• Breaking News

    Sunday, December 8, 2019

    The Last of Us | Seeing how we can throw bottles at dogs, we probably can throw molotovs at them too :(

    The Last of Us | Seeing how we can throw bottles at dogs, we probably can throw molotovs at them too :(

    Seeing how we can throw bottles at dogs, we probably can throw molotovs at them too :(

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 11:25 AM PST

    1/6 Ellie figure: who did it better?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 06:24 AM PST

    I recreated Joel and Ellie in a Lego game

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 07:35 PM PST

    I think we'll gonna get some little trailer for the game in the next week. Either at State of Play, or, most likley, at the Game Awards.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 03:24 PM PST


    1. Uncharted 4 also came out in may, and it got a little teaser released at the vga.

    2. Due to the delay, the fanbase is currently bummed, and the hype for the game went down a little. Naughty Dog will need to give us something to keep the buzz and interest surrounding the game.

    3. Neil saying that as we get closer to the release, more and more information will be given to public.

    The question is: will it be at the VGAs, or at SoP? And what type of content will it be? Would like to hear what ya'll think.

    submitted by /u/DavidClue3
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    If I only plan to play this game once, what difficulty should I choose?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 07:10 PM PST

    I've tried looking this question up but often answers seem to come with the assumption that someone would replay the game, what I commonly see is to play first on hard without the sight thing and then on survival or grounded for a second playthrough. Does this answer change if you dont plan to do multiple playthroughs? If I want the best experience of this game, should I do grounded even if that means a much rougher adjustment period?

    submitted by /u/AshGerhardt
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    The Last of Us: Part II - Trophy Predictions?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 08:01 PM PST

    Usually I don't go for platinum trophies, but I did with TLOU:R on PS4, and I definitely will end up getting the platinum for TLOU:Part II. I thought it would be fun to predict some of the trophy challenges.

    Below are some of the trophies that I'd like to see:

    • Iced Single Shot: Stand in a Starbucks and kill an enemy in a different Starbucks.
    • Who's a Good Boye?: Complete the game without killing a single dog.
    • We Don't Use Umbrellas Here: While it's raining in Seattle, stealth kill 10 enemies outside.
    • Bow-merang: After being hit by an arrow, remove and use it to kill the enemy who shot it.
    • Something In The Way: Trap a dog and make it your pet.
    • Bamboozled: Distract a human enemy so that they are killed by the infected.
    • It Wasn't All For Nothing: Find and kill every last one of them.
    submitted by /u/serintide
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    Fuck it flouting ammo

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 02:51 PM PST

    My hot take, or it may not be. That's why I'm posting here.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 09:55 PM PST

    Joel is a right selfish bastard and a monster for what he did to Ellie, Marlene, the Fireflies, and all of humanity and he's gonna have a reckoning when Ellie finds out in PT2.

    Near the end of the sequence when you're carrying Ellie from the hospital, Joel actually start to rave like a madman. He starts to repeat the phrase "it's ok babygirl, it's ok." like he did when Sarah was dying. Now I'm sure the re-use of that particular phrasing was very much on purpose. But as apposed to the complete shock and terror behind his voice at the begging of the game, it's now said with a more nervousness. It's as if he was somone going through a mental breakthrough that just stole a baby from the NICU basically saying to themselves "What the fuck have I just done? What the fuck have I just done?"

    This is my second play through of the game. I was inspired to do so from the retro re-players themselves Troy and Nolan. And of course to prepare myself for the second game.

    Pls let me know what you think below, I'd love to get a friendly discussion going. I'm also going to tweet Troy (NOT NOLAN, as they have not gotten this far in their playthrough yet and Nolan has never played) and try to point him towards this post, I'd be really interested to hear his opinion on this. If y'all would do the same, that'd be cool.

    submitted by /u/WHO_IS_THIS_GIRL_
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    Seasons TLOU2

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 12:43 PM PST

    Seeing as the first game was divided by seasons, do you think the second will also be? And what season do you think it would start with? Summer, like the first, or winter, when Ellie is with Dina at Tommy's?

    submitted by /u/iikibinikii
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    Anybody else get the feeling that the film Peanut Butter Falcon followed the same story structure as TLOU?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 02:34 AM PST

    (Spoilers for PBF)

    I couldn't shake it as soon as the two main characters met, they've both gotta get going somewhere far away by foot, Shia's character Tyler lost his family member, and then didn't wanna help Zak in the beginning of their journey, then he agrees to take him where Zak plans to go, they bond like siblings, the same way Joel bonds with Ellie like his daughter, they get to where Zak needs to go but it doesn't work out (The Capital Building scene) then in the end it plays out like Tyler is dead after a head injury, but he's lying in the back of the car and wakes up, the same way TLOU did with Ellie after the fireflies.. I mean come on! Feels like there was a definite nod to TLOU. RIGHT GUYS?

    submitted by /u/trix2705
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    Five Best Video Game Endings

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 09:11 AM PST

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