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    Monday, November 4, 2019

    The Last of Us | the last of us part twoops (mine)

    The Last of Us | the last of us part twoops (mine)

    the last of us part twoops (mine)

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 12:07 PM PST

    Recreated Joel's Punch combo animation.

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 02:12 AM PST

    My girlfriend and I as Joel and Ellie for Halloween! Thought it might be appreciated here.

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 11:17 AM PST

    I drew Ellie! Suggestions for a fitting background welcomed

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 03:06 PM PST

    I'm at the museum again, I'm fucking terrified. But I'm even more terrified of the flooded basement in Pittsburg.

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 03:53 AM PST

    Ellie what the hell are you thinking

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 03:26 PM PST

    What are some niche, cool items that a fan might enjoy?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 06:54 PM PST

    Hello good humans of Reddit.

    You've probably noticed from my title that I have never played this game. I've tried, and I've failed. The truth is that I'm too scared for this.

    My boyfriend however, is a huge fan. This is probably his favorite game, and he's put in his pre-order for the collectors edition.

    For Christmas, I want to make him a care package for the last of Us. I want to know what items in the game might be meaningful to a fan to have(example, Ellie's pocket knife). I'm trying to make the best box possible and so I really want to get these things right.

    Thanks in advance guys!

    submitted by /u/Caimai0112
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    "Under the Sun"

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 07:54 AM PST

    I drew this in 5 minutes I'm so goddamn excited.

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 10:52 AM PST

    Quick question about game

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 04:42 PM PST

    Saw it was a free game was wondering how people think it holds up today? Heard some great things from years ago but am a recent PS4 owner.

    I generally care much more about gameplay over story so was wondering if it still holds up well today.


    submitted by /u/Anonymous333123
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    After playing it 400+ hours, I finally started to use photo mode.

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 02:31 AM PST

    TLOU 2 and the most casual strategy of forcing acceptance into a community I've ever seen to date:

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 01:53 AM PDT

    tldr; naughty dog got this community to actually empathize with and love an lgbt character, a community that probably wouldn't care that much otherwise. who knows if this was their plan all along, or just a happy coincidence. all i know is, for some reason, i decided to write an entire-ass essay about this at 2 in the fucking morning, so enjoy:

    Gamers aren't particularly known for either their bigotry or their acceptance. For the most part, they're neither overly-politically correct or ostensibly offensive; and, I think it goes without saying that, since practically every gamer loves TLOU game, its fans are fairly representative of gamers as a whole. While most gamers aren't super homophobic - burn all the gays, and such - they aren't particularly accepting of LGBT people either - still opting to throw around the f slur at non-gay people, for example. While TLOU isn't at all the first mainstream game with LGBT rep, it's probably the most well-known one at the moment. In other words, there probably isn't a single other game that has had that many people live watching a trailer to the sequel, which includes a hugely in-your-face woman-on-woman kiss.

    Which all brings me to my main point - what Naughty Dog's doing and has been doing since they first captured our hearts in 2013 is potentially revolutionary for the gaming community. If I didn't know better, I'd say this was their plan all along - get us to fall in love with this bratty, annoying, 13 year-old kid for whom we've become overly-protective of by the end, subtly throw in crush undertones for her same-sex best friend in a DLC, distinguish themselves as the creators of what is acclaimed to be the best video game of all time, and then really solidify this character in their world-renowned game as LGBT in their sequel.

    It's incredibly clever and is especially interesting when you look at how the DLC aspect of it works. Because only a fraction of the original gamers played the DLC, only that fraction is directly exposed to things like the kiss between Ellie and Riley, preventing the entire community of fans from being shocked or disgusted; and yet, because DLC's are just canonically accepted into the lore and fandom of a game, that kiss managed to steadily become common knowledge among all TLOU fans overtime. This leads us to the present day, where you have even openly homophobic gamers meeting the "Ellie's gay?" aspect of the game with mind-boggling casuality in Youtube comments and forums. Of course, there will always be the super extreme gamers and gamers from conservative countries who swear they'll never play TLOU 2 because of Ellie being gay. However, you still have a massive number of fans - ranging from extremely liberal LGBT activists to casually homophobic gamers who've never met an LGBT person in real life - who were sucked into the first game, and are therefore, super hyped for the sequel.

