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    Monday, February 3, 2020

    The Last of Us | The Art of The Last of Us Part II Standard Edition (27.99 - 30% off) on Amazon

    The Last of Us | The Art of The Last of Us Part II Standard Edition (27.99 - 30% off) on Amazon

    The Art of The Last of Us Part II Standard Edition (27.99 - 30% off) on Amazon

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 10:23 AM PST

    Took a photo at a botanical garden and slapped the logo on it cause I thought it’d fit the vibe. Thoughts?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 02:42 PM PST

    The decision

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 03:58 AM PST

    I’m watching Lionheart and was losing my mind trying to place Jean Claude’s daughter. Ellie’s first role?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 08:41 PM PST

    Looks to be the same bridge. I cant wait to revisit places like this in part II!

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 09:30 PM PST

    Who’s taking the day off from work when it finally releases?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 07:43 PM PST

    I have legitimately never done this for any other game in my life, but this game will be like a special event for me (as sad as that sounds).

    On a side note, we need a countdown clock on here.

    submitted by /u/UnluckyObserver15
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    This scene from the art book is freaking terrifying. Do we think that’s Dina on the left?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 05:32 PM PST

    My GF turned Tess and Joel into Prof. Quirrell and Voldemort

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 08:03 PM PST

    Any Help Needed Finding Supplies?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 08:01 PM PST

    I guess this is a spoiler (not story wise though for new players) I've played this game many times over many moons, easily amongst top five games. That being said, I've played every difficulty, multiple times in fact. I know the spawn points of just about every item from easy to grounded. Even on grounded I've been surprised by what can be found. Long story short, if you're stuck in an area, and need a guide to supplies, I got your back. And if anyone would like me to post a full length item chart (not including story based items and convos, just supplement, healing supplies, gears etc.) I will!! Thanks for listening

    TLDR: if you're near death in survivor/grounded....you'd be surprised at what you can find. I just wanna help because I'm a huge fan of the game! :)

    submitted by /u/jewelsies99
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    Grounded for Newbies or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Brick

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 10:52 PM PST

    Disclaimer; I am not an Old Head. I've recently beaten the game on Hard/Grounded and am now working on Grounded+ Some people will suggest Grounded is the ideal way to play the game as it's the most 'realistic' and you'll have the biggest sense of reward. While the reward is great and I generally agree with this sentiment of it being the truest experience, I would HIGHLY sugggest at least beating the game once on Hard or lower before attempting Grounded. Not for any ridiculous 'YOU CANT HANDLE IT REASONS', you can and will be able to grind through it, just do it once before to enjoy the story stress free BECAUSE...

    Grounded is the Dark Souls of Last of Us. Meaning you will die often and are meant to. Repeatedly. This can seriously disrupt the flow of the story and for the sake of enjoyment and respect for what Naughty Dog has done, go through it once on Hard or lower. Seriously.

    With that out of the way and ready to tackle Grounded...prepare to die. Be prepared to experiment. Then be prepared to die again. One of the harshest features of Grounded are the fewer checkpoints, meaning certain instances play more like a delicate puzzle game than a survival horror. You will become intimately familiar with enemy patterns and sound ranges in multiple areas. I recommend saving your ammo for humans as it's easier to brute force living than infected. The exterior high school (just runners), Suburb sniper section and Pittsburgh Ellie rifle segment being the worst in my personal opinion.

    This is a stealth game first, but you need to learn a very specific kind of aggressive. The kind of aggressive you can only achieve with an all purpose brick. In the interest of saving ammo, you should always be scoping out a brick. What can this thing do? Hold L2 without throwing and just move...you'll be virtually undetectable to clickers. Seriously, try it out. You can skip entire sections of the game, such as the sewers with Sam or the university dorms just by using this method.

    Throw a brick at a person or runner and you can run up for an easy grab takedown. If you sneak up on a clicker, you can bash square three times to take it out right there. Wait for your AI partner to get grabbed by a clicker, then hit them with a running brick for the knockout.

