would have never imagined - like today's AC reveal. The leaker has pretty much made sure that I won't be opening any gaming-related website for the better part of the next two months, so having a safe place here is all the more appreciated. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Byzon1
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    Another reason to still look forward to the game even if you’ve been spoiled(like myself). Very exited to see what he means by this

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 05:53 PM PDT

    I miss the pre-spoiler world when all we argued about was who would play who in the HBO series. Let’s do that again.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 04:26 PM PDT

    I’m still getting the game.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 01:27 PM PDT

    I don't care about the fucking spoilers or whether or not people are pissing and moaning saying it's a "shit game" now. I've been waiting 7 goddamn years for this fucking game to come out, so I'm still buying it. I'm not gonna let a bunch of pissy-sissies ruin it for me.

    submitted by /u/Martial_artist92
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    We owe to Neil Druckmann and ND to see how the game turns out before we judge.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 08:33 PM PDT

    So first of all thanks for the mods, they're doing God's work.

    Now to the important, Nobody knows this characters better than Neil, he created them, he wrote their dialogue, all the things you love about Ellie and Joel came from his mind so I can't be more exited to see where he will take them in the sequel, I read the spoilers and, although sounds crazy, it all sound in character and true to the world they created. And I don't know about you guys but I'm in for a game that doesn't wants to play it safe, and I don't think this is a case of subverting expectetions for the sake of it, there's clearly a message they want to convey, and they said it time after time, this is a story about revenge, they been preparing for us guys this last few years.

    And lastly if they want to do that, it's their fucking right, its their story, they're his characters and they're his property. So be grateful that we made a bond with them in the first place, I see a lot of hate going to Neil in the las few hours and I can't believe it, he made one of the best games of all time, his probably the best writer in the industry, he knows a lot more about storytelling than this fucking trolls, and If you don't like the game for its writing at the end that's your problem, it isn't ND or Neil fault, they did what they think it was best for their story and I fucking applaude a studio who doesn't want to play it safe for once.

    submitted by /u/llewyndavispvn
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    why the spoilers make the game sound so much worse than it actually is (only tlou 1 spoilers)

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 09:57 PM PDT

    sadly, a few plot points have been spoiled for me, they all seem very important which is messed up. i was really trying to avoid spoilers but i stumbled across a thread in a different sub and some idiot didnt put a spoiler tag or whatever on his comment. i dont know, im angry, confused, and honestly a little sad that i got spoiled.

    i really wanted to go into this game blind and have it be full of mystery but i also am kind of more hyped, since everything is so out of context, so it kind of leaves open for me "well how tf did we get there" or "how did that happen" etc, which its kind of fun to theorize about. but ultimately, i wish i had not been spoiled.

    i've seen people complaining seeing that the game seems bad based off the info we have, but after ALOT of thinking i dont think so.

    say TLOU1 got spoiled like this

    • Tess sacrifices herself to save ellie and joel

    • Ellie is immune to the virus

    • Joel saves ellie from being killed by fireflies trying to get the cure

    wouldnt that game sound... one dimensional? its so out of context that it doesn't even make sense.

    like it sounds boring, bland, etc? but tlou is actually an amazing game, some plot points may not seem that amazing on paper, but a good story can sound bad and a bad story can sound good depending on how the story is told, how good stories are all just depend on who tells them. so we just have to trust in ND's story telling to give us an amazing story and game. they have done it time and time again.

    all i want to say is, if you aren't planning on buying TLOU2 because of this, then you are making a stupid choice, have faith in ND's work.

    also, to those guys messaging people spoilers:

    why? why do you want to take someones enjoyment out of something they love? why do you want to ruin someone's day?

    its pathetic that you find it funny or take enjoyment from doing that to someone, really shows how powerless and insecure you are in your actual life so you resort to messing with people online to give you that satisfaction of having "power" or "control" over other people. when in reality, your life is spiraling out of control so you do this to make yourself feel better about it.

    and if anyone messages me ( someone is bound to since its happening to other people) the entire story of the game, i wont care. it just proves that you are pathetic as hell, and you need to do crappy stuff to other people because you have been mistreated your entire life by those around you.

    like "ha! i just ruined a amazing game for someone. wow that was fun! time to ruin more peoples days!" like honestly wtf is wrong with you?

    endure and survive guys, endure and survive! we can do this, 49 days boys! lets gooooo!

    submitted by /u/foreva-lonely
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    Druckmann’s statement.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 04:20 PM PDT

    Something caught my attention while reading his statement from after the game leaked. Neil said 'it's disappointing to see the release and sharing of pre-release footage from development.'

    I wonder how old the build was that got leaked? I wonder how much has changed since that point in development? I know people can't respond to this but I just thought it was an interesting thing to point of.