    Can't y'all see how clever this all is? And even if it wasn't intentional - even if Naughty Dog devs were genuinely just, like, "let's have Ellie have an emotional bond with a girl in the DLC, and out of coincidence, make that bond romantic" - it's had the same effect on the gaming community, nonetheless. People always want in-your-face acceptance nowadays. Everyone's always fighting for more openly gay and trans people on tv shows and movies and books and games - always fighting for the next big headline, the next big political battle. And though all of those efforts are still meaningful, they're also more likely to be brushed aside by those people in the middle. The people who don't really hate those groups of people, but still don't really like them - whose brains still categorize them as "other", whether they mean to or not. People like gamers.

    For Naughty Dog to so subtly insert this fact, rather than shove it in our faces, really is a masterful move. They got us to love Ellie in the first game. We were at the point where we could feel Joel's own rage as he kills David's men and then the fireflies to protect her. We love her so much, we play a DLC where Joel is barely even present. We play as Ellie for so long alongside her friend Riley that the signs of her having a crush are just accepted as fact into our consciousness - as easily as if Riley were actually a guy Ellie was into. We wait for years and years for something more than rumors about a sequel. We finally get a trailer that makes us cry, our hearts ache, and gets us so hyped, everyone's theorizing and checking if their PS4's still boot up right. Then we get another trailer... this one is the one that should shock us. This is the point in the arc when we should get people shaking their heads in disgust, rolling their eyes at this leftist snowflake bullshit, outright spamming "dyke" in forums and expressing their disappointment with Naughty Dog about their succumbing to the political correctness everyone wants nowadays.

    But we don't do that. We're all still just as excited for this game. We still await more trailers and gameplay reveals, get mad when Naughty Dog delays the game, get re-hyped when newer, more intricate theories are rolled out. Other LGBT games attract equally-quirky or leftist audiences as the game is itself, but TLOU completely breaks this trend, attracting every gamer with every political belief and every kind of identity. And why? What is it about this formula ND's created works so well? The fact that their game is just that good, or isn't categorized as just an "LGBT game"? Their ability to get us to feel so much for a character in a video game, not even in a movie or book? Their subtlety, treating it like it's normal, and thus, getting everyone to believe it's normal? I honestly have no fucking clue. All I know is, ND's managed to get this entire community of people to believe in an LGBT character in such a way that I've never seen happen before.

    The true effect of what they've done and are still doing is going to be most prominent only after they release the sequel. If people do as I predict - they feel for Ellie so much that they get sucked into this story of revenge, even though it's about a woman avenging the death of a female lover - then I think that'll be the true indicator of this... I dunno, this transformation in the community. But only time will tell if I'm just being an idealistic, optimistic idiot, or if something's actually changed.

    submitted by /u/selcouthredditor
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    New player here, looking for a few tips?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 11:58 AM PST

    So, I just crashed the truck, that's where I am at. How do you guys find the difficulty? I started on hard cuz I ain't no scrub, but damn materials are scarce. Any good tips?

    submitted by /u/Loki_Kore
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    Problems with saving and loading a save file?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 11:11 AM PST

    The game autosaves everytime i try to save the game (making me saving it useless).

    When i load a save it can be anywhere anytime. I can load the same save file twice and it loads two different times and places.

    Im not good with computer stuff n english isnt my first language so im sure this isnt really understandable but pls help.

    Edit: it also autosaves everytime i try to load a save file (wtf)

    Anyone else had this problem? Its the remastered last of us, on ps4 pro. (Not sure if it matters)

    submitted by /u/imaverageineverytg
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