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    The Last of Us | Highway Exit

    The Last of Us | Highway Exit

    Highway Exit

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 02:03 PM PST

    Notes from the Left Behind stream

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 06:27 AM PST

    I noted some information shared during the recent Left Behind stream.

    • The use of two malls in Left Behind was partly due to the production advantages from reusing assets etc.
    • Ellie and Riley's story was the only serious contender for a DLC. There was an idea to do something about Joel and Tommy but it never went anywhere.
    • The developers were mindful that most DLCs take place away from the main game's story. They wanted to break with that convention for Left Behind and weave the story into the main narrative.
    • Left Behind release was delayed because they didn't feel the ending was strong enough so they took another month to add the chase sequence. The original ending showed the clicker ambush during the dancing scene then returned to after they were both bitten.
    • Ellie acquired her palm tree t-shirt from the department store she and Riley have their water gun fight in. It can be seen hanging in the background. Coincidentally, the last time we see this t-shirt is in the 'present day' part of the DLC where she uses it to dress Joel's wound.
    • The idea for Left Behind came after the comic book was published, and Riley's closing lines to Ellie were inspired by the comic.
    • Neil mentioned how he has gotten used to having a dodge button from playing Part II and he misses it when he plays the original games.
    • The bow and arrow statue shown in the present day mall can be found as a little statuette in Uncharted 4.
    • For legal reasons all of the businesses shown in the games are fictional, and a lot of them are references to Naughty Dog artists or their friends/family.
    • Ashley Johnson recently finished replaying through TLOU 1 as a refresher.
    • Neil and Ashley had a lunch where they discussed the story for Part II and Left Behind, indicating that the early development of the sequel was happening several years ago. By the time Left Behind was being developed they knew they would be making a sequel to the main game starring Ellie.
    • Chelsea Tavares auditioned for the role of Riley but lost out to Yani King. Chelsea has been cast in Part II in an unspecified role.
    • One of Ashley's favourite scenes to film in Left Behind was the kiss between Riley and Ellie, partly because it was fun to do the awkward teen dancing.
    • Neil was nervous to film the kiss scene and was asking whether they needed to clear the room to film it.
    • The story of Riley and Ellie exploring the abandoned mall is a metaphor for skipping school.
    • The character of Winston had died by the time of the Left Behind story. This was done because there wasn't time to write and cast the role.
    • The horse was added in the comic to explain how Ellie knows how to ride horses in Part I.
    • Neil joked that Left Behind features a wolf mask and "maybe that will have significance later".
    • They couldn't get the license to use Magic 8 Ball so they created their own - Skeleseer.
    • The brick throwing contest was inspired by Neil's childhood where he and his friends did a little vandalism.
    • Ashley and Neil both commented on how Ellie is very different by the end of Part II from how she was in Part I and Left Behind. The character has evolved a lot.
    • Several parts of Left Behind were re-shot to include a few hints at the chemistry between Ellie and Riley so the kiss scene wouldn't feel like it came out of nowhere.
    • The story of the helicopter crew deliberately paralleled Ellie's story in that they were both about somebody being sick and their friends trying to save them. The developers also wanted to show that it was possible to save a person's life if you amputated an infected limb soon enough.
    • Neil referenced a Reddit post about how Ellie says something at the end that she learned from Joel earlier on. The users were crediting Naughty Dog with great storytelling for making this reference but it was accidentally the result of "bad writing" by Neil.
    • The last scene shot in The Last of Us was a fail state where Ellie catches on fire.
    • There is a bug in Left Behind where throwing a brick at a Clicker sometimes doesn't work.
    • Troy wasn't present for the production of Left Behind and Joel's audio was taken from the original game.
    • Ashley mentioned she wished you could still move when playing a recording, which Neil seemed to agree with.
    • The carousel was included to show that even in a harsh world there could be moments of pure innocence.
    • When Ellie is reading jokes to Riley it was the first time the actors had heard them. Their responses were genuine.
    • The photo booth sequence too a long time to get right.
    • The arcade game was included as a response to the hostility for QTEs that existed at the time. They wanted to make a really awesome QTE.
    • Ellie imagines herself playing one of the broken arcade racing games. Afterwards she comments that a game about shooting race cars is stupid. Neil included this as a reference to Jak X, which he found to be challenging to make. The player can get a trophy called Nobody's Perfect.
    • They were going to put a PS4 on a shelf during the water gun fight but Sony asked them not to because it hadn't been properly released yet.
    • Neil has considered telling other stories in TLOU world and following other characters.
    • Neil suggested using a rock song for Ellie and Riley to dance to but Bruce Straley favoured the one that they ended up using, which Neil also liked.
    • Music plays a much bigger role in Part II.
    • When thinking about music for the Part II reveal trailer they first looked at Johnny Cash music. This lead to the discovery that Shawn James has covered Cash's music and they eventually decided to go with an original Shawn James track which fit the trailer well.
    • The music is usually a folksy theme in keeping with the Americana tone of the TLOU franchise.
    • There is a scene in Part II where Troy Baker put his thumb on his pants. When the developers reviewed the motion capture data and noticed this they had to change the character design because it meant Joel's shirt would have to be tucked in.
    • The credits at the end of Left Behind are shown as cards rather than scrolling because it compresses better and takes less storage space.
    submitted by /u/SuspiciousNebula
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    oh my god today we would all be playing The Last of Us Part II had it not been delayed‬

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 07:23 PM PST

    tell me that Neil and Ashley streaming Left Behind over at the Naughty Dog channel + Troy and Nolan just finishing the definitive playthrough over at Retro Replay isn't just a coincidence‬

    submitted by /u/andreigarfield
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    [Finished Product] Sculpture of me as a Clicker

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 11:35 AM PST

    With all the humans in Part II having names, I'm really looking forward to finding the individual that shares mine.