    On a side note, I got spoiled big time, but if anything it's made me even more excited to get answers! Can not wait for this game! Chins up people! 49 to go!

    submitted by /u/Artie-Fufkin
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    Naughty dog has never slipped up.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    Not even once. Their games are consistently excellent, with great narrative. Suddenly people think the game they worked hardest on and are most proud of is gonna be shit? People are idiotic.

    submitted by /u/VerminSC
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    Under 50 days to go! We can do this fam.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 04:05 PM PDT

    My first time playing this game...truly incredible already. Definitely lives up to the hype.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 06:01 PM PDT

    The Last of Us Part II will require a minimum of 100 GB of storage

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    People hating on Naughty Dog and cancelling their pre-orders just don’t get it.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 11:57 PM PDT

    Reading plot points that are out of context and judging the entire game and devaluing a decade (almost) of hard work of the developers is just really stupid. You just don't get it.

    The storytellers need to tell their story and games are an incredible medium for a story to be told. It can't be spoiled by a few plot points. And as Naughty Dog stated, no matter what you read, the final experience will be hopefully worth it.

    My advice to the haters: at least let the game come out, let the reviews come in before you make your decision to buy or not buy the game.

    submitted by /u/reva_r
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    This is a tribute to the mods of this sub! They are enduring the spoilers so we can survive and we should all appreciate that

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:22 PM PDT

    This guy infuriates me. He's going off about the trailer stuff where Ellie is portrayed as pretty gay and he says it's SJW propaganda. Is he not aware Ellie always was gay?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    To The Community

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 08:15 PM PDT

    to all the people in TLOU Community who are still loyal and avoiding spoilers until Part 2 comes out, I salute to you. We are in this together.

    submitted by /u/obriannakenobi
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    I saw them

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 04:53 PM PDT

    And I've lost no hype. I was late on the first game by several years, yet fell in love with this world. By no means would I say the game was predictable, but the ending of part 1 was in no way unprecedented. It was all about the experience. I think that's true about all of ND's releases. The important part is the story.

    You all know that Frodo got the ring to Mt.Doom, don't you want to see how he did it??

    submitted by /u/DarmokInWinter
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    Got myself a poster in anticipation of TLOU2, I'M STILL SUPER EXCITED FOR IT!! June 19th can't come soon enough!!

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    I didn't like the spoilers at first but strangely, I'm kinda excited now (no spoilers)

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 01:55 PM PDT

    When I first read the leaks I was in disbelief. I was really fuming at what I had read and thought this wasn't going to be good. Now that I've had some time to think about it, I'm actually extremely excited to see if they pull off such a monumental task. Maybe I'm just in denial and don't want to call a spade a spade because I've been looking forward to this more than anything for so long, but right now I'm still excited.

    Many have said that their hype and anticipation has died, but for me it's just been altered. Before all this I was pumped to know what would happen to certain characters and that was it. Now I care about the stuff in between the big moments SO MUCH more. The outrage that has come from all of this really makes me curious as to if Naughty Dog can prove how brilliant of storytellers they are and execute this properly.

    Kinda weird lol. Just thought I'd share.

    submitted by /u/jtm529
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    If I’m going to be honest, I’m still buying this game

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 09:47 PM PDT

    After seeing those leaks, my hype for the game may have gone down but despite all that, I truly think this will be fun either way.

    I waited for this game for a couple of years and I just can't let something this drastic be the major turn off for me. The gameplay looks fantastic and runs smoothly! It looks better than the first game from a technical perspective.

    So for that, I'm going to play the game and see how it is from my point of view. I need to experience it. I need to understand why certain characters did certain actions. It's all about getting the context first and if it was enough for those characters to do what they did.

    Even if I don't agree with what I've seen, it won't be enough for me to disregard this game.

    submitted by /u/RedHotGamer87
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    A good technique I have to potentially forget spoilers(no spoilers)

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 11:59 PM PDT

    I have a pretty decent technique that I use whenever I get something spoiled that just sticks with me.

    It's pretty simple. When you first get spoiled, do not try to forget it, but just accept it. Accept that it happened and you read it. If you try to forget it, you'll start thinking about it more, so don't do that, accepting it will release the emotions you have for the spoiler. After you manage to accept it, then start depriving your brain of any material related to it(in this case avoid any the last of Us news or subreddit until the game gets released).

    What this does essentially is that once you deprive yourself of any information, there's a chance that you completely forget about the game itself for some time, and when you forget about something for a long period of time, your brain completely throws out information that you had previously known, but in order for this to work, you have to avoid the game's name or anything related to it, because if you don't all you're doing is just reminding yourself of the spoiler you read.

    Accept, then deprive.

    This method worked for Star Wars, endgame, and Uncharted 4 for me. I literally completely forgot all of those spoilers until the actual part happened when I was watching/playing it. Hopefully this method works for you as well.

    submitted by /u/1__AJ__1
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