    Bricks are the most versatile tool in the game and you should use them constantly. You need to love the brick and seek them out.

    Some random general notes:

    •It is possible to get all conversations, artifacts, comics and shiv doors in one run, even on Grounded.

    •When possible let your friendly AI kill enemies or get grappled by enemies so you can take them down easily.

    •Use molotovs on Bloaters.

    •There is the same amount of scrap and supplement in Grounded as other modes.

    •Save your max health upgrades until you need a heal, purchasing one restores you to full health.

    •Tap R2 to throw your bottle/brick at an enemy when the reticle is green.

    •You are faster than any enemy in the game when running in a straight line. If you can avoid getting grabbed from the side you will outrun anything.

    DO try to juke the enemy out, especially with infected, your superior mobility is an asset. Do not be afraid to get one kill and then run, hide, reset.

    •The game will never let you be completely out of ammo before/during a big fight. This does not mean infinite ammo, it just means the odds of ammo dropping/spawning increase as you use it more. I have not experienced it myself but I've heard reports of ammo spawning behind players back during the David defense segment if they run out.

    •Never craft health packs. You die in one/two hits anyways, just use the resources for Molotovs which are invaluable at killing multiple infected in situations like the the door defense with Henry, or during the Dam attack.

    •Sometimes you can just stealth or run past entire sections. Just do it. Give it a try. Worst case scenario you just die and start again which is part the course for Grounded.

    Use these links to get the collectible, conversation and shiv door trophies:




    Be patient. Grounded is a grind, a satisfying one but still a grind. Learn AI patterns. Endure. Survive.

    submitted by /u/Raptor2016
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    My attempt at drawing Ellie

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 01:39 PM PST

    Playing for the first time

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 05:53 AM PST

    I've done a disservice to myself. This game is absolutely amazing, a masterpiece and something I'll never forget.

    submitted by /u/Theinquisitor18
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    Fuck grounded man.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 09:50 PM PST

    Started my first grounded playthrough a couple days ago. First couple missions weren't too bad, I was like wtf were people complaining about. It started getting hard in the part where Ellie starts helping out. I was a cocky little shit. Death after death. Screw the sniper area. I swear that guy can spot the corner of my fuckin foot. Yes this mode is realistic, but it just makes me much more aware of how unrealistic it is for Joel to survive any of this shit. That part where Ellie and Sam are unlocking the door, I was saved by a cinematic even though the infected had already got me.

    submitted by /u/PaperSpartan42
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    The Last Of Us if it was a Red Dead Redemption loading screen

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 09:58 AM PST

    Chances of Dina being a spy or a daughter of someone from the FireFlies?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 07:23 PM PST

    I saw some interesting theories surrounding Dina, now I can't get it out of my head. What if Dina is a spy, getting information on the community, then that demo we saw was actually a trap for Ellie and possibly Joel? Granted at first I thought nah, then things started to click in my head about small possibilities of it being true.

    Here's one I thought of recently, what if she was a daughter of a FireFly? Remember in the ending of the Last Of Us, Joel didn't kill all of them, he ran carrying Ellie to the Elevator.

    Overall looking forward to this game, and hoping it's a longer story than the first!

    submitted by /u/UnderRatedLoner
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    My need for Part 2 has officially hit DEFCON 5 status. I’m now having dreams about the game.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 07:10 AM PST

    Edit: I have been corrected with my DEFCON status. I meant to put DEFCON 1, not 5. Me dumb.

    Last night I had a dream that was kind of about the game. I don't remember exactly what was even happening, but before I woke up Ellie was in the dream and I was watching what was happening and not actually in the dream myself. Haven't dreamt about a game I'm waiting to release in quite a long time. I think the last time was for GTA V lol.

