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    Sunday, December 1, 2019

    The Last of Us | Just picked up TLOU Remastered. Tips please.

    The Last of Us | Just picked up TLOU Remastered. Tips please.

    Just picked up TLOU Remastered. Tips please.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 06:01 PM PST

    Please comment with your best tips for a new player.

    submitted by /u/rchilo
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    Strange audio buy on my Playstation 4 Remastered copy of the game

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 03:44 PM PST

    Hey, I've been streaming the last of us for a couple of weeks now and the last time I tried to, something very peculiar happened to the audio; I'll link a clip of that here. It's a very short clip but it shows the glitch to it's full potential. Everything during gameplay sounds different as well; this being foot steps, the arrows being drawn back, unholstering the pistol etc.

    I tried googling what the issue could be for the most part, all I stumbled upon was the voices either being muffled or inauble. This is clearly neither.

    I've tinkered a bit with the audio settings of the PS4 itself, the game itself and my capture card; none of these seemed to have affected anything (I've reverted them back to what they initially were by now).

    Does anyone know what the issue could be, or a fix for that matter?

    Thanks in advance!


    submitted by /u/Hexathymia
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    Leaving the toilets at work (sound on)

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 03:36 AM PST

    Today was the day.. I’VE DONE IT!

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 11:56 PM PST

    Re-thinking meaning of the game personally.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 12:41 PM PST

    So first of all, TLOU is imo the best game ever made and how i still see it as more than already just being an awesome game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvNF51-TSAQ&t=2984s This is too good to take the chance of ppl missing this who for some blasphemous reasons haven't played the game yet, you should asap. Like mentioned earlier, this game was more than a game with a good story. It was a powerful reminder on our mortality and this scenario being an actual realistic possible future, regardless how small the chance. Still made me think about how the future really would look like in this situation we find ourselves in. It merely shows you 1 of infinite possible outcomes, ultimately concluding that we're actually shaping 1 of those outcomes ourself but not stopping for a second sometimes to reminding ourselfs of this, and the responsibility that comes with it, and taking too much for granted is why i believe to be the main issue of why we can see our- one and only - planet changing very noticably. and not in a good way. take this as you want, call me a hippie, don't take my word for it and cary on with your lifes. you can even laugh at this and/or at me, but if we don't start taking those small moments to reflect on what's really important and take those responsibilities... your children or grandchildren won't be laughing about this. Now that's what i call a good game LOL. In short, i'm hype for Part 2!

    submitted by /u/SynesthesiaZ
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    Ways to Play TLOU 2

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 02:00 PM PST

    This may sound a bit weird but I have been thinking about how I want the story of TLOU 2 to last for a long time so I've been deciding about the different ways I'll play the story after I finish it for the first time and on the hardest difficulty. I've only thought about playing it without any guns and playing it with some of the different filters like rainbow fun land in uncharted 4. Anyone have any other ideas?

    submitted by /u/OneUselessPig
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    Question about difficulty rewards

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 05:35 PM PST

    So I'm like a quarter of the way through and I just changed my difficulty from NORMAL to HARD. Will i get the HARD difficulty rewards like skins, if I complete the game from this point on on HARD even if I started the game on NORMAL???

    submitted by /u/Ekultron
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    Why Won't TLoU Part II Ellie Edition Release Outside of the US?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 01:45 AM PST

    I was really looking forward to pre ordering the Ellie Edition of TLoU Part II because there's so much stuff in it and I had the money for it, but recently I found out that it's a US exclusive, which really disappoints me. But I'm interested to know, why won't it release anywhere other than the US?

    submitted by /u/dkajch
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    Re: Do enemies not drop ammo unless killed by gunfire?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 03:03 AM PST

    I posted about this about five hours ago, this is an update.

    It's my first time playing grounded and I'm to the subway station after the capitol building. I have stealth killed almost every enemy except for when it was impossible and no gun carrying enemies have dropped any ammo. The only ammo I have collected is loot from pre-determined places. The only time is when I had to fight two Roberts guys in the first firefight and one dropped three pistol bullets (I had used three of four so I still had four left. Is this something programmed that an enemy will only have a chance of dropping ammo when shot at?

    submitted by /u/ch33k51app3r69
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    I think he last of us part II will be an open world à la RDR2

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 01:02 PM PST

    Seeing the last gameplay trailer, interviews of dev (stating that RDR2 is not free enough for example), the fact that TLOU2 will be on two discs (which mean it will be a very massive game), the duration of development, etc... I'm pretty sure that TLOU2 will be set in an open world à la RDR2 (which means with a strong scenario you cannot really change - which I prefer than all these multi-endings scenarii pretending you can have an impact on the world of the game). What use of a horse in a lobby designed game ? Why would the devs talk about possible secondary missions ?

    If it is not the case, this will be the most incredible lobby designed game. But if it's the case, it could be the most incredible open-game ever done.

    My bet is on open world. I mean, come on, wouldn't that be awesome to wander endlessly in the rotting skyscrappers of Seattle ?

    submitted by /u/Klikohvsky
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