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    Thursday, November 28, 2019

    The Last of Us | Fungal Finagle - Artist: John Kleckner

    The Last of Us | Fungal Finagle - Artist: John Kleckner

    Fungal Finagle - Artist: John Kleckner

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 06:22 PM PST

    On my phone (Australian Release date)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 06:06 AM PST

    First time ever sharing a video of me playing bass. If you like this short part, I will do the full thing for you :)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 02:29 PM PST

    What there games similar to The Last of Us on PC (November 2019)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 07:24 PM PST

    I have a bad habit of typing up stories whenever I make question posts and this isn't gonna be any different so brace yourselves.

    So I have the original TLOU for PS3 but since moving here last year, but I have no TV to set up my console thus leaving me with just a PC to play games on for the time being. I've beaten the game years ago, but lately I've had an itch to replay it or anything sufficiently similar to it, and since I can't set up the console, I'll have to settle on something for PC (...I mean TLOU itself would benefit strongly from a PC port but that's Sony's thing and so I guess I have to eat shit if I ever want such a thing. Though at the time of writing, RPCS3 is able to run it at a smooth 10 FPS with various issues even on beefy comps).

    Although I've been keeping my eye out for decent games that had the same atmosphere and themes as TLOU, and maybe even the nice forests, I've never really been able to come anywhere close to finding something worth playing (even before the game came out I tried playing "I Am Alive" only to find it a solid jankfest) and whenever I look on forums or whatever for suggestions, people keep throwing out the trashiest shit like Telltale's The Walking Dead (Cartoonish artstyle is difficult to take seriously plus it's Telltale Games), Tomb Raider (Extremely blasé, the original games were much better), and Life is Strange (WHAT THE FUCK??). A lot of these posts have been made years ago though, around the time the game came out.... So I keep thinking, "Shit, it's been like six years since the game came out. Is there not even an indie gem that compares to it now?"

    So what can anyone here pitch out?

    submitted by /u/LEGEND_OF_AEIOU
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    [SPOILERS] Alternate Ending to The Last of Us

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 12:26 PM PST

    Drew Ellie! I’m open to constructive criticism :)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 09:33 PM PST

    When is te last of us coming to pc ?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 10:47 PM PST

    I love the game and I would love to play it but I don't have a PS4 just a pc so when is it coming to pc ?

    submitted by /u/RocketRakoune
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    This should do the trick...

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 08:10 AM PST

    Just wondering in the wake of Black Friday whether last of us 2 will need PlayStation pro/4K and I guess whether I should upgrade at the chance..?

    submitted by /u/roryjorypory
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    Opening Scene for Part 1 and 2

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 01:56 AM PST

    The opening cut scene for the first game was emotionally shocking and was intended to set the tone of the world, depressing and hopeless. This kind of contradicts what the main story themes are, hopeful and finding beauty in this ravaged world.

    I'm curious what the opening scene for PT2 is going to be, is it going to follow the conversation of violence or is it going to be happy to set up a more devastating loss which will make Ellie go on her journey of revenge?

    submitted by /u/CatFallingOffAChair
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    I don't want to know anything about the mystery woman untill the game is coming out.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 04:48 AM PST

    I want that the mystery woman will remain the mystery woman, even when i'll play the game, and the revreal of who she will be a huge revelation and will be considered as a spoiler.

    Like, maybe the game will often jump to her story, but it wo'nt tell us who she is untill the two storylines (the main one with ellie and the mystery woman one) will collide in a shocking reveal that'll make ne go: "ohhhhhhhh".

    I think this could be really awsome.

    submitted by /u/DavidClue3
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    My last of us part 2 theory...

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 12:47 PM PST

    I want to talk about a certain part of the last of us part 2 trailer, and if you haven't seen the trailer yet, you can watch it here;


    Anyways, 1:14 in the trailer she is walking down those stairs to the door, right? Alright now at 1:19 she is running towards something, she is looking directly at it. But then they grab her and and hold her on the floor...

    Ellie says "please stop!!" Still looking at the center of the room. Then there is a gunshot and she says "NO!!"

    My theory is that she saw somebody being held hostage, tried to save them, failed, and the enemies killed the hostage, possibly Dina..

    That is why she is out for revenge, to avenge her friend Dina That's all I have to say about the trailer for now, safe scrolling.

    submitted by /u/dimesonjumper1529
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