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 03:31 PM PST

    Maybe we ought to compile a list? Might take some time if they don't use each others' names until one of them is killed and they go investigate/discover the body.

    submitted by /u/MischaLives
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    Sketch of Ellie

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 10:27 PM PST

    Theory for The Last of Us Part II

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 09:47 PM PST

    I apologize for this being so long.

    So ever since the trailers we have seen so far. The looming question has been "is Joel dead and/or will he die?"

    My theory: Dina gets killed and that's what sets her on this path of revenge, little does she know that group of people she is trying to kill are similar to the hunters like in the first game, except this group is more cult/religious driven making sacrifices to some god or to prove their worth to their leader. As we play the game we (the player) will only be playing and seeing Ellie through about 10-15% of the game and that's when Joel makes his appearance in the game just like we saw in the trailers implying that he is still alive. Then Joel joins the fight helping us on our path. What if as we play through the game we learn that Ellie was never immune to the cordyceps parasite but that it affected her at a way way way slower rate, with the rate of her turning only sped up in instances like breathing in cordyceps do to being over confident that she won't turn. What if at the end she makes it back to Tommy's place and she walks in with Joel and they are both telling Tommy of everything they went through. We then see Tommy's face slowly getting angrier and angrier and tears start to form he yells "stop, he's not there stop pretending like he is, listen Ellie it hurts like hell that he's gone but you got to accept that. " Ellie looks confused not knowing what Tommy is freaking out. Camera then pans behind and over the shoulder of Tommy and we (the player) see that Joel is not there. Tommy yelling at Ellie makes Ellie look again and Joel is not there. Ellie starts to have a panic attack and focuses on her memories of everything she and Joel did and can clearly see that Joel was never there. She then has the memory of when Joel got killed, it's the scene from the trailer when Ellie is being pinned down and she is begging not to do it. The trailer leads us to believe that its Dina or some other that Joel getting killed. That fact that through out the whole game of The Last of Us Part 2 that we interacted with Joel, heard his voice, felt him was just the cordyceps finally affecting Ellie's brain coupled Ellie blocking out the painful memory of Joel's death.

    submitted by /u/Rileymaggot666
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    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 05:53 PM PST

    I had an idea for a fan made TLOU2 trailer, and I think it turned out pretty well!

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 02:26 PM PST

    So these are a thing

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 08:19 PM PST

    98 more days until we get heartbroken again (Cius Chung)

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 03:58 AM PST

    I Saw this and I just had to get it

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 06:09 PM PST

    Found a stubbin Ellie tonight,didn't even know they made these

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 07:40 PM PST

    I have a theory.... (in the comments)

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 11:13 AM PST

    Fanmade Launch Trailer to MAINTAIN HYPE! I've had this is in the works for a bit now (hence the release date), to be honest, I posted this a similar trailer a few months ago but received fair criticisms about its quality. So I did an overhaul and I hope you enjoy!

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 05:12 PM PST

    First time I've seen this...

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 10:31 PM PST

    Picked up a couple of badges for my bag today

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 11:12 AM PST

    Ellie Edition Pre order from Best Buy delayed

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 10:04 PM PST

    I got an email about my Ellie edition pre order from Best Buy stating that it was delayed. It also stated that if the order isn't available to ship by MARCH 21,2020 I'll be notified and it will be cancelled.

    The obvious problem here is the Game isn't expected to be released until MAY 29,2020. I spoke to customer service and was told they have the release date as 3/21/2020

    Anybody else gotten an email like this recently? Or have any insight into what this could mean?

    submitted by /u/Dexter_White94
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    This is very early-Alpha Gameplay for „Endure and Survive“, an atmospheric Horror-Game made by me in Dreams. Enjoy!

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 01:13 PM PST

    Do you think (not distributing) but creating a cure would be possible

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 08:28 PM PST

    We have 0 idea how many scientists there are, we know 2 likely nurses and 1 surgeon

    submitted by /u/lunarslio
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    How did I get destroyed, that's practically a tie!

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 04:06 AM PST

    Run this town

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 07:52 AM PST

    Crazy to think that the game would’ve released today if not for the delay...

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 03:19 PM PST

    What are you guys gonna do today knowing that you could have played the game today if not for the delay? Watch some trailers? Interviews? Or just try to forget about it? Man, to think it could have been in our hand now...

    submitted by /u/Nolofinwe_Curufinwe
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