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    Saturday, January 25, 2020

    The Last of Us | This little Ellie arrived today 😊

    The Last of Us | This little Ellie arrived today ��

    This little Ellie arrived today ��

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 12:40 PM PST

    My fresh new tattoo! Pardon the blood.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 04:45 PM PST

    I just realized Joel is being a huge dick to Tommy

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 07:37 AM PST

    Just thought about it: when Joel and Ellie arrive at the dam and Tommy refuses to take Ellie away from him, Joel tells his brother he is being ungrateful after all those years he took care of him... but he seems to forget Tommy saved his life LITERALLY three times in the first 10 minutes after the Outbreak!

    First, Joel is attacked by an infected after crawling out of the car, Tommy smashes his head with a brick. In the alley, an infected grabs Joel, Tommy shoots him. And finally, as the soldier is about to shoot Joel in the head, Tommy shoots him first.

    I guess it makes me like their "brothers dynamic" even more, Joel being the big brother thinking the younger one needed him to stay alive, when in fact Tommy is much more capable than he seems to think.

    submitted by /u/Toul28
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    no, it’s not just a screenshot and simply edited but thank you. it’s hard work ✨

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 01:28 AM PST

    Alternative voice lines: has anyone had this happen before?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 10:59 PM PST

    So I'm in the sewers,in the bit where it is just Joel and Sam. I've killed all the infected. There is a part where the following dialogue happens:

    Sam - "Look at this place, it's like a classroom. Why couldn't they keep it safe?"

    Joel - "Son, I wish I knew. God knows they didn't deserve it".

    But in my current playthrough, when Sam finished his line, Joel replied:

    "Not now. Let's focus on getting outta here."

    Or something to that effect. Any idea what might have triggered this alternative line? And are there any other spots in the game where their are alternative voice lines?

    submitted by /u/ViolatingBadgers
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    To all the warriors out there playing on Grounded, my hats off to you.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 08:19 AM PST

    Started playing round two after 22 months since my first time to prepare for the release of TLoU2. Like a Pansy I played it on Easy then and decided I'd play this time on Hard. I don't remember the Clickers being that bad so I imagine the 2 level bump is what makes them this way. I can't imagine playing on Grounded.

    MAY 29th 2020

    submitted by /u/FreeThinker76
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    Ellie's immunity theory

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 06:49 AM PST

    Just a little thing I have not seen mentioned but does anyone else think ellie's immunity is from her mum being bitten very shortly before she gave birth to ellie

    In the left behind dlc and also the main base game when playing as ellie in winter with the letter in ellie's backpack from anna to ellie

    The line about anna's life about to be cut a little short almost like hinting she was bit and then gave birth to ellie

    Could of maybe even been an emergency early c section delivery after anna was bitten in an attempt to save the unborn ellie

    Think blade style hybrid mutation

    I guess the only one that knew was Marlene but were not getting that answer thanks to Joel lol

    Would love to hear other people's thoughts on my theory?

    submitted by /u/Andyb712
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    First play through: the grand finale (SPRING)

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 05:12 AM PST

    So I was in a whirlwind of emotions when I finished this up. Friggin good guys weren't that good. Would the ends justify the means?! Did I accidentally just wipe out the good guys with one rescue attempt? IDK!

    I kept thinking Joel was gonna beef it in some incredibly noble and heroic way just for Ellie, but instead he's the ultimate Dad. Taking care of her through and through. That last "argument" scene just kinda made me gasp 😮 and then it was over.

    This was such a fun ride. I'm kinda glad I waited this long without reading any spoilers or having played it before cause man it felt like I was a kid again getting so sucked into a game. I found myself telling random nongamer coworkers about "this awesome zombie game I'm playing" and truthfully I haven't had that much fun in a while.

    Thanks for the ride guys.

    submitted by /u/LawkwardMaury
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    What TLOU guns look like in real life [3:55]

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 07:18 AM PST

    About the lore and the tape recorders in Salt Lake City hospital.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 10:15 AM PST

    Is it confirmed that the dissection of Ellie brain would be the cure to man kind by the info we find in the world or do the tapes say its basically one more step closer to a vaccine and not a guaranteed thing?

    submitted by /u/BT---7274
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    Possible spoilers for TLOU 2 and Joel’s location.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 03:18 PM PST

    In the most recent Retro Replay Troy Baker the actor for Joel was asked by someone where Joel would go after the events of TLOU and he replied pretty hastily with Boston.

    He goes on to explain why this would make sense for Joel's character. But it would explain why he hasn't been seen in Tommy's village in the trailers.

    But that's just a theory...a game theory!

    submitted by /u/Stewie-19
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    GameStop pre paid visa

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 02:45 PM PST

    I've looked all over the Internet and on their site so I'm coming here does anybody know if it's possible to purchase the collectors edition on their website with a prepaid Visa card?

    submitted by /u/booksmartbannana
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    Shiv door question.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 10:07 AM PST

    If I miss any items like a shiv door on my new game+ Can I go back through chapter select when I finish it and collect it and have it still count towards the trophy.

    submitted by /u/DystopianPrince212
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    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 07:31 AM PST

    Can't wait for the second game - new to this so keen to hear what everyone thinks!

    What are your expectations for TLOU2 based on what you've heard? What are you most looking forward to?

    What do you think about the storyline based on what's been revealed to date?

    submitted by /u/Maddog465
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    The Last of Us Part 2 DLC ideas

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 12:07 PM PST

    I was just thinking about something in regards to the entire timeline of The Last of Us. From when we first meet Joel to the end and the DLC in between and all of the information and theories surrounding every element of Part 2. My thoughts kept trailing back to the gaps in our timeline and aside from the whole 20 year gap that we all know about, what of the 5 year gap between the two games?

    Do you think that we will get a DLC that covers that 5 year gap or go back and cover some of the 20 year gap with a story of Joel and Tommy and maybe a secret of Joel's that plays a part in the sequel? Another Ellie DLC or maybe Lev and Yara? Or the blonde woman with the hammer? The possibilities are endless but what do you all think would be a good DLC option? If not even more than one?

    submitted by /u/TheSnakePretzel
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