    This game needs to come out ASAP, my brain is officially starting to lose it.

    submitted by /u/Rossenaut
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    [SPOILERS], obviously — my friend, u/UltraMiner245, just sent me the ENTIRE GAME PLOT transcribed into one text message and I thought to share it here — I don’t know if he posted it himself before so if this is a repost please remove.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 05:55 PM PST

    TLOU plot

    Ophicordyceps Utilaterus mutates and infects humans

    You follow a broken man who lost his young daughter on day 1 to a soldier

    20 years later you get hired by the leader of a resistance group fighting the oppressive military to smuggle a 14 year old girl to another group of the rebels because she is immune and can create a cure

    Being with the girl brings up memories of your late daughter and you want to get there as quickly as possible before you get attached to her as well

    You find the group all dead, and then realize that your smuggling partner has been bitten and is going to turn into a mushroom zombie

    Her final request is to take the girl to your brother, who used to be a member of the group

    She holds off some soldiers who arrive while you escape with the girl

    You call in a favor from an old friend who "gives" you a car after a bit of "convincing"

    You then drive to Pittsburgh where you encounter hostile people who run the place

    In your escape, you find 2 other survivors who are also trying to leave

    You both make it out alive, only for one of the others to turn from a bite, and his brother killing himself

    Fast forward 3 months later

    You now arrive with the girl in Wyoming, where your brother lives

    You both found new clothes on the way, the girl in a pink, white, and brown windbreaker and you in a darker brown flannel (you absolutely adore flannels for some reason)

    You arrive to his community and after initial hostilities, meet him

    You convince him to take the girl to where he remembers his group being located at

    The girl runs off and you and your brother go try to find her

    You find her, and after a heated argument, you relent and continue the journey yourself

    You arrive at the old university where they are said to be located

    The building is abandoned and you find a recording from the last member stating that they moved to a hospital in Salt Lake

    You encounter a cannibalistic group and get impaled on a piece of rebar

    The girl saved your life after you pass out and continues to care for you when you are unconscious for a couple months

    Fast forward 3 months later

    She finds and kills a deer before meeting the leader of the cannibal group (though she doesn't know that)

    She agrees to trade the deer for medicine to heal you

    She and the leader fight off waves of infected before his friend returns with medicine

    She makes the trade, but not before he reveals himself as the leader

    She returns "home" and heals you

    She realizes the next morning that the cannibals tracked her, and she attempts to lead them away, semi-successfully before being kidnapped by the leader

    She wakes up the next morning in a cage underground, noticing them cutting up a body for consumption

    The leader arrives with food that he swears is the deer that she traded him

    He also reveals himself as a hebephile, attempting to seduce her

    She breaks his finger and tries unsuccessfully to steal the key ring he has

    He bashed her face against the barred door 3 times before tending to his finger

    You wake up and realize that she is gone, and after a bit of groaning gain your strength back and set out to find her

    You drag back 2 cannibals group members and torture them for information

    The girl wakes up to the leader and his friend dragging her onto the chopping table, about to dismember her alive

    She reveals that she is infected, which distracts them long enough for her to kill the friend and escape, grabbing her switchblade from a shelf in the process

    She managed to flee to an abandoned steakhouse, but as she is about to leave, the leader comes in

    He draws a gun and attempts to shoot her but they struggle instead and knock over a candle, setting the building on fire

    While he is momentarily distracted, she manages to flee behind one of the seats

    They fight each other for a while, him drawing his machete along with his gun

    The girl, only having a switchblade, sneaks up behind him 3 times and stabs him once for each of those times

    She gets flipped over his head and is knocked unconscious, along with him from the pain/blood loss

    You leave the house and move towards the building that you tortured out of the cannibals, killing more of them in the process

    You find her backpack along with some other people's stuff, suggesting that they have been here a long time

    You also find corpses strung up on the roof

    Seeing that she is not there, you make your way around the town, killing more cannibals and eventually finding the burning steakhouse

    The girl wakes up and struggles to get up, eventually relenting to crawl

    She sees the leader's machete and starts making her way over

    The leader wakes up and kicks her in the upper stomach, knocking her to the floor

    He taunts her before she starts prone-crawling towards the machete again

    He once more kicks her when he realizes that she won't give up

    He starts choking her but doesn't realize that she is close enough to reach the machete

    She hits him in the shoulder once before flipping him over and slicing into his head 10 times

    You reappear at this point and pull her away from his and comforting her when she reveals to you that he wanted to rape you

    Fast forward 3 months

    Spring has settled in and you are at the outskirts of Salt Lake

    The girl is (obviously) still traumatized and is driving in and out of "reality"

    You lead her into the city

    She finds a group of giraffes and you spend time watching them

    After discussing your plan, and if the girl wanted to go through with it, you lead her into a tunnel

    You fight off numerous infected before coming across a fast-flowing flood

    A bus that you try to cross slips, sending you both into the water

    You are fine, but the girl can't swim

    She drowns, and you pull her out of the water

    While you are resuscitating her, members of the rebel group find you and knock you unconscious

    You wake up in the hospital with the rebel leader by your side

    You two have a conversation where they reveal that in order for a small chance to get the cure they'd have to kill her, so regardless if the cure works or not she'd be dead

    You protest that but they don't care about her life, despite promising her mother to take care of her

    She did not consent to this procedure, being unconscious from the point of her drowning until now

    You kill your escort pit of the hospital, and go back in to save her

    You find the operating room and kill he head surgeon and possible some of his assistants as well

    You grab her and leave, but are stopped in the parking lot by the rebel leader

    You shoot her with a concealed pistol and grab a car from the parking lot

    Once she wakes up, you lie to her, fearing that the truth would cause her to leave you, and you can't bear losing another young girl that you care for

    Fast forward an undisclosed amount of time, but still spring

    She found some new clothes to change into, and red and black checkered flannel and jeans

    She stares at her bite mark, the one that revealed she was immune while you are trying to fix the engine of your car

    You discover the engine is beyond your repair capabilities at this point so you decide to leave it

    You two climb up the mountain towards your brothers settlement, agreeing to return there after the journey

    The girl stops you and reveals that her friend was bitten along with her, and that she is feeling immense survivor's guilt from all the deaths that's happened so far

    You tell her to keep finding something to fight for

    She asks you to swear to her that you told her the truth of what happened after she drowned, and despite lying to her you swear

    She knows you're lying, but accepts it anyways, merely saying "Okay."

    The end

    submitted by /u/_EllieLOL_
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    Last of Us Part 2 Ellie Edition in stock at Best Buy

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 08:59 AM PST

    Imagining a movie/series about a young Joel that slowly becomes shady

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 01:39 AM PST

    What was your favourite part of the game? ( Can be a cutscene )

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 01:20 PM PST

    Mine was when the soldier had to shoot Joel and his daughter even though he didn't want to, this helps to show us what the government did and helps to explain Joel's backstory and why Ellie reminds him so much of his daughter.

    submitted by /u/bathwatergamer
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    Quick question about American Dreams

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 06:45 PM PST

    I was looking on Amazon and they have American Dreams for 8.99 but then there is American Dreams #1-2,3,4. Do I need to buy all 4 separately or is the unnumbered one all of them? Any info would be great, thanks!

    submitted by /u/ScrapinLinden
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    Can't wait

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 09:07 AM PST

    This post is shit I know but srsly idk how I managed to wait 6 years but I can't fking wait for the release, every day I think about this game, I even want to talk with all my friends and with my parents about this game but they don't understand the sentiment...I was glad this game would release in February because I would finish with the exams and then play this game but now I have to finish the second part of the exams to enjoy it fuuuck, I need to be stronger...

    submitted by /u/vally99
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    I just pre-ordered the Ellie edition... but I’m skeptical

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 08:58 AM PST

    I have been burned by this in the past, so I won't believe it until it's actually sitting at my front door. I got an alert that Best Buy had it in stock, so I acted quickly and actually checked out and got a confirmation and everything. Has anyone else here gotten a pre-order through BB within the past few months? Is it still good or did you get a cancellation email shortly after?

    submitted by /u/steakstix
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